This module contains a collection of IOS-XR YANG model derived from CLI. Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All ri...
Version: 2020-10-01
module Cisco-IOS-XR-um-if-service-policy-qos-cfg { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix um-if-service-policy-qos-cfg; import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-um-interface-cfg { prefix a1; } import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact " Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 1800 553-NETS E-mail: "; description " This module contains a collection of IOS-XR YANG model derived from CLI. Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. "; revision "2020-10-01" { description "Added augmentation to interface-preconfigure"; } revision "2019-06-10" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2019-01-11" { description "Initial version"; } semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; feature service-policy { description "Service policy"; } feature account-user-def { description "User defined accounting"; } feature shared-policy-instance { description "Configure a shared-policy-instance"; } feature sub-parent-policy { description "Configure an svlan policy"; } feature sub-group { description "Configure a subscriber-group"; } feature sfrag-parent-policy { description "Apply service fragment policy"; } feature ipsec-policy { description "service policy to be applied to encrypted traffic"; } feature egress { description "Configure service policy for egress direction"; } feature ingress { description "Configure service policy for ingress direction"; } feature qfab { description "Configure switch fabric"; } typedef service-policy-name-type { type string { pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._@$%+#:=<>\\\\-]{0,62}"; } } typedef account-type { type enumeration { enum "layer1" { value 8; description "Turn on Layer 1 accounting"; } enum "layer2" { value 1; description "Turn on Layer 2 accounting"; } enum "nolayer2" { value 2; description "Turn off Layer 2 accounting"; } enum "user-defined" { value 4; description "User defined accounting"; } } description "This field is used to specify the type of Layer specific or user defined Qos accounting"; } typedef l2-account-type { type enumeration { enum "layer2" { value 1; description "Turn on Layer 2 accounting"; } enum "nolayer2" { value 2; description "Turn off Layer 2 accounting"; } enum "user-defined" { value 4; description "User defined accounting"; } } description "This field is used to specify the type of Layer specific or user defined Qos accounting"; } grouping service-policy-account { leaf account { type account-type; description "Turn off layer specific accounting"; } leaf account-user-defined { when "../account = 'user-defined'"; if-feature account-user-def; type int8 { range "-63..63"; } description "User defined accounting"; } } // grouping service-policy-account grouping service-policy-account-l2 { leaf account { type l2-account-type; description "Turn off layer specific accounting"; } leaf account-user-defined { when "../account = 'user-defined'"; if-feature account-user-def; type int8 { range "-63..63"; } description "User defined accounting"; } } // grouping service-policy-account-l2 grouping shared-policy-instance { leaf shared-policy-instance { if-feature shared-policy-instance; type service-policy-name-type { length "1..32"; } must "not(../subscriber-parent) and not(../service-fragment-parent)"; description "Configure a shared-policy-instance"; } } // grouping shared-policy-instance grouping shared-policy-instance-l2 { leaf shared-policy-instance { if-feature shared-policy-instance; type service-policy-name-type { length "1..32"; } description "Configure a shared-policy-instance"; } } // grouping shared-policy-instance-l2 grouping subscriber-parent { container subscriber-parent { if-feature sub-parent-policy; must "not(../shared-policy-instance) and not(../service-fragment-parent)"; presence "Configure an svlan policy"; description "Configure an svlan policy"; leaf resource-id { type uint8 { range "0..3"; } description "Configure a resource-id"; } } // container subscriber-parent } // grouping subscriber-parent grouping service-fragment-parent { container service-fragment-parent { if-feature sfrag-parent-policy; must "not(../shared-policy-instance) and not(../subscriber-parent)"; presence "Apply service fragment policy"; description "Apply service fragment policy, do not use this node for non service fragment policy"; } // container service-fragment-parent } // grouping service-fragment-parent grouping IF-BODY { container service-policy { tailf:dependency "../a1:interface-name"; when "../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'sub_atm'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel-te'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel-gre'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel-mte'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'MgmtEth'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'Loopback'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'sbc'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'serviceinfra'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'serviceapp'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'Service-Engine'))] and ../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'Service-Mgmt'))]"; if-feature service-policy; description "Configure a service policy"; list output { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel-ip'))]"; if-feature egress; key "service-policy-name"; description "direction of service policy application"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy. Set 'output' for 'service-ipsec and 'service-gre' interfaces"; } uses service-policy-account; uses shared-policy-instance; uses subscriber-parent; uses service-fragment-parent; } // list output list output-subscriber-group { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel-ip'))]"; if-feature egress; must "subscriber-group"; key "service-policy-name"; description "direction of service policy application"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy. Set 'output' for 'service-ipsec and 'service-gre' interfaces"; } list subscriber-group { if-feature sub-group; key "name"; description "Configure a subscriber-group"; leaf name { type string { length "1..32"; } } } // list subscriber-group } // list output-subscriber-group list output-pre-encrypt { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-ipsec')] or ../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-gre')]"; if-feature egress; if-feature ipsec-policy; key "service-policy-name"; description "service policy to be applied to pre encrypted traffic"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy"; } uses service-policy-account; } // list output-pre-encrypt list output-post-encrypt { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-ipsec')] or ../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-gre')]"; if-feature egress; if-feature ipsec-policy; key "service-policy-name"; description "service policy to be applied to post encrypted traffic"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy"; } uses service-policy-account; } // list output-post-encrypt list input { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[not(starts-with(text(),'tunnel-ip'))]"; if-feature ingress; key "service-policy-name"; description "Configure a policy in the input direction"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy. Set 'input' for 'service-ipsec and 'service-gre' interfaces"; } uses service-policy-account; uses shared-policy-instance; uses subscriber-parent; uses service-fragment-parent; } // list input list input-pre-decrypt { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-ipsec')] or ../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-gre')]"; if-feature ingress; if-feature ipsec-policy; key "service-policy-name"; description "service policy to be applied to pre decrypted traffic"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy"; } uses service-policy-account; } // list input-pre-decrypt list input-post-decrypt { tailf:dependency "../../a1:interface-name"; when "../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-ipsec')] or ../../a1:interface-name[starts-with(text(),'service-gre')]"; if-feature ingress; if-feature ipsec-policy; key "service-policy-name"; description "service policy to be applied to post decrypt traffic"; leaf service-policy-name { type service-policy-name-type; description "Name of the service policy"; } uses service-policy-account; } // list input-post-decrypt } // container service-policy } // grouping IF-BODY augment /a1:interfaces/a1:interface { uses IF-BODY; } augment /a1:interfaces/a1:interface-preconfigure { uses IF-BODY; } container switch-fabric { if-feature qfab; description "switch fabric global command sub mode"; container service-policy { description "Configure QFAB Service policy"; leaf policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "0..63"; } description "Name of the QFAB service policy"; } } // container service-policy } // container switch-fabric } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-um-if-service-policy-qos-cfg
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