TWAMP Controller.
Version: 2020-03-14
module huawei-twamp-controller { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-twamp-controller"; prefix twamp-controller; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-l3vpn { prefix l3vpn; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "TWAMP Controller."; revision "2020-03-14" { description "Modify description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-12-27" { description "Solve some errors."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-05-05" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "twampclient"; typedef period-type { type enumeration { enum "10ms" { value 1; description "The period of sending packets is 10ms."; } enum "100ms" { value 2; description "The period of sending packets is 100ms."; } enum "1000ms" { value 3; description "The period of sending packets is 1000ms."; } enum "30000ms" { value 4; description "The period of sending packets is 30000ms."; } } description "The period of sending packets."; } typedef test-state { type enumeration { enum "initial" { value 0; description "Test session state is initial."; } enum "active" { value 2; description "Test session state is active."; } enum "inactive" { value 1; description "Test session state is inactive."; } enum "unknown" { value 3; description "Test session state is unknown."; } enum "inconsistent" { value 4; description "Test session state is inconsistent."; } } description "Test session state."; } typedef session-start-type { type enumeration { enum "continual" { value 1; description "Session start type is continual."; } enum "on-demand" { value 2; description "Session start type is on-demand."; } enum "unknown" { value 0; description "Session start type is unknown."; } enum "regular" { value 3; description "Session start type is regular."; } } description "Session start type."; } typedef ctrl-auth-mode { type enumeration { enum "unauthenticated" { value 0; description "Controller authentication mode is unauthenticated."; } enum "authenticated" { value 1; description "Controller authentication mode is authenticated."; } enum "encrypted" { value 2; description "Controller authentication mode is encrypted."; } enum "unknown" { value 3; description "Controller authentication mode is unknown."; } } description "Controller authentication mode."; } typedef padding-info { type enumeration { enum "00" { value 0; description "Padding information is 00."; } enum "aa" { value 170; description "Padding information is aa."; } enum "55" { value 85; description "Padding information is 55."; } enum "ff" { value 255; description "Padding information is ff."; } } description "Padding information."; } typedef inactive-reason { type enumeration { enum "not-startup" { value 1; description "The inactive reason is not startup."; } enum "absence-resource" { value 2; description "The inactive reason is absence of resource."; } enum "board-fault" { value 3; description "The inactive reason is board fault."; } } description "The inactive reason."; } container twamp-controller { description "TWAMP Controller."; container client { presence "Enable client of TWAMP."; description "Configure the client of TWAMP light."; container sessions { description "List of configuration session."; list session { key "id"; unique "send-ip-addr ref-ip-addr send-port ref-port vrf-name"; description "Configure the object of session."; leaf id { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "The session ID of configuration session."; } leaf send-ip-addr { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; must "((../send-ip-addr) != (../ref-ip-addr))"; mandatory true; description "The sender IP address of configuration session."; } leaf ref-ip-addr { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; must "((../send-ip-addr) != (../ref-ip-addr))"; mandatory true; description "The reflector IP address of configuration session."; } leaf send-port { type uint16 { range "862..863|1025..65535"; } mandatory true; description "The sender port of configuration session."; } leaf ref-port { type uint16 { range "862..863|1025..65535"; } mandatory true; description "The reflector port of configuration session."; } leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } must "(contains(../send-ip-addr,':') and /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance[ni:name = current()]/l3vpn:afs/l3vpn:af[l3vpn:type='ipv6-unicast']) or (not(contains(../send-ip-addr,':'))and /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance[ni:name = current()]/l3vpn:afs/l3vpn:af[l3vpn:type='ipv4-unicast'])"; description "The VRF name of configuration session."; } leaf dscp-value { type uint32 { range "0..63"; } default "0"; description "The DSCP value of configuration session."; } leaf padding-length { type uint32 { range "32..1454"; } must "(contains(../send-ip-addr,':') and ((../link-bundle-if and ../padding-length>=38 and ../padding-length<=1428) or (not(../link-bundle-if) and ../padding-length<=1434))) or (not(contains(../send-ip-addr,':')) and ((../link-bundle-if and ../padding-length>=38 and ../padding-length<=1448) or not(../link-bundle-if)))"; default "128"; description "The padding length of configuration session. The value range is 32-1454 and 32-1434 in V4 and V6, respectively."; } leaf padding-type { type padding-info; default "00"; description "Padding type."; } leaf binded-interface { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "The interface name which the test-session is binded to."; } leaf description { type string { length "3..32"; } description "Session description."; } leaf link-bundle-if { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name = current()]/ifm:type='Eth-Trunk'"; must "not(../binded-interface)"; description "Link-bundle interface that the session binds."; } container twoway-loss-threshold { description "Configure the twoway loss threshold of session."; leaf up-limit { type string { length "1..7"; pattern '[0-1]{0,1}[0-9]{0,1}[0-9]{0,1}(\.[0-9]{1,4})?'; } units "%"; default "0.1"; description "Twoway loss threshold upper limit."; } leaf low-limit { type string { length "1..7"; pattern '[0-1]{0,1}[0-9]{0,1}[0-9]{0,1}(\.