
Common CLI parameters used in all yuma applications. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012 Andy Bierman and the persons identified as autho...

  • Version: 2017-07-25


      module yuma-app-common {
        yang-version 1;
        prefix appcmn;
        import yuma-types {
          prefix yt;
        organization "Netconf Central";
          "Andy Bierman <andy at netconfcentral.org>";
          "Common CLI parameters used in all yuma applications.
    Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012 Andy Bierman and the persons
    identified as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 YumaWorks, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
    without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
    to the license terms contained in, the BSD 3-Clause License
        revision "2017-07-25" {
            "Add warn-up and warn-error parameters";
        revision "2017-02-04" {
            "Deprecate yang-api protocol support.
    Update 'restconf' bit to reference RFC 8040";
        revision "2015-09-14" {
            "Add new protocol parameter values 'yang-api'
    and 'restconf'";
        revision "2015-03-29" {
            "Fix the warn-off parameter";
        revision "2012-08-16" {
            "Split yuma-home into its own grouping YumaHomeParm";
        revision "2011-10-06" {
            "Add HomeParm grouping.
    Split CommonFeatureParms from NcxAppCommon grouping.";
        revision "2011-04-24" {
            "Remove empty featureParms grouping.
    Add ProtocolsParm grouping.";
        revision "2011-01-28" {
          description "Add OutputParm grouping";
        revision "2010-12-18" {
            "Change warn-linelen default value to 0 to turn it off";
        revision "2010-01-25" {
            "Allow revision date in module parm for 0.10 release.";
        revision "2010-01-14" {
            "Initial version for 0.9.9 release.";
        typedef CliWithDefaultsType {
          type enumeration {
            enum "none" {
              value 0;
            enum "report-all" {
              value 1;
            enum "report-all-tagged" {
              value 2;
            enum "trim" {
              value 3;
            enum "explicit" {
              value 4;
            "Add 'none' to standard enumerations";
        grouping CliWithDefaultsParm {
          leaf with-defaults {
            type CliWithDefaultsType;
              "Include default data nodes";
        }  // grouping CliWithDefaultsParm
        grouping HelpMode {
          choice help-mode {
            default "normal";
            leaf brief {
              type empty;
              description "Show brief help text";
            leaf normal {
              type empty;
                "Show normal help text";
            leaf full {
              type empty;
              description "Show full help text";
          }  // choice help-mode
        }  // grouping HelpMode
        grouping IndentParm {
          leaf indent {
            type yt:IndentType;
              "Number of spaces to indent (0..9) in formatted output.";
        }  // grouping IndentParm
        grouping DatapathParm {
          leaf datapath {
            type yt:NcPathList;
              "Internal file search path for config files.
    Overrides the YUMA_DATAPATH environment variable.";
        }  // grouping DatapathParm
        grouping RunpathParm {
          leaf runpath {
            type yt:NcPathList;
              "Internal file search path for executable modules.
    Overrides the YUMA_RUNPATH environment variable.";
        }  // grouping RunpathParm
        grouping NcxAppCommon {
          leaf help {
            type empty;
              "Print program help file and exit.";
          uses HelpMode;
          uses IndentParm;
          leaf log {
            type string;
              "Filespec for the log file to use instead of STDOUT.
    If this parameter is used on the command line then
    the --log-append parameter must also be present
    on the command line if append mode is desired.";
          leaf log-append {
            type empty;
              "If present, the log will be appended not over-written.
    If not, the log will be over-written.
    Only meaningful if the 'log' parameter is
    also present.";
          leaf log-level {
            type yt:NcDebugType;
              "Sets the debug logging level for the program.";
          leaf modpath {
            type yt:NcPathList;
              "Directory search path for YANG or YIN modules.
    Overrides the YUMA_MODPATH environment variable.";
          leaf version {
            type empty;
              "Print program version string and exit.";
          leaf warn-error {
            type boolean;
            default "false";
              "Control whether all warnings are upgraded to errors.
    If 'true' then all warnings will be treated as errors
    unless a warn-off parameter is set to disable a
    specific warning.";
          leaf warn-idlen {
            type uint32 {
              range "0 | 8 .. 1023";
            default "64";
              "Control whether identifier length warnings will be
    generated.  The value zero disables all identifier
    length checking.  If non-zero, then a warning will
    be generated if an identifier is defined which
    has a length is greater than this amount.";
          leaf warn-linelen {
            type uint32 {
              range "0 | 40 .. 4095";
            default "0";
              "Control whether line length warnings will be
    generated.  The value zero disables all line length
    checking.  If non-zero, then a warning will
    be generated if the line length is greater than
    this amount.  Tab characters are counted as 8 spaces.";
          leaf-list warn-off {
            type uint32 {
              range "1000 .. 1999";
              "Control whether the specified warning number will be
    generated and counted in the warning total for the
    module being parsed.";
          leaf-list warn-up {
            type uint32 {
              range "1000 .. 1999";
              "Control whether the specified warning number will be
    upgraded to an error and counted in the error total
    for the module being parsed.";
        }  // grouping NcxAppCommon
        grouping YumaHomeParm {
          leaf yuma-home {
            type string;
              "Directory for the yuma project root to use.
    If present, this directory location will
    override the 'YUMA_HOME' environment variable,
    if it is present.  If a zero-length string is
    entered, then the YUMA_HOME environment variable
    will be ignored.";
        }  // grouping YumaHomeParm
        grouping ConfigParm {
          leaf config {
            type string;
              "The name of the configuration file to use.
    Any parameter except this one can be set in the config file.
    The default config file will be not be checked if this
    parameter is present.";
        }  // grouping ConfigParm
        grouping NewConfigParm {
          choice config-choice {
            leaf config {
              type string;
                "The name of the configuration file to use.
    Any parameter except this one can be set in the config file.
