This module contains data definitions for BGP routing policy. It augments the base routing-policy module with BGP-specific optio...
Version: 2023-10-03
module openconfig-bgp-policy { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-bgp-pol; import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } import openconfig-routing-policy { prefix oc-rpol; } import openconfig-policy-types { prefix oc-pol-types; } import openconfig-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgp-types; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module contains data definitions for BGP routing policy. It augments the base routing-policy module with BGP-specific options for conditions and actions."; revision "2023-10-03" { description "Deprecate community-set-ref and ext-community-set-ref, add the following leaf-list nodes: * community-set-refs * ext-community-set-refs"; reference "6.2.0"; } revision "2023-03-27" { description "Clarify bgp-set-med-type description"; reference "6.1.1"; } revision "2022-05-24" { description "Remove module extension oc-ext:regexp-posix by making pattern regexes conform to RFC6020/RFC7950. Types impacted: - bgp-set-med-type"; reference "6.1.0"; } revision "2020-06-30" { description "Add OpenConfig POSIX pattern extensions."; reference "6.0.2"; } revision "2019-11-28" { description "Fix quotes on literals in when statements"; reference "6.0.1"; } revision "2019-02-01" { description "Move BGP community match-set-options from policy-definitions/statements/.../bgp-conditions to defined-sets/bgp-defined-sets/community-set for wider platform support."; reference "6.0.0"; } revision "2018-11-21" { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "5.0.2"; } revision "2018-08-20" { description "Correct description of AFI-SAFI enabled leaf."; reference "5.0.1"; } revision "2018-04-11" { description "Correct naming of BGP maximum prefix warning percentage leaf."; reference "5.0.0"; } revision "2018-03-20" { description "Added SR-TE policy SAFI"; reference "4.1.0"; } revision "2017-07-10" { description "Add error notifications; moved add-paths config; add AS prepend policy features; removed unneeded config leaves"; reference "4.0.0"; } revision "2017-02-02" { description "Bugfix to remove remaining global-level policy data"; reference "3.0.1"; } revision "2017-01-26" { description "Add dynamic neighbor support, migrate to OpenConfig types"; reference "3.0.0"; } revision "2016-06-21" { description "OpenConfig BGP refactor"; reference "2.1.1"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "6.2.0"; oc-ext:catalog-organization "openconfig"; oc-ext:origin "openconfig"; typedef bgp-set-community-option-type { type enumeration { enum "ADD" { value 0; description "add the specified communities to the existing community attribute"; } enum "REMOVE" { value 1; description "remove the specified communities from the existing community attribute"; } enum "REPLACE" { value 2; description "replace the existing community attribute with the specified communities. If an empty set is specified, this removes the community attribute from the route."; } } description "Type definition for options when setting the community attribute in a policy action"; } typedef bgp-next-hop-type { type union { type oc-inet:ip-address; type enumeration { enum "SELF" { value 0; description "special designation for local router's own address, i.e., next-hop-self"; } } } description "type definition for specifying next-hop in policy actions"; } typedef bgp-set-med-type { type union { type uint32; type string { oc-ext:posix-pattern "^[+-][0-9]+$"; pattern '[+-][0-9]+'; } type enumeration { enum "IGP" { value 0; description "set the MED value to the IGP cost toward the next hop for the route"; } } } description "Type definition for specifying how the BGP MED can be set in BGP policy actions. The three choices are to set the MED directly using the uint32 type or increment/decrement using +/- notation in the string type or setting it to the IGP cost using the enum (predefined value)."; } grouping match-as-path-config { description "Configuration data for match conditions on AS path set"; leaf as-path-set { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:as-path-sets/oc-bgp-pol:as-path-set/oc-bgp-pol:as-path-set-name"; } description "References a defined AS path set"; } uses oc-rpol:match-set-options-group; } // grouping match-as-path-config grouping match-as-path-state { description "Operational state data for match conditions on AS path set"; } // grouping match-as-path-state grouping match-as-path-top { description "Top-level grouping for match conditions on AS path set"; container match-as-path-set { description "Match a referenced as-path set according to the logic defined in the match-set-options leaf"; container config { description "Configuration data for match conditions on AS path set"; uses match-as-path-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for match conditions on AS path set"; uses match-as-path-config; uses match-as-path-state; } // container state } // container match-as-path-set } // grouping match-as-path-top grouping bgp-match-set-conditions { description "Condition statement definitions for checking membership in a defined set"; uses match-as-path-top; } // grouping bgp-match-set-conditions