
YumaPro SIL Sub-Agent message definitions. Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and u...

  • Version: 2021-10-28


      module yumaworks-sil-sa {
        yang-version 1.1;
        prefix ysil;
        import yuma-types {
          prefix yt;
        import yumaworks-types {
          prefix ywt;
        import yumaworks-ycontrol {
          prefix yctl;
        import yumaworks-agt-profile {
          prefix yprof;
        organization "YumaWorks, Inc.";
          "Support <support at yumaworks.com>";
          "YumaPro SIL Sub-Agent message definitions.
         Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved.
         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
         to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License
        revision "2021-10-28" {
            "YPW-1857: SIL-SA EDIT2 callback on leaf-list node malfunction.
            Add remove to the enum list of operation;
           YPW-1864: Commit Completeness callbacks support for SIL-SA:
            - Add validate-complete boolean leaf
            - Add apply-complete boolean leaf
            - Add commit-complete boolean leaf
            - Add rollback-complete boolean leaf
            - Add commit-completeness-hook message
           YPW-1870: SIL-SA editvars support
            - Add editvars container to edit list
            - Add editvars container to child-edit list";
        revision "2020-08-27" {
            "Add SIL-SA EDIT2 callbacks support:
            - Add leaf-list edit2-path to register-request message
            - Add child-edit list to edit list in <start-transaction> message";
        revision "2020-06-05" {
            "Add SIL-SA Hook callbacks support:
            - Add leaf-list sethook-path to register-request message
            - Add leaf-list post-sethook-path to register-request message
            - Add leaf-list transaction-path to register-request message
            - Add hook-request message
            - Add hook-response message
            - Add hook-get-request message
            - Add hook-get-response message";
        revision "2019-10-11" {
            "Add with-origin flag for NMDA support";
        revision "2019-08-18" {
            "Add stream-name to notification message.
               Add client-addr to transaction messages to support
               sil_sa_get_client_addr function";
        revision "2019-07-02" {
            "Added HOOKS support:
              * Add following leafs to register-request message:
                - Add transaction-start boolean leaf
                - Add transaction-complete boolean leaf
              * Add trans-start-hook message
              * Add trans-complete-hook message";
        revision "2019-04-20" {
            "Added ACTION support:
              * Add action-path to register-request message
              * Add action-request message
              * Add action-response message";
        revision "2019-01-31" {
            "Added user-id-obj grouping used by start-transaction,
               get-request and rpc-request messages";
        revision "2019-01-20" {
            "Add deviation parm to config-response message.";
        revision "2018-12-05" {
            "Add load-config parameter to start-transaction message";
        revision "2018-10-03" {
            "Add bundle parameter to register-request message";
        revision "2018-06-03" {
            "Add rpc-request and rpc-response messages";
        revision "2017-09-19" {
            "Fix broken augment statement for payload";
        revision "2015-11-01" {
            "Added support for GETBULK to get-response message.";
        revision "2015-08-17" {
            "Added 'select' node support to get2 SIL-SA get-request
        revision "2015-04-17" {
            "Updated notification container for release";
        revision "2015-01-15" {
            "Add get and notification support";
        revision "2014-11-18" {
            "Fix module type, supposed to be NcModuleNameSpec
               to allow foo@2000-01-01, not just foo.
