Defines type definitions associated with the huawei-bgp modules.
Version: 2021-08-11
submodule huawei-bgp-type { yang-version 1; belongs-to huawei-bgp { prefix bgp; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Defines type definitions associated with the huawei-bgp modules."; revision "2021-08-11" { description "Modify description of path-attr-treat node."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-03-22" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } typedef as-number-validate { type string { length "1..11"; pattern '((([1-9]\d{0,8})|([1-3]\d{9})|(4[0-1]\d{8})|(42[0-8]\d{7})|(429[0-3]\d{6})|(4294[0-8]\d{5})|(42949[0-5]\d{4})|(429496[0-6]\d{3})|(4294967[0-1]\d{2})|(42949672[0-8]\d{1})|(429496729[0-5]))|((([1-9]\d{0,3})|([1-5]\d{4})|(6[0-4]\d{3})|(65[0-4]\d{2})|(655[0-2]\d)|(6553[0-5]))[\.](([0-9]\d{0,3})|([1-5]\d{4})|(6[0-4]\d{3})|(65[0-4]\d{2})|(655[0-2]\d)|(6553[0-5]))))'; } description "AS number is not include."; } typedef password-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "No password is set."; } enum "cipher" { value 1; description "Set a ciphertext."; } enum "simple" { value 2; status deprecated; description "Set a plaintext. The simple type is deprecated. The cipher type is preferred instead of simple."; } } description "The type of bgpcommPassword."; } typedef af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4multi" { value 2; description "IPv4 multicast address family."; } enum "ipv4vpn" { value 3; description "IPv4 VPN address family."; } enum "ipv4labeluni" { value 4; description "IPv4 Labeled Address Family."; } enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv6vpn" { value 6; description "IPv6 VPN address family."; } enum "ipv4flow" { value 7; description "IPv4 Flow address family."; } enum "l2vpnad" { value 8; description "L2VPN-AD Address Family."; } enum "evpn" { value 9; description "EVPN address family."; } enum "mvpn" { value 10; description "IPv4 MVPN address family."; } enum "vpntarget" { value 11; description "Vpn Target Address Family."; } enum "ipv4vpnmcast" { value 12; description "IPv4 VPN Multicast Address Family."; } enum "ls" { value 13; description "Link-state Address Family."; } enum "mdt" { value 14; description "IPv4 MDT Address Family."; } enum "ipv6flow" { value 15; description "IPv6 Flow Address Family."; } enum "mvpnv6" { value 16; description "IPv6 MVPN address family."; } enum "vpnv4flow" { value 17; description "Vpnv4 Flow Address Family."; } enum "vpnv6flow" { value 18; description "Vpnv6 Flow Address Family."; } enum "rpd" { value 19; description "RPD Address Family."; } enum "ipv4srpolicy" { value 20; description "IPv4-family Srpolicy Address Family."; } enum "ipv6srpolicy" { value 21; description "IPv6-family Srpolicy Address Family."; } enum "ipv4sdwan" { value 22; description "IPv4-family SD-WAN Address Family."; } } description "The type of bgpcommPrefix."; } typedef group-af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4multi" { value 2; description "IPv4 multicast address family."; } enum "ipv4vpn" { value 3; description "IPv4 VPN address family."; } enum "ipv4labeluni" { value 4; description "IPv4 Labeled Address Family."; } enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv6vpn" { value 6; description "IPv6 VPN address family."; } enum "l2vpnad" { value 8; description "L2VPN-AD Address Family."; } enum "evpn" { value 9; description "EVPN address family."; } enum "mvpn" { value 10; description "IPv4 MVPN address family."; } enum "vpntarget" { value 11; description "Vpn Target Address Family."; } enum "ipv4vpnmcast" { value 12; description "IPv4 VPN Multicast Address Family."; } enum "ls" { value 13; description "Link-state Address Family."; } enum "mdt" { value 14; description "IPv4 MDT Address Family."; } enum "mvpnv6" { value 16; description "IPv6 MVPN address family."; } enum "ipv4sdwan" { value 22; description "IPv4-family SD-WAN Address Family."; } } description "The type of bgpcommPrefix."; } typedef group-type { type enumeration { enum "ebgp" { value 1; description "EBGP peer."; } enum "ibgp" { value 2; description "IBGP peer."; } } description "The type of bgp common peer."; } typedef peer-type-info { type enumeration { enum "ebgp" { value 1; description "EBGP peer."; } enum "ibgp" { value 2; description "IBGP peer."; } enum "confed-ebgp" { value 3; description "Confed EBGP peer."; } enum "confed-ibgp" { value 4; description "Confed IBGP peer."; } } description "The type of bgp common peer."; } typedef peer-state { type enumeration { enum "idle" { value 1; description "Idle state."; } enum "connect" { value 2; description "Connecting state."; } enum "active" { value 3; description "Active state."; } enum "opensent" { value 4; description "OpenSent state."; } enum "openconfirm" { value 5; description "OpenConfirm state."; } enum "established" { value 6; description "Established state."; } enum "idle-admin" { value 7; description "Idle (Admin) state."; } enum "idle-ovlmt" { value 8; description "Idle (Ovlmt) state."; } enum "no-neg" { value 9; description "No neg state."; } } description "The state of bgpcommPeer."; } typedef rpd-cap-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Null."; } enum "receive" { value 1; description "Receive."; } enum "send" { value 2; description "Send."