
Model for managing network interfaces and subinterfaces. This module also defines convenience types / groupings for other model...

Grouping Objects Abstract
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
base-interface-ref-state state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to a base interface (no subinterface).
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-config description enabled Configuration data data nodes common to physical interfaces and subinterfaces
interface-common-counters-state in-octets in-pkts in-unicast-pkts in-broadcast-pkts in-multicast-pkts in-errors in-discards out-octets out-pkts out-unicast-pkts out-broadcast-pkts out-multicast-pkts out-discards out-errors last-clear Operational state representing interface counters and statistics applicable to (physical) interfaces and (logical) subinterfaces.
interface-common-counters-state in-octets in-pkts in-unicast-pkts in-broadcast-pkts in-multicast-pkts in-errors in-discards out-octets out-pkts out-unicast-pkts out-broadcast-pkts out-multicast-pkts out-discards out-errors last-clear Operational state representing interface counters and statistics applicable to (physical) interfaces and (logical) subinterfaces.
interface-common-counters-state in-octets in-pkts in-unicast-pkts in-broadcast-pkts in-multicast-pkts in-errors in-discards out-octets out-pkts out-unicast-pkts out-broadcast-pkts out-multicast-pkts out-discards out-errors last-clear Operational state representing interface counters and statistics applicable to (physical) interfaces and (logical) subinterfaces.
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpu Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpu Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpu Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpu Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-common-state ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpu Operational state data (in addition to intended configuration) at the global level for this interface
interface-counters-state counters Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state counters Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state counters Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state counters Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state in-unknown-protos in-fcs-errors carrier-transitions resets Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state in-unknown-protos in-fcs-errors carrier-transitions resets Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state in-unknown-protos in-fcs-errors carrier-transitions resets Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-counters-state counters Operational state representing interface counters and statistics.
interface-link-damping-config max-suppress-time decay-half-life suppress-threshold reuse-threshold flap-penalty Configuration data for interface link damping settings.
interface-link-damping-config max-suppress-time decay-half-life suppress-threshold reuse-threshold flap-penalty Configuration data for interface link damping settings.
interface-link-damping-config max-suppress-time decay-half-life suppress-threshold reuse-threshold flap-penalty Configuration data for interface link damping settings.
interface-link-damping-state Operational state data for interface link damping settings.
interface-link-damping-state Operational state data for interface link damping settings.
interface-link-damping-state Operational state data for interface link damping settings.
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-config name type mtu loopback-mode description enabled Configuration data for physical interfaces
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-config up down Configuration data for interface hold-time settings -- applies to physical interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-state Operational state data for interface hold-time.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-phys-holdtime-top hold-time Top-level grouping for setting link transition dampening on physical and other types of interfaces.
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref interface-ref Reusable definition for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-common interface subinterface Reference leafrefs to interface / subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state interface-ref Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interface-ref-state-container state Reusable opstate w/container for a reference to an interface or subinterface
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
interfaces-top interfaces Top-level grouping for interface configuration and operational state data
link-damping-top penalty-based-aied Top level grouping for link damping parameters.
link-damping-top penalty-based-aied Top level grouping for link damping parameters.
link-damping-top penalty-based-aied Top level grouping for link damping parameters.
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-config index description enabled Configuration data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-counters-state in-unknown-protos in-fcs-errors carrier-transitions Operational state representing counters unique to subinterfaces
subinterfaces-counters-state in-unknown-protos in-fcs-errors carrier-transitions Operational state representing counters unique to subinterfaces
subinterfaces-counters-state in-unknown-protos in-fcs-errors carrier-transitions Operational state representing counters unique to subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-changecounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpucounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpucounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logicalcounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-changecounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpucounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpucounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-state name ifindex admin-status oper-status last-change logical management cpucounters Operational state data for subinterfaces
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
subinterfaces-top subinterfaces Subinterface data for logical interfaces associated with a given interface
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-config enabled Configuration data for unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-state Operational state data unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces
sub-unnumbered-top unnumbered Top-level grouping unnumbered subinterfaces

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