               Add bundle-module leaf-list to register msg
               Add bundle-load-event to inform server of any modules
               loaded from a SIL-SA bundle; Remove shutdown-event.";
        revision "2014-09-06" {
            "Add agt-profile container to config-parms grouping
               used in the <config-response> from server to subsystem.";
        revision "2014-08-01" {
          description "Initial version.";
        grouping bundle-module-parm {
          leaf-list bundle-module {
            type yt:NcModuleSpec;
              "Module parameters that were loaded as a result of
               any bundle parameters. They will be returned in the
               form modname@revision-date.";
        }  // grouping bundle-module-parm
        grouping bundle-parm {
          leaf-list bundle {
            type yt:NcxName;
              "Bundle names that were loaded as a result of
               any bundle parameters.";
        }  // grouping bundle-parm
        grouping path-parm {
          leaf path {
            type string;
            mandatory true;
              "Object identifier string:
                * matches 'path' in the register-request message
                  for an EDIT callback
                * matches 'get-path' in the register-request message
                  for a GET2 callback
                * matches 'action-path' in the register-request message
                  for an ACTION callback
               The path string is generated with YANG prefixes using
               the obj_gen_object_id_prefix function in ncx/obj.h
        }  // grouping path-parm
        grouping system-callbacks-parm {
            "Specifies what system callbacks are enabled.";
          leaf transaction-start {
            type empty;
              "The leaf specifies if there is a Transaction
               Start Callback to register";
          leaf transaction-complete {
            type empty;
              "The leaf specifies if there is a Transaction
               Complete Callback to register";
          leaf validate-complete {
            type empty;
              "The leaf specifies if there is a Validate
               Complete Callback to register";
          leaf apply-complete {
            type empty;
              "The leaf specifies if there is an Apply
               Complete Callback to register";
          leaf commit-complete {
            type empty;
              "The leaf specifies if there is a Commit
               Complete Callback to register";
          leaf rollback-complete {
            type empty;
              "The leaf specifies if there is a Rollback
               Complete Callback to register";
        }  // grouping system-callbacks-parm
        grouping operation-parms {
          leaf operation {
            type enumeration {
              enum "merge" {
                value 0;
              enum "replace" {
                value 1;
              enum "create" {
                value 2;
              enum "delete" {
                value 3;
              enum "load" {
                value 4;
              enum "commit" {
                value 5;
              enum "remove" {
                value 6;
            mandatory true;
              "Operation matching op_editop_t enumeration list.";
        }  // grouping operation-parms
        grouping hook-edit-parms {
          leaf operation {
            type string;
              "Operation matching yang_patch_op_t enumeration list.
               Specific for Set Hook add_edit() API";
          leaf where {
            type string;
              "Specifies how a node should be inserted within a
               user-ordered list";
          leaf point {
            type string;
              "Specifies an insertion point for a data resource that
               is being created or moved within a user ordered list
               or leaf-list.";
          leaf skip-callback {
            type boolean;
            default "false";
              "Specifies whether the server should invoke callbacks
               for an added edit";
        }  // grouping hook-edit-parms
        grouping hooks-param {
          leaf hook-path {
            type string;
              "Path string for object for Hook callbacks";
          leaf hook-format {
            type enumeration {
              enum "node" {
                value 0;
              enum "subtree" {
                value 1;
            default "node";
              "Hook format; dictates specific hook functionality";
          leaf hook-type {
            type enumeration {
              enum "none" {
                value 0;
              enum "set-hook" {
                value 1;
              enum "post-set-hook" {
                value 2;
              enum "transaction-hook" {
                value 3;
              "Specifies Hook callback type";
          leaf added-edit {
            type boolean;
              "Specifies whether the edit was added by Set Hook
               of Post Set Hook callbacks. Flag to prevent Set Hook
               looping; will not allow to call Set Hook family callbacks";
        }  // grouping hooks-param
        grouping transaction-id-obj {
          leaf transaction-id {
            type string;
            mandatory true;
              "Server specific transaction identifier.";
        }  // grouping transaction-id-obj
        grouping user-id-obj {
          leaf user-id {
            type string;
              "Identifies the user that initiated this transaction.";
        }  // grouping user-id-obj
        grouping client-addr-obj {
          leaf client-addr {
            type string;
              "Identifies the address of the client that initiated
               this transaction.";
        }  // grouping client-addr-obj
        grouping config-parms {
          uses yprof:agt-profile;
          leaf-list bundle {
            type yt:NcxName;
              "Bundle SIL SA libraries to load";
          leaf-list module {
            type yt:NcModuleSpec;
              "Module SIL SA libraries to load";
          leaf-list deviation {
            type yt:NcModuleSpec;
              "Deviations and annotations to load";
        }  // grouping config-parms
        grouping event-stream-parm {
          leaf event-stream {
            type ywt:NcxNumName;
              "Event stream name to use for the operation.";
        }  // grouping event-stream-parm
        grouping stream-subevent-parm {
          leaf stream-subevent {
            type enumeration {
              enum "active" {
                value 0;
                  "Event stream is active";
              enum "inactive" {
                value 1;
                  "Event stream is inactive";
              "Event stream callback subevent types.";
        }  // grouping stream-subevent-parm
        grouping commit-phase-parm {
          leaf commit-phase {
            type enumeration {
              enum "validate" {
                value 0;
                  "Invoke Validate Complete callback";
              enum "apply" {
                value 1;
                  "Invoke Apply Complete callback";
              enum "commit" {
                value 2;
                  "Invoke Commit Complete callback";
              enum "rollback" {
                value 3;
                  "Invoke Rollback Complete callback";
              "Specifies the Commit Completeness callback phase.";
        }  // grouping commit-phase-parm
        grouping commit-type-parm {
          leaf commit-type {
            type enumeration {
              enum "normal" {
                value 0;
                  "Commit operation was completed";
              enum "reply" {
                value 1;
                  "Replay-commit operation was completed";
              enum "none" {
                value 2;
                description "Type is not set";
              "Specifies the type of commit that was just completed.
