This module adds configuration and operational state relating to policies for traffic destined to the system's control-plane. Pa...
Version: 2023-03-03
module openconfig-system-controlplane { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-sys-copp; import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-system { prefix oc-sys; } import openconfig-acl { prefix oc-acl; } import openconfig-qos { prefix oc-qos; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact ""; description "This module adds configuration and operational state relating to policies for traffic destined to the system's control-plane. Particularly, it allows for mechanisms to: - apply an ACL that forwards or drops traffic towards the control-plane. - classify traffic that is destined to the control-plane according to a QoS classifier. - schedule traffic that has been forwarded towards the control-plane, to allow for policies such as rate limits to be applied. The configured policies apply generically to all control-planes that exist within the system, and should be mapped to the internal interfaces via which packets are forwarded to control-plane modules. When a packet is received at an input interface - it is classified into a forwarding group which drains to a specific queue. If this input mapping is sufficient, the CPU-facing interface uses the specified scheduler to determine how to drain queues. If more granular remapping is required (e.g., to classify control-plane traffic more granularly), a user specifies an alternate classifier that is used to reclassify traffic into a new set of forwarding-groups (and hence queues) that can subsequently be scheduled by the specified scheduler. The specified control-plane ACL is applied to traffic received by the control-plane of the system."; revision "2023-03-03" { description "Add missing state container to ACL."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2021-08-02" { description "Initial revision."; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; oc-ext:catalog-organization "openconfig"; oc-ext:origin "openconfig"; grouping system-controlplane-top { description "Top-level structural grouping for control-plane traffic policies."; container control-plane-traffic { description "Policies and configuration relating to the traffic destined towards the system control-plane."; container ingress { description "Control-plane traffic parameters relating to ingress traffic. This refers to traffic that is being received by the system's control plane from external-to-the-controlplane sources."; uses system-controlplane-acl-common-top; container qos { description "Configuration and operational state relating to QoS policies that are applied to control-plane traffic."; container classifier { description "Configuration and state parameters relating to the QoS classifier that is applied to control plane traffic. A QoS classifier - defined in /qos/classifiers specifies how traffic is mapped to QoS queues. The classifier specified in this container and corresponding state allows for traffic towards the control-plane to be classified."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to QoS classifier applied to match control plane traffic."; uses system-controlplane-qos-classifier-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the QoS classifier applied to match control plane traffic."; uses system-controlplane-qos-classifier-config; } // container state container terms { config false; description "Operational state and counters relating to the classifier applied to control-plane traffic."; list term { key "id"; description "A list of the terms within the QoS classifier being applied for control-plane traffic. Each term has corresponding operational state parameters."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../state/id"; } description "Reference to the identifier for the classifier term."; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to a term within the applied control-plane classifier"; uses system-controlplane-qos-classifier-term-state; uses oc-qos:qos-interface-classifier-match-counters-state; } // container state } // list term } // container terms } // container classifier container scheduler-policy { description "Configuration and operational state relating to the QoS scheduler policy that is applied to control-plane traffic. The scheduler policy determines how traffic, classified by the specified control-plane classifier is rate-limited towards the control-plane. The scheduler policy is defined in /qos/scheduler-policies."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the scheduler-policy that is to be applied control-plane traffic."; uses system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the scheduler policy applied to the control-plane traffic."; uses system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-config; } // container state container scheduler-statistics { config false; description "Operational state and counters relating to the scheduler-policy applied to control plane traffic."; list scheduler { key "sequence"; description "List of the schedulers that are part of the scheduler-policy specified."; leaf sequence { type leafref { path "../state/sequence"; } description "Reference to the sequence ID for the scheduler."; } container state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the scheduler policy."; uses system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-seq-state; } // container state } // list scheduler } // container scheduler-statistics } // container scheduler-policy } // container qos } // container ingress container egress { description "Control-plane traffic parameters relating to egress traffic. This refers to traffic that is sent by the system's control plane to external-to-the-controlplane destinations."; uses system-controlplane-acl-common-top; } // container egress } // container control-plane-traffic } // grouping system-controlplane-top grouping system-controlplane-acl-common-top { description "Common structural grouping for ACL configuration and state for control plane traffic."; container acl { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to the access control list applied to control-plane traffic."; list acl-set { key "set-name type"; description "List of the ACL that is to be applied in the specific ingress or egress context. The key of the list specifies the type of traffic to be matched, along with a reference to an ACL configured in the OpenConfig ACL model within the /acl hierarchy."; leaf set-name { type leafref { path "../config/set-name"; } description "Reference to the name of the ACL-set to be applied."; } leaf type { type leafref { path "../config/type"; } description "Reference to the type of the ACL-set to be applied."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the ACL to be applied."; uses system-controlplane-common-acl-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the ACL to be applied."; uses system-controlplane-common-acl-config; } // container state uses oc-acl:interface-acl-entries-top; } // list acl-set } // container acl } // grouping system-controlplane-acl-common-top grouping system-controlplane-common-acl-config { description "Grouping for ACL parameters relating to the system control-plane."; leaf set-name { type leafref { path "/oc-acl:acl/oc-acl:acl-sets/oc-acl:acl-set/oc-acl:config/oc-acl:name"; } description "Reference to the ACL to be applied to traffic in the specified context (ingress or egress)."; } leaf type { type leafref { path "/oc-acl:acl/oc-acl:acl-sets/oc-acl:acl-set[oc-acl:name=current()/../set-name]/oc-acl:config/oc-acl:type"; } description "Reference to the ACL set type applied to traffic in the specified context (ingress or egress)."; } } // grouping system-controlplane-common-acl-config grouping system-controlplane-qos-classifier-config { description "Grouping for configuration parameters relating to QoS classifiers for the system control-plane."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/oc-qos:qos/oc-qos:classifiers/oc-qos:classifier/oc-qos:config/oc-qos:name"; } description "Reference to a classifier that is used to classify traffic destined to the control-plane of the system. This classifier determines how packets that match each terms are classified into forwarding groups, and subsequently into queues to be forwarded."; } } // grouping system-controlplane-qos-classifier-config grouping system-controlplane-qos-classifier-term-state { description "Grouping for control-plane traffic specific leaves required for each configuration term."; leaf id { type leafref { path "/oc-qos:qos/oc-qos:classifiers/oc-qos:classifier[oc-qos:name=current()/../../../../config/name]/oc-qos:terms/oc-qos:term/oc-qos:config/oc-qos:id"; } description "Reference to a term identifier within the configured control-plane classifier."; } } // grouping system-controlplane-qos-classifier-term-state grouping system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-config { description "Grouping for configuration parameters relating to the QoS scheduler policy for control-plane traffic."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/oc-qos:qos/oc-qos:scheduler-policies/oc-qos:scheduler-policy/oc-qos:config/oc-qos:name"; } description "Reference to a scheduler policy that determines rate limits, or shaping of packets towards the control-plane."; } } // grouping system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-config grouping system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-seq-state { description "Grouping for operational state parameters relating to indivual schedulers within the applied scheduler policy."; leaf sequence { type leafref { path "/oc-qos:qos/oc-qos:scheduler-policies/oc-qos:scheduler-policy[oc-qos:name=current()/../../../../config/name]/oc-qos:schedulers/oc-qos:scheduler/oc-qos:config/oc-qos:sequence"; } description "Reference to a scheduler within the configured scheduler policy."; } uses oc-qos:qos-scheduler-common-state; } // grouping system-controlplane-qos-scheduler-seq-state augment /oc-sys:system { description "Add control-plane configuration and state to the system model."; uses system-controlplane-top; } } // module openconfig-system-controlplane
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