Version: 2020-02-22
module huawei-bras-http-redirect { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-bras-http-redirect"; prefix bras-http-redirect; import huawei-aaa { prefix aaa; } import huawei-bras-basic-access { prefix bras-basic-access; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-bras-vas { prefix bras-vas; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-bras-web-authen { prefix bras-web-authen; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Bras-http-redirect."; revision "2020-02-22" { description "Description modification."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-04-16" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "bras-control"; grouping work-mode-group { description "Work mode group."; leaf work-mode { type enumeration { enum "get" { value 1; description "Indicates that the working mode is get."; } enum "post" { value 2; description "Indicates that the working mode is post."; } } default "get"; description "Indicates that the working mode."; } } // grouping work-mode-group grouping web-server-url-group { description "Web server url group."; leaf url-name { type string { length "1..200"; } must "../url-name != '-' and ../url-name != '--'"; description "Specifies the redirection URL for mandatory web authentication."; } leaf auth-ip-address { when "../url-name"; type leafref { path "/bras-web-authen:bras-web-authen/bras-web-authen:ip-servers/bras-web-authen:ip-server/bras-web-authen:ip"; } description "Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the web authentication server to which the mandatory web server is bound, in dotted decimal notation."; } leaf vpn-name { when "../auth-ip-address"; type leafref { path "/bras-web-authen:bras-web-authen/bras-web-authen:ip-servers/bras-web-authen:ip-server[bras-web-authen:ip=current()/../auth-ip-address]/bras-web-authen:vpn-name"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the name of the VPN instance to which the bound web authentication server belongs. Public network vpn-name value is '_public_'."; } } // grouping web-server-url-group grouping web-server-address-group { description "Web server address group."; leaf ip-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Specifies the IP address of the web server."; } leaf ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Specifies the IPv6 address of the web server."; } leaf auth-ip-address { when '../ipv6-address or ../ip-address'; type leafref { path "/bras-web-authen:bras-web-authen/bras-web-authen:ip-servers/bras-web-authen:ip-server/bras-web-authen:ip"; } description "Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the web authentication server to which the mandatory web server is bound, in dotted decimal notation."; } leaf vpn-instance { when "../auth-ip-address"; type leafref { path "/bras-web-authen:bras-web-authen/bras-web-authen:ip-servers/bras-web-authen:ip-server[bras-web-authen:ip=current()/../auth-ip-address]/bras-web-authen:vpn-name"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the name of the VPN instance to which the bound web authentication server belongs. Public network vpn-name value is '_public_'."; } } // grouping web-server-address-group container bras-http-redirect { description "Bras http redirect."; container web-url-profiles { description "List of redirect templates."; list web-url-profile { key "name"; description "Configure a redirect template."; leaf name { ext:case-sensitivity "lower-only"; type string { length "1..64"; pattern "[a-z0-9._-]{1,64}"; } must "../name != '-' and ../name != '--'"; description "Specifies the name of the redirect template."; } container url { description "Configure a redirect URL in a redirect template. By default, no redirect URL is configured in the redirect template scenario."; leaf content { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Specifies the redirect URL, either in a domain name or an IP address, such as,, or"; } } // container url } // list web-url-profile } // container web-url-profiles container url-or-dnss { description "List of blacklists of URLs for which web authentication or portal redirection will be performed forcibly or configures a whitelist for users who access web services using HTTPS."; list url-or-dns { key "url-string deny-or-permit"; description "Configure a blacklist of URLs for which web authentication or portal redirection will be performed forcibly or configures a whitelist for users who access web services using HTTPS."; leaf url-string { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Specifies an address of a web page."; } leaf deny-or-permit { type boolean; description "Enable/disable a whitelist for users who access web services using HTTPS or a blacklist of URLs for which web authentication or portal redirection will be performed forcibly."; } container url-deny-counts { config false; description "List of statistics for times that an HTTP blacklist is hit."; list url-deny-count { key "slot-id"; description "Display the statistics for times that an HTTP blacklist is hit."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Display the slot ID."; } leaf deny-count { type uint32; description "Number of times that an HTTP blacklist is hit."; } } // list url-deny-count } // container url-deny-counts } // list url-or-dns } // container url-or-dnss container http-redirect-profiles { description "List of redirection templates."; list http-redirect-profile { key "name"; max-elements 255; description "Configure the redirection template."; leaf name { ext:case-sensitivity "lower-only"; type string { length "1..31"; pattern "[a-z0-9._-]{1,31}"; } must "../name != '-' and ../name != '--'"; description "The redirection template name."; } uses work-mode-group; leaf url { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Specifies the URL address."; } leaf push-times { type uint8 { range "1..5"; } default "2"; description "Sets number of times to push advertisements."; } } // list http-redirect-profile } // container http-redirect-profiles container portal-age-time { description "Configure the captive portal timeout period."; leaf value { type uint32 { range "1..900"; } description "Configure captive portal timeout period (configuration in the domain has high priority) in second."; } } // container portal-age-time } // container bras-http-redirect augment /qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-behaviors/qos:traffic-behavior/bras-vas:bas { description "Traffic behaviors."; container http-redirect { description "Configure http-redirect under qos traffic-behavior model."; container redirect-cpu-portal { description "Configure the next hop of the packets to send to the CPU according to limits of idle web users."; leaf enable { type enumeration { enum "http-enable" { value 0; description "Parsing the user MAC address by duid."; } enum "http-plus-enable" { value 1; description "Enables or disables httpRedirect Plus."; } enum "cpu-redirect-enable" { value 2; description "The redirect-cpu portal command configures flow-based captive portal redirection."; } enum "redirect-chasten-enable" { value 3; description "The redirect-cpu http-redirect-chasten command to run to configure the next hop of the packets to send to the CPU according to limits of idle web users."; } enum "dns-enable" { value 4; description "Configures dns redirection."; } } description "Redirects login users to an authentication web page."; } } // container redirect-cpu-portal } // container http-redirect } augment /aaa:aaa/aaa:domains/aaa:domain/bras-basic-access:bas { description "Creates a domain and enters the domain scenario; alternatively, you can enter the scenario of an existing domain. Exceptionally, in this module it cannot be deleted or removed to delete its child."; container http-redirect { must 'not(./web-server-address/ip-address and ./web-server-address-slave/ip-address and ./web-server-address/ip-address=./web-server-address-slave/ip-address)'; must 'not(./web-server-address/ipv6-address and ./web-server-address-slave/ipv6-address and ./web-server-address/ipv6-address=./web-server-address-slave/ipv6-address)'; must 'not(./web-server-url/url-name = ./web-server-url-slave/url-name)'; description "Configure HTTP redirect."; container portal-redirect-age { description "Configure the portal redirect function."; leaf time { type uint32 { range "1..900"; } units "s"; description "Specifies the captive portal timeout period."; } } // container portal-redirect-age container portal-redirect-pppoe-url { description "Configure the portal redirect function."; leaf authenticate { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Sets the URL for forcibly redirecting an authenticated PPPoE user to a portal."; } } // container portal-redirect-pppoe-url container portal-redirect-identical-url { description "Configure the portal redirect function."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable IPv4 and IPv6 users to use identical URL and the IPv6 redirection web page to be pushed to users in IPv6 forcible redirection scenarios."; } } // container portal-redirect-identical-url container portal-server { description "Configure the mandatory parameters in the domain. Including the IP address of the portal server, redirected URL, number of forcible redirection attempts, URL parameters, and whether a user is redirected to the first URL entered by the user, user MAC address in redirection packets."; leaf url-parameter { type empty; description "Indicates whether the redirected URL carries wlanusername."; } leaf cipher-key-type { type enumeration { enum "cipher-without-key" { value 1; description "Use an empty string as the key for encryption."; } } description "Displays whether the ciphertext of a user MAC address is empty."; } leaf shared-key-cipher { when "not(../cipher-key-type)"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..128"; } description "Specifies the keyword for generating ciphertext user MAC address to be displayed,the simple password length ranges from 1 to 16, and the cipher password length ranges from 1 to 128."; } leaf ip-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Specifies the IPv4 address of the portal server."; } leaf ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Specifies the IPv6 address of the portal server."; } leaf redirect-limit { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } default "2"; description "Specifies the number of forcible redirection attempts."; } leaf url { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Indicates the redirected URL address."; } } // container portal-server container web-server-url { presence "Create web-server-url."; description "Enable/disable a redirection URL for mandatory web authentication and configures the web authentication server bound to the mandatory web authentication server in a domain."; uses web-server-url-group { refine auth-ip-address { must 'not(../../web-server-address) or (../../web-server-address/auth-ip-address and ../../web-server-address[auth-ip-address = current()])'; } } } // container web-server-url container web-server-url-slave { presence "Create web-server-url-slave."; description "Enable/disable a redirection URL for mandatory web authentication and configures the web authentication server bound to the mandatory web authentication server in a domain as slave."; uses web-server-url-group { refine auth-ip-address { must 'not(../../web-server-address-slave) or (../../web-server-address-slave/auth-ip-address and ../../web-server-address-slave[auth-ip-address = current()])'; } } } // container web-server-url-slave container web-server-address { presence "Create web-server-address."; description "Enable/disable an IP address or an IPv6 address for the web server and configures the web authentication server bound to the mandatory web authentication server in a domain."; uses web-server-address-group { refine auth-ip-address { must 'not(../../web-server-url) or (../../web-server-url/auth-ip-address and ../../web-server-url[auth-ip-address = current()])'; } } } // container web-server-address container web-server-address-slave { presence "Create web-server-address-slave."; description "Enable/disable an IP address or an IPv6 address for the web server and configures the web