YumaPro control system message definition.
Version: 2014-11-19
module yumaworks-ycontrol { yang-version 1; namespace "http://yumaworks.com/ns/yumaworks-ycontrol"; prefix yctl; import yuma-ncx { prefix ncx; } import yuma-types { prefix yt; } organization "YumaWorks, Inc."; contact "Support <support at yumaworks.com>"; description "YumaPro control system message definition."; revision "2014-11-19" { description "Support '*' as the service-id to indicate a server event message that is intended for the YControl layer itself, called ALL_SERVICES. Add shutdown-event message for ALL_SERVICES"; } revision "2014-04-08" { description "Initial version."; } container ycontrol { ncx:abstract; ncx:hidden; leaf message-id { type uint32 { range "1 .. max"; } mandatory true; description "Message identifier. For server-response and subsys-response message types, this value is the same as the corresponding request message."; } leaf message-type { type enumeration { enum "server-event" { value 0; description "Message from server to sub-system. No response expected."; } enum "server-request" { value 1; description "Request message from server to sub-system. A response is expected."; } enum "server-response" { value 2; description "Response message from server to sub-system. Sent when subsys-req received. No response is expected"; } enum "subsys-event" { value 3; description "Message from sub-system to server. No response expected."; } enum "subsys-request" { value 4; description "Request message from sub-system to server. A response is expected."; } enum "subsys-response" { value 5; description "Response message from sub-system to server. Sent when server-req received. No response is expected"; } enum "ycontrol-error" { value 6; description "Response message from either sub-system or server. Sent when a recoverable YControl or service layer error occurs. If non-recoverable error, then session is dropped and no response is sent. Example error: message is for a service-id that does not exist. No response is expected"; } } mandatory true; description "Message type"; } leaf server-id { type union { type yt:NcxName; type string { length "0"; } } mandatory true; description "Server identifier or empty if not known by subsys"; } leaf subsys-id { type yt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Subsystem identifier"; } leaf service-id { type union { type yt:NcxName; type string { pattern '\*'; } } mandatory true; description "Service identifier. The value '*' indicates a server-event message to all services. These messages are handled by the ycontrol library, not the individual service libraries."; } choice message-payload { mandatory true; container payload { description "This <payload> container is augmented with a service-specific container from other modules."; leaf shutdown-event { type empty; description "Message type: server-event; Purpose: The server is shutting down. Sent to all services (service-id = '*') Expected Response Message: none"; } } // container payload leaf ok { type empty; description "Sent when a request message is processed successfully and no data is needed in the response."; } container error { leaf error-number { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Internal error number"; } leaf transaction-id { type string; description "Server specific transaction identifier. Sent from subsystem to server in subsys-response. It identifies the transaction in case multiple transactions are in progress at once."; } leaf error-message { type string; description "Internal error message, if different from get_error_string(error-number)."; } leaf error-index { type uint32 { range "1 .. max"; } description "Internal edit index number from <start-transaction> message. Set only if an edit-specific error occurred."; } } // container error } // choice message-payload } // container ycontrol } // module yumaworks-ycontrol
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