[0-9]{1,4})?'; } units "%"; default "0.05"; description "Twoway loss threshold lower limit."; } } // container twoway-loss-threshold container twoway-delay-threshold { description "Configure the twoway delay threshold of session."; leaf up-limit { type uint32 { range "2..1000"; } units "ms"; must "../low-limit < ../up-limit"; default "100"; description "Twoway delay threshold upper limit."; } leaf low-limit { type uint32 { range "1..999"; } units "ms"; must "../low-limit < ../up-limit"; default "80"; description "Twoway delay threshold lower limit."; } } // container twoway-delay-threshold container twoway-jitter-threshold { description "Configure the twoway jitter threshold of session."; leaf up-limit { type uint32 { range "2..1000"; } units "ms"; must "../low-limit < ../up-limit"; default "10"; description "Twoway jitter threshold upper limit."; } leaf low-limit { type uint32 { range "1..999"; } units "ms"; must "../low-limit < ../up-limit"; default "8"; description "Twoway jitter threshold lower limit."; } } // container twoway-jitter-threshold container session-detail { config false; description "Statistics of the running session information."; leaf state { type test-state; description "The state of configuration session."; } leaf type { type session-start-type; description "The type of configuration session."; } leaf auth-mode { type ctrl-auth-mode; description "The authentication mode of configuration session."; } leaf last-start-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "The last start time of configuration session."; } leaf last-stop-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "The last stop time of configuration session."; } leaf duration-time { type uint32; units "s"; description "The duation time of configuration session."; } leaf packet-count { type uint32; description "The packet count of configuration session."; } leaf period { type period-type; units "ms"; description "The period of configuration session."; } leaf timeout { type uint16 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; description "The timeout of configuration session."; } container member-interface-infos { description "List of member interface information."; list member-interface-info { key "member-if"; description "Statistics of the member interface information."; leaf member-if { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Member interface name."; } leaf state { type test-state; description "The state of configuration session."; } leaf inactive-reason { type inactive-reason; description "The inactive reason."; } leaf last-start-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "The last start time of configuration session."; } leaf last-stop-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "The last stop time of configuration session."; } } // list member-interface-info } // container member-interface-infos } // container session-detail container twoway-delay-result { config false; description "Statistics of the result of two way delay."; leaf average-delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average delay."; } leaf maximum-delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum delay."; } leaf minimum-delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum delay."; } leaf average-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average jitter."; } leaf maximum-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum jitter."; } leaf minimum-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum jitter."; } leaf average-tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average TX jitter."; } leaf maximum-tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum TX jitter."; } leaf minimum-tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum TX jitter."; } leaf average-rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average RX jitter."; } leaf maximum-rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum RX jitter."; } leaf minimum-rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum RX jitter."; } container twoway-delay-datas { description "List of two way delay data."; list twoway-delay-data { key "index"; description "Statistics of data of two-way delay measurement."; leaf index { type uint32; description "Data index of two-way delay measurement."; } leaf delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way delay results."; } leaf jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way jitter results."; } leaf tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way TX jitter results."; } leaf rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way RX jitter results."; } } // list twoway-delay-data } // container twoway-delay-datas } // container twoway-delay-result container twoway-delay-result-link-bundle-ifs { config false; description "List of the result of two way delay of link bundle session."; list twoway-delay-result-link-bundle-if { key "member-if"; description "Statistics of data of two-way loss measurement."; leaf member-if { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Member interface name."; } leaf average-delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average delay."; } leaf maximum-delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum delay."; } leaf minimum-delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum delay."; } leaf average-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average jitter."; } leaf maximum-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum jitter."; } leaf minimum-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum jitter."; } leaf average-tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average TX jitter."; } leaf maximum-tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum TX jitter."; } leaf minimum-tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum TX jitter."; } leaf average-rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The average RX jitter."; } leaf maximum-rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The maximum RX jitter."; } leaf minimum-rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "The minimum RX jitter."; } container twoway-delay-datas { description "List of two way delay data."; list twoway-delay-data { key "index"; description "Statistics of data of two-way delay measurement."; leaf index { type uint32; description "Data index of two-way delay measurement."; } leaf delay { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way delay results."; } leaf jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way jitter results."; } leaf tx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way TX jitter results."; } leaf rx-jitter { type uint32; units "us"; description "Two-way RX jitter results."; } } // list twoway-delay-data } // container twoway-delay-datas } // list twoway-delay-result-link-bundle-if } // container twoway-delay-result-link-bundle-ifs container twoway-loss-result { config false; description "Statistics of the result of two way loss."; leaf average-loss { type uint32; description "The average loss."; } leaf maximum-loss { type uint32; description "The maximum loss."; } leaf minimum-loss { type uint32; description "The minimum loss."; } leaf average-loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The average loss ratio."; } leaf maximum-loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The maximum loss ratio."; } leaf minimum-loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The minimum loss ratio."; } leaf average-rx-error { type uint32; description "The average RX error."; } leaf maximum-rx-error { type uint32; description "The maximum RX error."; } leaf minium-rx-error { type uint32; description "The minium RX error."; } leaf average-rx-error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The