Model for managing Ethernet interfaces -- augments the IETF YANG model for interfaces described by RFC 7223
Version: 2017-07-14
module openconfig-if-ethernet { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-eth; import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; } import iana-if-type { prefix ift; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Model for managing Ethernet interfaces -- augments the IETF YANG model for interfaces described by RFC 7223"; revision "2017-07-14" { description "Added Ethernet/IP state data; Add dhcp-client; migrate to OpenConfig types modules; Removed or renamed opstate values"; reference "2.0.0"; } revision "2016-12-22" { description "Fixes to Ethernet interfaces model"; reference "1.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "2.0.0"; identity ETHERNET_SPEED { description "base type to specify available Ethernet link speeds"; } identity SPEED_10MB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "10 Mbps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_100MB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "100 Mbps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_1GB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "1 GBps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_10GB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "10 GBps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_25GB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "25 GBps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_40GB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "40 GBps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_50GB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "50 GBps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_100GB { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "100 GBps Ethernet"; } identity SPEED_UNKNOWN { base ETHERNET_SPEED; description "Interface speed is unknown. Systems may report speed UNKNOWN when an interface is down or unpopuplated (e.g., pluggable not present)."; } } // module openconfig-if-ethernet
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