
This module contains conceptual YANG specifications for YANG push.

  • Version: 2021-03-01


      module ietf-yang-push {
        yang-version 1;
        prefix yp;
        import ietf-inet-types {
          prefix inet;
        import ietf-yang-types {
          prefix yang;
        import ietf-event-notifications {
          prefix notif-bis;
        organization "IETF";
          "WG Web:   <>
           WG List:  <>
           WG Chair: Mahesh Jethanandani
           WG Chair: Mehmet Ersue
           Editor:   Alexander Clemm
           Editor:   Eric Voit
           Editor:   Alberto Gonzalez Prieto
           Editor:   Ambika Prasad Tripathy
           Editor:   Einar Nilsen-Nygaard
           Editor:   Andy Bierman
           Editor:   Balazs Lengyel
          "This module contains conceptual YANG specifications
           for YANG push.";
        revision "2021-03-01" {
            "Correct datastore-*-string to datastore-*-xml";
        revision "2016-10-28" {
            "Updates to simplify modify-subscription, add anchor-time";
            "YANG Datastore Push, draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push-04";
        feature on-change {
            "This feature indicates that on-change updates are
        identity error-data-not-authorized {
          base notif-bis:error;
            "No read authorization for a requested data node.";
        identity yang-push {
          base notif-bis:stream;
            "A conceptual datastream consisting of all datastore
             updates, including operational and configuration data.";
        identity custom-stream {
          base notif-bis:stream;
            "A conceptual datastream for datastore
             updates with custom updates as defined by a user.";
        identity http2 {
          base notif-bis:transport;
            "HTTP2 notifications as a transport";
        typedef filter-id {
          type uint32;
            "A type to identify filters which can be associated with a
        typedef change-type {
          type enumeration {
            enum "create" {
              value 0;
                "A new data node was created";
            enum "delete" {
              value 1;
                "A data node was deleted";
            enum "modify" {
              value 2;
                "The value of a data node has changed";
            "Specifies different types of changes that may occur
             to a datastore.";
        grouping update-filter {
            "This groupings defines filters for push updates for a
            datastore tree.  The filters define which updates are of
            interest in a push update subscription.  Mixing and matching
            of multiple filters does not occur at the level of this
            grouping. When a push-update subscription is created, the
            filter can be a regular subscription filter, or one of the
            additional filters that are defined in this grouping.";
          choice update-filter {
              "Define filters regarding which data nodes to include
               in push updates";
            case subtree {
              description "Subtree filter.";
              anyxml subtree-filter {
                  "Subtree-filter used to specify the data nodes targeted
                  for subscription within a subtree, or subtrees, of a
                  conceptual YANG datastore.  Objects matching the filter
                  criteria will traverse the filter. The syntax follows
                  the subtree filter syntax specified in RFC 6241,
                  section 6.";
                  "RFC 6241 section 6";
            }  // case subtree
            case xpath {
              description "XPath filter";
              leaf xpath-filter {
                type yang:xpath1.0;
                  "Xpath defining the data items of interest.";
            }  // case xpath
          }  // choice update-filter
        }  // grouping update-filter
        grouping update-policy {
            "This grouping describes the conditions under which an
             update will be sent as part of an update stream.";
          choice update-trigger {
              "Defines necessary conditions for sending an event to
               the subscriber.";
            case periodic {
                "The agent is requested to notify periodically the
                 current values of the datastore or the subset
                 defined by the filter.";
              leaf period {
                type yang:timeticks;
                mandatory true;
                  "Duration of time which should occur between periodic
                   push updates.  Where the anchor of a start-time is
                   available, the push will include the objects and their
                   values which exist at an exact multiple of timeticks
                   aligning to this start-time anchor.";
              leaf anchor-time {
                type yang:date-and-time;
                  "Designates a timestamp from which the series of
                  periodic push updates are computed. The next update
                  will take place at the next period interval from the
                  anchor time.  For example, for an anchor time at the
                  top of a minute and a period interval of a minute,
                  the next update will be sent at the top of the next
            }  // case periodic
            case on-change {
              if-feature on-change;
                "The agent is requested to notify changes in
                 values in the datastore or a subset of it defined
                 by a filter.";
              leaf no-synch-on-start {
                type empty;
                  "This leaf acts as a flag that determines behavior at the
                   start of the subscription.  When present,
                   synchronization of state at the beginning of the
                   subscription is outside the scope of the subscription.
                   Only updates about changes that are observed from the
                   start time, i.e. only push-change-update notifications
                   are sent.
                   When absent (default behavior), in order to facilitate
                   a receiver's synchronization, a full update is sent
                   when the subscription starts using a push-update
                   notification, just like in the case of a periodic
                   subscription.  After that, push-change-update
                   notifications only are sent unless the Publisher chooses
                   to resynch the subscription again.";
              leaf dampening-period {
                type yang:timeticks;
                mandatory true;
                  "Minimum amount of time that needs to have
                   passed since the last time an update was
              leaf-list excluded-change {
                type change-type;
                  "Use to restrict which changes trigger an update.
                   For example, if modify is excluded, only creation and
                   deletion of objects is reported.";
            }  // case on-change
          }  // choice update-trigger
        }  // grouping update-policy
        grouping subscription-qos {
            "This grouping describes Quality of Service information
             concerning a subscription.  This information is passed to lower
             layers for transport priortization and treatment";
          leaf dscp {
            if-feature notif-bis:configured-subscriptions;
            type inet:dscp;
            default "0";
              "The push update's IP packet transport priority.
               This is made visible across network hops to receiver.
               The transport priority is shared for all receivers of
               a given subscription.";
          leaf subscription-priority {
            type uint8;
              "Relative priority for a subscription.   Allows an
               underlying transport layer perform informed load
               balance allocations between various subscriptions";
          leaf subscription-dependency {
            type string;
              "Provides the Subscription ID of a parent subscription
               without which this subscription should not exist. In
               other words, there is no reason to stream these objects
               if another subscription is missing.";
        }  // grouping subscription-qos
        augment /notif-bis:establish-subscription/notif-bis:input {
            "Define additional subscription parameters that apply
