
This module defines all Tail-f YANG extensions statements related to CLI customization. See also the 'display-' statements and ...

  • Version: 2019-05-16


      submodule tailf-cli-extensions {
        yang-version 1;
        belongs-to tailf-common {
            prefix tailf;
        include tailf-meta-extensions {
          revision-date "2017-03-08";
        organization "Tail-f Systems";
          "This module defines all Tail-f YANG extensions statements
         related to CLI customization.
         See also the 'display-' statements and the 'alt-name' statement
         in tailf-common.yang.
         Copyright 2019 Cisco Systems, Inc.
         All rights reserved.
         Permission is hereby granted to redistribute this file without
        revision "2019-05-16" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-7.1.1 / NCS-5.1.1.
           Updated the description for tailf:cli-suppress-range.";
        revision "2019-04-09" {
            "Released as part of Confd-7.1 / NCS-5.1.
           Added tailf:cli-suppress-leafref-in-diff.
           Added tailf:cli-suppress-error-message-value.";
        revision "2018-04-19" {
            "Released as part of Confd-6.6.1 / NCS-4.6.1.
           Allow tailf:cli-configure-mode, tailf:cli-operational-mode,
           tailf:cli-mount-point, and tailf:cli-oper-info in YANG 1.1 'action'.";
        revision "2017-08-23" {
            "Released as part of Confd-6.4.3 / NCS-4.4.3.
           Added tailf:cli-only-in-autowizard for leafs with sensitive data.";
        revision "2017-03-08" {
            "Released as part of Confd-6.4 / NCS-4.4.
           Included latest revision of the tailf-meta-extensions submodule.";
        revision "2017-01-26" {
            "Released as part of Confd-6.3.1 / NCS-4.3.1.
           Added tailf:cli-reset-full for user ordered lists.";
        revision "2016-11-24" {
            "Released as part of Confd-6.3 / NCS-4.3.
           Added cli-diff-before.
           Added cli-diff-set-before.
           Added cli-diff-create-before.
           Added cli-diff-modify-before.
           Added cli-diff-delete-before.
           Added cli-diff-after.
           Added cli-diff-set-after.
           Added cli-diff-create-after.
           Added cli-diff-modify-after.
           Added cli-diff-delete-after.";
        revision "2016-05-04" {
            "Released as part of Confd-6.2 / NCS-4.2.
           Added cli-suppress-warning.";
        revision "2016-04-08" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-5.4 / NCS-3.4.
           Added cli-suppress-quotes.";
        revision "2015-03-19" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-5.4 / NCS-3.4.
           Added cli-show-obu-comments.
           Added cli-batch-confirm-default.";
        revision "2014-11-13" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-5.3 / NCS-3.3.
           Added cli-strict-leafref.
           Added cli-trigger-on-*.
           Allow cli-boolean-no in typedef.";
        revision "2013-11-07" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-5.0.
           Added cli-disabled-info.
           Added cli-suppress-shortenabled.
           Added cli-no-keyword.
           Added cli-case-sensitive and cli-case-insensitive.";
        revision "2012-11-08" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-4.1.
           Added cli-delete-when-empty.
           Added cli-diff-dependency.
           Added cli-ignore-modified.";
        revision "2012-08-23" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-4.0.1.
           Allow tailf:cli-operational-mode and tailf:cli-configure-mode in
        revision "2012-06-14" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-4.0.
           Do not allow tailf:cli-drop-node-name and tailf:cli-sequence-commands
             inside tailf:action.
           Added tailf:cli-configure-mode.
           Added tailf:cli-operational-mode.";
        revision "2012-05-24" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.9.2.
           Added tailf:cli-no-value-on-delete.
           Added tailf:cli-no-name-on-delete.
           Added tailf:cli-replace-all.
           Allow tailf:cli-remove-before-change in leaf.";
        revision "2012-03-08" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.9.
           Allow tailf:cli-range-list-syntax in lists with one integer based
        revision "2011-12-08" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.8.
           Added tailf:cli-min-column-with.";
        revision "2011-09-22" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.7.
           Added tailf:cli-disallow-value.
           Added tailf:cli-multi-word.
           Added tailf:cli-before-key.
           Allow tailf:cli-flatten-container in list.";
        revision "2011-08-25" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.6.2.
           Added cli-suppress-silent-no.
           Added cli-range-delimiters.
           Removed duplicate tailf:use-in statement from cli-show-config.";
        revision "2011-06-30" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.6.1.
           Added cli-reversed.
           Added cli-range-list-syntax.";
        revision "2011-05-26" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.6.
          Added cli-allow-join-with-key.
          Added cli-display-joined.";
        revision "2011-02-24" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.5.
          Added cli-boolean-no.
          Added cli-exit-command.
          Added cli-custom-range-enumerator.
          Added cli-reset-siblings.
          Added cli-reset-all-siblings.
          Added cli-reset-container.
          Added cli-hide-in-submode.
          Added cli-prefix-key.
          Added cli-show-with-default.
          Added 'commasep' and 'show:<dictionary>' filter in
          Removed deprecated tailf:cli-default-order.";
        revision "2010-12-02" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.4.1.
          Added cli-flatten-container.";
        revision "2010-11-04" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.4.
          Added cli-key-format.
          Added cli-list-syntax.
          Added cli-flat-list-syntax.
          The following statements were added in ConfD-3.3.3:
          Added cli-suppress-list-no.
          Added cli-suppress-no.
          Added cli-full-no.
          Added cli-incomplete-no.";
        revision "2010-09-16" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.3.2.
          Added cli-autowizard.
          Added cli-multi-word-key.
          Added cli-no-match-completion.";
        revision "2010-08-19" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.3.1.
          Added cli-show-template-footer.
          Added cli-run-template-footer.
          Added cli-table-footer.
          Changed cli-table-legend to be a template.";
        revision "2010-06-17" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.3.
          Added cli-display-empty-config.
          Added cli-expose-key-name.
          Added cli-value-display-template.
          Added cli-run-template.
          Added cli-run-template-legend.
          Added cli-run-template-enter.
          Added cli-suppress-key-sort.
          Added cli-suppress-validation-warning-prompt.
          Added 'hex' and 'hexlist' as display parameters in the
          type cli-template-string.
