
Common CLI parameters used in all yumapro applications. Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023 YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistr...

  • Version: 2023-03-06


      module yumaworks-app-common {
        yang-version 1;
        prefix ywapp;
        import ietf-inet-types {
          prefix inet;
        import ietf-yang-types {
          prefix yang;
        import yuma-ncx {
          prefix ncx;
        import yuma-types {
          prefix yt;
        import yumaworks-types {
          prefix ywt;
        organization "YumaWorks, Inc.";
          "Support <support at yumaworks.com>";
          "Common CLI parameters used in all yumapro applications.
    Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023 YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
    without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
    to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License
        revision "2023-03-06" {
            "Add --tcp-connect-timeout leaf to new
    TcpConnectParms grouping.";
        revision "2022-09-17" {
            "Add log-highres-datetime leaf to LoggingCommonParms
        revision "2021-08-24" {
            "Add HaStatusParms grouping.
    Add HaRoleState typedef.";
        revision "2019-05-22" {
            "Add WithTermMsgParm grouping.
    Add MaxStrlenParm grouping.";
        revision "2019-03-30" {
            "Add binary-display-maxlen parameter in
    BinaryDisplayMaxlenParm grouping";
        revision "2018-06-26" {
            "Move SshKeyParms and SslKeyParms to this module
    so they can be shared by yumaworks-sesmgr";
        revision "2018-03-26" {
            "Add ErrMsgParm and ErrMsgLangParm groupings.
    Add ModuleTagParm grouping";
        revision "2018-03-08" {
            "Add InsecureOkParm grouping";
        revision "2018-01-07" {
            "Add LoadPathParm grouping";
        revision "2017-04-27" {
            "Add OcPatternParm grouping";
        revision "2016-04-11" {
            "Add AnnotationParm grouping";
        revision "2014-02-14" {
            "Add UseSesssionVars CLI variable grouping.
    Add SaveSesssionVars CLI variable grouping.
    Add DataTemplateParms grouping.";
        revision "2013-08-13" {
            "Split log-vendor and log-vendor-level parameters into
    their own grouping.";
        revision "2013-05-25" {
            "Add log-console param as user friendly synonym
    for log-mirroring.";
        revision "2013-02-11" {
            "Move common yangcli-pro grouping to this module";
        revision "2012-11-30" {
            "Add message-indent parameter.";
        revision "2012-10-23" {
            "Remove log-custom and log-localtime empty leafs and convert
              to "bits" entity: log-header="custom localtime".";
        revision "2012-10-10" {
            "Change log-backtrace-level to and add log-backtrace-stream
    parameters as 'bits' type entities. Eliminate
    log-backtrace-xxx 'type empty' leafs.";
        revision "2012-08-16" {
            "Split from yuma-app-common; Add new logging parameters.";
        grouping LoggingCommonParms {
          leaf log-backtrace {
            type uint32 {
              range "0 .. 100";
              "If present, log output will include traceback
    detail for each log message, subject to further
    filtering by --log-backtrace-level and/or
    log-backtrace-stream qualifiers";
          leaf log-backtrace-detail {
            type empty;
              "If present in conjunction with --log-backtrace
    log messages will include 'detailed' backtrace
    information (if supported by the compiler).";
          leaf log-backtrace-level {
            type bits {
              bit write {
                position 0;
                  "Include backtrace info in write messages.";
              bit dev0 {
                position 1;
                  "Include backtrace info in developer
    level 0 messages.";
              bit error {
                position 2;
                  "Include backtrace info in error messages.";
              bit warn {
                position 3;
                  "Include backtrace info in warning messages.";
              bit info {
                position 4;
                  "Include backtrace info in info messages.";
              bit dev1 {
                position 5;
                  "Include backtrace info in developer
    level 1 messages.";
              bit debug {
                position 6;
                  "Include backtrace info in debug messages.";
              bit debug2 {
                position 7;
                  "Include backtrace info in debug2 messages.";
              bit debug3 {
                position 8;
                  "Include backtrace info in debug3 messages.";
              bit debug4 {
                position 9;
                  "Include backtrace info in debug4 messages.";
              "Indicates for which debug level(s) backtrace
                 info will be generated. Param string is an XSD
                 list: a double quoted series of whitespace
