
Yuma Common Data Types Copyright (c) 2008 - 2012 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights re...

Typedef Base type Abstract
Date string Represents a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
FeatureSpec string Represents a feature specifier, which consists of a module-name, colon character ':' and then a feature name (e.g., 'foo:bar')
IndentType uint32 Requested indent amount. Only a limited range of line indent values are allowed.
int int32 Changed int base type to int32 for YANG
long int64 Changed long base type to int64 for YANG
NcAccessControlType enumeration NCX System access control mode.
NcDebugType enumeration NCX Session debug logging control enumeration. Each successive value includes all the previous messages from lower value enumeration values, plus the messages for the specified value. off == no logging is done write == log write messages (NOT SUPPORTED IN YUMA) dev0 == log developer level 0 messages (NOT SUPPORTED IN YUMA) error == log error messages warn == log warning messages info == log info messages dev1 == log developer level 1 messages (NOT SUPPORTED IN YUMA) debug == log debug level 1 messages debug2 == log debug level 2 messages debug3 == log debug level 3 messages debug4 == log debug level 4 messages
NcIndex uint32 Non-negative index value
NcModuleSpec string A string which specifies a module name, or a filespec which represents a module, with an optional revision date. If this string represents a filespec, containing any path separation characters, and/or ending with the '.yang' or '.yin' extension, then only that file location will be checked. If this string represents a module name, then the module search path will be checked for a file with the module name and the '.yang' or '.yin.' extension. If this string contains a module name followed by an 'at sign' character (@), followed by a revision string (e.g., foo@2010-01-01), then that specific version of the module will be used. If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow. ~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path ~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path $workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path
NcPathList string PATHSPEC formatted string indicating the machine-dependent search path for the NCX programs to use. Parameters with this data type can be used to override the default search order, and insert special work directories in the search path. Each component in the string is an absolute or relative directory path specification. The colon char ':' is used to separate the path strings. Whitespace is not allowed in the string at all. For example, the following string contains 3 paths that would be used in the order given: /home/users/testbed1/yang:/home/users/yang:/usr/share/yang
NcPathSpec string A string which specifies a directory name.
NcPortNumber uint32 Transport layer port number.
NcxDeviceName string NCX Device Name string.
NcxGroupName string NCX Group Name string.
NcxIdentifier union Union of all the Identifier types.
NcxLineLength uint32 Requested Maximum Line Length
NcxName string General Purpose NCX Name string.
NcxQName string Qualified Name: module-name:NcxName OR owner-name:NcxName.
NcxRpcType enumeration NCX RPC Type Classifications
NcxSessionId uint32 NCX Session ID number
NcxUserName string NCX User Name string.
Timeout uint32 Number of seconds to wait for a response from the NETCONF peer before declaring a timeout. Zero means no timeout at all.
TransactionId uint64 Database edit transaction identifier. This is not a permanent identifier, and should only be used for 'equal or not-equal' comparison tests. The value will wrap after the maximum value is reached.
uint uint32 Changed uint base type to uint32 for YANG
ulong uint64 Changed ulong base type to uint64 for YANG
ustring binary Changed ustring base type to binary for YANG
yang-identifier string YANG identifier string.

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