          Deprecated tailf:cli-default-order.";
        revision "2010-03-18" {
            "Released as part of ConfD-3.2.";
        extension cli-suppress-quotes {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
            "Specifies that configuration data for a leaf should never be wrapped
          with quotes. All internal data will be escaped to make sure it
          can be presented correctly.
          Can't be used for keys.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-no {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that an optional leaf node or presence container
          should be displayed as 'no <name>' when it does not exist.
          For example, if a leaf 'shutdown' has this property and
          does not exist, 'no shutdown' is displayed.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-disallow-value {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies that a pattern for invalid values.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-boolean-no {
          tailf:use-in "typedef";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-reversed";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that a leaf of type boolean should be displayed as
           '<leafname>' if set to true, and 'no <leafname>' if set to
           Cannot be used in conjunction with tailf:cli-hide-in-submode
           or tailf:cli-compact-syntax.
           Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-reversed {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-boolean-no";
            "Specified that true should be displayed as 'no <name>' and
           false as 'name'.
           Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-autowizard {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the autowizard should include this leaf even
           if the leaf is optional.
           One use case is when implementing pre-configuration of devices.
           A config false node can be defined for showing if the
           configuration is active or not (preconfigured).
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-config {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
            "Specifies that the node will be included when doing a 'show
          running-configuration', even if it is a non-config node.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-display-empty-config {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the node will be included when doing a 'show
          stats', even if it is a non-config node, provided
          that the list contains at least one non-config node.
          Used in J-style CLI.";
        extension cli-mode-name {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a custom mode name, instead of the default which is the
          name of the list or container node.
          Can be used in config nodes only.  If used in a container, the
          container must also have a tailf:cli-add-mode statement, and if
          used in a list, the list must not also have a
          tailf:cli-suppress-mode statement.
          Variables for the list keys in the current mode are available.
          For examples, 'config-foo-xx$(name)' (provided the key leaf
          is called 'name').
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-order-taglist {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a custom display order for nodes with the
           tailf:cli-show-order-tag attribute. Nodes will be displayed
           in the order indicated in the list. Nodes without a tag will
           be displayed after all nodes with a tag have been displayed.
           The scope of a taglist is until a new taglist is encountered.
           Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-order-tag {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a custom display order for nodes with the
           tailf:cli-show-order-tag attribute. Nodes will be displayed
           in the order indicated by a cli-show-order-taglist attribute in
           a parent node.
           The scope of a tag reaches until a new taglist is encountered.
           Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-mode-name-actionpoint {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies that a custom function will be invoked to find out the mode
          name, instead of using the default with is the name of the list
          or container node.
          The argument is the name of an actionpoint, which must be
          implemented by custom code.  In the actionpoint, the command()
          callback function will be invoked, and it must return a string
          with the mode name.  See confd_lib_dp(3) for details.
          Can be used in config nodes only.  If used in a container, the
          container must also have a tailf:cli-add-mode statement, and if
          used in a list, the list must not also have a
          tailf:cli-suppress-mode statement.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-add-mode {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Creates a mode of the container.
          Can be used in config nodes only.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-flatten-container {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Allows the CLI to exit the container and continue to input
           from the parent container when all leaves in the current
           container has been set.
          Can be used in config nodes only.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-mode {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to not make a mode of the list node.
          Can be used in config nodes only.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-delete-when-empty {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to delete the list when the last list
           instance is deleted'. Requires that cli-suppress-mode is set.
           The behavior is recursive. If all optional leafs in a list
           instance are deleted the list instance itself is deleted. If
           that list instance happens to be the last list instance in a
           list it is also deleted. And so on. Used in I- and C-style
        extension cli-remove-before-change {
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to generate a no-command before
           modifying an existing instance. It only applies when
           generating diffs, eg 'show configuration' in C-style.";
        extension cli-no-value-on-delete {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "When displaying the deleted version of this leaf do not
           include the old value.
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-no-name-on-delete {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "When displaying the deleted version of this element do not
           include the name.
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-embed-no-on-delete {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Embed no in front of the element name instead of at the
           beginning of the line.
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-recursive-delete {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "When generating configuration diffs delete all contents
           of a container or list before deleting the node.
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-before {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any changes made to this node
           before any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when any changes
           (created, modified or deleted) has been made to this node
           while any changes (created, modified or deleted) has been made
           to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-delete-before {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any delete operations made on this node
           before any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been deleted
           while any changes (created, modified or deleted) has been made
           to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-set-before {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any set operations (created or modified) made on this node
           before any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been set
           (created or modified) while any changes (created, modified or deleted)
           has been made to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-create-before {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any create operations made on this node
           before any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been created
           while any changes (created, modified or deleted) has been made
           to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-modify-before {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any modify operations made on this node
           before any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been modified
           (not created or deleted) while any changes (created, modified or deleted)
           has been made to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-after {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any changes made to this node
           after any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when any changes
           (created, modified or deleted) has been made to this node
           while any changes (created, modified or deleted) has been made
           to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-delete-after {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any delete operations made on this node
           after any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been deleted
           while any changes (created, modified or deleted) has been made
           to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-set-after {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any set operations (created or modified) made on this node
           after any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been set
           (created or modified) while any changes (created, modified or deleted)
           has been made to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-create-after {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any create operations made on this node
           after any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been created
           while any changes (created, modified or deleted) has been made
           to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-diff-modify-after {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-create";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-when-target-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "When displaying C-style configuration diffs,
           display any modify operations made on this node
           after any changes made to the target node(s).
           Thus, the dependency will trigger when this node has been modified
           (not created or deleted) while any changes (created, modified or deleted)
           has been made to the target node(s).
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-when-target-set {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-after";
            "Specify that the dependency should trigger when the target node(s)
           has been set (created or modified).
