Common ldp data types used in the SR OS management system. Copyright 2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this docu...
Version: 2020-04-08
module nokia-types-ldp { yang-version 1.1; namespace ""; prefix types-ldp; import nokia-sros-yang-extensions { prefix sros-ext; } import nokia-types-sros { prefix types-sros; } organization "Nokia"; contact "Nokia SR OS Support Web: <>"; description "Common ldp data types used in the SR OS management system. Copyright 2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This nokia-types-ldp YANG module embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This specification is supplied `as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the specification."; revision "2020-04-08"; sros-ext:sros-major-release "rel24"; typedef backoff-time { type uint32 { range "0..2592000"; } units "seconds"; description "specifies the backoff interval (initial and maximum). The backoff interval is the time, in seconds, that LDP waits after an LDP session setup has failed before it attempts to setup the session again. After the LDP session startup fails the first time, the backoff interval is set to an initial value. Thereafter, if session startup fails again the backoff interval increases exponentially until it reaches a maximum value specified by the maximum backoff interval. If the maximum backoff interval is set to zero (0), then the backoff interval does not increase exponentially after the first session startup attempt fails. Instead it remains constant and LDP will keep retrying to establish a session until it succeeds."; } typedef gen-down-reason-code { type enumeration { enum "oper-up" { value 0; } enum "admin-down" { value 1; } enum "no-listen-socket" { value 2; } enum "no-discovery-socket" { value 3; } enum "no-rtm" { value 4; } enum "no-ttm" { value 5; } enum "iom-failure" { value 6; } enum "recv-failure" { value 7; } enum "clear-fown" { value 8; } enum "no-resources" { value 9; } enum "system-ip-down" { value 10; } enum "hello-failure" { value 11; } enum "ipv6-not-supported" { value 12; } enum "no-bgp" { value 13; } } description "gen-down-reason-code is an enumerated integer that specifies the reason that the LDP instance is operationally down."; } typedef policy-string { type types-sros:named-item; description "policy-string specifies type for policy-name leafs in LDP."; } typedef targ-oper-down-reason-code { type enumeration { enum "oper-up" { value 0; } enum "admin-down" { value 1; } enum "no-listen-socket" { value 2; } enum "no-discovery-socket" { value 3; } enum "no-resources" { value 4; } enum "addr-fec-deprogram" { value 5; } enum "svc-fec-deprogram" { value 6; } enum "clear-down" { value 7; } enum "instance-down" { value 8; } enum "interface-down" { value 9; } enum "target-ip-invalid" { value 10; } enum "interface-invalid" { value 11; } enum "lsr-interface-down" { value 12; } enum "lsr-interface-invalid" { value 13; } enum "hello-failure" { value 14; } enum "parent-if-down" { value 15; } enum "interface-no-valid-ip" { value 16; } enum "lsr-interface-no-valid-ip" { value 17; } } description "targ-oper-down-reason-code is an enumerated integer that specifies the reason that the LDP interface and targeted peer is operationally down."; } typedef lsr-id { type string { length "5..46"; pattern "(((([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])):([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{1,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5]))|((((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}(([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4})))\\[([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{1,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])\\])"; } description "The lsr-id is Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) identifier. It identifies a Label Switch Router (LSR) and label space. The first pattern accepted is <IPv4-address>:<label-space>. The second pattern accepted is <IPv6-address>[<label-space>]."; } typedef fec-type-bits { type bits { bit ipv4-prefix { position 0; } bit ipv6-prefix { position 1; } bit ipv4-p2mp { position 2; } bit ipv6-p2mp { position 3; } bit fec128 { position 4; } bit fec129 { position 5; } } description "Indicates supported FEC type."; } typedef capabilities { type bits { bit p2mp-fec { position 0; } bit multipoint-mbb { position 1; } bit dynamic { position 2; } bit overload { position 3; } bit ipv4-prefix-fec { position 4; } bit ipv6-prefix-fec { position 5; } bit fec-128 { position 6; } bit fec-129 { position 7; } bit unrecognized-notification { position 8; } } description "Indicates supported capabilities."; } typedef distribution-method { type enumeration { enum "downstream-on-demand" { value 1; } enum "downstream-unsolicited" { value 2; } } description "Indicates label distribution method."; } typedef fec-type { type enumeration { enum "wildcard" { value 1; } enum "addr-prefix" { value 2; } enum "addr-host" { value 3; } } description "fec-type determines the kind of FEC that the label mapping, withdraw, release and request messages are referring to."; } typedef fec-flags { type bits { bit egress { position 1; } bit ingress { position 2; } bit installed-swap { position 3; } bit installed-push { position 4; } bit installed-pop { position 5; } bit local { position 6; } bit next-hop { position 7; } bit import-policy-rejected { position 8; } bit export-policy-accepted { position 9; } bit installed-static-fec { position 10; } bit vc-switching { position 11; } bit import-targ-policy-rejected { position 12; } bit export-targ-policy-rejected { position 13; } bit import-peer-policy-rejected { position 14; } bit local-multihomed-secondary { position 15; } bit bgp-next-hop { position 16; } bit label-req-sent { position 17; } bit class-based-forwarding { position 18; } bit sr-isis-next-hop { position 19; } bit sr-ospf-next-hop { position 20; } bit upper-fec { position 21; } bit lower-fec { position 22; } bit community-mismatch { position 23; } bit bkp-upper-fec { position 24; } } description "fec-flags bit flags define the characteristics of FEC. Flag 'egress': this node is an egress for this FEC. Flag 'ingress': this node is a potential ingress for this FEC. Flag 'installed-swap': the label for this FEC has been programmed as a 'swap' label. Flag 'installed-push': the label for this FEC has been programmed as a 'push' label. Flag 'installed-pop': the label for this FEC has been programmed as a 'pop' label. Flag 'local': this FEC is local to this node. Flag 'next-hop': the nextHop for this FEC is known. Flag 'import-policy-rejected': global LDP import policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'export-policy-accepted': global LDP export policy has accepted this FEC. Flag 'installed-static-fec': this FEC is created by static FEC configuration on this node. Flag 'vc-switching': vc-switching is enabled for the FEC. Flag 'import-targ-policy-rejected': targeted LDP import policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'export-targ-policy-rejected': targeted LDP export policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'import-peer-policy-rejected': peer LDP import policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'local-multihomed-secondary': this FEC is local to this node and is a multi-homed secondary ip address. Flag 'bgp-next-hop' : LDP binding is resolved to BGP next-hop. Flag 'label-req-sent' : Label request to peer has been sent. Flag 'class-based-forwarding' : Label binding is using class-based-forwarding. Flag 'sr-isis-next-hop' : LDP binding is resolved to ISIS segment-routing next-hop. Flag 'sr-ospf-next-hop' : LDP binding is resolved to OSPF segment-routing next-hop. Flag 'upper-fec' : this upper FEC is stitched to lower FEC Flag 'lower-fec' : this lower FEC is stitched to upper FEC Flag 'community-mismatch' : targeted LDP community mismatch Flag 'bkp-upper-fec' : backup upper FEC "; } typedef label-status { type bits { bit status-signaling-supported { position 2; } bit in-use-push { position 3; } bit in-use-swap { position 4; } bit in-use-pop { position 5; } bit released { position 6; } bit not-in-use { position 7; } bit withdrawn { position 8; } bit control-word { position 9; } bit withdraw-pending { position 10; } bit alternate-next-hop { position 11; } bit alternate-phop { position 12; } bit unnum-interface { position 13; } bit sr-isis-next-hop { position 14; } bit sr-ospf-next-hop { position 15; } bit entropy-label-capability { position 16; } } description "label-status bit flags specifies the status of an ingress or egress label. 'status-signaling-supported' - indicates whether status signaling is enabled or not. 'in-use-push' - indicates that the label contains valid information that is currently being used as a 'push' label. 'in-use-swap' - indicates that the label contains valid information that is currently being used as a 'swap' label. 'in-use-pop' - indicates that the label contains valid information that is currently being used as a 'pop' label. 'released' - indicates that the label is in the process of being freed. With this flag set, no other flags will be set. 'not-in-use' - indicates that the label contains valid information but is currently not being used possibly because the service is temporarily down. 'withdrawn' - indicates that the label has not been sent (possibly due to a mismatch in control word or status signaling) 'control-word' - indicates that the control word will be signaled 'withdraw-pending' - indicates that the label withdrawal is pending 'alternate-next-hop' - indicates that the label is programmed as alternate next-hop for fast re-route 'alternate-pHop' - indicates that the label is programmed as alternate upstream for fast re-route. 'unnum-interface' - indicates that the label is programmed using unnumbered interface. 'sr-isis-next-hop' - LDP binding is resolved to ISIS segment-routing next-hop. 'sr-ospf-next-hop' - LDP binding is resolved to OSPF segment-routing next-hop. 'entropy-label-capability' - entropy label capabilities. "; } typedef vc-type { type enumeration { enum "fr-dlci-martini" { value 1; } enum "atm-sdu" { value 2; } enum "atm-cell" { value 3; } enum "ethernet-vlan" { value 4; } enum "ethernet" { value 5; } enum "atm-vcc-cell" { value 9; } enum "atm-vpc-cell" { value 10; } enum "ipipe" { value 11; } enum "satop-e1" { value 17; } enum "satop-t1" { value 18; } enum "satop-e3" { value 19; } enum "satop-t3" { value 20; } enum "cesopsn" { value 21; } enum "cesopsn-cas" { value 23; } enum "fr-dlci" { value 25; } enum "mirror-dest" { value 4096; } } description "The value is an enumerated integer that indicates a Virtual Circuit (VC) type. 'fr-dlci-martini(1)' replaces the old 'fr-dlci' when used over martini tunnels."; } typedef label-signaling-status { type uint32; description "label-signaling-status specifies the status of the pseudowire and attached circuit. The values are defined in draft-ietf-pwe3-iana-allocation-07.txt."; } typedef in-label-withdraw-reason { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; } enum "no-sw-label" { value 1; } enum "local-fault" { value 2; } enum "stack-mismatch" { value 3; } } description "This is a value that specifies the reason that the LDP ingress label is withdrawn. The value of 'none(0)' means no reason specified for the withdrawal of the ingress label. The value of 'no-sw-label(1)' means the ingress label is withdrawn because there is no vc switching label from upstream. The value of 'local-fault(2)' means the ingress label is withdrawn because there is a local fault. The value of 'stack-mismatch(3)' means the ingress label is withdrawn due to stack capability mismatch."; } } // module nokia-types-ldp
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