This module contains data definitions for BGP routing policy. It augments the base routing-policy module with BGP-specific optio...
Version: 2024-01-31
module openconfig-bgp-policy { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-bgp-pol; import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } import openconfig-routing-policy { prefix oc-rpol; } import openconfig-policy-types { prefix oc-pol-types; } import openconfig-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgp-types; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module contains data definitions for BGP routing policy. It augments the base routing-policy module with BGP-specific options for conditions and actions."; revision "2024-01-31" { description "Update community-sets/members/member union type by replacing the bgp-regex type with posix-eregexp."; reference "7.0.0"; } revision "2023-12-19" { description "Add PEER_ADDRESS to bgp-next-hop-type."; reference "6.4.0"; } revision "2023-10-23" { description "Revert revision 2019-02-01. Move match-set-options of BGP community and BGP extended community from defined-sets/bgp-defined-sets/community-set and defined-sets/bgp-defined-sets/ext-community-set back to policy-definitions/statements/.../bgp-conditions for consistency across sets."; reference "6.3.0"; } revision "2023-10-03" { description "Deprecate community-set-ref and ext-community-set-ref, add the following leaf-list nodes: * community-set-refs * ext-community-set-refs"; reference "6.2.0"; } revision "2023-03-27" { description "Clarify bgp-set-med-type description"; reference "6.1.1"; } revision "2022-05-24" { description "Remove module extension oc-ext:regexp-posix by making pattern regexes conform to RFC6020/RFC7950. Types impacted: - bgp-set-med-type"; reference "6.1.0"; } revision "2020-06-30" { description "Add OpenConfig POSIX pattern extensions."; reference "6.0.2"; } revision "2019-11-28" { description "Fix quotes on literals in when statements"; reference "6.0.1"; } revision "2019-02-01" { description "Move BGP community match-set-options from policy-definitions/statements/.../bgp-conditions to defined-sets/bgp-defined-sets/community-set for wider platform support."; reference "6.0.0"; } revision "2018-11-21" { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "5.0.2"; } revision "2018-08-20" { description "Correct description of AFI-SAFI enabled leaf."; reference "5.0.1"; } revision "2018-04-11" { description "Correct naming of BGP maximum prefix warning percentage leaf."; reference "5.0.0"; } revision "2018-03-20" { description "Added SR-TE policy SAFI"; reference "4.1.0"; } revision "2017-07-10" { description "Add error notifications; moved add-paths config; add AS prepend policy features; removed unneeded config leaves"; reference "4.0.0"; } revision "2017-02-02" { description "Bugfix to remove remaining global-level policy data"; reference "3.0.1"; } revision "2017-01-26" { description "Add dynamic neighbor support, migrate to OpenConfig types"; reference "3.0.0"; } revision "2016-06-21" { description "OpenConfig BGP refactor"; reference "2.1.1"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "7.0.0"; oc-ext:catalog-organization "openconfig"; oc-ext:origin "openconfig"; typedef bgp-set-community-option-type { type enumeration { enum "ADD" { value 0; description "add the specified communities to the existing community attribute"; } enum "REMOVE" { value 1; description "remove the specified communities from the existing community attribute"; } enum "REPLACE" { value 2; description "replace the existing community attribute with the specified communities. If an empty set is specified, this removes the community attribute from the route."; } } description "Type definition for options when setting the community attribute in a policy action"; } typedef bgp-next-hop-type { type union { type oc-inet:ip-address; type enumeration { enum "SELF" { value 0; description "special designation for local router's own address, i.e., next-hop-self"; } enum "PEER_ADDRESS" { value 1; description "The ip address of the peer should be used. This enum is efficient to use when setting the next hop in a policy applied to a peer group."; } } } description "type definition for specifying next-hop in policy actions"; } typedef bgp-set-med-type { type union { type uint32; type string { oc-ext:posix-pattern "^[+-][0-9]+$"; pattern '[+-][0-9]+'; } type enumeration { enum "IGP" { value 0; description "set the MED value to the IGP cost toward the next hop for the route"; } } } description "Type definition for specifying how the BGP MED can be set in BGP policy actions. The three choices are to set the MED directly using the uint32 type or increment/decrement using +/- notation in the string type or setting it to the IGP cost using the enum (predefined value)."; } } // module openconfig-bgp-policy
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