           Note; using this sub-statement is equivalent with using
           both tailf:cli-when-target-create and tailf:cli-when-target-modify";
        extension cli-when-target-create {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-after";
            "Specify that the dependency should trigger when the target node(s)
           has been created";
        extension cli-when-target-modify {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-after";
            "Specify that the dependency should trigger when the target node(s)
           has been modified (not created or deleted)";
        extension cli-when-target-delete {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-before";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-delete-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-set-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-create-after";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-modify-after";
            "Specify that the dependency should trigger when the target node(s)
           has been deleted";
        extension cli-diff-dependency {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:xpath-root";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-trigger-on-set";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-trigger-on-delete";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-trigger-on-all";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "path" {
            yin-element false;
            "Tells the 'show configuration' command, and the diff generator
           that this node depends on another node. When removing the node
           with this declaration, it should be removed before the node
           it depends on is removed, ie the declaration controls the ordering
           of the commands in the 'show configuration' output.
           Applies to C-style";
        extension cli-trigger-on-set {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-dependency";
            'Specify that the dependency should trigger on set/modify of
           the target path, but deletion of the target will trigger the
           current node to be placed in front of the target.
           The annotation can be used to get the diff behavior where
           one leaf is first deleted before the other leaf is set.
           For example, having the data model below:
            container X {
              leaf A {
                tailf:cli-diff-dependency "../B" {
                type empty;
              leaf B {
                tailf:cli-diff-dependency "../A"  {
                type empty;
           produces the following diffs when setting one leaf
           and deleting the other
             no X A
             X B
             no X B
             X A
           this can also be done with list instances, for example
             list a {
               key id;
               leaf id {
                 tailf:cli-diff-dependency "/c[id=current()/../id]" {
                 type string;
             list c {
               key id;
               leaf id {
                 tailf:cli-diff-dependency "/a[id=current()/../id]" {
                 type string;
           we get
             no a foo
             c foo
             no c foo
             a foo
           In the above case if we have the same id in list "a" and "c"
           and we delete the instance in one list, and add it in the other,
           then the deletion will always precede the create.
        extension cli-trigger-on-delete {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-dependency";
            "This annotation can be used together with tailf:cli-trigger-on-set
           to also get the behavior that when deleting the target display
           changes to this node first. For example:
            container settings {
              leaf opmode {
                type enumeration {
                  enum nat;
                  enum transparent;
              leaf manageip {
                when \"../opmode = 'transparent'\";
                mandatory true;
                tailf:cli-diff-dependency '../opmode' {
                type string;
          What we are trying to achieve here is that if manageip is
          deleted, it should be displayed before opmode, but if we
          configure both opmode and manageip, we should display opmode
          first, ie get the diffs:
            opmode   transparent
            no manageip
            opmode nat
            no manageip
            no opmode
          The cli-trigger-on-set annotation will cause the 'no manageip'
          command to be displayed before setting opmode. The
          tailf:cli-trigger-on-delete will cause 'no manageip' to be
          placed before 'no opmode' when both are deleted.
          In the first diff where both are created, opmode will come first
          due to the diff-dependency setting, regardless of the
          cli-trigger-on-delete and cli-trigger-on-set.
        extension cli-trigger-on-all {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-dependency";
            "Specify that the dependency should always trigger. It is the
           same as placing one element before another in the data model.
           For example, given the data model:
           container X {
             leaf A {
               tailf:cli-diff-dependency '../B' {
               type empty;
             leaf B {
               type empty;
           We get the diffs
             X B
             X A
             no X B
             no X A
        extension cli-ignore-modified {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Tells the cdb_cli_diff_iterate system call to not generate
           a CLI string when this container is modified. The string will
           instead be generated for the modified sub-element.
           Applies to C-style and I-style";
        extension cli-show-long-obu-diffs {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-reset-full" {
            tailf:occurence "?";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to not generate 'insert' comments
           when displaying configuration changes of ordered-by user
           lists, but instead explicitly remove old instances with 'no'
           and then add the instances following a newly inserted instance.
           Should not be used together with tailf:cli-show-obu-comments";
        extension cli-reset-full {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-show-long-obu-diffs";
            "Indicates that the list should be fully printed out on change.";
        extension cli-show-obu-comments {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Enforces the CLI engine to generate 'insert' comments
           when displaying configuration changes of ordered-by user
           lists. Should not be used together with tailf:cli-show-long-obu-diffs";
        extension cli-allow-join-with-key {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-display-joined";
            "Indicates that the list name may be written together
          with the first key, without requiring a whitespace
          in between, ie allowing both
                interface ethernet1/1
                interface ethernet 1/1
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-allow-join-with-value {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-display-joined";
            "Indicates that the leaf name may be written together
          with the value, without requiring a whitespace
          in between, ie allowing both
                interface ethernet1/1
                interface ethernet 1/1
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-display-joined {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-allow-join-with-key";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-allow-join-with-value";
            "Specifies that the joined version should be used when displaying
           the configuration in C- and I- mode.";
        extension cli-exit-command {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:info";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Tells the CLI to add an explicit exit-from-submode command.
           The tailf:info substatement can be used for adding a custom
           info text for the command.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-explicit-exit {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
            "Tells the CLI to add an explicit exit command when displaying
           the configuration. It will not be added if cli-exit-command
           is defined as well. The annotation is inherited by all
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-key-format {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "The format string is used when parsing a key value and when
          generating a key value for an existing configuration. The key
          items are numbered from 1-N and the format string should
          indicate how they are related by using $(X) (where X is the
          key number). For example:
          tailf:cli-key-format '$(1)-$(2)' means that the first key
          item is concatenated with the second key item by a '-'.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-key-sort {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to not sort the keys in alphabetical order
          when presenting them to the user during TAB completion.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-table {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to not print the list as a table in
          the 'show' command.
          Can be used in non-config nodes only.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-validation-warning-prompt {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to not prompt the user whether to proceed
          or not if a warning is generated for this node.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-key-abbreviation {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Key values cannot be abbreviated.  The user must always give
          complete values for keys.
          In the J-style CLI this is relevant when using the commands
          'delete' and 'edit'.
          In the I- and C-style CLIs this is relevant when using the
          commands 'no', 'show configuration' and for commands to enter
          See also /confdConfig/cli/allowAbbrevKeys in confd.conf(5).";
        extension cli-allow-key-abbreviation {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Key values can be abbreviated.
          In the J-style CLI this is relevant when using the commands
          'delete' and 'edit'.
