Model for managing PHY layer configuration of Radio interfaces.
Version: 2024-07-10
module openconfig-wifi-phy { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-wifi-phy; import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } import openconfig-wifi-types { prefix oc-wifi-types; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Model for managing PHY layer configuration of Radio interfaces."; revision "2024-07-10" { description "Adding TRANSITION modes to PHY OPMODES"; reference "1.2.4"; } revision "2023-11-30" { description "Add allowed-max-eirp and allowed-max-txpower radio state leaves."; reference "1.2.3"; } revision "2023-05-26" { description "Minor cleanup in descriptions."; reference "1.2.2"; } revision "2023-04-25" { description "Update description for neighbor RSSI to specify as a negative number."; reference "1.2.1"; } revision "2022-09-16" { description "Adds obss-rx and clarifies language on rx-dot11-channel-utilization."; reference "1.2.0"; } revision "2022-03-24" { description "Update model to support operation in 6 GHz frequency."; reference "1.1.0"; } revision "2021-08-02" { description "Add BSS color to radio config and neighbor table."; reference "1.0.0"; } revision "2020-03-24" { description "Update namespace based on new directory structure."; reference "0.4.2"; } revision "2020-03-02" { description "Bug fix, add semicolon to previous revision statement."; reference "0.4.1"; } revision "2019-12-20" { description "Add supported-channels."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2018-12-19" { description "Add opmode to neighbor-table, transmit-eirp, and change transmit-power to int8."; reference "0.3.0"; } revision "2017-12-21" { description "Add last-seen to neighbor-table."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2017-11-06" { description "Add SSID to neighbor-table."; reference "0.1.1"; } revision "2017-07-25" { description "Initial revision."; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "1.2.4"; grouping radio-common-config { description "Configuration items common to all Radio interfaces, independent of frequency"; leaf id { type uint8; description "Unique ID of the radio. Each ID has a corresponding operating-frequency."; } leaf operating-frequency { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:OPERATING_FREQUENCY; } description "Operating frequency of this radio."; } leaf enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "The configured state (enabled/disabled) of this radio interface."; } leaf transmit-power { type int8; units "dBm"; default '9'; description "Transmit power of the radio, in dBm."; } leaf transmit-eirp { type uint8; units "dBm"; description "Transmit eirp of the radio + antenna, in dBm."; } leaf channel { type uint8 { range "1..233"; } description "Operating channel of this radio. If using channel-bonding this will represent the Primary 20MHz channel of the 40,80,160MHz channel."; } leaf channel-width { type uint8; units "MHz"; default '20'; description "Operating channel-width of this radio."; } leaf bss-coloring { type boolean; default "true"; description "Utilize BSS coloring on this radio."; } leaf bss-color-id { type uint8 { range "1..63"; } description "Numerical identifier of the BSS."; } leaf dca { type boolean; default "true"; description "Utilize Dynamic Channel Assignment on this Radio."; } leaf-list allowed-channels { type oc-wifi-types:channels-type; description "Allowed channel list for this Radio to utilize."; } leaf dtp { type boolean; default "true"; description "Utilize dynamic transmit-power on this Radio."; } leaf dtp-min { when "../dtp = 'true'"; type int8; units "dBm"; default '3'; description "Minimum allowed transmit-power on this radio, if utilizing dtp. Expressed in dBm."; } leaf dtp-max { when "../dtp = 'true'"; type int8; units "dBm"; default '15'; description "Maximum allowed transmit-power on this radio, if utilizing dtp. Expressed in dBm."; } leaf antenna-gain { type int8; description "Antenna gain applied to this Radio; typically used when external antennae connected."; } leaf scanning { type boolean; default "true"; description "Whether the radio will perform off-channel scanning, to collect neighboring RF information."; } leaf scanning-interval { type uint8; units "seconds"; description "How often, in seconds, the radio will go off-channel to perform scanning."; } leaf scanning-dwell-time { type uint16; units "milliseconds"; description "Amount of time, in milliseconds, the radio will spend on a channel during scanning-interval. If a Monitor-mode Radio, it will cycle through scanning-allowed-channels spending this amount of time on each."; } leaf scanning-defer-clients { type uint8; description "Sets the number of associated stations after which the radio should not perform scanning."; } leaf scanning-defer-traffic { type boolean; description "Do not perform scanning if any traffic received from an active Station in the past 100ms marked as AC_VO or AC_VI."; } } // grouping radio-common-config grouping radio-common-state { description "Grouping for defining radio-specific operational state"; leaf base-radio-mac { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "Represents the 'burned-in' base-radio MAC address for the a Radio interface."; } leaf-list allowed-regulatory-channels { type oc-wifi-types:channels-type; description "Allowed channels, per regulatory restrictions, this Radio is capable of using. This is typically a combination of AP certification and allowed frequencies per country."; } leaf software-selectable { type boolean; description "Indicates whether or not the operating frequency can be configured by the operator."; } leaf dfs-hit-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; units "nanoseconds"; description "Reports the time of the last DFS hit. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf-list supported-channels { type oc-wifi-types:channels-type; description "Channels allowed by a combination of regulatory and AP certification restrictions."; } leaf channel-change-reason { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:CHANGE_REASON_TYPE; } description "When an Access Point changes channels, this will provide the reason that led to the change."; } leaf total-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Total 802.11 and non-802.11 channel utilization on this Radio. The total channel utilization should include all time periods the AP spent actively receiving and transmitting 802.11 frames, and also include all time spent with clear channel assessment (CCA) in a busy state."; } leaf rx-dot11-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Received channel-utilization due to any 802.11 frames, destined to this radio or otherwise."; } leaf rx-noise-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Received channel-utilization percentage due to noise."; } leaf tx-dot11-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Transmit channel-utilization percentage."; } leaf allowed-max-eirp { type uint8; units "dBm"; description "Maximum allowed transmit eirp of this radio + antenna, of the current channel, in dBm."; } leaf allowed-max-txpower { type uint8; units "dBm"; description "Maximum allowed transmit power of this radio, of the current channel, in dBm."; } leaf obss-rx { type oc-types:percentage; description "Received channel utilization due to 802.11 frames NOT destined to a BSS on this AP ('Overlapping BSS')."; } } // grouping radio-common-state grouping radio-counters-state { description "Radio telemetry statistics."; container counters { description "A collection of radio-related statistics objects."; leaf failed-fcs-frames { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of frames that failed the FCS."; } leaf noise-floor { type int8; description "Noise Floor, as measured by this radio."; } } // container counters } // grouping radio-counters-state grouping neighbor-list-state { description "Operational state data relating to neighboring BSSIDs and their received signal strength."; leaf bssid { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "Neighboring BSSID."; } leaf ssid { type string; description "The SSID of this neighboring BSSID."; } leaf rssi { type int8; description "The RSSI of this neighboring BSSID, expressed as a negative number."; } leaf channel { type uint16; description "The channel of this neighboring BSSID. This is to utilize 802.11ac nomenclature. For example, 40MHz channel 36-40 represented as channel 38. The primary-channel leaf is used to identify the primary 20MHz channel of a bonded channel."; } leaf primary-channel { type uint16; description "The primary 20MHz channel, if the neighbor is operating on bonded channel."; } leaf bss-color-id { type uint8 { range "1..63"; } description "Numerical identifier of the BSS."; } leaf last-seen { type oc-types:timeticks64; units "nanoseconds"; description "Reports the time this reading was taken, indicating when this neighbor was last seen. If a cache is used, it MUST be updated instantly when a neighbor BSS changes channels, or a new BSS is seen. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf opmode { type enumeration { enum "OPEN" { value 0; description "Open authentication."; } enum "WPA2_PERSONAL" { value 1; description "WPA2-Personal."; } enum "WPA2_ENTERPRISE" { value 2; description "WPA2-Enterprise."; } enum "WPA_PERSONAL" { value 3; description "WPA-Personal."; } enum "WPA_ENTERPRISE" { value 4; description "WPA-Enterprise."; } enum "WEP" { value 5; description "Any flavor of WEP encryption."; } enum "ENHANCED_OPEN" { value 6; description "Open authentication with Opportunistic Wireless Encryption."; } enum "ENHANCED_OPEN_TRANSITION" { value 7; description "Open authentication with Opportunistic Wireless Encryption and support for transition mode."; } enum "WPA3_SAE" { value 8; description "WPA3-SAE using Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE)."; } enum "WPA3_2_SAE_TRANSITION" { value 9; description "WPA3-SAE using Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) and WPA2-PSK AKMs."; } enum "WPA3_ENTERPRISE" { value 10; description "WPA3-Enterprise with 802.1X SHA-256 authentication key management."; } enum "WPA3_2_ENTERPRISE_TRANSITION" { value 11; description "WPA3-Enterprise with 802.1X SHA-256 authentication key management."; } enum "WPA3_ENTERPRISE_192_BIT" { value 12; description "WPA3-Enterprise with 802.1X SHA-384 authentication key management."; } enum "WPA3_ENTERPRISE_GCM_256_BIT" { value 13; description "WPA3-Enterprise with 802.1X GCM256 authentication key management."; } } description "Operating mode of the BSS."; reference "Section of the 802.11-2016 specification."; } } // grouping neighbor-list-state grouping neighbor-bssid-top { description "Top-level grouping for neighbor table operational state data."; container neighbors { description "Top-level container for RF neighbors."; list neighbor { key "bssid"; config false; description "The MAC address, or BSSID, of a neighbor, and their corresponding RSSI."; leaf bssid { type leafref { path "../state/bssid"; } config false; description "Reference to neighbor BSSID."; } container state { config false; description "State container for RF neighbors."; uses neighbor-list-state; } // container state } // list neighbor } // container neighbors } // grouping neighbor-bssid-top grouping radio-top { description "Top-level grouping for radio configuration and operational state data"; container radios { description "Top level container for radios, including configuration and state data."; list radio { key "id operating-frequency"; description "The list of radios on the device."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../config/id"; } description "List key referencing the configured radio id."; } leaf operating-frequency { type leafref { path "../config/operating-frequency"; } description "List key referencing the radio operating-frequency."; } container config { description "Configurable items at the global, radio interface level."; uses radio-common-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data at the global radio level."; uses radio-common-config; uses radio-common-state; uses radio-counters-state; } // container state uses neighbor-bssid-top; } // list radio } // container radios } // grouping radio-top uses radio-top; } // module openconfig-wifi-phy
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