This submodule defines data related to quality-of-service configuration and operational state associated with interfaces.
Version: 2021-08-28
submodule openconfig-qos-interfaces { yang-version 1; belongs-to openconfig-qos { prefix oc-qos; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } include openconfig-qos-elements; include openconfig-qos-mem-mgmt; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule defines data related to quality-of-service configuration and operational state associated with interfaces."; revision "2021-08-28" { description "Revision updating memory management profile WRED and RED configuration."; reference "0.5.0"; } revision "2021-04-28" { description "Updating memory management profile to queue management profile."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2021-04-28" { description "Revision updating buffer management and queue management configuration."; reference "0.3.0"; } revision "2019-11-28" { description "Fix xpaths in when statements"; reference "0.2.3"; } revision "2019-08-20" { description "Fix typo in classifiers container name"; reference "0.2.2"; } revision "2018-11-21" { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "0.2.1"; } revision "2016-12-16" { description "Fix incorrect interface-ref placement"; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2016-06-03" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.5.0"; grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-state { description "Operational state data for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../../classifiers/" + "classifier[name=current()/../../../../config/name]/" + "terms/term/config/id"; } description "Reference to match terms in the classifier"; } leaf matched-packets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Count of the number of packets matching this classifier match term on the interface."; } leaf matched-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Count of the number of octets (bytes) matching this classifier match term on the interface."; } } // grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-state grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-top { description "Top-level grouping for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; container terms { description "Enclosing container for the list of match terms in the classifier"; list term { key "id"; config false; description "List of match terms in the classifier associated with the interface"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../state/id"; } description "Reference to match term id list key"; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; uses qos-interface-classifier-match-state; } // container state } // list term } // container terms } // grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-top grouping qos-interface-classifier-top { description "Top-level grouping for a QoS classifier associated with an interface"; container classifiers { description "Classifiers to be applied to the interface."; list classifier { key "type"; description "A list of classifiers that should be applied to the interface"; leaf type { type leafref { path "../config/type"; } description "Reference to the classifier name."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters for the list of classifiers."; uses qos-interface-classifiers-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for the list of classifiers."; uses qos-interface-classifiers-config; } // container state uses qos-interface-classifier-match-top; } // list classifier } // container classifiers } // grouping qos-interface-classifier-top grouping qos-interface-classifiers-config { description "Configuration parameters for the list of classifiers"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../classifiers/classifier/config/name"; } description "Reference to the classifier to be applied to ingress traffic on the interface"; } leaf type { type enumeration { enum "IPV4" { value 4; description "Classifier matches IPv4 Unicast packets."; } enum "IPV6" { value 6; description "Classifier matches IPv6 Unicast packets."; } enum "MPLS" { value 7; description "Classifier matches MPLS packets."; } enum "IPV4_MULTICAST" { value 8; description "Classifier matches IPv4 Multicast packets."; } enum "IPV6_MULTICAST" { value 9; description "Classifier matches IPv6 Multicast packets."; } } description "Type of packets matched by the classifier."; } } // grouping qos-interface-classifiers-config grouping qos-interface-queue-config { description "Configuration data for queues associated with the interface, this is re-used across input/output queues."; leaf name { type string; description "Reference to the queue associated with this interface. A queue may be explicitly configured, or implicitly created by the system based on default queues that are instantiated by a hardware component, or are assumed to be default on the system."; } } // grouping qos-interface-queue-config grouping qos-interface-queue-root-config { description "Configuration parameters for per-queue per-interface, applying only to the root."; leaf queue-management-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../queue-management-profiles/" + "queue-management-profile/config/name"; } description "The queue management profile that is to be used for the queue on the interface. For example, the system may use a profile which specifies that WRED curves are used for setting an ECN mark in the IP header instead of dropping a packet in order to signal impending congestion and for determining when there is sufficient congestion to tail drop packets. A single profile is available per queue - which applies to all packets that are enqueued to the specified queue, whether they are unicast or multicast."; } } // grouping qos-interface-queue-root-config grouping qos-interface-queue-state { description "Operational state data for the queue associated with the interface"; leaf max-queue-len { type oc-yang:counter64; units "bytes"; description "Maximum observed queue length"; } leaf avg-queue-len { type oc-yang:counter64; units "bytes"; description "Average observed queue length"; } leaf transmit-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of packets transmitted by this queue"; } leaf transmit-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of octets trasmitted by this queue"; } leaf dropped-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of packets dropped by the queue due to overrun"; } } // grouping qos-interface-queue-state grouping qos-interface-queue-top { description "Top-level grouping for the queue associated with the interface"; container queues { description "Surrounding container for a list of queues that are instantiated on an interface."; list queue { key "name"; description "Top-level