NETCONF Basic System Group. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as authors of the code. All righ...
Version: 2013-07-15
module yuma-system { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix ypsys; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-netconf { prefix nc; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import yuma-app-common { prefix yumaapp; } import yuma-types { prefix nt; } import yuma-ncx { prefix ncx; } import ietf-netconf-acm { prefix nacm; } organization "Netconf Central"; contact "Andy Bierman <>."; description "NETCONF Basic System Group. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License"; revision "2013-07-15" { description "Add sysNetconfStartupSource leaf. Add sysNetconfStartupFilespec leaf. Add sysNetconfStartupTxidFilespec leaf."; } revision "2013-03-15" { description "Move sequence-id to notifications.yang to prevent advertising the notifications module and therefore the create-subscription operation. Need to disable when with-notifications=false CLI parameter set."; } revision "2012-11-15" { description "Use inline yuma-netconf definitions instead of yuma-netconf so that module does not need to be advertised to the client. Import of ietf-netconf is done instead."; } revision "2012-10-05" { description "Updated EditOperationType to edit-operation-type. Converged nacm extension usage."; } revision "2012-01-15" { description "Add sysNetconfServerCLI monitoring data."; } revision "2010-05-24" { description "Change SessionId to standard session-id-type."; } revision "2009-12-27" { description "Initial version."; } typedef Language2 { type string { pattern '[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*'; } description "XML language type for LangString"; } typedef LangString2 { type string { ncx:metadata "Language2 lang"; } description "XML string with a language attribute."; } grouping SysCommonSessionParms { leaf userName { type string; description "Name of the user for the session."; } leaf sessionId { type nc:session-id-type; mandatory true; description "Identifier of the session."; } leaf remoteHost { type inet:ip-address; description "Address of the remote host for the session."; } } // grouping SysCommonSessionParms container system { config false; description "Basic objects for NETCONF system status."; leaf sysName { type string; description "The system name."; reference "RFC 3418, sysName object"; } leaf sysCurrentDateTime { type yang:date-and-time; description "The current system date and time."; } leaf sysBootDateTime { type yang:date-and-time; description "The system date and time when the system last restarted."; } leaf sysLogLevel { type nt:NcDebugType; description "The current system logging verbosity level."; } leaf sysNetconfServerId { type string; description "The name and version ID for the NETCONF server running on this system."; } leaf sysNetconfStartupSource { type enumeration { enum "no-startup" { value 0; description "The --no-startup CLI option was used."; } enum "factory-startup" { value 1; description "The --factory-startup CLI option was used."; } enum "startup" { value 2; description "The --startup=filespec CLI option was used or the default startup file was used."; } } description "The startup config source used at boot-time."; } leaf sysNetconfStartupFilespec { type string; description "The filespec that is used (if any) to save the running config to NV storage. If this object contains an empty string then the startup file has not been set yet, or it is not used."; } leaf sysNetconfStartupTxidFilespec { type string; description "The filespec that is used (if any) to save the latest transaction-id NV storage."; } anyxml sysNetconfServerCLI { nacm:default-deny-all; description "The boot-time CLI and configuration parameters that were used by the server running on this system. The format is the 'netconfd' container, defined in netconfd.yang. By default, only client-set parameters are shown. Use with-defaults=report-all to see all CLI parameter values in effect."; } container uname { description "Contains the broken out fields from the output of the 'uname' command on this machine."; leaf sysname { type string; description "The name of the operating system in use."; } leaf release { type string; description "The current release level of the operating system in use."; } leaf version { type string; description "The current version level of the operating system in use."; } leaf machine { type string; description "A description of the hardware in use."; } leaf nodename { type string; description "The host name of this system, as reported by the uname command."; } } // container uname } // container system rpc set-log-level { nacm:default-deny-all; description "Sets the server log verbosity level"; input { ncx:default-parm "log-level"; leaf log-level { type nt:NcDebugType; mandatory true; description "The desired verbosity level for system logging messages generated by the server. The current value can be obtained by retrieving the /system/sysLogLevel object."; } } } // rpc set-log-level notification sysStartup { description "Generated when the system restarts. Used for logging purposes, since no sessions are actually active when the system restarts."; leaf startupSource { type string; description "The filespec used to load the running configuration. This leaf will only be present if there was a startup configuration file used."; } list bootError { description "There will be one entry for each <rpc-error> encountered during the load config operation. The <rpc-error> fields are used directly. There is no particular order, so no key is defined."; leaf error-type { type enumeration { enum "transport" { value 0; } enum "rpc" { value 1; } enum "protocol" { value 2; } enum "application" { value 3; } } mandatory true; description "Defines the conceptual layer that the error occurred."; } leaf error-tag { type nc:error-tag-type; mandatory true; description "Contains a string identifying the error condition."; } leaf error-severity { type nc:error-severity-type; mandatory true; description "Contains a string identifying the error severity, as determined by the device."; } leaf error-app-tag { type string; description "Contains