average RX error ratio."; } leaf maximum-rx-error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The maximum RX error ratio."; } leaf minimum-rx-error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The minimum RX error ratio."; } container twoway-loss-datas { description "List of two way loss data."; list twoway-loss-data { key "index"; description "Statistics of data of two-way loss measurement."; leaf index { type uint32; description "Data index of two-way loss measurement."; } leaf loss { type uint32; description "Two-way loss results."; } leaf loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "Two-way lossRatio results."; } leaf error { type uint32; description "Two-way error results."; } leaf error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "Two-way error ratio results."; } } // list twoway-loss-data } // container twoway-loss-datas } // container twoway-loss-result container twoway-loss-result-link-bundle-ifs { config false; description "List of the result of two way loss of link bundle session."; list twoway-loss-result-link-bundle-if { key "member-if"; description "Statistics of data of two-way loss measurement."; leaf member-if { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Member interface name."; } leaf average-loss { type uint32; description "The average loss."; } leaf maximum-loss { type uint32; description "The maximum loss."; } leaf minimum-loss { type uint32; description "The minimum loss."; } leaf average-loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The average loss ratio."; } leaf maximum-loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The maximum loss ratio."; } leaf minimum-loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The minimum loss ratio."; } leaf average-rx-error { type uint32; description "The average RX error."; } leaf maximum-rx-error { type uint32; description "The maximum RX error."; } leaf minium-rx-error { type uint32; description "The minium RX error."; } leaf average-rx-error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The average RX error ratio."; } leaf maximum-rx-error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The maximum RX error ratio."; } leaf minimum-rx-error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "The minimum RX error ratio."; } container twoway-loss-datas { description "List of two way loss data."; list twoway-loss-data { key "index"; description "Statistics of data of two-way loss measurement."; leaf index { type uint32; description "Data index of two-way loss measurement."; } leaf loss { type uint32; description "Two-way loss results."; } leaf loss-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "Two-way lossRatio results."; } leaf error { type uint32; description "Two-way error results."; } leaf error-ratio { type string { length "1..9"; } description "Two-way error ratio results."; } } // list twoway-loss-data } // container twoway-loss-datas } // list twoway-loss-result-link-bundle-if } // container twoway-loss-result-link-bundle-ifs } // list session } // container sessions } // container client container sender { presence "Enable sender of TWAMP"; description "Configure the sender of TWAMP light."; container sessions { description "List of sender session."; list session { key "id"; description "Configure the object of sender session."; leaf id { type leafref { path "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session/twamp-controller:id"; } description "Configure the session ID of sender session."; } leaf period { type period-type; units "ms"; default "100ms"; description "The period of sender session."; } leaf timeout { type uint16 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; default "5"; description "The timeout of sender session."; } } // list session } // container sessions container regular-sessions { description "List of sender regular session."; list regular-session { key "id"; description "Configure the object of sender regular session."; leaf id { type leafref { path "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session/twamp-controller:id"; } description "The session ID of regular sender session."; } leaf regular-time { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete"; type uint16 { range "10..60"; } units "s"; default "30"; description "The regular time of sender regular session."; } leaf packet-count { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete"; type uint32 { range "10..1000"; } default "100"; description "The packet count of sender regular session."; } leaf timeout { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete"; type uint8 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; default "5"; description "The timeout of sender regular session."; } } // list regular-session } // container regular-sessions } // container sender } // container twamp-controller rpc start-on-demand-test { ext:node-ref "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session"; description "Start twamp-light on demand test."; input { leaf id { type leafref { path "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session/twamp-controller:id"; } mandatory true; description "The session ID of on demand test session."; } choice packet-sent-type { mandatory true; description "Configure the type how the packet is sent in on demand test session."; case duration-type { description "The packet is sent in dedicated duration."; leaf duration-time { type uint32 { range "60..300"; } units "s"; description "The duation time of on demand test session."; } } // case duration-type case count-type { description "The packet is sent by total count."; leaf packet-count { type uint32 { range "100..3000"; } description "The packet count of on demand test session."; } } // case count-type } // choice packet-sent-type leaf period { type period-type; units "ms"; default "100ms"; description "The period of on demand test session."; } leaf timeout { type uint16 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; default "5"; description "The timeout of on demand test session."; } } } // rpc start-on-demand-test rpc stop-on-demand-test { ext:node-ref "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session"; description "Stop twamp-light on demand test."; input { leaf id { type leafref { path "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session/twamp-controller:id"; } description "The session ID of on demand test session."; } } } // rpc stop-on-demand-test rpc reset-statistics { ext:node-ref "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session"; description "Reset the twamp-light statistics."; input { leaf id { type leafref { path "/twamp-controller:twamp-controller/twamp-controller:client/twamp-controller:sessions/twamp-controller:session/twamp-controller:id"; } description "The session ID of test session."; } } } // rpc reset-statistics } // module huawei-twamp-controller
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