This module defines a data model for representing a system component inventory, which can include hardware or software elements ...
Version: 2022-12-19
module openconfig-platform { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-platform; import openconfig-platform-types { prefix oc-platform-types; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-alarm-types { prefix oc-alarm-types; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } include openconfig-platform-common; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module defines a data model for representing a system component inventory, which can include hardware or software elements arranged in an arbitrary structure. The primary relationship supported by the model is containment, e.g., components containing subcomponents. It is expected that this model reflects every field replacable unit on the device at a minimum (i.e., additional information may be supplied about non-replacable components). Every element in the inventory is termed a 'component' with each component expected to have a unique name and type, and optionally a unique system-assigned identifier and FRU number. The uniqueness is guaranteed by the system within the device. Components may have properties defined by the system that are modeled as a list of key-value pairs. These may or may not be user-configurable. The model provides a flag for the system to optionally indicate which properties are user configurable. Each component also has a list of 'subcomponents' which are references to other components. Appearance in a list of subcomponents indicates a containment relationship as described above. For example, a linecard component may have a list of references to port components that reside on the linecard. This schema is generic to allow devices to express their own platform-specific structure. It may be augmented by additional component type-specific schemas that provide a common structure for well-known component types. In these cases, the system is expected to populate the common component schema, and may optionally also represent the component and its properties in the generic structure. The properties for each component may include dynamic values, e.g., in the 'state' part of the schema. For example, a CPU component may report its utilization, temperature, or other physical properties. The intent is to capture all platform- specific physical data in one location, including inventory (presence or absence of a component) and state (physical attributes or status)."; revision "2022-12-19" { description "Update last-high-watermark timestamp documentation."; reference "0.21.1"; } revision "2022-09-26" { description "Add state data for base-mac-address."; reference "0.21.0"; } revision "2022-08-31" { description "Add new state data for component CLEI code."; reference "0.20.0"; } revision "2022-07-28" { description "Add container for controller card component"; reference "0.19.0"; } revision "2022-07-11" { description "Add switchover ready"; reference "0.18.0"; } revision "2022-06-10" { description "Specify units and epoch for switchover and reboot times."; reference "0.17.0"; } revision "2022-04-21" { description "Add platform utilization."; reference "0.16.0"; } revision "2022-02-02" { description "Add new state data for component reboot and switchover."; reference "0.15.0"; } revision "2021-08-13" { description "Add container for PCIe error statistics"; reference "0.14.0"; } revision "2021-01-18" { description "Add container for software module component"; reference "0.13.0"; } revision "2019-04-16" { description "Fix bug in parent path reference"; reference "0.12.2"; } revision "2018-11-21" { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "0.12.1"; } revision "2018-06-29" { description "Added location description for components"; reference "0.12.0"; } revision "2018-06-03" { description "Added parent reference, empty flag and preconfiguration for components"; reference "0.11.0"; } revision "2018-04-20" { description "Added new per-component state data: mfg-date and removable"; reference "0.10.0"; } revision "2018-01-30" { description "Amended approach for modelling CPU - rather than having a local CPU utilisation state variable, a component with a CPU should create a subcomponent of type CPU to report statistics."; reference "0.9.0"; } revision "2018-01-16" { description "Added new per-component common data; add temp alarm; moved hardware-port reference to port model"; reference "0.8.0"; } revision "2017-12-14" { description "Added anchor containers for component data, added new component types"; reference "0.7.0"; } revision "2017-08-16" { description "Added power state enumerated type"; reference "0.6.0"; } revision "2016-12-22" { description "Added temperature state variable to component"; reference "0.5.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.21.1"; oc-ext:regexp-posix; oc-ext:catalog-organization "openconfig"; oc-ext:origin "openconfig"; grouping platform-component-properties-config { description "System-defined configuration data for component properties"; leaf name { type string; description "System-supplied name of the property -- this is typically non-configurable"; } leaf value { type union { type string; type boolean; type int64; type uint64; type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } } description "Property values can take on a variety of types. Signed and unsigned integer types may be provided in smaller sizes, e.g., int8, uint16, etc."; } } // grouping platform-component-properties-config grouping platform-component-properties-state { description "Operational state data for component properties"; leaf configurable { type boolean; description "Indication whether the property is user-configurable"; } } // grouping platform-component-properties-state grouping platform-component-properties-top { description "Top-level grouping "; container properties { description "Enclosing container "; list property { key "name"; description "List of system properties for the component"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the property name."; } container config { description "Configuration data for each property"; uses platform-component-properties-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for