a string identifying the data-model-specific or implementation-specific error condition, if one exists. This element will not be present if no appropriate application error tag can be associated with a particular error condition."; } leaf error-path { type yang:xpath1.0; description "Contains the absolute XPath [2] expression identifying the element path to the node that is associated with the error being reported in a particular rpc-error element."; } leaf error-message { type LangString2; description "Contains a string suitable for human display that describes the error condition. This element will not be present if no appropriate message is provided for a particular error condition. This element SHOULD i nclude an xml:lang attribute."; } anyxml error-info { description "Contains protocol- or data-model-specific error content. This element will not be present if no such error content is provided for a particular error condition. The list in RFC 4741, Appendix A, defines any mandatory error-info content for each error. After any protocol-mandated content, a data model definition may mandate that certain application-layer error information be included in the error-info container. An implementation may include additional elements to provide extended and/or implementation-specific debugging information."; } } // list bootError } // notification sysStartup notification sysConfigChange { description "Generated when the <running> configuration is changed."; uses SysCommonSessionParms; list edit { description "An edit record will be present for each distinct edit operation on the running config."; leaf target { type instance-identifier; description "Topmost node associated with the configuration change."; } leaf operation { type nc:edit-operation-type; description "Type of edit operation performed."; } } // list edit } // notification sysConfigChange notification sysCapabilityChange { description "Generated when a <capability> is added or deleted."; container changed-by { description "Indicates who caused this capability change. If caused by internal action, then the empty leaf 'server' will be present. If caused by a management session, then the name, remote host address, and session ID of the session that made the change will be reported."; choice server-or-user { leaf server { type empty; description "The capability change was caused by the server."; } case by-user { uses SysCommonSessionParms; } // case by-user } // choice server-or-user } // container changed-by leaf-list added-capability { type inet:uri; description "List of capabilities that have been just added."; } leaf-list deleted-capability { type inet:uri; description "List of capabilities that have been just deleted."; } } // notification sysCapabilityChange notification sysSessionStart { description "Generated when a new management session is started."; uses SysCommonSessionParms; } // notification sysSessionStart notification sysSessionEnd { description "Generated when a management session is terminated."; uses SysCommonSessionParms; leaf killedBy { when "../terminationReason = 'killed'"; type nc:session-id-type; description "Session ID that issued the <kill-session>, if the session was terminated by this operation."; } leaf terminationReason { type enumeration { enum "closed" { value 0; description "The session was terminated with the <close-session> operation."; } enum "killed" { value 1; description "The session was terminated with the <kill-session> operation."; } enum "dropped" { value 2; description "The session was terminated because the SSH session or TCP connection was unexpectedly closed."; } enum "timeout" { value 3; description "The session was terminated because of inactivity, either waiting for the <hello> or <rpc> PDUs."; } enum "bad-start" { value 4; description "The session startup sequence failed."; } enum "bad-hello" { value 5; description "The client's <hello> message was bad or never arrived."; } enum "other" { value 6; description "The session was terminated for some other reason."; } } mandatory true; description "Reason the session was terminated."; } } // notification sysSessionEnd notification sysConfirmedCommit { description "Generated when a confirmed-commit event occurs."; uses SysCommonSessionParms; leaf confirmEvent { type enumeration { enum "start" { value 0; description "The confirm-commit procedure has started."; } enum "cancel" { value 1; description "The confirm-commit procedure has been canceled, due to the session being terminated."; } enum "timeout" { value 2; description "The confirm-commit procedure has been canceled, due to the confirm-timeout interval expiring. The common session parameters will not be present in this sub-mode."; } enum "extend" { value 3; description "The confirm-commit timeout has been extended."; } enum "complete" { value 4; description "The confirm-commit procedure has been completed."; } } mandatory true; description "Indicates the event that caused the notification."; } } // notification sysConfirmedCommit rpc load { nacm:default-deny-all; description "Load a module into the server, if it is not already loaded. Returns the module revision date (or today's date if none), of the module that was loaded, or an error if not found or the module found had errors and was not loaded successfully. If the module is already loaded, then the revision date will simply be returned."; input { ncx:default-parm "module"; leaf module { type nt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "Name of the module to load."; } leaf revision { type nt:Date; description "Module revision to load."; } uses yumaapp:DeviationParm; } output { leaf mod-revision { type nt:Date; description "Revision date of the module in use by the server. Will only be present if the module has a version"; } } } // rpc load rpc restart { nacm:default-deny-all; description "Restart the server. Does not reload the software image.."; } // rpc restart rpc shutdown { nacm:default-deny-all; description "Shutdown the server."; } // rpc shutdown rpc no-op { description "Just returns 'ok'. Used for debugging or relative performance measurements."; } // rpc no-op } // module yuma-system
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