This module provides a data model for the metadata of the gRPC authorization policies installed on a networking device.
Version: 2024-02-13
module openconfig-gnsi-authz { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-gnsi-authz; import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-system { prefix oc-sys; } import openconfig-system-grpc { prefix oc-sys-grpc; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } import openconfig-gnsi { prefix oc-gnsi; } organization "OpenConfig Working Group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module provides a data model for the metadata of the gRPC authorization policies installed on a networking device."; revision "2024-02-13" { description "Major style updates and move to openconfig/public from openconfig/gnsi. Last commit at"; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2022-10-30" { description "Adds success/failure counters."; reference "0.3.0"; } revision "2022-08-01" { description "Single authz policy."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2022-01-17" { description "Initial revision."; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.4.0"; typedef version { type string; description "The version ID of the gRPC authorization policy as provided by the gRPC Authorization Policy Manager when the policy was pushed. This leaf persists through a reboot."; } typedef created-on { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The creation time of the gRPC authorization policy as reported by the gRPC Authorization Policy manager when the policy was pushed to the device. This value is reported as nanoseconds since epoch (January 1st, 1970 00:00:00 GMT). This leaf persists through a reboot."; } grouping counters { description "A collection of counters that were collected by the gNSI.authz module while evaluating access to a RPC."; leaf access-rejects { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The total number of times the gNSI.authz module denied access to a RPC."; } leaf last-access-reject { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "A timestamp of the last time the gNSI.authz denied access to a RPC."; } leaf access-accepts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The total number of times the gNSI.authz module allowed access to a RPC."; } leaf last-access-accept { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "A timestamp of the last time the gNSI.authz allowed access to a RPC."; } } // grouping counters grouping grpc-server-user-authz-policy-success-failure-counters { description "A collection of counters collected by the gNSI.authz module."; container rpcs { description "A collection of counters collected by the gNSI.authz module for each RPC separately."; list rpc { key "name"; description "A collection of counters collected by the gNSI.authz module for a RPC identified by the `name`."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../state/name"; } description "The name of the RPC the counters were collected for. The name MUST match the HTTP/2 Path header value in For example, /gnmi.gNMI/Subscribe /gnoi.healthz.Healthz/Get "; } container state { description "operational state for authz policy success/failure counters."; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the RPC the counters were collected for. The name MUST match the HTTP/2 Path header value in For example, /gnmi.gNMI/Subscribe /gnoi.healthz.Healthz/Get "; } uses counters; } // container state } // list rpc } // container rpcs } // grouping grpc-server-user-authz-policy-success-failure-counters grouping grpc-server-authz-policy-success-failure-counters { description "A collection of counters collected by the gNSI.authz module."; container authz-policy-counters { config false; description "A collection of counters collected by the gNSI.authz module."; uses grpc-server-user-authz-policy-success-failure-counters; } // container authz-policy-counters } // grouping grpc-server-authz-policy-success-failure-counters grouping grpc-server-authz-policy-state { description "gNMI server's gRPC authorization policy freshness-related data."; leaf grpc-authz-policy-version { type version; description "The version of the gRPC authorization policy that is used by this system."; } leaf grpc-authz-policy-created-on { type created-on; description "The timestamp of the moment when the gRPC authorization policy that is currently used by this system was created."; } } // grouping grpc-server-authz-policy-state augment /oc-sys:system/oc-sys:aaa/oc-sys:authorization/oc-sys:state { description "A system's gRPC authorization policy freshness information."; uses grpc-server-authz-policy-state; } augment /oc-sys:system/oc-sys-grpc:grpc-servers/oc-sys-grpc:grpc-server { when "config[contains(services, 'oc-gnsi:GNSI')]/enable = 'true'"; description "Counters collected while evaluating access to a gRPC server using the gNSI.authz authorization policy."; uses grpc-server-authz-policy-success-failure-counters; } } // module openconfig-gnsi-authz
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