               Used only for Commit Complete Callback.";
        }  // grouping commit-type-parm
        grouping return-val {
          anyxml return-keys {
              "List of all ancestor or self key values for the
               object being retrieved, identified by the 'path'
               value. There will be one child leaf for each key
               in each list.";
          anyxml values {
              "Represents the retrieved values, if any.
               There will be one child node for each returned
        }  // grouping return-val
        grouping editvars-parm {
          container editvars {
            leaf insert-op {
              type enumeration {
                enum "none" {
                  value 0;
                enum "first" {
                  value 1;
                enum "last" {
                  value 2;
                enum "before" {
                  value 3;
                enum "after" {
                  value 4;
                "Specifies the YANG insert operation.";
            leaf insert-str {
              type string;
                "Identifies the saved string for value or key attr.";
            leaf insert-mode {
              type enumeration {
                enum "none" {
                  value 0;
                enum "key" {
                  value 1;
                enum "value" {
                  value 2;
                enum "point" {
                  value 3;
                "Specifies the insert mode requested.";
            anydata insert-val {
                "Represents the insert value, if any.
                 Should be present if the insert operation is 'before'
                 or 'after'.";
            leaf sil-priority {
              type uint8;
                "Identifies the 2nd SIL priority for server.";
            leaf operset {
              type empty;
                "Specifies whether operation is set or not.";
            leaf move {
              type empty;
                "Specifies whether the insert is for MOVE operation or not.";
            leaf skip-sil-partial {
              type empty;
                "Specifies whether skip_sil_partial is needed or not.";
          }  // container editvars
        }  // grouping editvars-parm
        augment /yctl:ycontrol/yctl:message-payload/yctl:payload/yctl:payload {
          container sil-sa {
              "Server Instrumentation Library Sub-Agent API Messages
               SIL-SA Protocol Initialization:
               1) subsys sends a <config-request> subsys-request msg
               2) server replies with <config-response> server-response
                  msg with the agt_profile data
               3) subsys sends a <register-request> subsys-request msg
                  with modules and object path-expressions to register.
                  Any bundle and bundle-module info is also sent
               4) server sends <ok> server-response
               5) subsys sends a <trigger-replay> subsys-event;
                  if any config for this subsystem, server will send
                  a <start-transaction> server-request with a config-replay
               SIL-SA Protocol Edit Operation:
               1) the server sends a <start-transaction> server-request msg
                  with the edit list
               2) the subsys validates the request and sends an
                  <ok> subsys-response (or error)
               3) the server sends a <continue-transaction> for the apply
               4) the subsys applies the request and sends an
                  <ok> subsys-response (or error)
               5) the server sends a <continue-transaction> for the commit
               6) the subsys commits the request and sends an
                  <ok> subsys-response (or error).
               If the server does not get to step (5) because of an error,
               a <continue-transaction> server-request msg will be sent
               for the rollback phase.
               If the server does not get to step (3) because of an error,
               it will send a <cancel-transaction> server-event msg so
               the subsystem can release any saved state.
               RPC Operation:
               1) the server sends an <rpc-request> with the input parameters
               2) the subsystem performs VALIDATE and INVOKE phases
               3) the subsystem returns <rpc-ok> or <rpc-data>.
                  YControl error is used for any errors
               ACTION Operation:
               1) the server sends an <action-request> with the input parameters
               2) the subsystem performs VALIDATE and INVOKE phases
               3) the subsystem returns <action-ok> or <action-data>.
                  YControl error is used for any errors
               HOOKS Support:
                Transaction Start Hooks:
                   1) the server send trans-start-hook request
                   2) the subsys validates the request, invoke callbacks, and
                      sends an <ok> subsys-response (or error)
                Transaction Complete Hooks:
                   1) the server send trans-complete-hook event msg so subsystem
                      can invoke Transaction Complete Callbacks
            choice message-type {
              mandatory true;
              leaf config-request {
                type empty;
                  "Message type: subsys-request;
                  Purpose: register the service with the server
                  and request the service configuration from server.