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "Both."; } } description "The type of flowRtpDistribute."; } typedef first-as-state { type enumeration { enum "enable" { value 1; description "The check-first-as on the peer was enabled."; } enum "disable" { value 2; description "The check-first-as on the peer was disabled."; } } description "The type of bgpCheckFirstAsRealState."; } typedef ipv4-import-route-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "direct" { value 1; description "Import direct routes."; } enum "ospf" { value 2; description "Import OSPF routes."; } enum "isis" { value 3; description "Import IS-IS routes."; } enum "static" { value 4; description "Import static routes."; } enum "rip" { value 5; description "Import RIP routes."; } enum "unr" { value 11; description "Import UNR routes."; } enum "op-route" { value 14; description "Import OPR routes."; } } description "The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute."; } typedef ipv6-import-route-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "direct" { value 1; description "Import direct routes."; } enum "isis" { value 3; description "Import IS-IS routes."; } enum "static" { value 4; description "Import static routes."; } enum "ospfv3" { value 7; description "Import OSPFv3 routes."; } enum "ripng" { value 8; description "Import RIPng routes."; } enum "unr" { value 11; description "Import UNR routes."; } } description "The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute."; } typedef ipv4multi-import-route-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "direct" { value 1; description "Import direct routes."; } enum "ospf" { value 2; description "Import OSPF routes."; } enum "isis" { value 3; description "Import IS-IS routes."; } enum "static" { value 4; description "Import static routes."; } enum "rip" { value 5; description "Import RIP routes."; } enum "unr" { value 11; description "Import UNR routes."; } } description "The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute."; } typedef apply-label-type { type enumeration { enum "per-route" { value 0; description "Labels are assigned to routes in the 'one label per route' mode, that is, each route is assigned with one label."; } enum "per-nexthop" { value 1; description "Labels are assigned to the routes which have same nexthop and out-label in 'one label per nexthop' mode, that is, all routes have same nexthop and out-label are assigned with the same label."; } } description "The type of bgpcommApplyLabel."; } typedef nexthop-configuration-type { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 1; description "The next hop is changed to the local IP address."; } enum "invariable" { value 2; description "Prevent the device from changing the next hop of each imported IGP route when advertising it to its BGP peers."; } } description "The nexthop configuration of bgp."; } typedef peer-cap-config-state { type enumeration { enum "default" { value 0; description "Inherit the group or global configuration of check-first-as."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Explicit config enable check-first-as."; } enum "disable" { value 2; description "Explicit config disable check-first-as."; } } description "The type of check-first-as-tri-state."; } typedef connect-mode { type enumeration { enum "listen-only" { value 1; description "Listening mode."; } enum "connect-only" { value 2; description "Connection mode."; } enum "null" { value 3; description "Default value."; } } description "The connect mode of bgp common peer."; } typedef vrf-nexthop-configuration-type { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 1; description "The next hop is changed to the local IP address."; } } description "The nexthop configuration of bgp."; } typedef epe-state { type enumeration { enum "default" { value 0; description "Disable or inheritance group."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Explicit config enable."; } } description "The type of bgpEpeState."; } typedef bgp-orf-mode-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Default value."; } enum "receive" { value 1; description "ORF for incoming packets."; } enum "send" { value 2; description "ORF for outgoing packets."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "ORF for incoming and outgoing packets."; } } description "The mode of bgpcommonOrf."; } typedef bgp-orf-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Null:"; } enum "ip-prefix" { value 64; description "IP-prefix:"; } enum "nonstandard-compatible" { value 128; description "Nonstandard compatible:"; } } description "The type of bgpcommonOrf."; } typedef cra-match-mode { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Null."; } enum "matchall" { value 1; description "Advertise the default route if all matching conditions are met."; } enum "matchany" { value 2; description "Advertise the default route if any matching condition is met."; } } description "The mode of bgpcommonCraMatch."; } typedef bfd-state { type enumeration { enum "up" { value 1; description "The BFD session is Up."; } enum "down" { value 2; description "The BFD session is Down."; } enum "unknown" { value 3; description "The BFD session is unknown."; } } description "The state of bgpBfd."; } typedef select-depend-type { type enumeration { enum "depend-tunnel" { value 1; description "Routing-dependent tunnel iteration."; } enum "depend-ip" { value 2; description "Routing-dependent IP iteration."; } } description "The type of nexthop select depend."; } typedef select-depend-type-ext { type enumeration { enum "depend-tunnel" { value 1; description "Routing-dependent tunnel iteration."; } enum "depend-ip" { value 2; description "Routing-dependent IP iteration."; } enum "depend-none" { value 3; description "Routing-dependent ignore."; } } description "The type of nexthop select depend."; } typedef select-depend-ip-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Null."; } enum "depend-ip" { value 2; description "Routing-dependent IP iteration."; } } description "The type of nexthop select depend."; } typedef add-path-cap-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Null."; } enum "receive" { value 1; description "Support receiving Add-Path routes."; } enum "send" { value 2; description "Support sending Add-Path routes."