          In the I- and C-style CLIs this is relevant when using the
          commands 'no', 'show configuration' and for commands to enter
          See also /confdConfig/cli/allowAbbrevKeys in confd.conf(5).";
        extension cli-table-legend {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed before all list entries are
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-table-footer {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed after all list entries are
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-completion-actionpoint {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:identifier";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-completion-id";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies that completion for the leaf values is done through a
          callback function.
          The argument is the name of an actionpoint, which must be
          implemented by custom code.  In the actionpoint, the completion()
          callback function will be invoked.  See confd_lib_dp(3) for details.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-completion-id {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:identifier";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range-actionpoint";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a string which is passed to the callback when invoked.
          This makes it possible to use the same callback at several
          locations and still keep track of which point it is invoked
        extension cli-allow-caching {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range-actionpoint";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range-enumerator";
            "Allow caching of the evaluation results between different parent paths.";
        extension cli-multi-line-prompt {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Tells the CLI to automatically enter multi-line mode when prompting
           the user for a value to this leaf.
           Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-multi-word-key {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-max-words";
            "Specifies that the key should allow multiple tokens for the
           value. Proper type restrictions needs to be used to limit
           the range of the leaf value.
          Can be used in key leafs only.
          Note: This extension isn't applicable in actions
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-max-words {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-multi-word-key";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-multi-word";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-multi-value";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies the maximum number of allowed words for the key or value.";
        extension cli-allow-range {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Means that the non-integer key should allow range expressions.
          Can be used in key leafs only.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-range-delimiters {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Allows for custom delimiters to be defined for range expressions.
          By default only / is considered a delimiter, ie when processing
          a key like 1/2/3 then each of 1, 2 and 3 will be matched separately
          against range expressions, ie given the expression 1-3/5-6/7,8
          1 will be matched with 1-3, 2 with 5-6, and 3 with 7,8. If, for
          example, the delimiters value is set to '/.' then both '/' and
          '.' will be considered delimiters and an key such as 1/2/3.4 will
          consist of the entities 1,2,3,4, all matched separately.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-range {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Means that the key should not allow range expressions.
          Can be used in key leafs only.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-custom-range {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-range-type" {
            tailf:occurence "1";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that the key should support ranges.  A type matching the
          range expression must be supplied.
          Can be used in key leafs only.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-custom-range-actionpoint {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:identifier";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-completion-id";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-allow-caching";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies that the list supports range expressions and that a custom
          function will be invoked to determine if an instance belong in
          the range or not. At least one key element needs a
          cli-custom-range statement.
          The argument is the name of an actionpoint, which must be
          implemented by custom code.  In the actionpoint, the
          completion() callback function will be invoked.  See
          confd_lib_dp(3) for details.
          When a range expression value which matches the type is given in
          the CLI, the CLI engine will invoke the callback with each
          existing list entry instance.  If the callback returns CONFD_OK,
          it matches the range expression, and if it returns CONFD_ERR, it
          doesn't match.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-custom-range-enumerator {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:identifier";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-completion-id";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-allow-caching";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a callback to invoke to get an array of
          instances matching a regular expression. This is used
          when instances should be allowed to be created using
          a range expression in set.
          The callback is not used for delete or show operations.
          The callback is allowed to return a superset of all matching
          instances since the instances will be filtered using the
          range expression afterwards.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-range-type {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "This statement contains the name of a derived type, possibly
          with a prefix.  If no prefix is given, the type must be defined in
          the local module.  For example:
            cli-range-type p:my-range-type;
          All range expressions must match this type, and a valid key
          value must not match this type.";
        extension cli-allow-wildcard {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Means that the list allows wildcard expressions in the 'show' pattern.
          See also /confdConfig/cli/allowWildcard in confd.conf(5).
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-wildcard {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Means that the list does not allow wildcard expressions in the 'show'
          See also /confdConfig/cli/allowWildcard in confd.conf(5).
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-warning {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-run-template-enter";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-sequence-commands";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-hide-in-submode";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-boolean-no";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-compact-syntax";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-break-sequence-commands";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-show-long-obu-diffs";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-show-obu-comments";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-suppress-range";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-suppress-mode";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range-actionpoint";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-custom-range-enumerator";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-drop-node-name";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-add-mode";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-mode-name";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-incomplete-command";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-full-command";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-mode-name-actionpoint";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-optional-in-sequence";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-prefix-key";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-show-no";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-show-order-tag";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-diff-dependency";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Avoid involving specific CLI-extension related YANG statements in
           warnings related to certain yanger error codes. For a list of
           yanger error codes do 'yanger -e'.
           Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-configure-mode {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:action";
          tailf:use-in "rpc";
          tailf:use-in "action";
            "An action or rpc with this attribute will be available in
           configure mode, but not in operational mode.
           The default is that the action or rpc is available in both
           configure and operational mode.
           Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-operational-mode {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:action";
          tailf:use-in "rpc";
          tailf:use-in "action";
            "An action or rpc with this attribute will be available in
           operational mode, but not in configure mode.
           The default is that the action or rpc is available in both
           configure and operational mode.
           Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-mount-point {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:action";
          tailf:use-in "rpc";
          tailf:use-in "action";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "By default actions are mounted under the 'request'
           command in the J-style CLI and at the top-level in
           the I- and C-style CLIs. This annotation allows
           the action to be mounted under other top level commands";
        extension cli-batch-confirm-default {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "boolean";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:confirm-text";
          argument "name" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies if the default is to proceed or abort the action during batch
          processing in the CLI (e.g. non-interactive mode) when a confirm-text is
          set. If this value is not specified, the default value may instead be
          provided by tailf:confirm-default or by the ConfD global default if
          specified in a clispec(5).";
        extension cli-delayed-auto-commit {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Enables transactions while in a specific submode (or submode of that
          mode).  The modifications performed in that mode will not take effect
          until the user exits that submode.
          Can be used in config nodes only.  If used in a container, the
          container must also have a tailf:cli-add-mode statement, and if
          used in a list, the list must not also have a
          tailf:cli-suppress-mode statement.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-preformatted {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Suppresses quoting of non-config elements when displaying them.