                  Expected Response Message: config-response";
              container config-response {
                  "Message type: server-reply;
                  Purpose: server will send this element containing the
                  requested sub-system configuration.
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses config-parms;
              }  // container config-response
              container register-request {
                  "Message type: subsys-request;
                  Purpose: register the SIL-SA callback functions
                  for this sub-system.
                  Expected Response Message: ok";
                uses bundle-parm;
                uses bundle-module-parm;
                list register {
                  key "module";
                    "Specifies the path strings of all the objects
                     in each module that is supported by the subsystem.";
                  leaf module {
                    type yt:NcxName;
                      "Module name for the target object.";
                  leaf-list path {
                    type string;
                      "Path string for object for an EDIT callback";
                  leaf-list edit2-path {
                    type string;
                      "Path string for object for an EDIT2 callback";
                  leaf-list get-path {
                    type string;
                      "Path string for object for a GET callback";
                  leaf-list rpc-name {
                    type yt:NcxName;
                      "Name of the RPC operation callback";
                  leaf-list action-path {
                    type string;
                      "Path string for object for an ACTION callback";
                  leaf-list post-sethook-path {
                    type string;
                      "Path string for object for a Post Set Hook callback";
                  list sethook-list {
                    key "hook-path";
                      "List for a Set Hook callbacks";
                    uses hooks-param;
                  }  // list sethook-list
                  list transaction-hook-list {
                    key "hook-path";
                      "List for a Transaction Hook callbacks";
                    uses hooks-param;
                  }  // list transaction-hook-list
                  container stream-callback {
                      "Indicates a stream-callback is registered for
                      the 'module' in the 'register' list entry with
                      the 'register-request' message. If no child nodes
                      then the registration is for the module name.
                      Otherwise it is for one stream or all streams.";
                    choice callback-type {
                      case event-stream {
                        uses event-stream-parm;
                      }  // case event-stream
                      leaf all-streams {
                        type empty;
                          "Flag to register for all event-stream events";
                    }  // choice callback-type
                  }  // container stream-callback
                }  // list register
                uses system-callbacks-parm;
              }  // container register-request
              container start-transaction {
                  "Message type: server-request;
                  Purpose: Start an edit transaction which may require the
                  SIL-SA callback functions on the subsystem to be invoked.
                  This message requests that a new edit transaction be
                  started on the subsystem.  Only 1 transaction can be in
                  progress at a time.
                  If this transaction is for a validate operation then
                  there will not be any followup messages.  Otherwise,
                  the subsystem will retain this message until a
                  cancel-transaction message has been received with the
                  same transaction-id value, or a continue-transaction
                  message has been received with the same transaction-id
                  value for the 'rollback' or 'commit' phase.
                  Expected Response Message: transaction-response or error";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                uses user-id-obj {
                  refine user-id {
                    mandatory true;
                uses client-addr-obj;
                leaf target {
                  type string;
                  mandatory true;
                    "Identifies the target datastore being edited.
                     The values 'candidate' and 'running' are supported.";
                leaf validate {
                  type boolean;
                  default 'false';
                    "If 'true' then this start-transaction is for a validate
                     operation or edit that is not on the running
                     configuration datastore, so there will not be
                     any followup messages at all for this message.
                     The subsystem will release this info instead of caching it,
                     and not expect any more messages for the same value of
                     If 'false' then this is a normal edit operation and
                     the apply and commit/rollback followup messages
                     will be sent. The subsystem will cache this data
                     until the transaction is cancelled or completed.";
                leaf reverse-edit {
                  type boolean;
                  default 'false';
                    "If 'true' then this start-transaction is for a
                     reverse-edit operation.  All the phases should
                     be invoked in sequence for the provided edit-list.
                     The transaction can be discarded after sending
                     a response, like the 'validate=true' flag.
                     If 'false' then this is a normal edit operation.";
                leaf load-config {
                  type boolean;
                  default 'false';
                    "If 'true' then this start-transaction is for a
                     <trigger-replay> operation. If 'false' then this is
                     a normal edit operation, probably caused by
                     a client <edit-config> operation.";
                leaf is-hook-load {
                  type boolean;
                    "Specifies whether this is a LOAD operation or not";
                leaf is-hook-validate {
                  type boolean;
                    "Specifies whether this is a Validate operation or not";
                list edit {
                  key "id";
                  leaf id {
                    type uint32;
                      "Arbitrary edit identifier.";
                  uses operation-parms;
                  uses path-parm;
                  uses hooks-param;
                  uses editvars-parm;
                  anyxml newval {
                      "Represents the new value, if any.