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "Support receiving and sending Add-Path routes."; } } description "The type of bgpcommAddPathCap."; } typedef route-limit-type { type enumeration { enum "noparameter" { value 0; description "Default value."; } enum "alert-only" { value 1; description "An alarm is generated and no additional routes will be accepted if the maximum number of routes allowed have been received."; } enum "idle-forever" { value 2; description "The connection that is interrupted is not automatically re-established if the maximum number of routes allowed have been received."; } enum "idle-timeout" { value 3; description "After the number of received routes exceeds the threshold and the timeout timer expires, the connection that is interrupted is automatically re-established."; } } description "The type of bgpcommRouteLmt."; } typedef import-rib-ipv4-safi-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4labeluni" { value 4; description "IPv4 Labeled Address Family."; } } description "The src address type of import rib."; } typedef vrf-import-rib-ipv4-safi-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } } description "The src address type of import rib."; } typedef import-rib-ipv6-safi-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } } description "The src address type of import rib."; } typedef peer-comm-config-type { type enumeration { enum "default" { value 0; description "Configuration on peer was default."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Configuration on peer was enable."; } enum "disable" { value 2; description "Configuration on peer was disable."; } } description "State of the configuration on peer."; } typedef peer-state-type { type enumeration { enum "idle" { value 1; description "Idle state."; } enum "connect" { value 2; description "Connecting state."; } enum "active" { value 3; description "Active state."; } enum "opensent" { value 4; description "OpenSent state."; } enum "openconfirm" { value 5; description "OpenConfirm state."; } enum "established" { value 6; description "Established state."; } enum "idle-admin" { value 7; description "Idle (Admin) state."; } enum "idle-ovlmt" { value 8; description "Idle (Ovlmt) state."; } enum "no-neg" { value 9; description "No neg state."; } } description "The state of peer state."; } typedef dampening-route-peer-type { type enumeration { enum "ebgp" { value 0; description "EBGP peer."; } } description "The peer type of bgp dampening route."; } typedef dampening-route-ext-peer-type { type enumeration { enum "ebgp" { value 0; description "EBGP peer."; } enum "ibgp" { value 1; description "IBGP peer."; } } description "The peer type of bgp dampening route."; } typedef attribute-set-type { type enumeration { enum "receive" { value 1; description "Supports receiving and parsing ATTRSET attributes."; } enum "send" { value 2; description "Support sending ATTRSET attribute."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "Supports receiving and sending ATTRSET attributes."; } } description "The type of attrSet."; } typedef ipv4-export-filter-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "noprotocol" { value 0; description "Import routes of all protocols."; } enum "direct" { value 1; description "Import direct routes."; } enum "ospf" { value 2; description "Import OSPF routes."; } enum "isis" { value 3; description "Import IS-IS routes."; } enum "static" { value 4; description "Import static routes."; } enum "rip" { value 5; description "Import RIP routes."; } enum "op-route" { value 14; description "Import OPR routes."; } } description "The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute."; } typedef ipv6-export-filter-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "noprotocol" { value 0; description "Import routes of all protocols."; } enum "direct" { value 1; description "Import direct routes."; } enum "isis" { value 3; description "Import IS-IS routes."; } enum "static" { value 4; description "Import static routes."; } enum "ospfv3" { value 7; description "Import OSPFv3 routes."; } enum "ripng" { value 8; description "Import RIPng routes."; } enum "unr" { value 11; description "Import UNR routes."; } } description "The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute."; } typedef peer-enable-config-type { type enumeration { enum "default" { value 0; description "Configuration on peer was default."