                 separated (level) strings like "error warn debug"";
          leaf log-backtrace-stream {
            type bits {
              bit logfile {
                position 0;
                  "Include backtrace in logfile stream.";
              bit stderr {
                position 1;
                  "Include backtrace in stderr stream.";
              bit stdout {
                position 2;
                  "Include backtrace in stdout stream.";
              bit syslog {
                position 3;
                  "Include backtrace in syslog stream.";
              bit vendor {
                position 4;
                  "Include backtrace in vendor stream.";
              "Indicates in which log stream(s) backtrace info
                 will be included. Param string is an XSD list:
                 a double quoted series of whitespace separated
                 (log stream) strings like "logfile syslog"";
          leaf log-header {
            type bits {
              bit custom {
                position 0;
                  "Include date, time, and level.";
              bit localtime {
                position 1;
                  "Include localtime instead of Yang canonical format.";
              "Indicates what header elements to include in
                 header output. Param string is an XSD list:
                 a double quoted series of whitespace separated
                 (element) strings like "custom localtime"";
          leaf log-mirroring {
            type empty;
              "If present in conjunction with --log, --log-syslog,
    and/or --log-vendor, log output will be directed to
    the normal stdout/stderr/logfile as well as
    to the syslog or vendor log stream";
          leaf log-console {
            type empty;
              "User friendly synonym for --log-mirroring.";
          leaf log-stderr {
            type empty;
              "If present, error level output be directed to stderr
    instead of stdout (as well as log file, if specified)";
          leaf log-syslog {
            type empty;
              "If present, log output will be directed to the
    standard syslog interface. Yuma log priorities
    will be translated into the appropriate syslog
          leaf log-syslog-level {
            type yt:NcDebugType;
              "Sets the syslog debug logging level filter for output to
    the syslog file for the program.";
          leaf log-highres-datetime {
            type boolean;
            default "false";
              "If set to 'true' then a log timestamp
    string will contain a microseconds field.
    If 'false' then this field will not contain a
    microseconds field.
    This field is always 6 digits long and represents
    a fraction of one second as the number of microseconds.
    The log-header parameter is affected by this setting.";
        }  // grouping LoggingCommonParms
        grouping LoggingVendorParms {
          leaf log-vendor {
            type empty;
              "If present, log messages will be directed to a
    customer-written and registered callback function.
    This functionality is defined by an API specified in
    the YumaWorks API Reference Manual. In the absence of
    a registered callback, this parameter will direct
    logging messages to syslog in order to facilitate
    standalone testing.";
          leaf log-vendor-level {
            type yt:NcDebugType;
              "Sets the vendor debug logging level filter for output to
    the vendor-specific log output file stream for the program.";
        }  // grouping LoggingVendorParms
        grouping MessageIndentParm {
          leaf message-indent {
            type int8 {
              range "-1 .. 9";
            default "-1";
              "The number of spaces to indent for each level of
    output in a protocol message, e.g. NETCONF request.
    The value zero means no indent, just line feeds.
    The value -1 means no indent and no line feeds either.";
        }  // grouping MessageIndentParm
        grouping YumaproHomeParm {
          leaf yumapro-home {
            type string;
              "Directory for the yumapro project root to use.
    If present, this directory location will
    override the 'YUMAPRO_HOME' environment variable,
    if it is present.  If a zero-length string is
    entered, then the YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable
    will be ignored.";
        }  // grouping YumaproHomeParm
        grouping MatchParms {
          leaf match-names {
            type ywt:NameMatchMode;
              "Match mode to use for UrlPath name searches.";
          leaf alt-names {
            type ywt:AltNameMode;
              "Match mode to use for UrlPath name searches.";
          leaf wildcard-keys {
            type boolean;
              "Enable wildcards on key leaf values.
    Set to 'true' if UrlPath targets for GET operations
    are allowed to replace key values with the dash '-'
    character to indicate that all instances of that key
    are requested.