    The default config file will be not be checked if this
    parameter is present.";
            leaf no-config {
              type empty;
                "Do not the default .conf file even if it exists.";
          }  // choice config-choice
        }  // grouping NewConfigParm
        grouping CommonFeatureParms {
          leaf feature-enable-default {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "If true, then features will be enabled by default.
    If false, then features will be disabled by default.";
          leaf-list feature-enable {
            type yt:FeatureSpec;
              "Identifies a feature which should be considered
          leaf-list feature-disable {
            type yt:FeatureSpec;
              "Identifies a feature which should be considered
        }  // grouping CommonFeatureParms
        grouping FeatureCodeParms {
          leaf feature-code-default {
            type enumeration {
              enum "static" {
                value 0;
                  "The default behavior for feature behavior
    is to use statically defined features at
              enum "dynamic" {
                value 1;
                  "The default behavior for feature behavior
    is to use dynamically defined features at
            default "dynamic";
              "The default feature code generation type.";
          leaf-list feature-static {
            type yt:FeatureSpec;
              "Identifies a feature which is configured to be a
    static feature, and therefore set at compile time.";
          leaf-list feature-dynamic {
            type yt:FeatureSpec;
              "Identifies a feature which is configured to be a
    static feature, and therefore set at compile time.";
        }  // grouping FeatureCodeParms
        grouping ModuleParm {
          leaf-list module {
            type yt:NcModuleSpec;
              "YANG source module name to use.";
        }  // grouping ModuleParm
        grouping SubtreeParm {
          leaf-list subtree {
            type yt:NcPathSpec;
              "Path specification of the directory subtree to use.
    All of the YANG source modules contained in the
    specified directory sub-tree will be processed.
    Note that symbolic links are not followed
    during the directory traversal.  Only real directories
    will be searched and regular files will be checked as
    modules.  Processing will continue to the next file
    if a module contains errors.
    If this string begins with a '~' character,
    then a username is expected to follow or
    a directory separator character.  If it begins
    with a '$' character, then an environment variable
    name is expected to follow.
    ~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path
    ~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path
    $workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path";
        }  // grouping SubtreeParm
        grouping DeviationParm {
          leaf-list deviation {
            type yt:NcModuleSpec;
              "YANG deviation file.
    This parameter identifies a YANG module that
    should only be checked for deviation statements
    for external modules.  These will be collected
    and applied to the real module(s) being processed.
    Deviations are applied as patches to the target module.
    Since they are not identified in the target module at
    all (ala imports), they have to be specified
    explicitly, so they will be correctly processed.
    If this string represents a filespec,
    ending with the '.yang' or '.yin' extension,
    then only that file location will be checked.
    If this string represents a module name, then
    the module search path will be checked for
    a file with the module name and the '.yang'
    or '.yin' extension.
    If this string begins with a '~' character,
    then a username is expected to follow or
    a directory separator character.  If it begins
    with a '$' character, then an environment variable
    name is expected to follow.
    ~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path
    ~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path
    $workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path
        }  // grouping DeviationParm
        grouping SubdirsParm {
          leaf subdirs {
            type boolean;
            default "true";
              "If false, the file search paths for modules, scripts,
    and data files will not include sub-directories if they
    exist in the specified path.
    If true, then these file search paths will include
    sub-directories, if present.  Any directory name beginning
    with a dot '.' character, or named 'CVS', will be ignored.";
        }  // grouping SubdirsParm
        grouping OutputParm {
          leaf output {
            type string;
              "Output directory or file name to use.
    Default is STDOUT if none specified and the
    'defnames' parameter is also set to 'false'.
    For yangdump, if this parameter represents an existing
    directory, then the 'defnames' parameter will be set
    to 'true' by default, and the translation output file(s)
    will be generated in the specified directory.
    For yangdump, if this parameter represents a file name,
    then the 'defnames' parameter will be ignored,
    and all translation output will be directed
    to the specified file.
    If this string begins with a '~' character,
    then a username is expected to follow or
    a directory separator character.   If it begins
    with a '$' character, then an environment variable
    name is expected to follow.
      ~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path
      ~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path
      $workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path
    If this parameter is present, and identifies
    an existing directory, then any translation output
    files will be generated in that directory.  If that
    parameter identifies a file, then that one file will
    be used for output.
    For yangdump, if the 'format' parameter is present,
    then one file with the default name will be generated
    for each YANG or YIN file found in the sub-tree.";
        }  // grouping OutputParm
        grouping ProtocolsParm {
          leaf protocols {
            type bits {
              bit netconf1.0 {
                position 0;
                description "RFC 4741 base:1.0";
              bit netconf1.1 {
                position 1;
                description "RFC 6241 base:1.1";
              bit yang-api {
                position 2;
                status deprecated;
                description "YANG-API protocol";
              bit restconf {
                position 3;
                description "RESTCONF Protocol";
                  "RFC 8040";
            must ". != ''";
              "Specifies which protocol versions the program or session
    will attempt to use. Empty set is not allowed.";
        }  // grouping ProtocolsParm
        grouping HomeParm {
          leaf home {
            type string {
              length "1..max";
              "Directory specification for the home directory
    to use instead of HOME.";
        }  // grouping HomeParm
      }  // module yuma-app-common

© 2024 YumaWorks, Inc. All rights reserved.