                       Should be present if operation is 'merge'
                       'replace', 'create', or 'load'.";
                  anyxml curval {
                      "Represents the current value, if any.
                       Should be present if operation is 'replace',
                       'delete', or 'commit'";
                  anyxml keys {
                      "List of all ancestor or self key values for the
                       object being edited, identified by the 'path' value.
                       There will be one child leaf for each key in each list.";
                  list child-edit {
                      "List of EDIT2 children edits, only when the operation
                      is MERGE";
                    uses operation-parms;
                    uses editvars-parm;
                    anyxml newval {
                        "Represents the new child value, if any.
                         Should be present if operation is 'merge'
                         'replace', 'create', or 'load'.";
                    anyxml curval {
                        "Represents the current child value, if any.
                         Should be present if operation is 'replace',
                         'delete', or 'commit'";
                  }  // list child-edit
                }  // list edit
              }  // container start-transaction
              container continue-transaction {
                  "Message type: server-request;
                  Purpose: Invoke a callback phase for an edit transaction
                  in progress.
                  Expected Response Message: transaction-response or error";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                leaf phase {
                  type enumeration {
                    enum "apply" {
                      value 0;
                        "Apply the curent transaction.
                         Resources can be reserved that will be
                         used in the commit phase.";
                    enum "commit" {
                      value 1;
                        "Commit the current transaction.";
                    enum "rollback" {
                      value 2;
                        "Rollback the current transaction.";
                  mandatory true;
                    "The SIL-SA callback phase in progress.";
              }  // container continue-transaction
              container transaction-response {
                  "Message type: subsys-response
                    - Set Hook: return added edits data or status
                    - Post Set Hook: return added edits data or status
                    - Transaction Hook: Expected Response Message: ok or error
                    - If no Hook invoked: Expected Response Message: ok or error";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                list added-edit {
                  uses path-parm;
                  uses hook-edit-parms;
                  anyxml edit {
                      "Represents the added edits values, if any.
                       There will be one child node for each added edit
                }  // list added-edit
              }  // container transaction-response
              container cancel-transaction {
                  "Message type: server-event;
                  Purpose: Cancel an edit transaction in progress.
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
              }  // container cancel-transaction
              leaf trigger-replay {
                type empty;
                  "Message type: subsys-event;
                  Purpose: Trigger a configueration replay to load
                     the running config data into the SIL-SA
                  Expected Response Message: none; server will send
                     a <start-transaction> if there is any
                     config for the SIL-SA functions registered
                     by the subsystem.";
              container load-event {
                  "Message type: server-event;
                  Purpose: A module or bundle has been loaded or
                     unloaded at run-time. Subsys wil load SIL-SA code.
                     and trigger a register event for any SIL calls
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                leaf load {
                  type boolean;
                  default 'true';
                    "Set to 'true' if this is a load event.
                     Set to 'false' if this is an unload event.";
                uses config-parms;
              }  // container load-event
              container bundle-load-event {
                  "Message type: subsys-event;
                  Purpose: A SIL-SA bundle has been loaded with
                   a load-event sent from the server.  This has
                   caused some modules to be loaded on the subsystem,
                   that need to be reported back to the main server
                   so the datastore validation, agt_state, and other
                   system book-keeping can be done.
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses bundle-parm;
                uses bundle-module-parm;
              }  // container bundle-load-event
              container get-request {
                  "Composite retrieval request to support NETCONF
                   and RESTCONF get operations.
                   Type: server-request
                   Expected Response Message: subsys-response
                                       (get-response or error)";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                uses user-id-obj;
                uses client-addr-obj;
                leaf flags {
                  type bits {
                    bit keys {
                      position 0;
                        "Return only the key values";
                    bit config {
                      position 1;
                        "Return config=true data nodes";
                    bit oper {
                      position 2;
                        "Return config=false data nodes";
                    bit getnext {
                      position 3;
                        "This is a get-next request instead of a
                        get request";
                    bit withdef {
                      position 4;
                        "Return default values for missing nodes";
                    bit select {
                      position 5;
                        "Return only the select nodes and any key leafs.