          Newlines will be preserved in strings etc.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-disabled-info {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies an info string that will be used as a descriptive text for the
          value 'disable' (false) of boolean-typed leafs when the confd.conf(5)
          setting /confdConfig/cli/useShortEnabled is set to 'true'.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-shortenabled {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Suppresses the confd.conf(5) setting /confdConfig/cli/useShortEnabled.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-trim-default {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          status deprecated;
            "Do not display value if it is same as default.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-expose-key-name {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Force the user to enter the name of the key and display the
          key name when displaying the running-configuration.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-enforce-table {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Forces the generation of a table for a list element node regardless of
          whether the table will be too wide or not.  This applies to the
          tables generated by the auto-rendered show commands for non-config data.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-drop-node-name {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that the name of a node is not present in the CLI.
          If tailf:cli-drop-node-name is given on a child to a list node,
          we recommend that you also use tailf:cli-suppress-mode on that
          list node, otherwise the CLI will be very confusing.
          For example, consider this data model, from the tailf-aaa module:
          list alias {
            key name;
            leaf name {
              type string;
            leaf expansion {
              type string;
              mandatory true;
          If you type 'alias foo' in the CLI, you would end up in the
          'alias' submode.  But since the expansion is dropped, you would
          end up specifying the expansion value without typing any command.
          If, on the other hand, the 'alias' list had a
          tailf:cli-suppress-mode statement, you would set an expansion
          'bar' by typing 'alias foo bar'.
          tailf:cli-drop-node-name cannot be used inside tailf:action.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-no-keyword {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the name of a node is not present in the CLI.
           Note that is must be used with some care, just
           like tailf:cli-drop-node-name. The resulting data model must still
           be possible to parse deterministically.
           For example, consider the data model
           container interfaces {
              list traffic {
                  key id;
                  leaf id { type string; }
                  leaf mtu { type uint16; }
              list management {
                  key id;
                  leaf id { type string; }
                  leaf mtu { type uint16; }
           In this case it is impossible to determine if the config
           interfaces {
              eth0 {
                 mtu 1400;
           Means that there should be an traffic interface instance named
           'eth0' or a management interface instance maned 'eth0'. If, on
           the other hand, a restriction on the type was used, for example
           container interfaces {
              list traffic {
                  key id;
                  leaf id { type string; pattern 'eth.*'; }
                  leaf mtu { type uint16; }
              list management {
                  key id;
                  leaf id { type string; pattern 'lo.*';}
                  leaf mtu { type uint16; }
           then the problem would disappear.
          Used in the J-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-compact-syntax {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to use the compact representation for this
          node in the 'show running-configuration' command.  The compact
          representation means that all leaf elements are shown on a
          single line.
          Cannot be used in conjunction with tailf:cli-boolean-no.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-compact-stats {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-wrap";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-width";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-delimiter";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-prettify";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-spacer";
            "Instructs the CLI engine to use the compact representation for this
          node.  The compact representation means that all leaf elements
          are shown on a single line.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-wrap {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-compact-stats";
            "If present, the line will be wrapped at screen width.";
        extension cli-width {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-compact-stats";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a fixed terminal width to use before wrapping line. It is
          only used when tailf:cli-wrap is present.  If a width is not
          specified the line is wrapped when the terminal width is
        extension cli-delimiter {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-compact-stats";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a string to print between the leaf name and its value
          when displaying leaf values.";
        extension cli-prettify {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-compact-stats";
            "If present, dashes (-) and underscores (_) in leaf names are replaced
          with spaces.";
        extension cli-spacer {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-compact-stats";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies a string to print between the nodes.";
        extension cli-column-stats {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
            "Display leafs in the container as columns, i.e., do not repeat
          the name of the container on each line, but instead indent each
          leaf under the container.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-column-width {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Set a fixed width for the column in the auto-rendered tables.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-min-column-width {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Set a minimum width for the column in the auto-rendered tables.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-column-align {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "enumeration" {
              enum "left";
              enum "center";
              enum "right";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies the alignment of the data in the column in the
          auto-rendered tables.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-list-syntax {
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-multi-word";
            "Specifies that each entry in a leaf-list should be displayed as
           a separate element.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-multi-word {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-list-syntax";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-max-words";
            "Specifies that a multi-word value may be entered without quotes.";
        extension cli-flat-list-syntax {
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-replace-all";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that elements in a leaf-list should be entered without
          surrounding brackets. Also, multiple elements can be added to a list
          or deleted from a list.
          If this extension is set for a leaf-list and the parent node of the
          leaf-list has cli-sequence-commands extension, then the leaf-list should
          also have cli-disallow-value extension which should contain names of all
          the sibling nodes of the leaf-list. This is to correctly recognize the end
          of the leaf-list values among entered tokens.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-only-in-autowizard {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
            "Force leaf values to be entered in the autowizard. This
          is intended to prevent users from entering passwords and
          other sensitive information in plain text.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-replace-all {
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-flat-list-syntax";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the new leaf-list value(s) should replace the old,
          as opposed to be added to the old leaf-list.";
        extension cli-suppress-leafref-in-diff {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the leafref should not be considered when generating
           configuration diff";
        extension cli-range-list-syntax {
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that elements in a leaf-list or a list should be entered
          without surrounding brackets and presented as ranges.  The
          element in the list should be separated by a comma.  For
            vlan 1,3,10-20,30,32,300-310
          When this statement is used for lists, the list must have a
          single key.  The elements are be presented as ranges as above.
          The type of the list key, or the leaf-list, must be integer based.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-incomplete-command {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that an auto-rendered command should be considered
          incomplete.  Can be used to prevent <cr> from appearing in
          the completion list for optional internal nodes, for example, or
          to ensure that the user enters all leaf values in a container
          (if used in combination with cli-sequence-commands).
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-full-command {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that an auto-rendered command should be considered complete,
          ie, no additional leaves or containers can be entered on the same
          command line.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-sequence-commands {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-reset-siblings";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-reset-all-siblings";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that an auto-rendered command should only accept arguments
          in the same order as they are specified in the YANG model.
          This, in combination with tailf:cli-drop-node-name, can be used
          to create CLI commands for setting multiple leafs in a container
          without having to specify the leaf names.
