YumaPro Database API Sub-Agent message definitions. Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023, YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribu...
Version: 2024-05-26
module yumaworks-db-api { yang-version 1; namespace "http://yumaworks.com/ns/yumaworks-db-api"; prefix ydb; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-yang-patch { prefix yp; } import ietf-yang-structure-ext { prefix sx; } import yumaworks-ycontrol { prefix yctl; } import yuma-ncx { prefix ncx; } import yuma-types { prefix yt; } organization "YumaWorks, Inc."; contact "Support <support at yumaworks.com>"; description "YumaPro Database API Sub-Agent message definitions. Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023, YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause"; revision "2024-05-26" { description "23.10T-9: Add protocol-control message"; } revision "2023-08-04" { description "22.10T-11: Change CLI container to sx:structure"; } revision "2020-02-19" { description "Add subrpc-request and subrpc-response messages."; } revision "2019-01-27" { description "Add allowed parameter to maintenance mode. Add db-lock messages"; } revision "2018-11-13" { description "Add maintenance mode and set-loglevel support"; } revision "2018-06-13" { description "Add skip-sil parameter to edit-request message"; } revision "2018-05-31" { description "Add parameters to getconfig message"; } revision "2017-10-30" { description "Add getconfig message"; } revision "2017-09-19" { description "Fix broken augment statement for payload"; } revision "2016-08-29" { description "Update yp-ha-mode event"; } revision "2016-07-31" { description "Add new events to support YP-HA mode changes."; } revision "2015-03-29" { description "Add edit-type parameter to edit-request."; } revision "2014-11-18" { description "Initial version for datastore access."; } sx:augment-structure "/yctl:ycontrol/yctl:message-payload/yctl:payload/yctl:payload"; grouping lock-id { leaf lock-id { type string { length "1 .. 64"; } mandatory true; description "The lock identifier sent by the server in the db-lock request. Used to prevent late replies from being interpreted as a reply to a new reuest."; } } // grouping lock-id augment /yctl:ycontrol/yctl:message-payload/yctl:payload/yctl:payload { container db-api { choice message-type { mandatory true; leaf register-request { type empty; description "Message type: subsys-request; Purpose: register the DB-API subsystem Expected Response Message: ok or error"; } container edit-request { description "Message type: subsys-request; Purpose: Ask the main server to accept an edit request to be added to the running configuration, and saved to NV-storage unless the :startup capability is supported. Expected Response Message: ok or error"; leaf target { type string; mandatory true; description "Identifies the target resource for the edit operation."; } leaf edit-type { type enumeration { enum "user" { value 0; description "A user edit with access control"; } enum "system" { value 1; description "A system edit without access control"; } } default 'user'; description "Indicates whether this is a user edit or system edit. System edits will bypass all access control enforcement, including the ncx:user-write extension."; } leaf skip-sil { type boolean; default 'true'; description "Skip the SIL and SIL-SA callbacks for this transaction. This is the normal mode since the DB-API edit is generated by the system, so the edits do not need to be applied again by the server."; } uses yp:yang-patch; } // container edit-request container yp-ha-mode { description "Message type: subsys-request; Purpose: send mode change request to the server Expected Response Message: ok or error"; choice action { mandatory true; leaf go-active { type empty; description "Become the YP-HA active server. All normal management operations are supported in this mode."; } container go-standby { description "Become a YP-HA standby server, and try to connect to the active server 'new-active'. Only the superuser can use management sesssions in this mode."; leaf new-active { type string; mandatory true; description "Server name of the active server to use"; } } // container go-standby leaf go-none { type empty; description "Leave current YP-HA role and wait new role. Only the superuser can use management sesssions in this mode."; } } // choice action } // container yp-ha-mode container getconfig { description "Message type: subsys-request; Purpose: Ask the main server to send the running configuration contents Expected Response Message: config"; leaf withdef { type boolean; default 'false'; description "Include defaults (according to the server --default-style CLI parameter) if 'true'. Do not include defaults if 'false'."; } leaf with-state { type boolean; default 'false'; description "Include operational data (like <get> operation)"; } leaf xpath-filter { type yang:xpath1.0; description "XPath filter to use for this retrieval