This module describes a YANG model for keychain configuration and management. These keys can be changed frequently to increase s...
Version: 2024-05-30
module openconfig-keychain { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-keychain; import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-keychain-types { prefix oc-keychain-types; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module describes a YANG model for keychain configuration and management. These keys can be changed frequently to increase security in long-lived connections. A keychain can be used for authenticaion in a number of scenarios, including in routing protocols (e.g. BGP, IS-IS, OSPF). A keychain provides a solution for storing a number of different keys, each key string value is associated with a specific key id, name, the lifetime that the key is valid and an encryption algorithm. This model defines a central location for defining named keychains, which may be then referenced by other models such as routing protocol management."; revision "2024-05-30" { description "Update key-id to a union of hex-string-prefixed and uint64."; reference "0.5.0"; } revision "2022-11-05" { description "Update key-id to a union of hex-string and uint64."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2022-03-05" { description "Add prefix qualification to keychain-ref"; reference "0.3.0"; } revision "2021-12-31" { description "Add keychain-ref type to allow for a resuable reference to a keychain."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2021-10-01" { description "Initial revision of keychain model."; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.5.0"; typedef keychain-ref { type leafref { path "/oc-keychain:keychains/oc-keychain:keychain/oc-keychain:config/oc-keychain:name"; } description "A reference to a keychain defined on the system that can be used by modules that require access to keychains."; } grouping valid-lifetime-config { description "This grouping defines key begin lifetime parameters."; leaf start-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The time at which the key becomes valid for use. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf end-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The time at which the key becomes invalid for use. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Leaving this value unset, or setting it to 0, indicates that the key remains valid forever (no end time)."; } } // grouping valid-lifetime-config grouping lifetime-symmetry-config { description "Grouping to define configuration data for managing how send and receive lifetime are specified."; leaf send-and-receive { type boolean; default "true"; description "When this is set to true (the default value), the specified send lifetime is also used in the receive direction. When set to false, the device should use the specified receive-lifetime for the receive direction (asymmetric mode). If send-and-receive is false, and the device does not support asymmetric configuration, the config should be rejected as unsupported."; } } // grouping lifetime-symmetry-config grouping lifetime-base { description "This grouping defines key lifetime parameters."; container send-lifetime { description "Specifies the lifetime of the key for sending authentication information to the peer."; container config { description "Configuration data for key send lifetime."; uses valid-lifetime-config; uses lifetime-symmetry-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for key send lifetime."; uses valid-lifetime-config; uses lifetime-symmetry-config; } // container state } // container send-lifetime container receive-lifetime { description "Specify the validity lifetime of the key in the receive direction. Some platforms may only support symmetric send and receive lifetimes, in which case the receive-lifetime is typically not specified."; container config { description "Configuration data for key receive lifetime."; uses valid-lifetime-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for key receive lifetime."; uses valid-lifetime-config; } // container state } // container receive-lifetime } // grouping lifetime-base grouping keychain-base-config { description "This grouping defines key-chain parameters."; leaf name { type string; description "Keychain name."; } leaf tolerance { type union { type enumeration { enum "FOREVER" { value 0; description "Receive key does not expire (equivalent to infinite tolerance)."; } } type uint32; } description "Tolerance (overlap time) that a receive key should be accepted. May be expressed as range in seconds, or using the FOREVER value to indicate that the key does not expire. The default value should be 0, i.e., no tolerance."; } } // grouping keychain-base-config grouping keychain-key-config { description "This grouping defines key-chain key parameters."; leaf key-id { type union { type oc-yang:hex-string-prefixed { length "3..66"; } type uint64; } description "Identifier for the key within the keychain. Note that the hex-string type is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of this model. Implementations should transition to using the hex-string-prefixed type."; } leaf secret-key { type string; description "Authentication key supplied as an encrypted value. The system should store and return the key in encrypted form."; } leaf crypto-algorithm { type identityref { base oc-keychain-types:CRYPTO_TYPE; } description "Cryptographic algorithm associated with the key. Note that not all cryptographic algorithms are available in all contexts (e.g., across different protocols)."; } } // grouping keychain-key-config grouping keychain-key-base { description "This grouping defines keychain parameters"; container keys { description "list of keys to be stored"; list key { key "key-id"; description "List of configured keys for the keychain."; leaf key-id { type leafref { path "../config/key-id"; } description "Reference to key id."; } container config { description "This container defines keychain key configuration."; uses keychain-key-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "This container defines keychain key state."; uses keychain-key-config; } // container state uses lifetime-base; } // list key } // container keys } // grouping keychain-key-base grouping keychain-common-base { description "This grouping defines keychain parameters"; container config { description "This container defines keychain configuration."; uses keychain-base-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "This container defines keychain state information."; uses keychain-base-config; } // container state } // grouping keychain-common-base grouping keychain-top { description "This grouping define top level structure."; container keychains { description "This container defines keychains."; list keychain { key "name"; description "List of defined keychains."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to configured keychain name"; } uses keychain-common-base; uses keychain-key-base; } // list keychain } // container keychains } // grouping keychain-top uses keychain-top; } // module openconfig-keychain
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