                         Ignore the config, oper, withdef flags if this
                         bit is set.";
                    bit with-origin {
                      position 6;
                        "This is a <get-data> operation and the
                         with-origin parameter is selected.";
                  default "";
                    "Set of get request modifier flags";
                leaf max-entries {
                  type uint32;
                    "Max number of entries requested.
                     The default is '0' == all for leaf-list and
                     '1' for all other node types.";
                uses path-parm;
                anyxml keys {
                    "List of all ancestor or self key values for the
                     object being retrieved, identified by the 'path'
                     value. There will be one child leaf for each key
                     in each list.";
                anyxml matches {
                    "Represents any content-match child leafs for the
                     request. All leafs in this container must match the
                     corresponding child nodes in an instance of the
                     requested list or container, for that instance to
                     be returned.
                     Any content-match nodes must match in addition
                     to any key leafs specified in the 'keys' container.";
                container select-nodes {
                  list select-node {
                    key "objname";
                      "Only requesting these nodes be returned. If no
                       entries and the 'select' bit is set in the flags
                       leaf, then no objects except list keys are
                    leaf objname {
                      type string;
                        "Object name of the select node";
                    leaf modname {
                      type string;
                        "Module name of the select node; If missing then
                         use the module-name of the path target object.";
                  }  // list select-node
                }  // container select-nodes
              }  // container get-request
              container get-response {
                  "Composite retrieval response to support NETCONF
                   and RESTCONF get operations.
                   Type: subsys-response
                   Expected Response Message: none";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                leaf more-data {
                  type boolean;
                  default 'false';
                    "Indicates if the GET callback has more data to send";
                leaf match-test-done {
                  type boolean;
                  default 'false';
                    "Indicates if the requested content-match tests have
                     be performed. Ignored if the 'matches' parameter
                     is missing or empty.";
                leaf active-case-modname {
                  type string;
                    "Module name of the active case if there is one.
                     Only applies if the GET2 object callback is for
                     a YANG choice-stmt.";
                leaf active-case {
                  type string;
                    "Name of the active case if there is one.
                     Only applies if the GET2 object callback is for
                     a YANG choice-stmt.";
                leaf origin {
                  type string;
                    "The NMDA origin value for this object.
                     Only applies for config=true list and
                     presence containers.";
                choice return-choice {
                  case return-one {
                      "For all objects except YANG list, one entry
                       will be returned.  This can also be used
                       for YANG list, except in GETBULK mode.";
                    uses return-val;
                  }  // case return-one
                  case return-getbulk {
                      "For YANG list GETBULK mode.  There will be one entry
                       for each list instance that met the search criteria.
                       If the max_entries parameter was greater than zero,
                       there the number of instances of 'entry' should not
                       exceed this value.";
                    list entry {
                      uses return-val;
                    }  // list entry
                  }  // case return-getbulk
                }  // choice return-choice
              }  // container get-response
              container notification {
                  "Subsystem generated YANG notification event
                   for NETCONF and RESTCONF streams.
                   Type: subsys-event
                   Expected Response Message: none";
                leaf module-name {
                  type string;
                  mandatory true;
                    "Module name containing the notification definition";
                leaf event-name {
                  type string;
                  mandatory true;
                    "Notification statement name";
                leaf event-time {
                  type string;
                  mandatory true;
                    "Notification creation timestamp";
                leaf stream-name {
                  type yt:NcxName;
                  default "NETCONF";
                    "Stream name for this notification";
                anyxml parms {
                    "List of all parameters that this notification
                     is sending in the payload.";
              }  // container notification
              container rpc-request {
                  "Message type: server-request;
                  Purpose: Start an RPC transaction which may require the
                  SIL-SA callback functions on the subsystem to be invoked.
                  This message requests that a new remote procedure
                  call be validated and invoked on the subsystem.
                  If there are input parameters the subsystem
                  must validate them.
                  If not valid or if the operation cannot be performed,
                  the subsystem must return an error.
                  Expected Response Message: rpc-response";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                uses user-id-obj;
                uses client-addr-obj;
                leaf rpc-module {
                  type yt:NcxName;
                  mandatory true;
                    "Identifies the module name of the RPC definition.";
                leaf rpc-name {
                  type yt:NcxName;
                  mandatory true;
                    "Identifies the name of the RPC definition.";
                anyxml rpc-input {
                    "Contains the RPC input data (if any).";
              }  // container rpc-request
              container rpc-response {
                  "Message type: subsys-response
                  Purpose: Return RPC data or status
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                choice response-type {
                  leaf rpc-ok {
                    type empty;
                      "RPC successfully invoked";
                  anyxml rpc-output {
                      "Contains the RPC output data (if any).";
                }  // choice response-type
              }  // container rpc-response
              container action-request {
                  "Message type: server-request;
                  Purpose: Start an ACTION transaction which may require the
                  SIL-SA callback functions on the subsystem to be invoked.
