This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR cont-optics package configuration. This YANG module augm...
Version: 2021-05-10
module Cisco-IOS-XR-um-cont-optics-cfg { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix um-cont-optics-cfg; import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-um-interface-cfg { prefix a1; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-um-snmp-server-cfg { prefix a2; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR cont-optics package configuration. This YANG module augments the modules with configuration data. Copyright (c) 2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-05-10" { description "Initial release"; } semver:module-version "1.0.0"; feature optics { description "optics"; } feature optics_config_supp_check { description "optics config supp check"; } grouping CONT-BODY { container dwdm-carrier { description "Configure the DWDM Carrier Channel"; container grid-50ghz { description "Configure Wavelength in 50GHz grid"; leaf itu-ch { type uint32 { range "1..100"; } must "not(../../grid-100mhz/frequency)"; must "not(../frequency or ../wavelength)"; description "Configure the ITU 50GHz Grid ITU Channel"; } leaf frequency { type uint32 { range "19115..19610"; } must "not(../../grid-100mhz/frequency)"; must "not(../itu-ch or ../wavelength)"; description "Configure Frequency and Map to ITU Channel"; } leaf wavelength { type uint32 { range "1528773..1568362"; } must "not(../../grid-100mhz/frequency)"; must "not(../itu-ch or ../frequency)"; description "Configure Wavelength and Map to ITU Channel"; } } // container grid-50ghz container grid-100mhz { description "Configure Wavelength in 100MHz Grid"; leaf frequency { type uint32 { range "1861000..1961000"; } must "not(../../grid-50ghz/itu-ch or ../../grid-50ghz/frequency or ../../grid-50ghz/wavelength)"; description "Configure Frequency in 100MHz"; } } // container grid-100mhz } // container dwdm-carrier leaf transmit-power { type int32 { range "-190..50"; } description "Configure transponder transmit power "; } leaf cd-min { type int32 { range "-350000..350000"; } description "Chromatic Dispersion min"; } leaf cd-max { type int32 { range "-350000..350000"; } description "Chromatic Dispersion max"; } leaf cd-high-threshold { type int32 { range "-350000..350000"; } description "Configure maximum acceptable CD value"; } leaf cd-low-threshold { type int32 { range "-350000..350000"; } description "Configure minimum acceptable CD value"; } leaf osnr-low-threshold { type uint32 { range "0..4000"; } description "Configure minimum acceptable OSNR value in 0.01db"; } leaf dgd-high-threshold { type uint32 { range "0..18000"; } description "Configure maximum acceptable Differential Group Delay in 0.01ps"; } container transmit-shutdown { presence "Indicates a transmit-shutdown node is configured."; description "Shutdown the transmit laser"; } // container transmit-shutdown leaf rx-low-threshold { type int32 { range "-400..300"; } description "Configure transponder receive power low threshold"; } leaf rx-high-threshold { type int32 { range "-400..300"; } description "Configure transponder receive power high threshold"; } leaf tx-low-threshold { type int32 { range "-400..300"; } description "Configure transponder low transmit power threshold"; } leaf tx-high-threshold { type int32 { range "-400..300"; } description "Configure transponder high transmit power threshold"; } leaf lbc-high-threshold { if-feature optics_config_supp_check; type uint32 { range "0..100"; } description "Configure high laser bias current threshold"; } leaf soak-time { type uint32 { range "10..28800"; } description "Configure soak time for automatic in-service"; } leaf loopback { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 1; description "Select internal loopback mode"; } enum "line" { value 2; description "Select line loopback mode"; } } description "Configure loopback mode "; } leaf modulation { type enumeration { enum "Bpsk" { value 1; description "Select BPSK modulation type"; } enum "Qpsk" { value 2; description "Select QPSK modulation type"; } enum "8Qam" { value 3; description "Select 8QAM modulation type"; } enum "16Qam" { value 4; description "Select 16QAM modulation type"; } enum "32Qam" { value 5; description "Select 32QAM modulation type"; } enum "64Qam" { value 6; description "Select 64QAM modulation type"; } enum "Bpsk-Qpsk" { value 7; description "Select BPSK_QPSK modulation type"; } enum "Qpsk-8Qam" { value 8; description "Select QPSK_8QAM modulation type"; } enum "8Qam-16Qam" { value 9; description "Select 8QAM_16QAM modulation type"; } enum "16Qam-32Qam" { value 10; description "Select 16QAM_32QAM modulation type"; } enum "32Qam-64Qam" { value 11; description "Select 32QAM_64QAM modulation type"; } } description "Configure modulation types"; } leaf bits-per-symbol { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..9"; } description "Select bits-per-symbol for this controller"; } leaf baud-rate { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..10"; } description "Set baud-rate for this controller in GBd"; } container perf-mon { if-feature optics_config_supp_check; description "To enable Performance Monitoring"; container disable { must "not(../enable)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable performance monitoring"; } // container disable container enable { must "not(../disable)"; presence "Indicates a enable node is configured."; description "Enable performance monitoring"; } // container enable } // container perf-mon leaf fec { type enumeration { enum "EnhancedHG15" { value 1; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_HG15"; } enum "EnhancedHG25" { value 2; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_HG25"; } enum "EnhancedHG15DE" { value 4; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_HG15_DE"; } enum "EnhancedHG25DE" { value 8; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_HG25_DE"; } enum "None" { value 32; description "Forward Error Correction None"; } enum "EnhancedI7" { value 128; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_I_7"; } enum "EnhancedI4" { value 256; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_I_4"; } enum "EnhancedSwizzle" { value 512; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_Swizzle"; } enum "EnhancedHG20" { value 1024; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_HG20"; } enum "EnhancedHG7" { value 2048; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced_HG7"; } enum "EnhancedSD20" { value 4096; description "Forward Error Correction Soft-Decision 20"; } enum "EnhancedSD7" { value 8192; description "Forward Error Correction Soft-Decision 7"; } enum "EnhancedSD15" { value 16384; description "Forward Error Correction Soft-Decision 15"; } enum "EnhancedSD27" { value 32768; description "Forward Error Correction Soft-Decision 27"; } enum "EnhancedSD15DE" { value 65536; description "Forward Error Correction Soft-Decision 15 with DE"; } enum "EnhancedStaircaseDE" { value 131072; description "Forward Error Correction Enhanced Staircase FEC with DE"; } enum "OFEC" { value 262144; description "Forward Error Correction O_FEC"; } enum "CFEC" { value 524288; description "Forward Error Correction C_FEC"; } enum "Standard" { value 1048576; description "Forward Error Correction Standard"; } } description "Configure Forward Error Correction mode"; } leaf ext-description { type string { length "1..800"; } description "Set ext-description for this controller"; } container logging { description "Per-interface logging configuration"; container events { description "Per-interface logging events"; container link-status { presence "Indicates a link-status node is configured."; description "Enable interface and line-protocol state change alarms"; } // container link-status } // container events } // container logging leaf filter-roll-off-factor { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "5"; } description "RRC Filter Roll-Off factor."; } leaf enh-colorless-mode { type uint32 { range "1..3"; } description "Enhanced Colorless Mode."; } leaf enh-sop-tol-mode { type uint32 { range "1..3"; } description "Enhanced SOP Tolerance Mode."; } leaf nleq-comp-mode { type uint32 { range "1..4"; } description "Non Linear Effect Compenstation."; } leaf cross-pol-gain-mode { type uint32 { range "1..15"; } description "Carrier Phase Recovery Cross Polarization Gain Mode."; } leaf cross-pol-weight-mode { type uint32 { range "1..7"; } description "Carrier Phase Recovery Cross Polarization Weight Mode."; } leaf cpr-win-mode { type uint32 { range "1..4"; } description "Carrier Phase Recovery Window Mode."; } leaf cpr-ext-win-mode { type uint32 { range "1..9"; } description "Carrier Phase Recovery Extended Window Mode."; } container submarine-params { description "Proprietary Submarine Parameters"; list submarine-param { key "parameter-type"; description "Proprietary Submarine Parameters"; leaf parameter-type { type uint32 { range "1..10"; } description "Proprietary Submarine Parameters"; } leaf parameter-value { type uint32 { range "1..1000"; } mandatory true; description "Proprietary Submarine Parameters"; } } // list submarine-param } // container submarine-params container rx-voa { description "rx-voa configuration."; leaf target-power { type int32 { range "-190..30"; } description "Receive Target Power"; } leaf fixed-ratio { type int32 { range "100..1700"; } description "Receive Ratio of Optical Attenuation."; } } // container rx-voa container transceiver { description "Configure the transceiver module"; container disable { if-feature optics_config_supp_check; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "disable the transceiver module"; } // container disable } // container transceiver leaf ampli-gain { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure AMPLI GAIN"; } leaf ampli-gain-range { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 1; description "Select Ampli Gain Range as Normal"; } enum "extended" { value 2; description "Select Ampli Gain Range as Extended"; } } description "Ampli Gain Range"; } container osri { description "Configure Optical safety remote interlock (OSRI)"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable OSRI "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable OSRI "; } // container off } // container osri leaf safety-control-mode { type enumeration { enum "auto" { value 1; description "Select Safety Control Mode: Automatic"; } enum "disabled" { value 2; description "Disable Safety Control Mode"; } } description "Configure safety Control Mode "; } leaf ampli-channel-power { type int32 { range "-400..300"; } description "Configure amplifier per channel power set point"; } leaf channel-power-max-delta { type int32 { range "0..200"; } description "Configure max delta among all measured channel powers "; } leaf ampli-gain-thr-deg-low { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure low amplifier gain degrade theshold for gain alarm"; } leaf ampli-gain-thr-deg-high { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure high amplifier gain degrade theshold for gain alarm"; } leaf ampli-control-mode { type enumeration { enum "automatic" { value 1; description "Select Amplifier Working Mode: Automatic"; } enum "manual" { value 2; description "Select Amplifier Working Mode: Manual"; } } description "Configure amplifier working mode "; } leaf ampli-tilt { type int32 { range "-50..50"; } description "Configure amplifier tilt"; } leaf rx-voa-attenuation { type int32 { range "0..200"; } description "Configure RX Voa Attenuation Setpoint"; } leaf tx-voa-attenuation { type int32 { range "0..200"; } description "Configure TX voa Attenuation Setpoint"; } leaf tx-enable { type uint32 { range "0..1"; } description "Configure TX param"; } leaf rx-enable { type uint32 { range "0..1"; } description "Configure RX param"; } leaf rx-low-threshold-delta { type int32 { range "0..300"; } description "Configure revertive hysteresis value for the low fail threshold "; } leaf ampli-channel-psd { type int32 { range "0..800000"; } description "Configure amplifier per channel psd set point"; } leaf rx-low-threshold-psd { type int32 { range "0..800000"; } description "Configure transponder low receive psd threshold"; } leaf add-drop-channel { type xr:Interface-name { pattern "OTS-OCH.*"; } description "configures optical cross connect"; } leaf ingress-ampli-gain { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure INGRESS AMPLI GAIN"; } leaf ingress-ampli-gain-range { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 1; description "Select Ampli Gain Range as Normal"; } enum "extended" { value 2; description "Select Ampli Gain Range as Extended"; } } description "Ingress Ampli Gain Range"; } leaf ingress-ampli-gain-thr-deg-low { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure low amplifier gain degrade theshold for gain alarm"; } leaf ingress-ampli-gain-thr-deg-high { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure high amplifier gain degrade theshold for gain alarm"; } leaf ingress-ampli-tilt { type int32 { range "-50..50"; } description "Configure amplifier tilt"; } leaf egress-ampli-gain { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure EGRESS AMPLI GAIN"; } leaf egress-ampli-gain-range { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 1; description "Select Ampli Gain Range as Normal"; } enum "extended" { value 2; description "Select Ampli Gain Range as Extended"; } } description "egress Ampli Gain Range"; } leaf egress-ampli-gain-thr-deg-low { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure low amplifier gain degrade theshold for gain alarm"; } leaf egress-ampli-gain-thr-deg-high { type int32 { range "0..500"; } description "Configure high amplifier gain degrade theshold for gain alarm"; } leaf egress-ampli-tilt { type int32 { range "-50..50"; } description "Configure amplifier tilt"; } container raman-tx-powers { description "configure Raman Transmit Power Param"; list raman-tx-power { key "raman-tx-power-id"; description "configure Raman Transmit Power Param"; leaf raman-tx-power-id { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } description "configure Raman Transmit Power Param"; } leaf value { type uint32 { range "35..360"; } description "set value"; } } // list raman-tx-power } // container raman-tx-powers container ingress-ampli { description "Configure ingress ampli safety params"; leaf safety-control-mode { type enumeration { enum "auto" { value 1; description "Select Safety Control Mode: Automatic"; } enum "disabled" { value 2; description "Disable Safety Control Mode"; } } description "Configure ingress ampli safety Control Mode "; } container osri { description "Configure Optical safety remote interlock (OSRI)"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable OSRI "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable OSRI "; } // container off } // container osri container force-apr { description "Configure ingress Force Automatic Power