Inter-AS routing protocol that exchanges Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) with other BGP systems.
Version: 2020-02-25
module huawei-bgp-lsp { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-bgp-lsp"; prefix bgp-lsp; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-mpls { prefix mpls; } import huawei-bfd { prefix bfd; } import huawei-routing-policy { prefix rtp; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-bgp { prefix bgp; } import huawei-l3vpn { prefix l3vpn; } import huawei-tunnel-management { prefix tnlm; } import huawei-mpls-te { prefix mpls-te; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Inter-AS routing protocol that exchanges Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) with other BGP systems."; revision "2020-02-25" { description "The YANG descriptions are modified according to new standards."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-03-22" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "bgp"; typedef lsp-type { type enumeration { enum "ingress" { value 1; description "Ingress of the BGP LSP."; } enum "transit" { value 2; description "Transit node of the BGP LSP."; } enum "egress" { value 4; description "Egress of the BGP LSP."; } } description "The type of the BGP LSP."; } typedef lsp-frr-type { type enumeration { enum "primary" { value 1; description "Primary LSP type."; } enum "backup" { value 2; description "Backup LSP type."; } } description "The type of the bgpLspFrr."; } typedef label-operation-type { type enumeration { enum "push" { value 0; description "Push a label."; } enum "swap" { value 1; description "Swap a Label."; } enum "pop" { value 2; description "Pop out a label."; } enum "swappush" { value 3; description "Swap a label and push a label."; } enum "popgo" { value 4; description "Packets are forwarded based on the next hop directly mapped to the label after label popping."; } } description "The type of the bgpLabelOperation."; } typedef exp-mode-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Default value."; } enum "pipe" { value 1; description "The priority of BGP labels is not modified, and the outer label is removed."; } enum "uniform" { value 2; description "The label priority of intra-AS tunnels is copied to the BGP label."; } } description "The type of bgpcommExpMode."; } typedef bgp-bfd-trigger-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "No policy for establishing BGP BFD sessions is configured."; } enum "host" { value 1; description "Use host addresses to dynamically establish BGP BFD sessions."; } enum "ip-prefix" { value 2; description "IP prefix list used to dynamically establish a BFD session to monitor an LDP tunnel."; } } description "The type of BGP BFD trigger."; } grouping bgp-pipe-type { description "BGP pipe type."; leaf ttl-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 2; description "The priority of BGP labels is not modified, and the outer label is removed."; } enum "uniform" { value 1; description "The label priority of intra-AS tunnels is copied to the BGP label."; } } default "pipe"; description "Specifies the TTL mode, The available options are Uniform and Pipe. By default, the mode is Pipe."; } } // grouping bgp-pipe-type grouping tunnel-info-common { description "Display the information of the vrf which used by this tunnel."; container tunnel-vpn-infos { config false; description "List of VPN instances. All VPN instances which use this tunnel."; list tunnel-vpn-info { key "vrf-name af-type nexthop"; description "Statistics of a VPN instance of this Tunnel."; leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "VPN name of a BGP instance."; } leaf af-type { type l3vpn:af-type; description "Types of the VPN address families."; } leaf nexthop { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "The next hop address used by this tunnel."; } } // list tunnel-vpn-info } // container tunnel-vpn-infos } // grouping tunnel-info-common container bgp-lsp { description "BGP LSP configuration and query items."; container bfd { description "Configure dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; container parameters { description "Configure parameters of BFD for BGP LSP."; leaf enable { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true' and /bfd:bfd"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } leaf min-tx-interval { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true'"; type uint32 { range "3..20000"; } units "ms"; description "Interval at which BFD packets are sent. The value range and default value are controlled by the PAF."; } leaf min-rx-interval { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true'"; type uint32 { range "3..20000"; } units "ms"; description "Interval at which BFD packets are received. The value range and default value are controlled by the PAF."; } leaf detection-multiplier { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true'"; type uint32 { range "3..50"; } default "3"; description "BFD detection multiplier."; } leaf trigger { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true' and /bfd:bfd"; type bgp-bfd-trigger-type; must "( ../trigger='ip-prefix' and ../trigger-ip-prefix-name ) or not ( ../trigger='ip-prefix' or ../trigger-ip-prefix-name )"; default "none"; description "Configure a policy for creating BGP LSP BFD sessions."; } leaf trigger-ip-prefix-name { when "../trigger='ip-prefix'"; type leafref { path "/rtp:routing-policy/rtp:ipv4-prefix-filters/rtp:ipv4-prefix-filter/rtp:name"; } description "To use an IP prefix list to dynamically create BFD sessions, specify a name of the IP prefix list."; } } // container parameters container sessions { config false; description "List of the sessions of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; list session { key "fec-address out-if-name next-hop index"; config false; description "Statistics of a session of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; leaf fec-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; config false; description "Display the FEC address of the session of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } leaf out-if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } config false; description "Display the outbound interface of a BGP LSP."; } leaf next-hop { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; config false; description "Display the next hop of a BGP LSP."; } leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Display the LSP index of a BGP LSP."; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; config false; description "Display the BFD discriminator of the BFD session of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } leaf state { type enumeration { enum "admin-down" { value 0; description "The BGP LSP BFD session is administratively Down."; } enum "down" { value 1; description "The BGP LSP BFD session is Down."; } enum "init" { value 2; description "The BGP LSP BFD session is in initial state."; } enum "up" { value 3; description "The BGP LSP BFD session is Up."; } } config false; description "Display the BFD session state of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } leaf