container for the queue associated with this interface"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the name of the queue instantiated on the interface."; } container config { description "Configuration data for the queue associated with the interface"; uses qos-interface-queue-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the queue associated with the interface"; uses qos-interface-queue-config; uses qos-interface-queue-state; } // container state } // list queue } // container queues } // grouping qos-interface-queue-top grouping qos-interface-queue-root-top { description "Top-level grouping for the queue associated with the interface - used only for /qos/interfaces/interface rather than in multiple contexts."; container queues { description "Surrounding container for a list of queues that are instantiated on an interface."; list queue { key "name"; description "Top-level container for the queue associated with this interface"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the name of the queue instantiated on the interface."; } container config { description "Configuration data for the queue associated with the interface"; uses qos-interface-queue-config; uses qos-interface-queue-root-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the queue associated with the interface"; uses qos-interface-queue-config; uses qos-interface-queue-root-config; uses qos-interface-queue-state; } // container state } // list queue } // container queues } // grouping qos-interface-queue-root-top grouping qos-interface-voqs-top { description "Structural grouping of virtual-output-queue operational state for an interface."; container virtual-output-queues { description "Surrounding container for the list of egress interfaces for which virtual output queues are instantiated on this interface."; list voq-interface { key "name"; description "List of egress interfaces for which a virtual output queue is instantiated at this interface."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Name used to refer to the egress interface."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the interface for which the VOQs are instantiated."; uses qos-voqs-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the interface for which the VOQs are instantiated."; uses qos-voqs-config; } // container state uses qos-interface-queue-top; } // list voq-interface } // container virtual-output-queues } // grouping qos-interface-voqs-top grouping qos-voqs-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to an egress interface for which VOQs are established on an interface."; leaf name { type string; description "Name used to refer to the egress interface."; } } // grouping qos-voqs-config grouping qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config { description "Configuration data for schedulers associated with the interface"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../../scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/" + "config/name"; } description "The scheduler policy to be applied to traffic on this interface."; } } // grouping qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config grouping qos-interface-scheduler-state { description "Operational state data for a scheduler within a scheduler group applied to an interface."; leaf sequence { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../scheduler-policies/" + "scheduler-policy[name=current()/../../../../config/name]" + "/schedulers/scheduler/config/sequence"; } description "Reference to the sequence ID of the scheduler within the current scheduler policy."; } uses qos-scheduler-common-state; } // grouping qos-interface-scheduler-state grouping qos-scheduler-common-state { description "Common definitions of counters used in schedulers."; leaf conforming-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of packets that were considered conforming by the scheduler."; } leaf conforming-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of octets in packets that were considered conforming by the scheduler."; } leaf exceeding-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of packets that were considered exceeding by the scheduler."; } leaf exceeding-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of octets in packets that were considered exceeding by the scheduler."; } leaf violating-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of packets that were considered violating by the policer."; } leaf violating-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of octets in packets that were considered violating by the policer."; } } // grouping qos-scheduler-common-state grouping qos-interface-scheduler-top { description "Top-level grouping "; container scheduler-policy { description "Scheduler policy associated with the interface."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to a scheduler policy on an interface."; uses qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to a scheduler policy on an interface."; uses qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config; } // container state container schedulers { config false; description "Schedulers within the applied scheduler-policy."; list scheduler { key "sequence"; description "List of the schedulers that are part of the scheduler-policy specified."; leaf sequence { type leafref { path "../state/sequence"; } description "Reference to the sequence ID for the scheduler."; } container state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the scheduler policy."; uses qos-interface-scheduler-state; } // container state } // list scheduler } // container schedulers } // container scheduler-policy } // grouping qos-interface-scheduler-top grouping qos-interfaces-config { description "Configuration data for interfaces referenced in the QoS model"; leaf interface-id { type string; description "Identifier for the interface."; } } // grouping qos-interfaces-config grouping qos-interfaces-state { description "Operational state data for interfaces referenced in the QoS model"; } // grouping qos-interfaces-state grouping qos-interface-input-config { description "Configuration data for QoS on ingress interface"; leaf buffer-allocation-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../buffer-allocation-profiles/" + "buffer-allocation-profile/config/name"; } description "The buffer allocation profile that is to be used for the interface. This profile specifies how memory that is available to the interface should be allocated amongst the queues that are instantiated on the interface. This reference specifies the policy that should be used for memory allocated to the input (rx) queueing. This leaf is used in deployment cases where the operator or system requires common allocation profiles covering unicast and multicast packets."; } leaf