             specifically to push updates";
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:establish-subscription/notif-bis:input/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "Add push filters to selection of filter types.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:establish-subscription/notif-bis:output {
            "Allow to return additional subscription parameters that apply
             specifically to push updates.";
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:establish-subscription/notif-bis:output/notif-bis:result/notif-bis:no-success/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "Add push filters to selection of filter types.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:modify-subscription/notif-bis:input {
            "Define additional subscription parameters that apply
             specifically to push updates.";
          uses update-policy;
        augment /notif-bis:modify-subscription/notif-bis:input/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "Add push filters to selection of filter types.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:modify-subscription/notif-bis:output {
            "Allow to retun additional subscription parameters that apply
             specifically to push updates.";
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:modify-subscription/notif-bis:output/notif-bis:result/notif-bis:no-success/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "Add push filters to selection of filter types.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        notification push-update {
            "This notification contains a push update, containing
             data subscribed to via a subscription.
             This notification is sent for periodic updates, for a
             periodic subscription.  It can also be used for
             synchronization updates of an on-change subscription.
             This notification shall only be sent to receivers
             of a subscription; it does not constitute a general-purpose
          leaf subscription-id {
            type notif-bis:subscription-id;
            mandatory true;
              "This references the subscription because of which the
               notification is sent.";
          leaf time-of-update {
            type yang:date-and-time;
              "This leaf contains the time of the update.";
          leaf updates-not-sent {
            type empty;
              "This is a flag which indicates that not all data nodes
               subscribed to are included included with this
               update.  In other words, the publisher has failed to
               fulfill its full subscription obligations.
               This may lead to intermittent loss of synchronization
               of data at the client.  Synchronization at the client
               can occur when the next push-update is received.";
          anyxml datastore-contents-xml {
              "This contains the updated data.  It constitutes a snapshot
               at the time-of-update of the set of data that has been
               subscribed to.  The format and syntax of the data
               corresponds to the format and syntax of data that would be
               returned in a corresponding get operation with the same
               filter parameters applied.";
        }  // notification push-update
        notification push-change-update {
          if-feature on-change;
            "This notification contains an on-change push update.
             This notification shall only be sent to the receivers
             of a subscription; it does not constitute a general-purpose
          leaf subscription-id {
            type notif-bis:subscription-id;
            mandatory true;
              "This references the subscription because of which the
               notification is sent.";
          leaf time-of-update {
            type yang:date-and-time;
              "This leaf contains the time of the update, i.e. the
               time at which the change was observed.";
          leaf updates-not-sent {
            type empty;
              "This is a flag which indicates that not all changes which
               have occured since the last update are included with this
               update.  In other words, the publisher has failed to
               fulfill its full subscription obligations, for example in
               cases where it was not able to keep up with a change burst.
               To facilitate synchronization, a publisher MAY subsequently
               send a push-update containing a full snapshot of subscribed
               data. Such a push-update might also be triggered by a
               subscriber requesting an on-demand synchronization.";
          anyxml datastore-changes-xml {
              "This contains datastore contents that has changed
               since the previous update, per the terms of the
               subscription.  Changes are encoded analogous to
               the syntax of a corresponding yang-patch operation,
               i.e. a yang-patch operation applied to the YANG datastore
               implied by the previous update to result in the current
               state (and assuming yang-patch could also be applied to
               operational data).";
        }  // notification push-change-update
        augment /notif-bis:subscription-started {
            "This augmentation adds push subscription parameters
             to the notification that a subscription has
             started and data updates are beginning to be sent.
             This notification shall only be sent to receivers
             of a subscription; it does not constitute a general-purpose
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:subscription-started/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "This augmentation allows to include additional update filters
             options to be included as part of the notification that a
             subscription has started.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:subscription-modified {
            "This augmentation adds push subscription parameters
             to the notification that a subscription has
             been modified.
             This notification shall only be sent to receivers
             of a subscription; it does not constitute a general-purpose
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:subscription-modified/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "This augmentation allows to include additional update
             filters options to be included as part of the notification
             that a subscription has been modified.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:filters/notif-bis:filter/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "This container adds additional update filter options
             to the list of configurable filters
             that can be applied to subscriptions.  This facilitates
             the reuse of complex filters once defined.";
          case update-filter {
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:subscription-config/notif-bis:subscription {
            "Contains the list of subscriptions that are configured,
             as opposed to established via RPC or other means.";
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:subscription-config/notif-bis:subscription/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "Add push filters to selection of filter types.";
          case update-filter {
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
        augment /notif-bis:subscriptions/notif-bis:subscription {
            "Contains the list of currently active subscriptions,
             i.e. subscriptions that are currently in effect,
             used for subscription management and monitoring purposes.
             This includes subscriptions that have been setup via RPC
             primitives, e.g. establish-subscription, delete-subscription,
             and modify-subscription, as well as subscriptions that
             have been established via configuration.";
          uses update-policy;
          uses subscription-qos;
        augment /notif-bis:subscriptions/notif-bis:subscription/notif-bis:filter-type {
            "Add push filters to selection of filter types.";
          case update-filter {
              "Additional filter options for push subscription.";
            uses update-filter;
          }  // case update-filter
      }  // module ietf-yang-push

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