    Set to false to treat the '-' character as a plain
    character if entered as a key value in a UrlPath string.";
        }  // grouping MatchParms
        grouping UseSessionVarsParm {
          leaf use-session-vars {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "Specifies how global variables will be handled when
    set from the context of a named session.  If 'true',
    then an assignment (e.g., $$foo = 'bar') will only
    affect the session-specific instance of the variable,
    and only be visible within the scope of the named
    If 'false', then assignment statements for global
    variables will affect the global instance of the
    variable, and be visible to all sessions.
    If the current session is the default session,
    and not a named session, then the value of this
    variable is ignored, and all global variable
    assignments will affect the global instance of
    the variable, and be visible to all sessions.";
        }  // grouping UseSessionVarsParm
        grouping SaveSessionVarsParm {
          leaf save-session-vars {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "Specifies if session variables will be saved
    when the program exits. If use-session-vars
    is 'false' then this variable is ignored.
    If 'false', then session variables will not be
    saved when the program exits.
    If 'true', then session variables will be
    saved when the program exits, but only if user
    variables are being saved.";
        }  // grouping SaveSessionVarsParm
        grouping DataTemplateParms {
          leaf use-data-templates {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "Specifies if variable expressions are enabled for
    data in XML, JSON or .conf instance documents.
    If 'false', then text matching the pattern for
    variable expressions in these instance documents
    will be treated as plain strings.
    If 'true', then text matching the pattern for
    variable expressions in these instance documents
    will be processed as variable expressions.";
          leaf ignore-missing-vars {
            type boolean;
            default "false";
              "Specifies how missing variable errors in data
    templates are handled. This parameter has no
    affect unless the 'use-data-templates' parameter
    is 'true'.
    If 'false', then variable expressions that contain
    references to missing variables will cause a parsing
    If 'true', then variable expressions that contain
    references to missing variables will not cause a
    parsing error. Instead, an empty string will be used
    for the value of a missing variable.";
        }  // grouping DataTemplateParms
        grouping AnnotationParm {
          leaf-list annotation {
            type yt:NcModuleSpec;
              "YANG deviation file representing model annotations.
    Processed the same as a deviation parameter except
    the module is not advertised to any client sessions.
    Only the deviation 'deviate add' operation can be
    used to transfer extension statements to another
    The annotations will be applied to a data definition
    statement, as if they were defined as sub-statements
    of the deviation target.
    Example object annotations (contents of acme-dev1)
      deviation /if:interfaces {
        deviate add {
      deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface {
        deviate add {
          acme:my-deviation1 'the deviation parm';
        }  // grouping AnnotationParm
        grouping OcPatternParm {
          leaf with-ocpattern {
            type boolean;
            default "false";
              "If true, then OpenConfig patterns with be checked.
    If the module name starts with the string 'openconfig-'
    then all pattern statements within that module
    are treated as POSIX patterns, not YANG patterns.
    If false, then the pattern statements in all modules
    will be checked as YANG patterns.
        }  // grouping OcPatternParm
        grouping LoadPathParm {
          leaf loadpath {
            type yt:NcPathList;
              "Directory load path for YANG or YIN modules.
    This will be checked before the modpath setting
    if present when finding modules. After all module
    and bundle parameters have been processed, this
    load path will be checked and the server will
    attempt to load any modules not already loaded.
    Overrides the YUMA_LOADPATH environment variable.";
        }  // grouping LoadPathParm
        grouping InsecureOkParm {
          leaf insecure-ok {
            type boolean;
            default "false";
              "Specifies if insecure NETCONF over TLS should be allowed.
    If true then X.509 certificates will be accepted even
    if they cannot be verified. Used for debugging only!
    This parameter is only available if the image was built
    with the DEBUG=1 parameter.";
        }  // grouping InsecureOkParm
        grouping ErrMsgParm {
          leaf-list errmsg {
            type string;
              "Specifies a replacement string for a specific error number.
    Can specify error message for 1 specific language.
    The 'num' component must match the <error-number>
    found in status_enum.h. New error enums are always added
    at the end of the list, so the numbers will not change.