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Configuration on peer was enable."; } } description "State of the configuration on peer."; } typedef exp-mode-type { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Default value."; } enum "pipe" { value 1; description "The priority of BGP labels is not modified, and the outer label is removed."; } enum "uniform" { value 2; description "The label priority of intra-AS tunnels is copied to the BGP label."; } } description "The type of bgpcommExpMode."; } typedef nexthop-priority-address-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 1; description "IPv4 address."; } enum "ipv6" { value 2; description "IPv6 address."; } } description "The address type of nexthop priority."; } typedef path-attr-treat-type { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 0; description "Processing mode of normal path attribute."; } } description "Processing mode of path attribute."; } typedef entropy-label-attribute-type { type enumeration { enum "elc" { value 1; description "Elc."; } } description "The attribute type of advertising entropy labels."; } typedef paf-control-feature-type { type enumeration { enum "route-num-all-peer" { value 0; description "Disable PAF-based limiting on the maximum number of routes sent by peers in all address families."; } } description "The features controlled by PAF."; } typedef sid-type { type enumeration { enum "auto-sid" { value 1; description "Automatic SID."; } enum "static-sid" { value 2; description "Static SID."; } } description "SID types."; } typedef memory-priority { type enumeration { enum "low" { value 0; description "Low priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } enum "medium" { value 1; description "Medium priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } enum "high" { value 2; description "High priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } } description "The priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } typedef peer-memory-priority { type enumeration { enum "low" { value 0; description "Low priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } enum "medium" { value 1; description "Medium priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } enum "high" { value 2; description "High priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } enum "default" { value 3; description "Default priority (medium), or priority inherited from a peer group."; } } description "The priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs."; } typedef lsp-operation-type { type enumeration { enum "pop" { value 0; description "Label operation mode is POP."; } enum "pop-go" { value 1; description "Label operation mode is POPGO."; } } description "The label operation mode."; } typedef bgp-advertise-route-mode { type enumeration { enum "all" { value 0; description "All routes."; } enum "best" { value 1; description "Best routes."; } enum "valid" { value 2; description "Valid routes."; } } description "The mode of advertise route."; } typedef peer-establish-mode { type enumeration { enum "static" { value 1; description "Establish a BGP peer relationship statically."; } enum "dynamic" { value 2; description "Establish a BGP peer relationship dynamically."; } enum "unnumbered" { value 3; description "Establish an unnumbered neighbor relationship."; } } description "The mode in which a BGP peer is established."; } typedef as-number-type { type enumeration { enum "dynamic-neighbor" { value 1; description "Dynamic neighbor AS number."; } enum "confederation" { value 2; description "Confederation AS number."; } } description "The Type of the AS number that is used to establish a dynamic peer relationship."; } typedef peer-attr-enable-type { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "The attribute on the peer was disabled."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "The attribute on the peer was enabled."; } } description "State of the attribute on peer."; } typedef instance-af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4vpn" { value 3; description "IPv4 VPN address family."; } enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } enum "evpn" { value 9; description "EVPN address family."; } } description "The type of bgpcommPrefix."; } typedef instance-group-af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4vpn" { value 3; description "IPv4 VPN address family."; } enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } } description "The type of bgpcommPrefix."; } typedef direction-type { type enumeration { enum "export" { value 1; description "Outbound direction."; } enum "import" { value 2; description "Inbound direction."; } } description "The type of bgpcommDirection."; } typedef dependent-prefix-filter-type { type enumeration { enum "match-all" { value 1; description "Match all active routes."; } enum "match-one" { value 2; description "Match one active route."; } enum "match-none" { value 3; description "Match all inactive routes."; } } description "The type of matching dependent routes."; } typedef ssl-role-type { type enumeration { enum "client" { value 1; description "SSL client."; } enum "server" { value 2; description "SSL server."; } } description "The type of SSL role."; } typedef peer-ssl-role-type { type enumeration { enum "client" { value 1; description "SSL client."; } enum "server" { value 2; description "SSL server."; } enum "disable" { value 3; description "Not configured on peer, or inherited from a peer group."; } } description "The type of SSL role."; } typedef region-validation-bestroute-type { type enumeration { enum "allow-only-valid" { value 1; description "Only routes with BGP region validation result valid to be selected."; } enum "allow-invalid" { value 2; description "Routes with BGP region validation result invalid to be selected in a lower priority."; } } description "The BGP region validation bestroute type."; } } // submodule huawei-bgp-type
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