          In almost all cases this annotation should be accompanied by the
          tailf:cli-compact-syntax annotation. Otherwise the output from
          'show running-config' will not be correct, and the sequence
          'save xx' 'load override xx' will not work.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-reset-siblings {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-sequence-commands";
            "Specifies that all sibling leaves in the sequence should be reset
           whenever the first leaf in the sequence is set.";
        extension cli-reset-all-siblings {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-sequence-commands";
            "Specifies that all sibling leaves in the container should be reset
           whenever the first leaf in the sequence is set.";
        extension cli-reset-container {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that all sibling leaves in the container should be
           reset when this element is set.
           When used on a container its content is cleared when set.";
        extension cli-display-separated {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Tells CLI engine to display this container as a separate
           line item even when it has children. Only applies to
           presence containers.
           Applicable for optional containers in the C- and I- style CLIs.";
        extension cli-delete-container-on-delete {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the parent container should be deleted when
    .      this leaf is deleted.";
        extension cli-break-sequence-commands {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that previous cli-sequence-command declaration should
          stop at this point. Only applicable when a cli-sequence-command
          declaration has been used in the parent container.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-strict-leafref {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the leaf should only be allowed to be assigned
           references to existing instances when the command is executed.
           Without this annotation the requirement is that the instance
           exists on commit time.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-optional-in-sequence {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Specifies that this element is optional in the sequence. If it
           is set it must be set in the right sequence but may be skipped.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-incomplete-show-path {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-min-keys";
            "Specifies that a path to the show command is considered incomplete,
          i.e., it needs more elements added to the path.  It can also be used
          to specify a minimum number of keys to be given for lists.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-min-keys {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-incomplete-show-path";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies the minimum number of required keys for the show command.";
        extension cli-hide-in-submode {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "Hide leaf when submode has been entered. Mostly useful when
           leaf has to be entered in order to enter a submode. Also works
           for flattened containers.
           Cannot be used in conjunction with tailf:cli-boolean-no.
           Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-expose-ns-prefix {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "When used force the CLI to display namespace prefix of all children.";
        extension cli-prefix-key {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-before-key";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
            "This leaf has to be given as a prefix before entering the actual
          list keys. Very backwards but a construct that exists in some
          Cisco CLIs.
          The construct can be used also for leaf-lists but only when
          then tailf:cli-range-list-syntax is also used.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-before-key {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-prefix-key";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies before which key the prefix element should be inserted.
           The first key has number 1.";
        extension cli-show-with-default {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
            "This leaf will be displayed even when it has its default value.
          Note that this will somewhat result in a slightly different behaviour
          when you save a config and then load it again. With this setting
          in place a leaf that has not been configured will be configured
          after the load.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-oper-info {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "rpc";
          tailf:use-in "action";
          tailf:use-in "identity";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:action";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "text" {
            yin-element true;
            "This statement works exactly as tailf:info, with the exception
          that it is used when displaying the element info in the context
          of stats.
          Both tailf:info and tailf:cli-oper-info can be present at the same
        extension cli-case-sensitive {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
            "Specifies that this node is case-sensitive.
          If applied to a container or a list, any nodes below will
          also be case-sensitive.
          This negates the cli-case-insensitive extension (see below).
          Note that this will override any case-sensitivity settings
          configured in confd.conf";
        extension cli-case-insensitive {
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
            "Specifies that node is case-insensitive.  If applied to a container or
          a list, any nodes below will also be case-insensitive.
          Node names are discovered without care of the case. Also affect
          matching of key values in lists. However it doesn't affect the
          storing of a leaf value. E.g. a modification of a leaf value from
          upper case to lower case is still considered a modification of
          Note that this will override any case-insensitivity settings
          configured in confd.conf";
        extension cli-custom-error {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "text" {
            yin-element true;
            "This statement specifies a custom error message to be displayed
          when the user enters an invalid value.";
        extension cli-full-show-path {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-max-keys";
            "Specifies that a path to the show command is considered complete, i.e.,
          no more elements can be added to the path.  It can also be used to
          specify a maximum number of keys to be given for lists.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-max-keys {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "uint32";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-full-show-path";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies the maximum number of allowed keys for the show command.";
        extension cli-suppress-show-path {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the show command cannot be invoked with the path,
           ie the path is suppressed when auto-rendering show commands for
           config='false' data.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-show-match {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that a specific completion match (i.e., a filter match that
          appear at list nodes as an alternative to specifying a single
          instance) to the show command should not be available.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-list-no {
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the CLI should not accept deletion of the entire list
          or leaf-list. Only specific instances should be deletable not the
          entire list in one command. ie, 'no foo <instance>' should be allowed
          but not 'no foo'.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-no {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the CLI should not auto-render 'no' commands for
          this element. An element with this annotation will not appear in the
          completion list to the 'no' command.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-silent-no {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "Specifies that the confd.cnof directive cSilentNo should be
          suppressed for a leaf and that a custom error message should
          be displayed when the user attempts to delete a non-existing
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-full-no {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that an auto-rendered 'no'-command should be considered
          complete, ie, no additional leaves or containers can be entered on
          the same command line.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-incomplete-no {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that an auto-rendered 'no'-command should not be considered
          complete, ie, additional leaves or containers must be entered on the same
          command line.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-no-match-completion {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the CLI engine should not provide match completion
          for the key leafs in the list.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-show-conf-path {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the show running-config command cannot be invoked with
           the path, ie the path is suppressed when auto-rendering show running-
           config commands for config='true' data.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-no-key-completion {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Specifies that the CLI engine should not perform completion for key
          leafs in the list. This is to avoid querying the data provider
          for all existing keys.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-suppress-error-message-value {
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
            "Allows you to suppress printing a value
           in an error message. This extension can
           be placed in a 'list' or a 'leaf-list'.
           The use-case in mind for this extension
           is that you for instance require
           that the last element in a 'list'
           is the string 'router'. If the last element is *not*
           'router', you want to give an error message.
           Without this extension, the error message
           would print the value of the *first* element
           in the list, which would be confusing,
           as you constrain the *last* element's value.
           Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-instance-info-leafs {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element false;
            "This statement is used to specify how list entries are displayed
          when doing completion in the CLI.  By default, a list entry is
          displayed by listing its key values, and the value of a leaf
          called 'description', if such a leaf exists in the list entry.
          The 'cli-instance-info-leafs' statement takes as its argument a
          space separated string of leaf names.  When a list entry is
          displayed, the values of these leafs are concatenated with a
          space character as separator and shown to the user.