operation"; } } // container getconfig container config { ncx:root; description "Message type: server-response; Purpose: Provide the contents of the running configuration contents Expected Response Message: none"; } // container config container enter-maintmode { description "Message type: subsys-request. Purpose: Enter maintenance mode. Expected Response Message: server-response The server will send ok or error."; leaf allowed { type bits { bit read { position 0; description "Allow client sessions for operations that read datastores or operational data."; } bit operation { position 1; description "Allow client sessions for general operations that do not access any datastores."; } } default ""; description "The client activity that is allowed during maintenance mode. By default client sessions are disabled during maintenance mode, and any existing sessions will get 'access-denied' errors for all operations started after maintenance mode is started."; } } // container enter-maintmode container exit-maintmode { description "Message type: subsys-request. Purpose: Exit maintenance mode. Expected Response Message: server-response The server will send ok or error."; } // container exit-maintmode container set-log-level { description "Message type: subsys-request. Purpose: Set the log-level parameter. Expected Response Message: server-response The server will send ok or error."; leaf log-level { type yt:NcDebugType; mandatory true; description "The new log level to set"; } } // container set-log-level container db-lock-init { description "Message type: subsys-request. Purpose: Establish the subsystem as the DB-Edit-Lock controller. This is done once after the db-api service is registered. Expected Response Message: server-response The server will send ok or error."; } // container db-lock-init container db-lock { description "Message type: server-request. Purpose: Request the system config write lock. Expected Response Message: subsys-response The subsystem will send db-lock-response or error."; uses lock-id; } // container db-lock container db-lock-response { description "Message type: subsys-response. Purpose: Response for the system config write lock. Expected Response Message: none"; uses lock-id; } // container db-lock-response container db-unlock { description "Message type: server-event. Purpose: Release the system config write lock. Expected Response Message: none"; uses lock-id; } // container db-unlock container subrpc-request { description "Message type: subsys-request; Purpose: Start an RPC transaction to the main server. This message requests that a new remote procedure call be validated and invoked on the server and possibly one or more SIL-SA subsystems. If not valid or if the operation cannot be performed, the server must return an error. Expected Response Message: subrpc-response"; leaf user-id { type string; description "Identifies the user that should be used for access control and logging purposes. If not present then the system user will be used and all access control will be skipped."; } leaf rpc-module { type yt:NcxName; description "Identifies the module name of the RPC definition. If not present then the server will use the first RPC method with the same name as 'rpc-name'."; } leaf rpc-name { type yt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Identifies the name of the RPC definition."; } anyxml rpc-method { description "Contains the RPC method element and all child nodes representing the input parameters. This is structured exactly the same as the contents of an <rpc> element from RFC 6241. If not present then an empty method element will be constructed using 'rpc-module' and 'rpc-name' values."; } } // container subrpc-request container subrpc-response { description "Message type: server-response Purpose: Return <rpc-reply> message Expected Response Message: none"; leaf rpc-module { type yt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Identifies the module name of the RPC definition."; } leaf rpc-name { type yt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Identifies the name of the RPC definition."; } anyxml reply { mandatory true; description "Contains the RPC reply message for the subrpc-request."; } } // container subrpc-response container protocol-control { description "Message type: subsys-request Purpose: Enable or disable a client protocol Expected Response Message: ok or error Based on the <protocol-control> operation in the yumaworks-system.yang module. "; leaf action { type yt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Protocol action. Supported actions are - enable - disable - status "; } leaf protocol { type yt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Identifies the name of the protocol. Supported protocols are: - netconf - restconf - cli - gnmi - grpc "; } } // container protocol-control } // choice message-type } // container db-api } } // module yumaworks-db-api
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