each property"; uses platform-component-properties-config; uses platform-component-properties-state; } // container state } // list property } // container properties } // grouping platform-component-properties-top grouping platform-subcomponent-ref-config { description "Configuration data for subcomponent references"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../component/config/name"; } description "Reference to the name of the subcomponent"; } } // grouping platform-subcomponent-ref-config grouping platform-subcomponent-ref-state { description "Operational state data for subcomponent references"; } // grouping platform-subcomponent-ref-state grouping platform-subcomponent-ref-top { description "Top-level grouping for list of subcomponent references"; container subcomponents { description "Enclosing container for subcomponent references"; list subcomponent { key "name"; description "List of subcomponent references"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the name list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data for the subcomponent"; uses platform-subcomponent-ref-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the subcomponent"; uses platform-subcomponent-ref-config; uses platform-subcomponent-ref-state; } // container state } // list subcomponent } // container subcomponents } // grouping platform-subcomponent-ref-top grouping platform-component-config { description "Configuration data for components"; leaf name { type string; description "Device name for the component -- this may not be a configurable parameter on many implementations. Where component preconfiguration is supported, for example, the component name may be configurable."; } } // grouping platform-component-config grouping platform-component-state { description "Operational state data for device components."; leaf type { type union { type identityref { base oc-platform-types:OPENCONFIG_HARDWARE_COMPONENT; } type identityref { base oc-platform-types:OPENCONFIG_SOFTWARE_COMPONENT; } } description "Type of component as identified by the system"; } leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier assigned by the system for the component"; } leaf location { type string; description "System-supplied description of the location of the component within the system. This could be a bay position, slot number, socket location, etc. For component types that have an explicit slot-id attribute, such as linecards, the system should populate the more specific slot-id."; } leaf description { type string; description "System-supplied description of the component"; } leaf mfg-name { type string; description "System-supplied identifier for the manufacturer of the component. This data is particularly useful when a component manufacturer is different than the overall device vendor."; } leaf mfg-date { type oc-yang:date; description "System-supplied representation of the component's manufacturing date."; } leaf hardware-version { type string; description "For hardware components, this is the hardware revision of the component."; } leaf firmware-version { type string; description "For hardware components, this is the version of associated firmware that is running on the component, if applicable."; } leaf software-version { type string; description "For software components such as operating system or other software module, this is the version of the currently running software."; } leaf serial-no { type string; description "System-assigned serial number of the component."; } leaf part-no { type string; description "System-assigned part number for the component. This should be present in particular if the component is also an FRU (field replaceable unit)"; } leaf clei-code { type string; description "Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code of the component. This should be present in particular if the component is also an FRU (field replaceable unit)"; } leaf removable { type boolean; description "If true, this component is removable or is a field replaceable unit"; } leaf oper-status { type identityref { base oc-platform-types:COMPONENT_OPER_STATUS; } description "If applicable, this reports the current operational status of the component."; } leaf empty { type boolean; default "false"; description "The empty leaf may be used by the device to indicate that a component position exists but is not populated. Using this flag, it is possible for the management system to learn how many positions are available (e.g., occupied vs. empty linecard slots in a chassis)."; } leaf parent { type leafref { path "../../../component/config/name"; } description "Reference to the name of the parent component. Note that this reference must be kept synchronized with the corresponding subcomponent reference from the parent component."; } leaf redundant-role { type oc-platform-types:component-redundant-role; description "For components that have redundant roles (e.g. two supervisors in a device, one as primary the other as secondary), this reports the role of the component."; } container last-switchover-reason { description "For components that have redundant roles (e.g. two supervisors in a device, one as primary the other as secondary), this reports the reason of the last change of the component's role."; uses oc-platform-types:component-redundant-role-switchover-reason; } // container last-switchover-reason leaf last-switchover-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; units "nanoseconds"; description "For components that have redundant roles (e.g. two supervisors in a device, one as primary the other as secondary), this reports the time of the last change of the component's role. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf last-reboot-reason { type identityref { base oc-platform-types:COMPONENT_REBOOT_REASON; } description "This reports the reason of the last reboot of the component."; } leaf last-reboot-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; units "nanoseconds"; description "This reports the time of the last reboot of the component. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf switchover-ready { type boolean; description "For components that have redundant roles, this reports a value that indicates if the component is ready to support failover. The components with a redundant-role should reflect the overall system's switchover status. For example, two supervisors in a device, one as primary and the other as secondary, should both report the same value."; } leaf base-mac-address { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "This is a MAC address representing the root or primary MAC address for a component. Components such as CHASSIS and CONTROLLER_CARD are expected to provide a base-mac-address. The base mac-address for CHASSIS and a PRIMARY CONTROLLER_CARD may contain the same value."; } } // grouping platform-component-state grouping platform-component-temp-alarm-state { description "Temperature alarm data for platform components"; leaf alarm-status { type boolean; description "A value of true indicates the alarm has been raised or asserted. The value should be false when the alarm is cleared."; } leaf alarm-threshold { type uint32; description "The threshold value that was crossed for this alarm."; } leaf alarm-severity { type identityref { base oc-alarm-types:OPENCONFIG_ALARM_SEVERITY; } description "The severity of the current alarm."; } } // grouping platform-component-temp-alarm-state grouping platform-component-power-state { description "Power-related operational state for device components."; leaf allocated-power { type uint32; units "watts"; description "Power allocated by the system for the component."; } leaf used-power { type uint32; units "watts"; description "Actual power used by the component."; } } // grouping platform-component-power-state grouping platform-component-temp-state { description "Temperature state data for device components"; container temperature { description "Temperature in degrees Celsius of the component. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; uses oc-platform-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision1-celsius; uses platform-component-temp-alarm-state; } // container temperature } // grouping platform-component-temp-state grouping platform-component-memory-state { description "Per-component memory statistics"; container memory { description "For components that have associated memory, these values report information about available and utilized memory."; leaf available { type uint64; units "bytes"; description "The available memory physically installed, or logically allocated to the component."; } leaf utilized { type uint64; units "bytes"; description "The memory currently in use by processes running on the component, not considering reserved memory that is not available for use."; } } // container memory } // grouping platform-component-memory-state grouping pcie-uncorrectable-errors { description "PCIe uncorrectable error statistics."; leaf total-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Total number of uncorrectable errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf undefined-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of undefined errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf data-link-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of data-link errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf surprise-down-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of unexpected link down errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf poisoned-tlp-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of poisoned TLP errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf flow-control-protocol-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of flow control protocol errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf completion-timeout-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of completion timeout errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf completion-abort-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of completion abort errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf unexpected-completion-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of unexpected completion errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf receiver-overflow-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of receiver overflow errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf malformed-tlp-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of malformed TLP errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf ecrc-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of ECRC errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf unsupported-request-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of unsupported request errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf acs-violation-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of access control errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf internal-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of internal errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf blocked-tlp-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of blocked TLP errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf atomic-op-blocked-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of atomic operation blocked errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf tlp-prefix-blocked-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of TLP prefix blocked errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } } // grouping pcie-uncorrectable-errors grouping pcie-correctable-errors { description "PCIe correctable error statistics."; leaf total-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Total number of correctable errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf receiver-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of receiver errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf bad-tlp-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of TLPs with bad LCRC detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf bad-dllp-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of DLLPs with bad LCRC detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf relay-rollover-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of relay rollover errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf replay-timeout-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of replay