Reduction"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable Force APR "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable Force APR "; } // container off } // container force-apr } // container ingress-ampli container egress-ampli { description "Configure egress ampli safety params"; leaf safety-control-mode { type enumeration { enum "auto" { value 1; description "Select Safety Control Mode: Automatic"; } enum "disabled" { value 2; description "Disable Safety Control Mode"; } } description "Configure egress ampli safety Control Mode "; } container osri { description "Configure egress Optical safety remote interlock (OSRI)"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable OSRI "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable OSRI "; } // container off } // container osri container force-apr { description "Configure egress Force Automatic Power Reduction"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable Force APR "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable Force APR "; } // container off } // container force-apr container br { description "Configure egress back reflection"; container enable { must "not(../disable)"; presence "Indicates a enable node is configured."; description "Enable Back Reflection "; } // container enable container disable { must "not(../enable)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable Back Reflection "; } // container disable } // container br leaf br-high-threshold { type int32 { range "-500..300"; } description "Configure egress back reflection high threshold"; } } // container egress-ampli container raman { description "Configure Raman safety params"; leaf safety-control-mode { type enumeration { enum "auto" { value 1; description "Select Safety Control Mode: Automatic"; } enum "disabled" { value 2; description "Disable Safety Control Mode"; } } description "Configure Raman safety Control Mode "; } container osri { description "Configure raman Optical safety remote interlock (OSRI)"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable OSRI "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable OSRI "; } // container off } // container osri container force-apr { description "Configure raman Force Automatic Power Reduction"; container on { must "not(../off)"; presence "Indicates a on node is configured."; description "Enable Force APR "; } // container on container off { must "not(../on)"; presence "Indicates a off node is configured."; description "Disable Force APR "; } // container off } // container force-apr container br { description "Configure raman back reflection"; container enable { must "not(../disable)"; presence "Indicates a enable node is configured."; description "Enable Back Reflection "; } // container enable container disable { must "not(../enable)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable Back Reflection "; } // container disable } // container br leaf br-high-threshold { type int32 { range "-500..300"; } description "Configure raman back reflection high threshold"; } } // container raman container fastpoll { description "To enable fastpoll"; container disable { must "not(../enable)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable fastpoll"; } // container disable container enable { must "not(../disable)"; presence "Indicates a enable node is configured."; description "Enable fastpoll"; } // container enable } // container fastpoll container network { description "Configure OPTICS network information"; container srlg { description "Submode to configure shared risks for the connection"; container sets { description "Configure Network SRLG sets"; list set { key "set-index"; description "Configure Network SRLG sets"; leaf set-index { type uint32 { range "1..17"; } description "Configure Network SRLG sets"; } leaf-list network-srlg-value { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } min-elements 1; max-elements 6; description "Network SRLG values"; } } // list set } // container sets } // container srlg } // container network container lane-id { description "Lane Number for optics port"; list lane-number { key "number"; description "Lane Number"; leaf number { type uint32 { range "1..12"; } description "Lane Number"; } leaf lane-description { type string { length "1..800"; } mandatory true; description "Description of the channel"; } } // list lane-number } // container lane-id } // grouping CONT-BODY augment /a1:interfaces/a1:controller { uses CONT-BODY; } augment /a1:interfaces/a1:controller-preconfigure { uses CONT-BODY; } augment /a2:snmp-server/a2:traps { container optical { presence "Indicates a optical node is configured."; description "Enable SNMP Cisco optical traps"; } // container optical container optical-ots { presence "Indicates a optical-ots node is configured."; description "Enable SNMP Cisco optical ots traps"; } // container optical-ots } } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-um-cont-optics-cfg
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