    The 'lang' component should use the ISO-639-1 code
    Max length is 7 characters.
    The string has the format: '<num>:<lang>:error string'
        <num> = error number to use for error message
        <lang> = language code (en for English)
        error string = error string text
      Replace error 117 (ERR_WB_WRITE_FAILED) 'db write failed'
      errmsg='117:en:The database could not be written'
        }  // grouping ErrMsgParm
        grouping ErrMsgLangParm {
          leaf errmsg-lang {
            type string {
              length "1 .. 7";
            default "en";
              "Specifies the language code for the error-message
    language. This is only relevant if there are errmsg
    parameters for multiple languages loaded in the program.
    This value should use the ISO-639-1 code.
        }  // grouping ErrMsgLangParm
        grouping ModuleTagParm {
          leaf-list module-tag {
            type string {
              length "1 .. 1023";
              "Include only data nodes that match the module-tag.
    Multiple module-tag parameters are combined as a
    logical OR expression. Matching any tag value will
    cause the data node to be included.
    It is not an error to include an unknown module-tag.
    Such tag values will simply be treated as a 'false'
    match result, when evaluating the filter.
    If any module-tag parameters are provided at all,
    and there are no matches found, then no data will be
    returned in the response.";
        }  // grouping ModuleTagParm
        grouping SshKeyParms {
          leaf public-key {
            type string {
              length "1 .. max";
            default "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub";
              "Contains the file path specification
    for the file containing the client-side public key.
    If both 'public-key' and 'private-key' files are
    present, the client will attempt to connect
    to the server using these keys.  If this fails,
    or not done, then password authentication will
    be attempted.";
          leaf private-key {
            type string {
              length "1 .. max";
            default "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa";
              "Contains the file path specification
    for the file containing the client-side private key.
    If both 'public-key' and 'private-key' files are
    present, the client will attempt to connect
    to the server using these keys.  If this fails,
    or not done, then password authentication will
    be attempted.";
        }  // grouping SshKeyParms
        grouping SslKeyParms {
          leaf ssl-fallback-ok {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "If true then an attempt to establish a plain TCP
    connection will be made if an SSL connection cannot
    be made. This parameter only applies of the
    'transport' is 'ssl'";
          leaf ssl-certificate {
            type string {
              length "1 .. max";
              "Contains the file path specification
    for the file containing the client-side ssl certificate.
    If both 'certificate' and 'key' files are
    present, the client will attempt to setup a secure
    connection with the server using the certificate and
    SSL key.
    If this fails, and the 'ssl-fallback-ok' leaf is
    set to true, the client will attempt to setup
    a raw TCP connection with the server.";
          leaf ssl-key {
            type string {
              length "1 .. max";
              "Contains the file path specification
    for the file containing the client-side ssl key.
    If both 'certificate' and 'key' files are
    present, the client will attempt to setup a secure
    connection with the server using the certificate and
    SSL key.  If this fails, client will attempt to setup
    a raw TCP connection with the server.";
          leaf ssl-trust-store {
            type string {
              length "1 .. max";
            default "$HOME/.ssl/trust-store.pem";
              "Contains the file path specification
    for the file containing the client-side ssl trust-store,
    or the path specification for the directory to use
    for finding trusted certificates. If the default value
    is used and the file is not found, then the default
    directory location '/etc/ssl/certs' will be used.";
        }  // grouping SslKeyParms
        grouping BinaryDisplayMaxlenParm {
          leaf binary-display-maxlen {
            type uint32;
            default "0";
              "The maximum number of bytes to display when dumping
    the contents of a binary value. Normally a message
    will be displayed showing the name and length.