min-tx-interval { type uint32; units "ms"; config false; description "Display the minimum interval at which BFD packets of the session of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP are sent."; } leaf min-rx-interval { type uint32; units "ms"; config false; description "Display the minimum interval at which BFD packets of the session of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP are received."; } leaf detection-multiplier { type uint32; config false; description "Display the BFD detection multiplier of the BFD session of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } leaf age { type uint32; units "s"; config false; description "Display the BFD session age of dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } } // list session } // container sessions } // container bfd container states { config false; description "List of BGP LSPs."; list state { key "vrf-name af destination-address prefix-length index type indirect-id frr-type"; config false; description "Operational state of BGP LSP."; leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } config false; description "VPN name of a BGP instance."; } leaf af { type bgp:af-type; config false; description "Specifies the address family type of a BGP instance."; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; config false; description "Destination address of an LSP."; } leaf prefix-length { type uint32 { range "0..128"; } config false; description "Prefix length of the destination address of an LSP."; } leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "LSP index."; } leaf type { type lsp-type; config false; description "LSP type."; } leaf indirect-id { type string { length "1..50"; } config false; description "IndirectID."; } leaf frr-type { type lsp-frr-type; config false; description "FRR role."; } leaf nexthop { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; config false; description "Next hop of an LSP."; } leaf inbound-if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } config false; description "Inbound interface of an LSP."; } leaf outbound-if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } config false; description "Outbound interface of an LSP."; } leaf mtu { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } config false; description "LSP MTU."; } leaf duration { type uint32; units "s"; config false; description "LSP duration."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; config false; description "In-label of an LSP."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; config false; description "Out-label of an LSP."; } leaf out-tunnel-index { type string { length "1..50"; } config false; description "Index of an outbound LSP."; } leaf label-operation { type label-operation-type; config false; description "Label operation type."; } leaf qos-priority-mode { type exp-mode-type; config false; description "QoS priority mode of an LSP."; } leaf tunnel-id { type string { length "1..50"; } config false; description "ID of an outbound LSP."; } leaf route-distinguisher { type string { length "3..21"; } config false; description "A VPN address family takes effect only after it is configured with an RD. The format of an RD is as follows: 1. 16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number, for example, 101:3. An AS number ranges from 0 to 65535, and a user-defined number ranges from 0 to 4294967295. The AS number and user-defined number cannot be both 0s. This means that the RD value cannot be 0:0. 2. 32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number, for example: The IP address ranges from to, and the user-defined number ranges from 0 to 65535. 3. 32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, for example, 10.11:3. An AS number ranges from 0.0 to 65535.65535 or from 0 to 4294967295, and a user-defined number ranges from 0 to 65535. The AS number and user-defined number cannot be both 0s. This means that the RD value cannot be 0.0:0."; } container tunnels { config false; description "List of tunnel information."; list tunnel { key "value"; config false; description "Operational state of tunnel information."; leaf value { type string { length "1..50"; } config false; description "The tunnel-key."; } } // list tunnel } // container tunnels } // list state } // container states } // container bgp-lsp augment /mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global { description "MPLS BGP global configuration."; container bgp-ttl-mode { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true'"; description "Configure the TTL mode. The available options are uniform and pipe."; uses bgp-pipe-type; } // container bgp-ttl-mode } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/tnlm:tunnel-protocol/tnlm:type/mpls-te:mpls-te/mpls-te:te-tunnel/mpls-te:tunnel-mode/mpls-te:p2p-rsvp-te/mpls-te:rsvp-te { description "Augment the MPLS rsvp-te model to add L3VPN tunnel infomation."; uses tunnel-info-common; } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/tnlm:tunnel-protocol/tnlm:type/mpls-te:mpls-te/mpls-te:te-tunnel/mpls-te:sr-te { description "Augment the MPLS sr-te model to add L3VPN tunnel infomation."; uses tunnel-info-common; } augment /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/mpls:mpls { description "Augment the MPLS model to add BGP VPN infomation."; container bgp-mpls-lsp { when "../../ni:name!='_public_'"; presence "Create MPLS-BGP-VPN instance."; description "Enable/disable the MPLS-BGP-VPN instance."; container bfd { description "Configure dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; container parameters { description "Configure parameters of BFD for BGP LSP."; leaf enable { when "/bfd:bfd"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable dynamic BFD for BGP LSP."; } leaf min-tx-interval { type uint32 { range "3..20000"; } units "ms"; description "Interval at which BFD packets are sent. The value range and default value are controlled by the PAF."; } leaf min-rx-interval { type uint32 { range "3..20000"; } units "ms"; description "Interval at which BFD packets are received. The value range and default value are controlled by the PAF."; } leaf detection-multiplier { type uint32 { range "3..50"; } default "3"; description "BFD detection multiplier."; } leaf trigger { when "/bfd:bfd"; type bgp-bfd-trigger-type; must "( ../trigger='ip-prefix' and ../trigger-ip-prefix-name ) or not ( ../trigger='ip-prefix' or ../trigger-ip-prefix-name )"; default "none"; description "Configure a policy for creating BGP LSP BFD sessions."; } leaf trigger-ip-prefix-name { when "../trigger='ip-prefix'"; type leafref { path "/rtp:routing-policy/rtp:ipv4-prefix-filters/rtp:ipv4-prefix-filter/rtp:name"; } description "To use an IP prefix list to dynamically create BFD sessions, specify a name of the IP prefix list."; } } // container parameters } // container bfd container bgp-ttl-mode { description "Configure the TTL mode. The available options are uniform and pipe."; uses bgp-pipe-type; } // container bgp-ttl-mode } // container bgp-mpls-lsp } } // module huawei-bgp-lsp
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