
XSD derived types for usage in YANG. Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as authors of the code. ...

Typedef Base type Abstract
anyURI string XSD universal resource identifier string type.
base64Binary string XSD base64 binary encoded string
byte int8 XSD 8 bit signed integer.
date string XSD date string type.
dateTime string XSD date and time string type.
decimal string XSD decimal data type. [To do: not sure if this is a bounded real number or an unbounded real number.].
duration string XSD duration string type.
ENTITIES string XSD ENTITIES attribute type.
ENTITY string XSD ENTITY attribute type.
gDay string XSD day string type.
gMonth string XSD month string type.
gMonthDay string XSD month and day string type.
gYear string XSD year string type.
gYearMonth string XSD year and month string type.
hexBinary binary XSD hex binary encoded string
ID string XSD ID attribute type.
IDREF string XSD IDREF attribute type.
IDREFS string XSD IDREFS attribute type.
int int32 XSD 32 bit signed integer.
integer string XSD unbounded integer type. This cannot be given a range like a number. This pattern does not supoort string representations of numbers, such as one two three
language string XSD language identifier string type.
long int64 XSD 64 bit signed integer.
Name string XSD name string type.
NCName string XSD not-namespace-qualified name string type.
negativeInteger string XSD unbounded negative integer. This cannot be given a range like a number. This pattern does not supoort string representations of numbers, such as one two three
NMTOKEN string XSD NMTOKEN attribute type.
NMTOKENS string XSD NMTOKENS attribute type.
nonNegativeInteger string XSD unbounded non-negative integer. This cannot be given a range like a number. This pattern does not supoort string representations of numbers, such as one two three
nonPositiveInteger string XSD unbounded non-positive integer. This cannot be given a range like a number. This pattern does not supoort string representations of numbers, such as one two three
normalizedString string XSD normalized string
NOTATION string XSD NOTATION attribute type.
positiveInteger string XSD unbounded positive integer. This cannot be given a range like a number. This pattern does not supoort string representations of numbers, such as one two three
QName string XSD namespace-qualified name string type.
short int16 XSD 16 bit signed integer.
time string XSD time string type.
token string XSD token string
unsignedByte uint8 XSD 8 bit unsigned integer.
unsignedInt uint32 XSD 32 bit unsigned integer.
unsignedLong uint64 XSD 64 bit unsigned integer.
unsignedShort uint16 XSD 16 bit unsigned integer.

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