    If this parameter is set to a value greater than zero
    then a standard 8-byte per line hex dump of the
    binary type will also be displayed for a maximum number
    of bytes set by this parameter.";
        }  // grouping BinaryDisplayMaxlenParm
        typedef HaRoleState {
          type enumeration {
            enum "none" {
              value 0;
              description "HA_STATE_NONE";
            enum "disabled" {
              value 1;
              description "HA_STATE_DISABLED";
            enum "error" {
              value 2;
              description "HA_STATE_ERROR";
            enum "wait-role" {
              value 3;
              description "HA_STATE_WAIT_ROLE";
            enum "be-active" {
              value 4;
              description "HA_STATE_BE_ACTIVE";
            enum "active" {
              value 5;
              description "HA_STATE_ACTIVE";
            enum "be-standby" {
              value 6;
              description "HA_STATE_BE_STANDBY";
            enum "standby" {
              value 7;
              description "HA_STATE_STANDBY";
            enum "shutting-down" {
              value 8;
            "YP-HA role state enumerations";
        grouping WithTermMsgParm {
          leaf with-term-msg {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "If set to 'true', then the yumaworks-term-msg module
    will be loaded and enabled. Otherwise, this module will
    not be loaded. The <term-msg> notification is used by
    yp-shell for displaying terminal diagnostic messages.";
        }  // grouping WithTermMsgParm
        grouping HaStatusParms {
          leaf ha-built {
            type boolean;
              "Set to true if the WITH_YP_HA=1 parameter used to build
    the server code. Set to false otherwise. If false then no
    other parameters are actually active.  Only the HA related CLI
    parameter values will be reported.
    This must be set to 'true' for a working YP-HA configuration.";
          leaf ha-role-state {
            type HaRoleState;
              "Set to the current YP-HA role state enumeration.
    A 'correct' value depends on the configuration and the
    timing of the request returning the status.
    A stable YP-HA system will have one server with the
    ha-role-state value of 'active' and one or more servers
    with the value 'standby'.";
          leaf ha-role-state-time {
            type yang:date-and-time;
              "The timestamp when the ha-role-state object last changed value.";
          leaf ha-enabled {
            type boolean;
              "Set to the value of the --ha-enabled parameter.
    This must be set to 'true' for a working YP-HA configuration.";
          leaf ha-sil-standby {
            type boolean;
              "Set to the value of the --ha-sil-standby parameter.
    Either value can be used without affect on a working
    YP-HA configuration.";
          leaf-list ha-server {
            type string;
              "Set to the value of a --ha-server parameter.
    There will be one entry for each instance of
    the ha-server leaf-list, or no nodes present
    if there are none.
    There must be at least two entries for a working YP-HA
          leaf ha-server-key {
            type string;
              "Set to the value of the --ha-server-key parameter.
    This node will not be present unless this parameter is set.
    This parameter must be set. A working YP-HA configuration
    requires this parameter to be set to the same value for
    all servers in the same HA pool.";
          leaf ha-initial-active {
            type string;
              "Set to the value of the --ha-initial-active parameter.
    This leaf will not be present unless it is set.
    This parameter is not required for a working YP-HA configuration.
    It will impact YP-HA behavior if it is present. In normal
    operation it should not be used.";
          leaf socket-type {
            type enumeration {
              enum "aflocal" {
                value 0;
                  "An AF_LOCAL socket will be used for incoming sessions.";
              enum "tcp" {
                value 1;
                  "An AF_INET socket will be used for incoming sessions.";
              "Specifies the --socket-type parameter.
    This parameter must be set to 'tcp' in a working YP-HA
          leaf socket-address {
            when "../socket-type = 'tcp'";
            type inet:ip-address;
              "Specifies the --socket-address parameter. This leaf is
    only relevant if the socket-type is set to 'tcp'. The value
    must match the address field in the ha-server entry for this
    server, or be set to the default ''. The parameter
    actually means all IP addresses, not just IPv4 addresses.
       # if socket-address present it must match the ha-server
       # for this server
       ha-server ha1@
       ha-server ha2@
       socket-type tcp
       socket-port 8989
       # socket-address not present is OK
       ha-server ha1@
       socket-type tcp
       socket-port 8088
          leaf socket-port {
            when "../socket-type = 'tcp'";
            type inet:port-number;
              "Specifies the --socket-port parameter. This leaf is only relevant
    if the socket-type is set to 'tcp'. The value must match the
    port field in the ha-server entry for this server. If that is
    not present then this leaf must be set to 8088 (the default)
    for a working YP-HA configuration.