grouping community-count-config { description "Configuration data for community count condition"; uses oc-pol-types:attribute-compare-operators; } // grouping community-count-config grouping community-count-state { description "Operational state data for community count condition"; } // grouping community-count-state grouping community-count-top { description "Top-level grouping for community count condition"; container community-count { description "Value and comparison operations for conditions based on the number of communities in the route update"; container config { description "Configuration data for community count condition"; uses community-count-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for community count condition"; uses community-count-config; uses community-count-state; } // container state } // container community-count } // grouping community-count-top grouping as-path-length-config { description "Configuration data for AS path length condition"; uses oc-pol-types:attribute-compare-operators; } // grouping as-path-length-config grouping as-path-length-state { description "Operational state data for AS path length condition"; } // grouping as-path-length-state grouping as-path-length-top { description "Top-level grouping for AS path length condition"; container as-path-length { description "Value and comparison operations for conditions based on the length of the AS path in the route update"; container config { description "Configuration data for AS path length condition"; uses as-path-length-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for AS path length condition"; uses as-path-length-config; uses as-path-length-state; } // container state } // container as-path-length } // grouping as-path-length-top grouping bgp-conditions-config { description "Configuration data for BGP-specific policy conditions"; leaf med-eq { type uint32; description "Condition to check if the received MED value is equal to the specified value"; } leaf origin-eq { type oc-bgp-types:bgp-origin-attr-type; description "Condition to check if the route origin is equal to the specified value"; } leaf-list next-hop-in { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "List of next hop addresses to check for in the route update"; } leaf-list afi-safi-in { type identityref { base oc-bgp-types:AFI_SAFI_TYPE; } description "List of address families which the NLRI may be within"; } leaf local-pref-eq { type uint32; description "Condition to check if the local pref attribute is equal to the specified value"; } leaf route-type { type enumeration { enum "INTERNAL" { value 0; description "route type is internal"; } enum "EXTERNAL" { value 1; description "route type is external"; } } description "Condition to check the route type in the route update"; } leaf community-set { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:community-sets/oc-bgp-pol:community-set/oc-bgp-pol:community-set-name"; } description "References a defined community set"; } leaf ext-community-set { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-sets/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-set/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-set-name"; } description "References a defined extended community set"; } } // grouping bgp-conditions-config grouping bgp-conditions-state { description "Operational state data for BGP-specific policy conditions"; } // grouping bgp-conditions-state grouping bgp-conditions-top { description "Top-level grouping for BGP-specific policy conditions"; container bgp-conditions { description "Top-level container "; container config { description "Configuration data for BGP-specific policy conditions"; uses bgp-conditions-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for BGP-specific policy conditions"; uses bgp-conditions-config; uses bgp-conditions-state; } // container state uses community-count-top; uses as-path-length-top; uses bgp-match-set-conditions; } // container bgp-conditions } // grouping bgp-conditions-top grouping community-set-config { description "Configuration data for BGP community sets"; leaf community-set-name { type string; mandatory true; description "name / label of the community set -- this is used to reference the set in match conditions"; } leaf-list community-member { type union { type oc-bgp-types:bgp-std-community-type; type oc-bgp-types:bgp-community-regexp-type; type oc-bgp-types:bgp-well-known-community-type; } description "members of the community set. For an ADD operation these are the communities that will be added; the regexp type is not valid in this operation. For REMOVE or REPLACE operations then matching communities will be removed unless match-set-options is INVERT which will reverse this to mean that anything that does not match will be removed."; } uses oc-rpol:match-set-options-group; } // grouping community-set-config grouping community-set-state { description "Operational state data for BGP community sets"; } // grouping community-set-state grouping community-set-top { description "Top-level grouping for BGP community sets"; container community-sets { description "Enclosing container for list of defined BGP community sets"; list community-set { key "community-set-name"; description "List of defined BGP community sets"; leaf community-set-name { type leafref { path "../config/community-set-name"; } description "Reference to list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data for BGP community sets"; uses community-set-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for BGP community sets"; uses community-set-config; uses community-set-state; } // container state } // list community-set } // container community-sets } // grouping community-set-top grouping ext-community-set-config { description "Configuration data for extended BGP community sets"; leaf ext-community-set-name { type string; description "name / label of the extended community set -- this is used to reference the set in match conditions"; } leaf-list ext-community-member { type union { type oc-bgp-types:bgp-ext-community-type; type oc-bgp-types:bgp-community-regexp-type; } description "members of the extended community set For an ADD operation these are the communities that will be added; the regexp type is not valid in this operation. For REMOVE or REPLACE operations then matching communities will be removed unless match-set-options is INVERT which will reverse this to mean that anything that does not match will be removed."; } uses oc-rpol:match-set-options-group; } // grouping ext-community-set-config grouping ext-community-set-state { description "Operational state data for extended BGP community sets"; } // grouping ext-community-set-state grouping ext-community-set-top { description "Top-level grouping for extended BGP community sets"; container ext-community-sets { description "Enclosing container for list of extended BGP community sets"; list ext-community-set { key "ext-community-set-name"; description "List of defined extended BGP community sets"; leaf ext-community-set-name { type leafref { path "../config/ext-community-set-name"; } description "Reference to list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data for extended BGP community sets"; uses ext-community-set-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for extended BGP community sets"; uses ext-community-set-config; uses ext-community-set-state; } // container state } // list ext-community-set } // container ext-community-sets } // grouping ext-community-set-top grouping as-path-set-config { description "Configuration data for AS path sets"; leaf as-path-set-name { type string; description "name of the AS path set -- this is used to reference the set in match conditions"; } leaf-list as-path-set-member { type string; description "AS path expression -- list of ASes in the set"; } } // grouping as-path-set-config grouping as-path-set-state { description "Operational state data for AS path sets"; } // grouping as-path-set-state grouping as-path-set-top { description "Top-level grouping for AS path sets"; container as-path-sets { description "Enclosing container for list of define AS path sets"; list as-path-set { key "as-path-set-name"; description "List of defined AS path sets"; leaf as-path-set-name { type leafref { path "../config/as-path-set-name"; } description "Reference to list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data for AS path sets"; uses as-path-set-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for AS path sets"; uses as-path-set-config; uses as-path-set-state; } // container state } // list as-path-set } // container as-path-sets } // grouping as-path-set-top augment /oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets { description "adds BGP defined sets container to routing policy model"; container bgp-defined-sets { description "BGP-related set definitions for policy match conditions"; uses community-set-top; uses ext-community-set-top; uses as-path-set-top; } // container bgp-defined-sets } grouping as-path-prepend-config { description "Configuration data for the AS path prepend action"; leaf repeat-n { type uint8 { range "1..max"; } description "Number of times to prepend the value specified in the asn leaf to the AS path. If no value is specified by the asn leaf, the local AS number of the system is used. The value should be between 1 and the maximum supported by the implementation."; } leaf asn { type oc-inet:as-number; description "The AS number to prepend to the AS path. If this leaf is not specified and repeat-n is set, then the local AS number will be used for prepending."; } } // grouping as-path-prepend-config grouping as-path-prepend-state { description "Operational state data for the AS path prepend action"; } // grouping as-path-prepend-state grouping as-path-prepend-top { description "Top-level grouping for the AS path prepend action"; container set-as-path-prepend { description "Action to prepend the specified AS number to the AS-path a specified number of times"; container config { description "Configuration data for the AS path prepend action"; uses as-path-prepend-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the AS path prepend action"; uses as-path-prepend-config; uses as-path-prepend-state; } // container state } // container set-as-path-prepend } // grouping as-path-prepend-top grouping set-community-action-common { description "Common leaves for set-community and set-ext-community actions"; leaf method { type enumeration { enum "INLINE" { value 0; description "The extended communities are specified inline