                  This message requests that a new action call be validated
                  and invoked on the subsystem.
                  If there are input parameters the subsystem
                  must validate them.
                  If not valid or if the operation cannot be performed,
                  the subsystem must return an error.
                  Expected Response Message: action-response";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                uses user-id-obj;
                uses client-addr-obj;
                uses path-parm;
                anyxml keys {
                    "List of all ancestor key values for the
                     action being invoked, identified by the 'path' value.
                     There will be one child leaf for each key in each list.";
                anyxml action-input {
                    "Contains the ACTION input data (if any).";
              }  // container action-request
              container action-response {
                  "Message type: subsys-response
                  Purpose: Return ACTION data or status
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                choice response-type {
                  leaf action-ok {
                    type empty;
                      "ACTION successfully invoked";
                  anyxml action-output {
                      "Contains the ACTION output data (if any).";
                }  // choice response-type
              }  // container action-response
              container trans-start-hook {
                  "Message type: server-request;
                  Purpose: Send a request which may require the
                  SIL-SA callback functions on the subsystem to be invoked;
                  Expected Response Message: <ok> or <error>.
                  This message requests that Transaction Start Hook callbacks
                  should be invoked on the subsystem.";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                uses user-id-obj;
                uses client-addr-obj;
                leaf isvalidate {
                  type boolean;
                    "Specifies whether this is a <validate> operation or not.
                    TRUE if this is a validate operation transaction";
                leaf isrollback {
                  type boolean;
                    "Specifies whether this is a confirmed commit timeout
                    or a cancel-confirmed-commit operation.
                    FALSE if this is some other type of transaction";
                leaf isrunning {
                  type boolean;
                    "Specifies whether this is transaction for running datastore.
                    TRUE if this is a running datastore transaction";
              }  // container trans-start-hook
              container trans-complete-hook {
                  "Message type: server-event;
                  Purpose: Send an event which may require the
                    SIL-SA callback functions on the subsystem to be invoked;
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
              }  // container trans-complete-hook
              container hook-get-request {
                  "Message type: subsys-request;
                  Purpose: Start a transaction which may require the
                  server to run agt_val_get_data() API and return result.
                  Get the val_value based on XPath of object instance
                  This function will return value only if there is existing node
                  in the datastore or there is defaults for the node.
                  Expected Response Message: hook-get-response";
                uses path-parm;
                leaf isrunning {
                  type boolean;
                    "Specifies whether to retrieve a value from the running
                    datastore or candidate";
              }  // container hook-get-request
              container hook-get-response {
                  "Message type: server-reply;
                  Purpose: server will send this element containing the
                    requested val_value based on XPath of object instance.
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                anyxml value {
                    "Represents the the val_value based on XPath of
                     object instance";
              }  // container hook-get-response
              container stream-callback-event {
                  "Message type: server-event;
                  Purpose: An event-stream callback on a SIL-SA platform
                     needs to be invoked.  One event will be generated
                     for each remote subsystem entry found that needs
                     to be invoked. E.g., if 3 modules register but all are
                     mapped to the same stream, then 3 events would be
                     sent to the subsystem.
                  Expected Response Message: none";
                uses event-stream-parm;
                uses stream-subevent-parm;
                leaf module-name {
                  type yt:NcxName;
                    "Module name to use to identify callback.";
                leaf all-streams {
                  type empty;
                    "All streams flag to identify callback.";
              }  // container stream-callback-event
              container commit-completeness-hook {
                  "Message type: server-request;
                  Purpose: Send a request which may require the
                    SIL-SA callback functions on the subsystem to be invoked;
                    This message requests that Commit Completeness callbacks
                    should be invoked on the subsystem.
                  Expected Response Message: <ok> or <error>.";
                uses transaction-id-obj;
                uses user-id-obj;
                uses client-addr-obj;
                uses commit-phase-parm;
                uses commit-type-parm;
              }  // container commit-completeness-hook
            }  // choice message-type
          }  // container sil-sa
      }  // module yumaworks-sil-sa

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