timeout errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf advisory-non-fatal-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of advisory non fatal errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf internal-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of internal errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } leaf hdr-log-overflow-errors { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of header log overflow errors detected by PCIe device since the system booted, according to PCIe AER driver."; } } // grouping pcie-correctable-errors grouping platform-component-pcie-state { description "Per-component PCIe error statistics"; container pcie { description "Components that are connected to the system over the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe), report the fatal, non-fatal and correctable PCIe error counts."; container fatal-errors { description "The count of the fatal PCIe errors."; uses pcie-uncorrectable-errors; } // container fatal-errors container non-fatal-errors { description "The count of the non-fatal PCIe errors."; uses pcie-uncorrectable-errors; } // container non-fatal-errors container correctable-errors { description "The count of the correctable PCIe errors."; uses pcie-correctable-errors; } // container correctable-errors } // container pcie } // grouping platform-component-pcie-state grouping platform-anchors-top { description "This grouping is used to add containers for components that are common across systems, but do not have a defined schema within the openconfig-platform module. Containers should be added to this grouping for components that are expected to exist in multiple systems, with corresponding modules augmenting the config/state containers directly."; container chassis { description "Data for chassis components"; container config { description "Configuration data for chassis components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for chassis components"; } // container state uses platform-utilization-top; } // container chassis container port { description "Data for physical port components"; container config { description "Configuration data for physical port components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for physical port components"; } // container state } // container port container power-supply { description "Data for power supply components"; container config { description "Configuration data for power supply components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for power supply components"; } // container state } // container power-supply container fan { description "Data for fan components"; container config { description "Configuration data for fan components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for fan components"; } // container state } // container fan container fabric { description "Data for fabric components"; container config { description "Configuration data for fabric components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for fabric components"; } // container state } // container fabric container storage { description "Data for storage components"; container config { description "Configuration data for storage components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for storage components"; } // container state } // container storage container cpu { description "Data for cpu components"; container config { description "Configuration data for cpu components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for cpu components"; } // container state } // container cpu container integrated-circuit { description "Data for chip components, such as ASIC, NPUs, etc."; container config { description "Configuration data for chip components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for chip components"; } // container state uses platform-utilization-top; } // container integrated-circuit container backplane { description "Data for backplane components"; container config { description "Configuration data for backplane components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for backplane components"; } // container state } // container backplane container software-module { description "Data for software module components, i.e., for components with type=SOFTWARE_MODULE"; container config { description "Configuration data for software module components"; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for software module components"; } // container state } // container software-module container controller-card { description "Data for controller card components, i.e., for components with type=CONTROLLER_CARD"; container config { description "Configuration data for controller card components. Note that disabling power to the primary supervisor should be rejected, and the operator is required to perform a switchover first."; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for controller card components"; } // container state } // container controller-card } // grouping platform-anchors-top grouping platform-component-top { description "Top-level grouping for components in the device inventory"; container components { description "Enclosing container for the components in the system."; list component { key "name"; description "List of components, keyed by component name."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "References the component name"; } container config { description "Configuration data for each component"; uses platform-component-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for each component"; uses platform-component-config; uses platform-component-state; uses platform-component-temp-state; uses platform-component-memory-state; uses platform-component-power-state; uses platform-component-pcie-state { when "./type = 'oc-platform-types:STORAGE' or 'oc-platform-types:INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT' or 'oc-platform-types:FRU'"; } } // container state uses platform-component-properties-top; uses platform-subcomponent-ref-top; uses platform-anchors-top; } // list component } // container components } // grouping platform-component-top uses platform-component-top; } // module openconfig-platform
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