          For example, when asked to specify an interface the CLI will
          display a list of possible interface instances, say 1 2 3 4.  If
          the cli-instance-info-leafs property is set to 'description' then
          the CLI might show:
            Possible completions:
              1 - internet
              2 - lab
              3 - dmz
              4 - wlan
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-multi-value {
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-max-words";
            "Specifies that all remaining tokens on the command line
          should be considered a value for this leaf. This prevents
          the need for quoting values containing spaces, but also
          prevents multiple leaves from being set on the same command
          line once a multi-value leaf has been given on a line.
          If the tailf:cli-max-words substatements is used then
          additional leaves may be entered.
          Note: This extension isn't applicable in actions
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-value-display-template {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be used when formatting the
          value of a leaf for display. Note that other leaves cannot
          be referenced from a display template of one leaf. The only
          value accessible is the leaf's own value, accessed through
          This annotation is primarily for use in operational data since
          modified leaf values cannot be automatically understood
          by the parser. Extreme care should be taken when using this
          annotation for configuration data, and it is generally
          strongly discouraged. The recommended approach is instead
          to use a custom data type.
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-template {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-auto-legend";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be used by the 'show' command in
          operational mode.  It is primarily intended for displaying
          non-config data but config data may be included in the template
          as well.
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Some restrictions includes not applying templates on a leaf that
          is the key in a list. It is recommended to use the template
          directly on the list to format the whole list instead.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-auto-legend {
          tailf:use-in "tailf:cli-show-template";
            "Specifies that the legend should be automatically rendered if not "
              + "already displayed. Useful when using templates for rendering "
              + "tables.";
        extension cli-show-template-legend {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed before all list entries are
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-template-enter {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed before each list entry is
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-show-template-footer {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed after all list entries are
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in J-, I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-run-template {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "leaf";
          tailf:use-in "leaf-list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be used by the 'show running-config'
          command in operational mode.  It is primarily intended for displaying
          config data but non-config data may be included in the template
          as well.
          Care has to be taken to not generate output that cannot be understood
          by the parser.
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-run-template-legend {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed before all list entries are
          Care has to be taken to not generate output that cannot be understood
          by the parser.
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-run-template-enter {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "container";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          tailf:substatement "tailf:cli-suppress-warning" {
            tailf:occurence "*";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed before each list entry is
          When used on a container it only has effect when the container
          also has a tailf:cli-add-mode, and when tailf:cli-show-no isn't
          used on the container.
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          The variable .reenter is set to 'true' when the 'show configuration'
          command is executed and the list or container isn't created. This
          allow, for example, to display
              create foo
          when an instance is created
              edit foo
          when something inside the instance is modified.
          Care has to be taken to not generate output that cannot be understood
          by the parser.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        extension cli-run-template-footer {
          tailf:arg-type {
            type "tailf:cli-template-string";
          tailf:use-in "list";
          tailf:use-in "tailf:symlink";
          tailf:use-in "refine";
          argument "value" {
            yin-element true;
            "Specifies a template string to be printed after all list entries are
          Care has to be taken to not generate output that cannot be understood
          by the parser.
          See the definition of cli-template-string for more info.
          Used in I- and C-style CLIs.";
        typedef cli-template-string {
          type string;
            "A template is a text string which is expanded by the CLI engine,
          and then displayed to the user.
          The template may contain a mix of text and expandable entries.
          Expandable entries all start with $( and end with a matching ).
          Parentheses and dollar signs need to be quoted in plain text.
          (Disclaimer: tailf:cli-template-string will not respect
           all CLI YANG extensions existing from expandable entries.
           For instance, tailf:cli-no-name-on-delete will have no
           effect when the value of a node with this extension is
           fetched as a result of expanding CLI templates.)
          The template is expanded as follows:
          A parameter is either a relative or absolute path to a leaf
          element (eg /foo/bar, foo/bar), or one of the builtin variables:
          .selected, .entered, .legend_shown, .user, .groups, .ip,
          .display_groups, .path, .ipath or .licounter. In addition the
          variables .spath and  .ispath are available when a command
          is executed from a show path.
               The .selected variable contains the list of selected paths
               to be shown. The show template can inspect this element to
               determine if a given element should be displayed or
               not. For example:
                   $(.selected~=hwaddr?HW Address)
               The .entered variable is true if the \"entered\" text has
               been displayed (either the auto generated text or a
               showTemplateEnter). This is useful when having a non-table
               template where each instance should have a text.
                   $(.entered?:host $(name))
               The .legend_shown variable is true if the \"legend\" text has
               been displayed (either the auto generated table header or
               a showTemplateLegend). This is useful to inspect when
               displaying a table row. If the user enters the path to a
               specific instance the builtin table header will not be
               displayed and the showTemplateLegend will not be invoked
               and it may be useful to render the legend specifically
               for this instance.
                   $(.legend_shown!=true?Address         Interface)
               The .user variable contains the name of the current
               user. This can be used for differentiating the content
               displayed for a specific user, or in paths. For example:
               The .groups variable contains the a list of groups that the
               user belongs to.
               The .display_groups variable contains a list of selected
               display groups. This can be used to display different
               content depending on the selected display group. For
               The .ip variable contains the ip address that the user
               connected from.
               The .path variable contains the path to the entry,
               formatted in CLI style.
               The .ipath variable contains the path to the entry,
               formatted in template style.
               The .spath variable contains the show path,
               formatted in CLI style.
               The .ispath variable contains the show path,
               formatted in template style.
               The .licounter variable contains a counter that is
               incremented for each instance in a list. This means that
               it will be 0 in the legend, contain the total number of
               list instances in the footer and something in between in
               the basic show template.
            The value of 'parameter' is substituted.
            The expansion of 'word1' is substituted if 'cond'
            evaluates to true, otherwise the expansion of 'word2' is
            'cond' may be one of
                Evaluates to true if the node exists.
              parameter == <value>
                Evaluates to true if the value of the parameter equals
              parameter != <value>
                Evaluates to true if the value of the parameter does not
                equal <value>
              parameter ~= <value>
                Provided that the value of the parameter is a list
                (i.e., the node that the parameter refers to is a
                leaf-list), this expression evaluates to true if <value>
                is a member of the list.