multicast-buffer-allocation-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../buffer-allocation-profiles/" + "buffer-allocation-profile/config/name"; } description "The buffer allocation profile that is to be used for the interface. This profile specifies how memory that is available to the interface should be allocated amongst the queues that are instantiated on the interface. This reference specifies the policy that should be used for memory allocated to the output (tx) queueing. This buffer allocation profile applies to only multicast packets on the interface - if specified, the unicast-buffer-allocation-profile governs the allocation profile used for memory dedicated to unicast. If a system does not support, or an operator does not require separate buffer-allocation-profiles, this is specified by use of the buffer-allocation-profile leaf."; } leaf unicast-buffer-allocation-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../buffer-allocation-profiles/" + "buffer-allocation-profile/config/name"; } description "The buffer allocation profile that is to be used for the interface. This profile specifies how memory that is available to the interface should be allocated amongst the queues that are instantiated on the interface. This reference specifies the policy that should be used for memory allocated to the output (tx) queueing. This buffer allocation profile applies to only unicast packets on the interface - if specified, the multicast-buffer-allocation-profile governs the allocation profile used for memory dedicated to multicast. If a system does not support, or an operator does not require separate buffer-allocation-profiles, this is specified by use of the buffer-allocation-profile leaf."; } } // grouping qos-interface-input-config grouping qos-interface-input-state { description "Operational state data for QoS on ingress interface"; } // grouping qos-interface-input-state grouping qos-interface-input-top { description "Top-level grouping for QoS on ingress interface"; container input { description "Top-level container for QoS data for the ingress interface"; container config { description "Configuration data for QoS on ingress interface"; uses qos-interface-input-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for QoS on ingress interface"; uses qos-interface-input-config; uses qos-interface-input-state; } // container state uses qos-interface-classifier-top; uses qos-interface-queue-root-top; uses qos-interface-scheduler-top; uses qos-interface-voqs-top; } // container input } // grouping qos-interface-input-top grouping qos-interface-output-config { description "Configuration data for QoS on the egress interface"; leaf buffer-allocation-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../buffer-allocation-profiles/" + "buffer-allocation-profile/config/name"; } description "The buffer allocation profile that is to be used for the interface. This profile specifies how memory that is available to the interface should be allocated amongst the queues that are instantiated on the interface. This reference specifies the policy that should be used for memory allocated to the output (tx) queueing. This leaf is used in deployment cases where the operator or system requires common allocation profiles covering unicast and multicast packets."; } leaf multicast-buffer-allocation-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../buffer-allocation-profiles/" + "buffer-allocation-profile/config/name"; } description "The buffer allocation profile that is to be used for the interface. This profile specifies how memory that is available to the interface should be allocated amongst the queues that are instantiated on the interface. This reference specifies the policy that should be used for memory allocated to the output (tx) queueing. This buffer allocation profile applies to only multicast packets on the interface - if specified, the unicast-buffer-allocation-profile governs the allocation profile used for memory dedicated to unicast. If a system does not support, or an operator does not require separate buffer-allocation-profiles, this is specified by use of the buffer-allocation-profile leaf."; } leaf unicast-buffer-allocation-profile { type leafref { path "../../../../../buffer-allocation-profiles/" + "buffer-allocation-profile/config/name"; } description "The buffer allocation profile that is to be used for the interface. This profile specifies how memory that is available to the interface should be allocated amongst the queues that are instantiated on the interface. This reference specifies the policy that should be used for memory allocated to the output (tx) queueing. This buffer allocation profile applies to only unicast packets on the interface - if specified, the multicast-buffer-allocation-profile governs the allocation profile used for memory dedicated to multicast. If a system does not support, or an operator does not require separate buffer-allocation-profiles, this is specified by use of the buffer-allocation-profile leaf."; } } // grouping qos-interface-output-config grouping qos-interface-output-state { description "Operational state data for QoS on the egress interface"; } // grouping qos-interface-output-state grouping qos-interface-output-top { description "Top-level grouping for QoS on the egress interface"; container output { description "Top-level container for QoS data related to the egress interface"; container config { description "Configuration data for QoS on the egress interface"; uses qos-interface-output-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for QoS on the egress interface"; uses qos-interface-output-config; uses qos-interface-output-state; } // container state uses oc-if:interface-ref; uses qos-interface-classifier-top; uses qos-interface-queue-root-top; uses qos-interface-scheduler-top; } // container output } // grouping qos-interface-output-top grouping qos-interfaces-top { description "Top-level grouping for interfaces referenced in the QoS model"; container interfaces { description "Enclosing container for the list of interface references"; list interface { key "interface-id"; description "List of interfaces referenced by QoS entities."; leaf interface-id { type leafref { path "../config/interface-id"; } description "Reference to the interface-id list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data "; uses qos-interfaces-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data "; uses qos-interfaces-config; uses qos-interfaces-state; } // container state uses oc-if:interface-ref; uses qos-interface-input-top; uses qos-interface-output-top; } // list interface } // container interfaces } // grouping qos-interfaces-top } // submodule openconfig-qos-interfaces
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