as a list"; } enum "REFERENCE" { value 1; description "The extended communities are specified by referencing a defined ext-community set"; } } description "Indicates the method used to specify the extended communities for the set-ext-community action"; } leaf options { type bgp-set-community-option-type; description "Options for modifying the community attribute with the specified values. These options apply to both methods of setting the community attribute."; } } // grouping set-community-action-common grouping set-community-inline-config { description "Configuration data for inline specification of set-community action"; leaf-list communities { type union { type oc-bgp-types:bgp-std-community-type; type oc-bgp-types:bgp-well-known-community-type; } description "Set the community values for the update inline with a list."; } } // grouping set-community-inline-config grouping set-community-inline-state { description "Operational state data or inline specification of set-community action"; } // grouping set-community-inline-state grouping set-community-inline-top { description "Top-level grouping or inline specification of set-community action"; container inline { when "../config/method='INLINE'" { description "Active only when the set-community method is INLINE"; } description "Set the community values for the action inline with a list."; container config { description "Configuration data or inline specification of set-community action"; uses set-community-inline-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data or inline specification of set-community action"; uses set-community-inline-config; uses set-community-inline-state; } // container state } // container inline } // grouping set-community-inline-top grouping set-community-reference-config { description "Configuration data for referening a community-set in the set-community action"; leaf-list community-set-refs { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:community-sets/oc-bgp-pol:community-set/oc-bgp-pol:community-set-name"; } description "References a list of defined community sets by name"; } leaf community-set-ref { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:community-sets/oc-bgp-pol:community-set/oc-bgp-pol:community-set-name"; } status deprecated; description "References a defined community set by name"; } } // grouping set-community-reference-config grouping set-community-reference-state { description "Operational state data for referening a community-set in the set-community action"; } // grouping set-community-reference-state grouping set-community-reference-top { description "Top-level grouping for referening a community-set in the set-community action"; container reference { when "../config/method='REFERENCE'" { description "Active only when the set-community method is REFERENCE"; } description "Provide a reference to a defined community set for the set-community action"; container config { description "Configuration data for referening a community-set in the set-community action"; uses set-community-reference-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for referening a community-set in the set-community action"; uses set-community-reference-config; uses set-community-reference-state; } // container state } // container reference } // grouping set-community-reference-top grouping set-community-action-config { description "Configuration data for the set-community action"; uses set-community-action-common; } // grouping set-community-action-config grouping set-community-action-state { description "Operational state data for the set-community action"; } // grouping set-community-action-state grouping set-community-action-top { description "Top-level grouping for the set-community action"; container set-community { description "Action to set the community attributes of the route, along with options to modify how the community is modified. Communities may be set using an inline list OR reference to an existing defined set (not both)."; container config { description "Configuration data for the set-community action"; uses set-community-action-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the set-community action"; uses set-community-action-config; uses set-community-action-state; } // container state uses set-community-inline-top; uses set-community-reference-top; } // container set-community } // grouping set-community-action-top grouping set-ext-community-inline-config { description "Configuration data for inline specification of set-ext-community action"; leaf-list communities { type union { type oc-bgp-types:bgp-ext-community-type; type oc-bgp-types:bgp-well-known-community-type; } description "Set the extended community values for the update inline with a list."; } } // grouping set-ext-community-inline-config grouping set-ext-community-inline-state { description "Operational state data or inline specification of set-ext-community action"; } // grouping set-ext-community-inline-state grouping set-ext-community-inline-top { description "Top-level grouping or inline specification of set-ext-community action"; container inline { when "../config/method='INLINE'" { description "Active only when the set-community method is INLINE"; } description "Set the extended community values for the action inline