            Note that it is also possible to omit ':word2' in
            order to print the entire statement, or nothing.
            As an example $(conf?word1) will print 'word1' if conf
            exists, otherwise it will print nothing.
            Double question marks can be used to achieve the same effect
            as above, but with the distinction that the 'cond' variable
            needs to be explicitly configured, in order to be evaluated
            as existing. This is needed in the case of evaluating leafs
            with default values, where the single question mark operator
            would evaluate to existing even if not explicitly configured.
            The value of 'parameter' processed by 'filter' is
            substituted. Filters may be either one of the
            built-ins or a customized filter defined in a
            callback. See /confdConfig/cli/templateFilter.
            A built-in 'filter' may be one of:
                Capitalizes the first character of the value.
                Converts the value into lowercase.
                Converts the value into uppercase.
                Formats the value in a human-readable format (e.g.,
                '13 KB', '4.10 MB',  '102 bytes' etc), where  K
                 means 1024, M means 1024*1024 etc.
                When used without argument the default number of
                decimals displayed is 2. When used with a numeric
                integer argument, filesizeformat will display the
                given number of decimal places.
                Similar to filesizeformat except no bytes suffix
                is added  (e.g., '13.00 k', '4.10 M' '102' etc),
                where k means 1000, M means 1000*1000 etc.
                When used without argument the default number of
                decimals displayed is 2. When used with a numeric
                integer argument, humanreadable will display the
                given number of decimal places.
                Separate the numerical values into groups of three
                digits using a comma (e.g., 1234567 -> 1,234,567)
                Display integer as hex number. An argument can be
                used to indicate how many digits should be used in
                the output. If the hex number is too long it will
                be truncated at the front, if it is too short it will
                be padded with zeros at the front. If the width is
                a negative number then at most that number of digits
                will be used, but short numbers will not be padded
                with zeroes. Another argument can be given to indicate
                if the hex numbers should be written with lower
                or upper case.
                For example:
                  value            Template                       Output
                  12345           {{ value|hex }}                 3039
                  12345           {{ value|hex:2 }}               39
                  12345           {{ value|hex:8 }}               00003039
                  12345           {{ value|hex:-8 }}              3039
                  14911           {{ value|hex:-8:upper }}        3A3F
                  14911           {{ value|hex:-8:lower }}        3a3f
                Display integer as hex number with : between pairs. An
                argument can be used to indicate how many digits should
                be used in the output. If the hex number is too long it
                will be truncated at the front, if it is too short it will
                be padded with zeros at the front. If the width is
                a negative number then at most that number of digits
                will be used, but short numbers will not be padded
                with zeroes. Another argument can be given to indicate
                if the hex numbers should be written with lower
                or upper case.
                For example:
                  value            Template                       Output
                  12345           {{ value|hexlist }}             30:39
                  12345           {{ value|hexlist:2 }}           39
                  12345           {{ value|hexlist:8 }}           00:00:30:39
                  12345           {{ value|hexlist:-8 }}          30:39
                  14911           {{ value|hexlist:-8:upper }}    3A:3F
                  14911           {{ value|hexlist:-8:lower }}    3a:3f
                Used for type 'float' in tailf-xsd-types. We recommend
                that the YANG built-in type 'decimal64' is used instead of
                When used without an argument, rounds a floating-point
                number to one decimal place -- but only if there is a
                decimal part to be displayed.
                For example:
                  value           Template                        Output
                  34.23234        {{ value|floatformat }}         34.2
                  34.00000        {{ value|floatformat }}         34
                  34.26000        {{ value|floatformat }}         34.3
                If used with a numeric integer argument, floatformat
                rounds a number to that many decimal places. For example:
                  value           Template                        Output
                  34.23234        {{ value|floatformat:3 }}       34.232
                  34.00000        {{ value|floatformat:3 }}       34.000
                  34.26000        {{ value|floatformat:3 }}       34.260
                If the argument passed to floatformat is negative, it will
                round a number to that many decimal places -- but only if
                there's a decimal part to be displayed. For example:
                  value           Template                        Output
                  34.23234        {{ value|floatformat:-3 }}      34.232
                  34.00000        {{ value|floatformat:-3 }}      34
                  34.26000        {{ value|floatformat:-3 }}      34.260
                Using floatformat with no argument is equivalent to using
                floatformat with an argument of -1.
                Left-align the value given a width.
                Right-align the value given a width.
                Truncate value to a given width.
                Convert the value into lowercase.
                Convert the value into uppercase.
                Substitutes the result of invoking the default display
                function for the parameter. The dictionary can be used
                for introducing own variables that can be accessed in
                the same manner as builtin variables. The user defined
                variables overrides builtin variables. The dictionary
                is specified as a string on the following form:
                For example, with the following expression:
                the user defined variables can be accessed like this:
                  $(.myvar1!=true?Address) $(.myvar2)
                A special case is the dict variable 'indent'. It
                controls the indentation level of the displayed path.
                The current indent level can be incremented and
                decremented using =+ and =-.
                For example:
                Another special case is he dict variable 'noalign'.
                It  may be used to suppress the default aligning that
                may occur when displaying an element.
                For example:
                Translates the value using the dictionary. Can for
                example be used for displaying on/off instead of
                true/false. The dictionary is specified as a string on
                the following form:
                For example, with the following expression:
                if the leaf 'foo' has value 'true', it is displayed as 'on', and
                if its value is 'false' it is displayed as 'off'.
            Nested invocations are allowed, ie it is possible to have expressions
            like $((state|dict:yes=Yes:no=No)|rjust:14), or $(/foo{$(../bar)})
          For example:
            list interface {
              key name;
              leaf name { ... }
              leaf status { ... }
              container line {
                leaf status { ... }
              leaf mtu { ... }
              leaf bw { ... }
              leaf encapsulation { ... }
              leaf loopback { ... }
                '$(name) is administratively $(status),'
              + ' line protocol is $(line/status)\\n'
              + 'MTU $(mtu) bytes, BW $(bw|humanreadable)bit, \\n'
              + 'Encap $(encapsulation|upper), $(loopback?:loopback not set)\\n';
      }  // submodule tailf-cli-extensions

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