BGP EPE configuration.
Version: 2020-03-25
module huawei-bgp-epe { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-bgp-epe"; prefix bgp-epe; import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-bgp { prefix bgp; } import huawei-srv6 { prefix srv6; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-te { prefix te; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-twamp-controller { prefix twamp-controller; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "BGP EPE configuration."; revision "2020-03-25" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "bgp"; typedef sid-type { type enumeration { enum "psp-usp-usd-sid" { value 2; description "Static End.X SID (psp, usp, usd) of a BGP peer."; } enum "psp-usp-usd-coc-sid" { value 3; description "Static End.X SID (psp, usp, usd, coc) of a BGP peer."; } } description "SRv6 static SID type."; } typedef sid-mode-type { type enumeration { enum "common" { value 0; description "Common mode of SRv6 static SID type."; } enum "compress" { value 1; description "Compress mode of SRv6 static SID type."; } } description "Sid mode type."; } augment /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/bgp:bgp/bgp:base-process { description "BGP egress engineering segment-routing IPv6 configuration."; container epe-srv6 { when "../../../ni:name='_public_'"; description "Configure BGP egress engineering segment-routing IPv6 information."; leaf locator-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator/srv6:name"; } description "Referenced locator name."; } } // container epe-srv6 } augment /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/bgp:bgp/bgp:base-process/bgp:peers/bgp:peer { description "BGP peer egress engineering segment-routing IPv6 configuration."; container epe-srv6 { when "../../../../../ni:name='_public_' and ../bgp:egress-engineer='enable'"; description "Configure BGP peer egress engineering segment-routing IPv6 information."; choice sid-option { description "Set automatic SID or static SID."; case auto-sid { description "Set automatic SID."; leaf locator-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator/srv6:name"; } description "Name of the locator referenced by a BGP peer."; } } // case auto-sid case static-sid { when "../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name"; description "Set static SID (PSP) value."; choice psp-sid-type { description "Set SID compress flag."; case uncompress { description "SID (PSP)."; leaf psp-sid { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; must "not(../no-flavor-sid) or (.!=../no-flavor-sid)"; must "not(../no-flavor-sid-compress) or (.!=../no-flavor-sid-compress)"; must "not(../ext-static-sids/ext-static-sid[sid-value=current()])"; description "Static End.X SID (PSP) of a BGP peer."; } } // case uncompress case compress { description "Compress SID (PSP)."; leaf psp-sid-compress { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; must "not(../no-flavor-sid) or (.!=../no-flavor-sid)"; must "not(../no-flavor-sid-compress) or (.!=../no-flavor-sid-compress)"; must "not(../ext-static-sids/ext-static-sid[sid-value=current()])"; must "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator[srv6:name=current()/../../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name]/srv6:compress-block-length"; must "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator[srv6:name=current()/../../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name]/srv6:compress-static-length"; description "Static End.X Compress SID (PSP) of a BGP peer."; } } // case compress } // choice psp-sid-type choice no-flavor-sid-type { description "Set static SID (no flavor) value."; case uncompress { description "SID (no flavor)."; leaf no-flavor-sid { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; must "not(../psp-sid) or (.!=../psp-sid)"; must "not(../psp-sid-compress) or (.!=../psp-sid-compress)"; must "not(../ext-static-sids/ext-static-sid[sid-value=current()])"; description "Static End.X SID (no flavor) of a BGP peer."; } } // case uncompress case compress { description "Compress SID (no flavor)."; leaf no-flavor-sid-compress { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; must "not(../psp-sid) or (.!=../psp-sid)"; must "not(../psp-sid-compress) or (.!=../psp-sid-compress)"; must "not(../ext-static-sids/ext-static-sid[sid-value=current()])"; must "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator[srv6:name=current()/../../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name]/srv6:compress-block-length"; must "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator[srv6:name=current()/../../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name]/srv6:compress-static-length"; description "Static End.X Compress SID (no flavor) of a BGP peer."; } } // case compress } // choice no-flavor-sid-type container ext-static-sids { description "List of static SID."; list ext-static-sid { key "type"; unique "sid-value"; description "Configure static SID."; leaf type { type sid-type; description "The type of SRv6 static SID type."; } leaf sid-mode { type sid-mode-type; must ".!='compress' or (.='compress' and /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator[srv6:name=current()/../../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name]/srv6:compress-block-length and /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/srv6:srv6/srv6:locators/srv6:locator[srv6:name=current()/../../../../bgp-epe:epe-srv6/bgp-epe:locator-name]/srv6:compress-static-length)"; mandatory true; description "The mode of SRv6 static SID type."; } leaf sid-value { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; mandatory true; description "Sid value."; } } // list ext-static-sid } // container ext-static-sids } // case static-sid } // choice sid-option } // container epe-srv6 container epe { description "Configure BGP peer egress engineering information."; container virtual-link { when "../../../../../../ni:name='_public_'"; must "../../bgp:egress-engineer='enable'"; must "contains(../../bgp:address,':') and (substring(../../bgp:address,1,4) != 'FE80')"; must "not(admin-groups-name) or not(admin-groups)"; presence "Create EPE virtual link."; description "Configure BGP peer egress engineering segment-routing IPv6 virtual link information."; leaf metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } description "Specifies the Value of virtual link metric."; } leaf admin-groups { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "Specifies virtual link management attributes. They are total 32 bits."; } leaf-list srlg-group { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } max-elements 64; description "Configure a list of risk-shared link groups of virtual link."; } leaf twamp-test-session-id { type leafref { path "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session/twamp-controller:id"; } must "contains(/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session[twamp-controller:id = current()]/twamp-controller:send-ip-addr, ':')"; description "Specifies the Value of twamp test-session ID."; } leaf-list admin-groups-name { type leafref { path "/te:te/te:affinity-define/te:affinity-mappings/te:affinity-mapping/te:attribute-name"; } max-elements 32; description "Configure the virtual link management attributes. They are total 32 bits."; } } // container virtual-link } // container epe } } // module huawei-bgp-epe
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