       # if port in the ha-server then socket-port must match
       ha-server ha1@
       ha-server ha2@
       socket-type tcp
       socket-port 8989
       # port must be 8088 if default used in ha-server
       ha-server ha1@
       socket-type tcp
       socket-port 8088
          leaf server-id {
            type yt:NcxName;
              "The --server-id parameter.
    The default is 'server1' if this parameter is not set.
    This parameter must match the ha-server entry name for
    the server in a working YP-HA configuration.
      # this ha-server is ha1
      ha-server ha1@
      ha-server ha2@
      server-id ha1
          leaf config-id {
            type uint64;
              "The config-id ETag of the running datastore that is the
    current ID for YP-HA purposes. This leaf will only be present
    if the ha-role-state leaf is 'active' or 'standby'.
    This leaf should get updated to match the config-id of the
    <running> datastore if the configuration changes on the active
    HA server. It should be present on a working YP-HA
    configuration that has finished its initialization phase.";
          leaf config-stamp {
            type yang:date-and-time;
              "The config-id Last-Modified timestamp value for the running
    datastore for YP-HA purposes. This leaf is only present if
    the ha-role-state is set to 'active'.  It is not maintained
    on a standby server.
    This leaf should get updated to match the last-modified
    attribute of the <running> datastore if the configuration
    changes on the active HA server. It should be present on a
    working YP-HA configuration that has finished
    its initialization phase.";
          leaf config-updates {
            type yang:counter64;
              "Number of config updates that this server has successfully
    processed since the current role (active or standby) was set.
    Each time the server resets or changes HA roles this counter
    will be reset.";
          leaf config-failures {
            type yang:counter64;
              "Number of config updates that this server has unsuccessfully
    processed since the current role (active or standby) was set.
    Each time the server resets or changes HA roles this counter
    will be reset.";
          leaf active-server {
            type yt:NcxName;
              "If this server is using the HA standby role, then the
    HA active server will be identified by this object.";
          leaf last-error-time {
            type yang:date-and-time;
              "The timestamp when the last error happened.
    For HA-Active servers, this object represents the time
    of the last config replication error, if any.
    This object is not cleared if a subsequent config
    update is successful.
    For HA-Standby servers, this object represents the time
    of the last failure to connect to the HA Active server.
    This only applies to the case where the server is
    reachable, but it is not the HA Active server, or not
    ready to accept datastore replication requests.
    If the HA Active server is unreachable then the YControl
    layer will attempt reconnections. These reconnections will
    not affect this timestamp.
    This object is cleared if the HA Standby role is established
    successfully. It is only present if errors have occurred
    on this HA server. Replication errors are not reported.";
          leaf last-error-msg {
            type string;
              "The error message for the last HA error code.
    For HA-Active servers, this object represents the error string
    of the last config replication error, if any.
    This object is not cleared if a subsequent config
    update is successful.
    For HA-Standby servers, this object represents the error string
    of the last failure to connect to the HA Active server.
    This only applies to the case where the server is
    reachable, but it is not the HA Active server, or not
    ready to accept datastore replication requests.
    This object is cleared if the HA Standby role is established
    successfully. It is only present if errors have occurred
    on this HA server. Replication errors are not reported.";
        }  // grouping HaStatusParms
        grouping TcpConnectParms {
          leaf tcp-connect-timeout {
            type uint16;
            units "seconds";
            default "10";
              "The number of seconds to wait for a TCP connect
    operation to complete before timing out.
     -  The value zero indicates that blocking mode
        should be used.
     -  A non-zero value indicates the timeout value
        for the 'connect' function in non-blocking mode.
        The connect may timeout before this number of
        seconds, but should not be longer.
    This parameter introduced in 22.10-6.
    For all prior releases, the 'connect' function
    is invoked in blocking mode.
    A typical TCP connect timeout is different
    depending on the target address. If this parameter
    is set to zero then the system configured timeout
    will be used.
     - local network, reached but connection refused:
       takes about 10 milliseconds.
     - local network, no answer: takes about 2 seconds
     - non-local network, no answer: takes up to 135
        }  // grouping TcpConnectParms
      }  // module yumaworks-app-common

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