authentication server bound to the mandatory web authentication server in a domain as slave."; uses web-server-address-group { refine auth-ip-address { must 'not(../../web-server-url-slave) or (../../web-server-url-slave/auth-ip-address and ../../web-server-url-slave[auth-ip-address = current()])'; } } } // container web-server-address-slave container web-redirect { description "Configure web redirect."; uses work-mode-group; } // container web-redirect container web-redirect-identical { description "Configure web redirect identical url."; leaf url { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable identical url."; } } // container web-redirect-identical container redirect-users-to-urls { description "List of forcibly redirects users in a domain to a URL."; list redirect-users-to-url { key "index"; description "Configure forcibly redirects users in a domain to a URL."; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } description "Specifies the index of a URL."; } leaf value { type string { length "1..200"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the URL to which users are forcibly redirected. The URL can be a domain name or an IP address, such as,,, and"; } } // list redirect-users-to-url } // container redirect-users-to-urls container web-first-url { must "not(./key-string and ./default-name='true')"; description "Configure the web-first-url."; leaf key-string { type string { length "1..31"; pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,31}"; } must "../key-string != '-' and ../key-string != '--'"; description "Specifies a homepage to be displayed after a user is authenticated by a web server. By default, a homepage will not be displayed after a user is authenticated by a web server."; } leaf default-name { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the default keyword used when a homepage to be displayed after a user is authenticated by a web server is wlanuserfirsturl."; } } // container web-first-url container web-individualization { must "not(./subscription-id-keyword and ./agent-remoteid-keyword)"; presence "web-individualization."; description "Configure the web individualization."; leaf user-ipaddress-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the keyword of the user IP address."; } leaf ipaddress-of-router-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the keyword of the IP address of the router. If a source interface on the BRAS to the web server is specified using the web-auth-server source command in the system scenario, mscg-ip is the IP address of the outbound interface. If no source interface is specified, mscg-ip is the IP address of the outbound interface of the route to the network segment of the IP address of the web server in the routing table of the BRAS."; } leaf bras-name-for-users-login-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the keyword of the router name for users' login."; } leaf logical-host-name { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the logical host name."; } leaf user-defined-ssid-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the key value of the user-defined portal parameter SSID."; } leaf physical-location-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the keyword of physical location information."; } leaf agent-remoteid-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the key value of the user-defined portal parameter agent-remote-id."; } leaf subscription-id-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the key value of the user-defined portal parameter subscription-id."; } leaf user-mac-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the keyword of the user MAC address."; } leaf user-mac-simple-text-keyword { when "../user-mac-keyword"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of the user MAC address in simple text."; } leaf user-mac-display-format { when "../user-mac-simple-text-keyword='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the user MAC address is displayed in the format of aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. By default, the MAC address is displayed in the format of aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff."; } leaf user-mac-aes128-cipher-text { when "../user-mac-keyword"; type boolean; must "(../user-mac-aes128-cipher-text='false' and ../user-mac-simple-text-keyword='false' and ../user-mac-encrypt-in-des='true') or (../user-mac-aes128-cipher-text='false' and ../user-mac-encrypt-in-des='false' and ../user-mac-simple-text-keyword='true') or (../user-mac-encrypt-in-des='false' and ../user-mac-simple-text-keyword='false' and ../user-mac-aes128-cipher-text='true')"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of the user MAC address to be encrypted in AES128 mode and to be transmitted in ciphertext."; } leaf user-mac-encrypt-in-cbc { when "../user-mac-aes128-cipher-text='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of user MAC address to be encrypted in CBC mode."; } leaf user-mac-encrypt-in-gcm { when "../user-mac-aes128-cipher-text='true'"; type boolean; must "not(../user-mac-encrypt-in-cbc='true' and ../user-mac-encrypt-in-gcm='true')"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of user MAC address to be encrypted in GCM mode."; } leaf user-mac-encrypt-in-des { when "../user-mac-keyword"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of user MAC address to be encrypted in DES mode."; } leaf ap-mac-keyword { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specifies the keyword of the AP MAC address."; } leaf ap-mac-simple-text-keyword { when "../ap-mac-keyword"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of the AP MAC address in simple text."; } leaf ap-mac-display-format { when "../ap-mac-simple-text-keyword='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the AP MAC address is displayed in the format of aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. By default, the MAC address is displayed in the format of aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff."; } leaf ap-mac-aes128-cipher-text { when "../ap-mac-keyword"; type boolean; must "(../ap-mac-aes128-cipher-text='false' and ../ap-mac-simple-text-keyword='false' and ../ap-mac-encrypted-in-des='true') or (../ap-mac-aes128-cipher-text='false' and ../ap-mac-encrypted-in-des='false' and ../ap-mac-simple-text-keyword='true') or (../ap-mac-encrypted-in-des='false' and ../ap-mac-simple-text-keyword='false' and ../ap-mac-aes128-cipher-text='true')"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of the AP MAC address to be encrypted in AES128 mode and to be transmitted in ciphertext."; } leaf ap-mac-encrypted-in-cbc { when "../ap-mac-aes128-cipher-text='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of AP MAC address to be encrypted in CBC mode."; } leaf ap-mac-encrypted-in-gcm { when "../ap-mac-aes128-cipher-text='true'"; type boolean; must "not(../ap-mac-encrypted-in-cbc='true' and ../ap-mac-encrypted-in-gcm='true')"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of AP MAC address to be encrypted in GCM mode."; } leaf ap-mac-encrypted-in-des { when "../ap-mac-keyword"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keyword of AP MAC address to be encrypted in DES mode."; } } // container web-individualization container web-share-key { description "Configure the web share key."; leaf carried-in-url-of-web-page { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the keywords carried in the URL of a web page pushed by the portal server. The keywords are user-ip and ac-name nas-serial."; } leaf cipher-key-type { type enumeration { enum "cipher-without-key" { value 1; description "Use an empty string as the key for encryption."; } } description "Displays whether the ciphertext of a user MAC address or an AP MAC address is empty."; } leaf shared-key-cipher { when "not(../cipher-key-type)"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..128"; } description "Specifies the keyword for generating ciphertext user MAC address or AP MAC address to be displayed."; } } // container web-share-key container portal-individualization { must "not(./first-page-url-keyword and ./first-page-url-default-keyword='true')"; description "Configure the portal individualization."; leaf user-macaddress { type string { length "1..32"; } must "not(../user-macaddress-in-simple-mode='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-gcm='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-cbc='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-des='false')"; description "Specifies a user MAC address."; } leaf user-macaddress-in-simple-mode { when "../user-macaddress"; type boolean; must "(../user-macaddress-in-simple-mode='false') or (../user-macaddress-in-aes128-gcm='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-cbc='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-des='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the user MAC address carried in redirection packets is encapsulated in simple mode."; } leaf delimiter-of-user-macaddress { when "../user-macaddress-in-simple-mode='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the delimiter of user MAC addresses is a colon (:)."; } leaf user-macaddress-in-aes128-cbc { when "../user-macaddress"; type boolean; must "(../user-macaddress-in-aes128-cbc='false') or (../user-macaddress-in-simple-mode='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-des='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-gcm='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the user MAC address carried in redirection packets is encrypted in AES128 and CBC mode and to be transmitted in ciphertext."; } leaf user-macaddress-in-aes128-gcm { when "../user-macaddress"; type boolean; must "(../user-macaddress-in-aes128-gcm='false') or (../user-macaddress-in-simple-mode='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-des='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-cbc='false')"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the user MAC address carried in redirection packets is encrypted in AES128 and GCM mode and to be transmitted in ciphertext."; } leaf user-macaddress-in-des { when "../user-macaddress"; type boolean; must "(../user-macaddress-in-des='false') or (../user-macaddress-in-simple-mode='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-cbc='false' and ../user-macaddress-in-aes128-gcm='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the user MAC address carried in redirection packets is encapsulated in DES mode."; } leaf first-page-url-keyword { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Specifies the keyword used in the function of displaying the page at the first URL."; } leaf first-page-url-default-keyword { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the default keyword wlanuserfirsturl in the function of displaying the page at the first URL."; } } // container portal-individualization container dns-redirect { description "Configure DNS redirect Web server address."; leaf server-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "The IP address of the redirect Web server."; } } // container dns-redirect container post-domain { description "Configure post domain login for web user."; choice auto-login-type { description "Configure post domain auto login type for web user."; case web { description "Configure post domain auto login type web."; leaf ip-address { type leafref { path "/bras-web-authen:bras-web-authen/bras-web-authen:ip-servers/bras-web-authen:ip-server/bras-web-authen:ip"; } mandatory true; description "Web authentication server ip address."; } leaf vpn-instance { type leafref { path "/bras-web-authen:bras-web-authen/bras-web-authen:ip-servers/bras-web-authen:ip-server[bras-web-authen:ip=current()/../ip-address]/bras-web-authen:vpn-name"; } mandatory true; description "Web authentication server vpn instance. Public network vpn-name value is '_public_'"; } } // case web case coa { description "Configure post domain auto login type coa."; leaf enable { type empty; description "Enable/disable coa auto login type."; } } // case coa } // choice auto-login-type } // container post-domain } // container http-redirect } } // module huawei-bras-http-redirect
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