Version: 2020-02-22
module huawei-bras-web-authen { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-bras-web-authen"; prefix bras-web-authen; import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-bras-basic-access { prefix bras-basic-access; } import huawei-aaa { prefix aaa; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-l3vpn { prefix l3vpn; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Bras-web-authen."; revision "2020-02-22" { description "Description modification."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-04-16" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "bras-control"; typedef server-password-type { type enumeration { enum "simple" { value 1; description "Specifies the shared key of the web authentication server in simple text."; } enum "cipher" { value 2; description "Specifies the shared key of the web authentication server in cipher text."; } } description "Description of the password type."; } typedef server-state-type { type enumeration { enum "up" { value 1; description "Up."; } enum "down" { value 2; description "Down."; } } description "Status of Web authentication server."; } typedef query-sequence-type { type enumeration { enum "first" { value 1; description "Indicates the priority of information is first."; } enum "second" { value 2; description "Indicates the priority of information is second."; } enum "third" { value 3; description "Indicates the priority of information is third."; } enum "fourth" { value 4; description "Indicates the priority of information is fourth."; } } description "The priority of the configures."; } typedef user-query-type { type enumeration { enum "exclude-pre-domain" { value 1; description "Indicates the user query type is exclude pre-domain."; } enum "version1" { value 2; description "Indicates the user query type is version1."; } } description "Indicates the user query type."; } container bras-web-authen { description "Bras-web-authen."; container global { description "Configure global bras-web-authen."; container web-authen-server { must "not(./interface-name and ./from-destination-ip='true')"; description "Configure web authen server."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable web authentication."; } leaf listening-port { type uint16 { range "1024..55535"; } default "2000"; description "Specifies the number of the port through which the device receives packets from the web authentication server."; } leaf reply-message { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the device to transmit the response messages from the RADIUS server to the web authentication server transparently. By default, the response messages are transparently transmitted."; } leaf version { type enumeration { enum "version1" { value 0; description "Support V1.0 and V2.0 and V3.0."; } enum "version2" { value 1; description "Only support V2.0 and V3.0."; } enum "version3" { value 2; description "Only support V3.0."; } } default "version3"; description "Configures portal V1.0 and V2.0 and V3.0."; } leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Interface name."; } leaf from-destination-ip { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the destination IP address sent by the portal server as the source IP address of the packets sent to the portal server."; } } // container web-authen-server container response-code { description "Configure the host to send an authentication packet with error code to the web server."; leaf error-code-enable { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the host to send an authentication packet with error code to the web server."; } } // container response-code container response-error-id { description "Configure the router to send an access-reject packet with an error code to the portal server."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the router to send an access-reject packet with an error code to the portal server."; } } // container response-error-id container dns-redirect-response { description "Configure the time when the DNS redirection returns to the live network."; leaf ttl { type uint32 { range "0..3600"; } units "s"; default "60"; description "Time to live."; } } // container dns-redirect-response container logout-account-stopping { description "Configure stop accounting before logout and then perform the authentication operation."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to perform authentication for users in pre-authentication domain and then send stop accounting messages in the authentication domain for the users during a logout process."; } } // container logout-account-stopping container query-sequence { must "not(user-mac = user-ip or user-mac = user-name or user-mac = user-account-id or user-ip = user-name or user-ip = user-account-id or user-name = user-account-id)"; description "Configure the priority of information that the web server uses the query interface to query."; leaf user-mac { type query-sequence-type; default "first"; description "Specifies a user MAC address."; } leaf user-ip { type query-sequence-type; default "second"; description "Specifies a user IP address."; } leaf user-name { type query-sequence-type; default "third"; description "Specifies a user name."; } leaf user-account-id { type query-sequence-type; default "fourth"; description "Specifies user account sessionID."; } } // container query-sequence container whitelist-session-car { must "./cir <= ./pir"; must "./cbs <= ./pbs"; description "Configure web authentication server whitelist session-car."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable web-auth-server whitelist session-car."; } leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "kbit/s"; default "512"; description "Portal protocol packets committed information rate."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..9000000"; } units "Byte"; default "64000"; description "Portal protocol packets committed burst size."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "kbit/s"; default "768"; description "Portal protocol packets peak information rate."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..9000000"; } units "Byte"; default "96000"; description "Portal protocol packets peak burst size."; } } // container whitelist-session-car container packet-dscp { description "Configure the DSCP value for Portal packets sent by the device to a Portal server."; leaf value { type uint16 { range "0..63"; } default "32"; description "DSCP priority value."; } } // container packet-dscp container source-ip { description "Configure the IP address of device that receives packets."; leaf ipv4-all { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the device to listen for any IPv4 portal packets received from the web authentication server."; } leaf ipv6-all { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the device to listen for any IPv6 portal packets received from the web authentication server."; } container specify-ipv4s { description "List of the IPv4 addresses and VPN instances."; list specify-ipv4 { key "ipv4-address vpn-name"; max-elements 5; description "Configure the IPv4 address and VPN instance."; leaf ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Configure the IPv4 address."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } must "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance[ni:name=current()]/l3vpn:afs/l3vpn:af[l3vpn:type='ipv4-unicast']"; description "Configure the VPN instance."; } } // list specify-ipv4 } // container specify-ipv4s container specify-ipv6s { description "List of the IPv6 addresses and VPN instances."; list specify-ipv6 { key "ipv6-address vpn-name"; max-elements 5; description "Configure the IPv6 address and VPN instance."; leaf ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Configure the IPv6 address."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } must "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance[ni:name=current()]/l3vpn:afs/l3vpn:af[l3vpn:type='ipv6-unicast']"; description "Configure the VPN instance."; } } // list specify-ipv6 } // container specify-ipv6s } // container source-ip } // container global container ip-servers { description "List of configured web authentication servers, that is, the external web server."; list ip-server { key "ip vpn-name"; description "Configure the web authentication server, that is, the external web server."; leaf ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Specifies the IP address of the web authentication server."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Specifies the VPN instance name. Public network vpn-name value is '_public_'. If IP is configured as the IPv4 address, IPv4-family must be enabled for the VPN. If IP is configured as an IPv6 address, IPv6-family must be enabled for the VPN."; } leaf password-type { type server-password-type; must "(../password-type and ../password) or (not(../password-type) and not(../password))"; description "Specifies the shared key of the web authentication server in simple or cipher text."; } leaf password { type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..268"; } must "(../password-type and ../password) or (not(../password-type) and not(../password))"; description "Specifies the password of the web authentication server, the value is a string of 1 to 16 characters in simple text and a string of 1 to 128 characters in cipher text."; } leaf nas-ip { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the IP address of the device is reported. By default, the IP address of the device is not reported."; } leaf port-number { type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } default "50100"; description "Specifies the port number of the web authentication server."; } leaf all { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the destination port ID of a web response packet is the specified port ID."; } leaf detect-time { type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } units "min"; description "Specifies the detect time of the web authentication server."; } leaf user-query { type user-query-type; description "Specifies the user query type."; } leaf server-state { type server-state-type; config false; description "Status of Web authentication server."; } } // list ip-server } // container ip-servers } // container bras-web-authen augment /aaa:aaa/aaa:domains/aaa:domain/bras-basic-access:bas { description "Creates a domain and enters the domain scenario; alternatively, you can enter the scenario of an existing domain. Exceptionally, in this module it cannot be deleted or removed to delete its child."; container web-authen { description "Configure WEB authentication on domain."; container reallocate-ip-address { description "Configure IP address reallocation during post domain authentication."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable IP address reallocation during post domain authentication."; } } // container reallocate-ip-address } // container web-authen } } // module huawei-bras-web-authen
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