Configuration of Label Distribution Protocol global and LSP- specific parameters for IGP-congruent LSPs
Version: 2016-12-15
module openconfig-mpls-ldp { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix ldp; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import openconfig-mpls-types { prefix oc-mplst; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Configuration of Label Distribution Protocol global and LSP- specific parameters for IGP-congruent LSPs"; revision "2016-12-15" { description "Add additional MPLS parameters"; reference "2.1.0"; } revision "2016-09-01" { description "Revisions based on implementation feedback"; reference "2.0.0"; } revision "2016-08-08" { description "Public release of MPLS models"; reference "1.0.1"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "2.1.0"; grouping ldp-global { description "global LDP signaling configuration"; container ldp { description "LDP global signaling configuration"; container timers { description "LDP timers"; } // container timers } // container ldp } // grouping ldp-global grouping igp-tunnel-ldp { description "common defintiions for LDP-signaled LSP tunnel types"; container tunnel { description "contains configuration stanzas for different LSP tunnel types (P2P, P2MP, etc.)"; leaf tunnel-type { type oc-mplst:tunnel-type; description "specifies the type of LSP, e.g., P2P or P2MP"; } leaf ldp-type { type enumeration { enum "BASIC" { value 0; description "basic hop-by-hop LSP"; } enum "TARGETED" { value 1; description "tLDP LSP"; } } description "specify basic or targeted LDP LSP"; } container p2p-lsp { when "../tunnel-type = 'P2P'" { description "container active when LSP tunnel type is point to point"; } description "properties of point-to-point tunnels"; leaf-list fec-address { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Address prefix for packets sharing the same forwarding equivalence class for the IGP-based LSP"; } } // container p2p-lsp container p2mp-lsp { when "../tunnel-type = 'P2MP'" { description "container is active when LSP tunnel type is point to multipoint"; } description "properties of point-to-multipoint tunnels"; } // container p2mp-lsp container mp2mp-lsp { when "../tunnel-type = 'MP2MP'" { description "container is active when LSP tunnel type is multipoint to multipoint"; } description "properties of multipoint-to-multipoint tunnels"; } // container mp2mp-lsp } // container tunnel } // grouping igp-tunnel-ldp grouping igp-lsp-ldp-setup { description "grouping for LDP setup attributes"; container ldp { description "LDP signaling setup for IGP-congruent LSPs"; uses igp-tunnel-ldp; } // container ldp } // grouping igp-lsp-ldp-setup } // module openconfig-mpls-ldp
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