with a list."; container config { description "Configuration data or inline specification of set-ext-community action"; uses set-ext-community-inline-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data or inline specification of set-ext-community action"; uses set-ext-community-inline-config; uses set-ext-community-inline-state; } // container state } // container inline } // grouping set-ext-community-inline-top grouping set-ext-community-reference-config { description "Configuration data for referening a extended community-set in the set-ext-community action"; leaf-list ext-community-set-refs { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-sets/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-set/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-set-name"; } description "References a list of defined extended community sets by name"; } leaf ext-community-set-ref { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-sets/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-set/oc-bgp-pol:ext-community-set-name"; } status deprecated; description "References a defined extended community set by name"; } } // grouping set-ext-community-reference-config grouping set-ext-community-reference-state { description "Operational state data for referening an extended community-set in the set-ext-community action"; } // grouping set-ext-community-reference-state grouping set-ext-community-reference-top { description "Top-level grouping for referening an extended community-set in the set-community action"; container reference { when "../config/method='REFERENCE'" { description "Active only when the set-community method is REFERENCE"; } description "Provide a reference to an extended community set for the set-ext-community action"; container config { description "Configuration data for referening an extended community-set in the set-ext-community action"; uses set-ext-community-reference-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for referening an extended community-set in the set-ext-community action"; uses set-ext-community-reference-config; uses set-ext-community-reference-state; } // container state } // container reference } // grouping set-ext-community-reference-top grouping set-ext-community-action-config { description "Configuration data for the set-ext-community action"; uses set-community-action-common; } // grouping set-ext-community-action-config grouping set-ext-community-action-state { description "Operational state data for the set-ext-community action"; } // grouping set-ext-community-action-state grouping set-ext-community-action-top { description "Top-level grouping for the set-ext-community action"; container set-ext-community { description "Action to set the extended community attributes of the route, along with options to modify how the community is modified. Extended communities may be set using an inline list OR a reference to an existing defined set (but not both)."; container config { description "Configuration data for the set-ext-community action"; uses set-ext-community-action-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the set-ext-community action"; uses set-ext-community-action-config; uses set-ext-community-action-state; } // container state uses set-ext-community-inline-top; uses set-ext-community-reference-top; } // container set-ext-community } // grouping set-ext-community-action-top grouping bgp-actions-config { description "Configuration data for BGP-specific actions"; leaf set-route-origin { type oc-bgp-types:bgp-origin-attr-type; description "set the origin attribute to the specified value"; } leaf set-local-pref { type uint32; description "set the local pref attribute on the route update"; } leaf set-next-hop { type bgp-next-hop-type; description "set the next-hop attribute in the route update"; } leaf set-med { type bgp-set-med-type; description "set the med metric attribute in the route update"; } } // grouping bgp-actions-config grouping bgp-actions-state { description "Operational state data for BGP-specific actions"; } // grouping bgp-actions-state grouping bgp-actions-top { description "Top-level grouping for BGP-specific actions"; container bgp-actions { description "Top-level container for BGP-specific actions"; container config { description "Configuration data for BGP-specific actions"; uses bgp-actions-config; } // container config container state { config false; description "Operational state data for BGP-specific actions"; uses bgp-actions-config; uses bgp-actions-state; } // container state uses as-path-prepend-top; uses set-community-action-top; uses set-ext-community-action-top; } // container bgp-actions } // grouping bgp-actions-top augment /oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:policy-definitions/oc-rpol:policy-definition/oc-rpol:statements/oc-rpol:statement/oc-rpol:conditions { description "BGP policy conditions added to routing policy module"; uses bgp-conditions-top; } augment /oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:policy-definitions/oc-rpol:policy-definition/oc-rpol:statements/oc-rpol:statement/oc-rpol:actions { description "BGP policy actions added to routing policy module"; uses bgp-actions-top; } } // module openconfig-bgp-policy
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