Common application assurance data types used in the SR OS management system. Copyright 2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reprodu...
Version: 2023-12-19
module nokia-types-application-assurance { yang-version 1.1; namespace ""; prefix types-aa; import nokia-sros-yang-extensions { prefix sros-ext; } import nokia-types-sros { prefix types-sros; } organization "Nokia"; contact "Nokia SR OS Support Web: <>"; description "Common application assurance data types used in the SR OS management system. Copyright 2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This nokia-types-application-assurance YANG module embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This specification is supplied `as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the specification."; revision "2023-12-19"; sros-ext:sros-major-release "rel24"; typedef isa-aa-grp-id { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "isa-aa-grp-id is the identifier for group of AA ISAs."; } typedef isa-aa-grp-stats-type { type enumeration { enum "aa-performance" { value 1; } } description "Represents all of the possible statistics accounting types that can be configured at the ISA-AA group level. The various types are: aa-performance - AA performance statistics"; } typedef aa-grp-part-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "AA partition within an AA group."; } typedef custom-protocol-name { type string { length "9"; pattern "custom_(0[1-9]|10)" { error-message "The supported custom protocols are custom_[01-10]."; } } description "custom protocol name"; } typedef policer-start-time { type string { length "3..5"; pattern "(([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):(00|15|30|45))" { error-message "The time format is [hh:mm], where hh is 00 to 23, and mm is 00, 15, 30, or 45."; } } description "The time format is [hh:mm], where hh is 00 to 23, and mm is 00, 15, 30, or 45."; } typedef policer-end-time { type string { length "3..5"; pattern "(((([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):(00|15|30|45)))|(24:00))" { error-message "The time format is [hh:mm]. The range of hours is 00 to 24. The minutes are 00, 15, 30, or 45. If the hours is 24, the minutes must be 00."; } } description "The time format is [hh:mm], where hh is 00 to 24, and mm is 00, 15, 30, or 45."; } typedef day-of-week { type enumeration { enum "sunday" { value 1; } enum "monday" { value 2; } enum "tuesday" { value 3; } enum "wednesday" { value 4; } enum "thursday" { value 5; } enum "friday" { value 6; } enum "saturday" { value 7; } } description "The day of the week."; } typedef aa-grp-cflowd-template-select { type enumeration { enum "legacy" { value 0; } enum "dynamic" { value 1; } } description "Specifies the size limit of the AA URL list."; } typedef ipv4-address-or-ipv6-address-and-mask { type union { type types-sros:ipv4-address; type types-sros:ipv6-address-and-mask; } description "An IP address and mask."; } typedef permit-deny-action { type enumeration { enum "deny" { value 1; } enum "permit" { value 2; } } description "AA permit or deny action of an operation."; } typedef permit-deny-action-no-default { type enumeration { enum "deny" { value 1; } enum "permit" { value 2; } } description "AA permit or deny action of an operation with no default setting."; } typedef event-log-action { type enumeration { enum "deny" { value 0; } enum "permit" { value 1; } enum "all" { value 2; } } description "AA action on which an event log is raised."; } typedef stats-scope { type enumeration { enum "all-flows" { value 1; } enum "closed-flows" { value 2; } } description "Specifies AA statistics scope: either provides a statistics snapshot from closed flows or statistics from all flows including realtime information from active flows. With too many active flows, only snapshot scope is available."; } typedef stats-aa-sub-type { type enumeration { enum "esm" { value 1; } enum "sap" { value 2; } enum "spoke-sdp" { value 3; } enum "transit" { value 4; } enum "esm-mac" { value 7; } } description "Specifies the AA subscriber type for AA stats."; } typedef study-stats-type { type enumeration { enum "protocol" { value 1; } enum "application" { value 2; } } description "Specifies the AA aa-sub-study statistics type."; } typedef http-redir-flow-type { type enumeration { enum "dropped-flows" { value 1; } enum "admitted-flows" { value 2; } } description "represents the types flows that can be redirected."; } typedef match-operator { type enumeration { enum "eq" { value 1; } enum "neq" { value 2; } enum "lt" { value 3; } enum "gt" { value 4; } enum "range" { value 5; } enum "gte" { value 6; } } description "represents matching operator of characteristics in application-qos-policy and app-filter entries."; } typedef match-device-type { type enumeration { enum "host" { value 1; } enum "tracked" { value 2; } enum "excess" { value 3; } } description "The multi-device detection device-type to match in application-qos-policy entries."; } typedef policer-type { type enumeration { enum "single-bucket-bandwidth-policer" { value 1; } enum "dual-bucket-bandwidth-policer" { value 2; } enum "flow-setup-rate-policer" { value 3; } enum "flow-count-policer" { value 4; } } description "AA policer type."; } typedef policer-granularity { type enumeration { enum "system" { value 1; } enum "subscriber" { value 2; } } description "AA policer granularity."; } typedef policer-action { type enumeration { enum "permit-deny" { value 0; } enum "priority-mark" { value 1; } enum "monitor" { value 2; } } default "permit-deny"; description "AA policer action to permit/deny or mark in/out of profile."; } typedef policer-cir { type union { type int32 { range "0..100000000"; } type enumeration { enum "max" { value -1; } } } units "kilobps"; default "0"; description "AA policer CIR in kbps. The value 'max' means maximum rate."; } typedef policer-ir { type union { type int32 { range "1..100000000"; } type enumeration { enum "max" { value -1; } } } units "kilobps"; default "max"; description "AA policer information rate in kbps. The value 'max' means maximum rate."; } typedef policer-burst-size { type int32 { range "0..131071"; } units "kilobytes"; default "0"; description "The amount of burst capacity assigned to a policer in kilo bytes."; } typedef policer-flow-rate { type union { type int32 { range "1..100000000"; } type enumeration { enum "max" { value -1; } } } units "flows per second"; default "max"; description "AA policer flow rate in flows per seconds. The value 'max' means maximum rate."; } typedef policer-flow-burst-size { type int32 { range "0..131071"; } units "flows"; default "0"; description "The amount of flow burst capacity assigned to a policer."; } typedef policer-flow-count-limit { type union { type int32 { range "0..100000000"; } type enumeration { enum "max" { value -1; } } } units "flows"; default "max"; description "AA policer flow count. The value 'max' means unbounded while 0 means block all flows."; } typedef cflowd-sample-rate { type uint32 { range "1..1000"; } units "flows per second"; description "AA cflowd per flow sampling rate"; } typedef cflowd-export-type { type enumeration { enum "volume" { value 1; } enum "tcp-performance" { value 2; } enum "comprehensive" { value 4; } enum "rtp-performance" { value 5; status obsolete; } } description "AA exported cflowd record type."; } typedef cflowd-export-override-type { type enumeration { enum "mobile" { value 1; } enum "ifname-obfuscate" { value 2; } } description "AA cflowd export override type."; } typedef cflowd-field-inclusion { type enumeration { enum "not-applicable" { value 0; } enum "optional" { value 1; } enum "mandatory" { value 2; } } description "describes cflowd field inclusion within an export type."; } typedef cflowd-field-encryption-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; } enum "sha-1" { value 1; } enum "sha-256" { value 2; } enum "aes-128" { value 3; } enum "aes-256" { value 4; } } description "describes cflowd field encryption type."; } typedef cflowd-field-encryption-group { type enumeration { enum "not-applicable" { value 0; } enum "msisdn" { value 1; } enum "imsi" { value 2; } enum "imei" { value 3; } } description "describes cflowd encryption group."; } typedef buffer-pool-reserved-percentage { type int32 { range "0..100"; } description "configure the percentage of the buffer pool reserved for high priority traffic. A value of -1 (default) implies reserved CBS should be computed as the sum of the CBS requested by the entities using this pool."; } typedef http-field-encoding { type enumeration { enum "md5" { value 1; } enum "rc4" { value 2; } enum "rc4-md5-base64" { value 3; } enum "aes128" { value 4; } enum "aes256" { value 5; } enum "aes128cbc" { value 6; } enum "aes256cbc" { value 7; } } description "AA HTTP enrichment field encoding types. It specifies the type of encoding that will be used on the field. Only the field value is encoded, not the field name."; } typedef http-tls-field-encoding { type enumeration { enum "md5" { value 1; } enum "rc4" { value 2; } } description "AA HTTP enrichment sub-type TLS encoding types."; } typedef certificate-file { type string { length "1..95"; } description "A certificate file name without slashes or colon."; } typedef key-file { type string { length "1..95"; } description "A key file name without slashes or colon."; } typedef mobile-rat-type { type enumeration { enum "utran" { value 1; } enum "geran" { value 2; } enum "wlan" { value 3; } enum "gan" { value 4; } enum "hspa-evol" { value 5; } enum "eutran" { value 6; } enum "virtual" { value 7; } enum "eutran-nb" { value 8; } enum "ehrpd" { value 9; } enum "hrpd" { value 10; } enum "cdma-1x" { value 11; } enum "umb" { value 12; } enum "wifi" { value 13; } enum "nr" { value 14; } enum "lte-m" { value 15; } } description "Represents a specific Radio Access Technology (RAT)."; } typedef wa-shared-buffer-utilization-high { type union { type int32 { range "1..100"; } type enumeration { enum "max" { value 1; } } } units "percent"; description "Configure weighted average shared buffer utilization high watermark."; } typedef wa-shared-buffer-utilization-low { type int32 { range "0..99"; } units "percent"; description "Configure weighted average shared buffer utilization low watermark."; } typedef http-notif-interval { type union { type int32 { range "1..1440"; } type enumeration { enum "one-time" { value 0; } } } units "minutes"; default "one-time"; description "Specifies the minimum time to wait before re-inserting script URL into the HTTP response for a specific subscriber. one-time specifies the insertion of the script URL is to occur only once."; } typedef isa-aa-group-subscale { type enumeration { enum "residential" { value 0; } enum "vpn" { value 1; } enum "mobile-gateway" { value 2; } enum "lightweight-internet" { value 3; } enum "residential-8k" { value 4; } enum "residential-16k" { value 5; } enum "residential-32k" { value 6; } enum "residential-64k" { value 7; } enum "vpn-1k" { value 8; } enum "vpn-2k" { value 9; } enum "vpn-4k" { value 10; } enum "vpn-8k" { value 11; } enum "mobile-gateway-1m" { value 12; } enum "mobile-gateway-2m" { value 13; } enum "lightweight-internet-512k" { value 14; } enum "firewall-32" { value 15; } } description "The various kinds of aa-sub-scale that are supported. This impacts the maximum number of AA subscribers and the corresponding policies that can be specified."; } typedef isa-generation-for-aa-grp { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "The value specifies the minimum ISA Generation allowed in this group. On any HSR platform, the minimum ISA Generation has a value of 2."; } typedef isa-fail-to-mode { type enumeration { enum "fail-to-open" { value 1; } } description "specifies how the traffic is handled when there is no available ISA-AA cards."; } typedef isa-group-stats-category { type enumeration { enum "performance" { value 1; } } description "The ISA AA group statistics category names."; } typedef fragment-drop-scope { type enumeration { enum "all" { value 1; } enum "out-of-order" { value 2; } } description "specifies which fragments if any must be dropped as policy."; } typedef tcp-segment-size { type int32 { range "160..10240"; } description "TCP MSS adjust size."; } typedef sub-tether-state { type enumeration { enum "not-applicable" { value 0; } enum "detected" { value 1; } enum "not-detected" { value 2; } } description "Represents the tethering state of an Application Assurance Subscriber."; } typedef transit-ip-policy-sub-address { type union { type types-sros:ipv4-unicast-address; type types-sros:ipv6-prefix; } description "Specifies an AA static subscriber address in a transit-ip-policy."; } typedef traffic-direction { type enumeration { enum "subscriber-to-network" { value 0; } enum "network-to-subscriber" { value 1; } enum "both" { value 2; } } description "AA traffic direction."; } typedef queue-traffic-direction { type enumeration { enum "subscriber-to-network" { value 0; } enum "network-to-subscriber" { value 1; } } description "AA traffic direction for queue state."; } typedef tca-direction { type enumeration { enum "from-sub" { value 1; } enum "to-sub" { value 2; } } description "AA direction for TCAs."; } typedef web-serv-classifier-id { type enumeration { enum "web-service-1" { value 1; } } description "AA url-filter web-service classifier Id."; } typedef web-serv-category-name { type types-sros:named-item; description "AA url-filter web-service category name."; } typedef partition-stats-category { type enumeration { enum "aa-protocol" { value 1; } enum "aa-application" { value 2; } enum "aa-app-group" { value 3; } enum "aa-sub" { value 4; } enum "aa-sub-study-protocol" { value 5; } enum "aa-sub-study-application" { value 6; } enum "aa-partition" { value 7; } enum "aa-admit-deny" { value 8; } } description "AA partition statistics categories."; } typedef tca-criteria { type enumeration { enum "error-drop" { value 1; } enum "fragment-drop-out-of-order" { value 2; } enum "fragment-drop-all" { value 3; } enum "overload-drop" { value 4; } enum "gtp-sanity-drop" { value 5; } } description "AA statistics threshold crossing alert criteria based on Application QoS Policy action."; } typedef tca-gtp-criteria { type enumeration { enum "max-payload-length" { value 1; } enum "message-type-default-action" { value 2; } enum "header-sanity" { value 3; } enum "message-type-gtpv2-default-action" { value 4; } enum "imsi-apn-filter-default-action" { value 5; } enum "validate-gtp-tunnels" { value 6; } enum "validate-sequence-number" { value 7; } enum "validate-src-ip-addr" { value 8; } enum "missing-mandatory-ie" { value 9; } enum "gtp-in-gtp" { value 10; } enum "gtp-tunnel-database-full" { value 11; } enum "gtp-tunnel-endpoint-limit" { value 12; } } description "AA GTP filter statistics threshold crossing alert criteria."; } typedef tca-sctp-criteria { type enumeration { enum "ppid-default-action" { value 1; } enum "packet-sanity" { value 2; } enum "ppid-range" { value 3; } } description "AA SCTP filter statistics threshold crossing alert criteria."; } typedef tca-session-criteria { type enumeration { enum "default-action" { value 1; } } description "AA session filter statistics threshold crossing alert criteria."; } typedef expr-sub-string { type enumeration { enum "http-host" { value 1; } enum "http-uri" { value 2; } enum "http-referer" { value 3; } enum "sip-ua" { value 4; } enum "sip-uri" { value 5; } enum "sip-mt" { value 6; } enum "citrix-app" { value 7; } enum "http-user-agent" { value 8; } enum "h323-product-id" { value 9; } enum "tls-cert-subj-org-name" { value 10; } enum "tls-cert-subj-common-name" { value 11; } enum "rtsp-host" { value 12; } enum "rtsp-uri" { value 13; } enum "rtsp-ua" { value 14; } enum "rtmp-page-host" { value 15; } enum "rtmp-page-uri" { value 16; } enum "rtmp-swf-host" { value 17; } enum "rtmp-swf-uri" { value 18; } enum "rtmp-tc-host" { value 19; } enum "rtmp-tc-uri" { value 20; } enum "dns-domain-name" { value 21; } } description "AA expression substring type. "; } typedef aa-ppid-value { type union { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } type enumeration { enum "iua" { value 1; } enum "m2ua" { value 2; } enum "m3ua" { value 3; } enum "sua" { value 4; } enum "m2pa" { value 5; } enum "v5ua" { value 6; } enum "h.248" { value 7; } enum "bicc/q.2150.3" { value 8; } enum "tali" { value 9; } enum "dua" { value 10; } enum "asap" { value 11; } enum "enrp" { value 12; } enum "h.323" { value 13; } enum "q.ipc/q.2150.3" { value 14; } enum "simco" { value 15; } enum "ddp-segment-chunk" { value 16; } enum "ddp-stream-session-control" { value 17; } enum "s1-application-protocol" { value 18; } enum "rua" { value 19; } enum "hnbap" { value 20; } enum "forces-hp" { value 21; } enum "forces-mp" { value 22; } enum "forces-lp" { value 23; } enum "sbc-ap" { value 24; } enum "nbap" { value 25; } enum "x2ap" { value 27; } enum "ircp" { value 28; } enum "lcs-ap" { value 29; } enum "mpich2" { value 30; } enum "service-area-broadcast-protocol" { value 31; } enum "fractal-generator-protocol" { value 32; } enum "ping-pong-protocol" { value 33; } enum "calcapp-protocol" { value 34; } enum "scripting-service-protocol" { value 35; } enum "netperfmeter-protocol-control-channel" { value 36; } enum "netperfmeter-protocol-data-channel" { value 37; } enum "echo" { value 38; } enum "discard" { value 39; } enum "daytime" { value 40; } enum "character-generator" { value 41; } enum "3gpp-rna" { value 42; } enum "3gpp-m2ap" { value 43; } enum "3gpp-m3ap" { value 44; } enum "ssh-over-sctp" { value 45; } enum "diameter-in-a-sctp-data-chunk" { value 46; } enum "diameter-in-a-dtls/sctp-data-chunk" { value 47; } enum "r14p.-ber-encoded-asn.1-over-sctp" { value 48; } enum "webrtc-control" { value 50; } enum "domstring-last" { value 51; } enum "binary-data-partial" { value 52; } enum "binary-data-last" { value 53; } enum "domstring-partial" { value 54; } enum "3gpp-pua" { value 55; } enum "webrtc-string-empty" { value 56; } enum "webrtc-binary-empty" { value 57; } enum "3gpp-xwap" { value 58; } enum "3gpp-xw-control-plane" { value 59; } enum "3gpp-ng-application-protocol" { value 60; } enum "3gpp-xn-application-protocol" { value 61; } enum "3gpp-f1-application-protocol" { value 62; } enum "http-sctp" { value 63; } enum "3gpp-e1-application-protocol" { value 64; } enum "ele2-lawful-interception" { value 65; } enum "3gpp-ngap-over-dtls-over-sctp" { value 66; } enum "3gpp-xnap-over-dtls-over-sctp" { value 67; } enum "3gpp-f1ap-over-dtls-over-sctp" { value 68; } enum "3gpp-e1ap-over-dtls-over-sctp" { value 69; } enum "e2-cp" { value 70; } enum "e2-up" { value 71; } enum "e2-du" { value 72; } enum "3gpp-w1ap" { value 73; } } } description "Protocol Payload Identifier (PPID) value from IANA, 'SCTP Payload Protocol Identifiers'"; } typedef aa-gtp-fltr-msg-value { type union { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } type enumeration { enum "echo-request" { value 1; } enum "echo-response" { value 2; } enum "version-not-supported" { value 3; } enum "node-alive-request" { value 4; } enum "node-alive-response" { value 5; } enum "redirection-request" { value 6; } enum "redirection-response" { value 7; } enum "create-pdp-context-request" { value 16; } enum "create-pdp-context-response" { value 17; } enum "update-pdp-context-request" { value 18; } enum "update-pdp-context-response" { value 19; } enum "delete-pdp-context-request" { value 20; } enum "delete-pdp-context-response" { value 21; } enum "initiate-pdp-context-activation-request" { value 22; } enum "initiate-pdp-context-activation-response" { value 23; } enum "error-indication" { value 26; } enum "pdu-notification-request" { value 27; } enum "pdu-notification-response" { value 28; } enum "pdu-notification-reject-request" { value 29; } enum "pdu-notification-reject-response" { value 30; } enum "supported-extension-headers-notification" { value 31; } enum "send-routing-information-for-gprs-request" { value 32; } enum "send-routing-information-for-gprs-response" { value 33; } enum "failure-report-request" { value 34; } enum "failure-report-response" { value 35; } enum "note-ms-gprs-present-request" { value 36; } enum "note-ms-gprs-present-response" { value 37; } enum "identification-request" { value 48; } enum "identification-response" { value 49; } enum "sgsn-context-request" { value 50; } enum "sgsn-context-response" { value 51; } enum "sgsn-context-acknowledge" { value 52; } enum "forward-relocation-request" { value 53; } enum "forward-relocation-response" { value 54; } enum "forward-relocation-complete" { value 55; } enum "relocation-cancel-request" { value 56; } enum "relocation-cancel-response" { value 57; } enum "forward-srns-context" { value 58; } enum "forward-relocation-complete-acknowledge" { value 59; } enum "forward-srns-context-acknowledge" { value 60; } enum "ran-information-relay" { value 70; } enum "mbms-notification-request" { value 96; } enum "mbms-notification-response" { value 97; } enum "mbms-notification-reject-request" { value 98; } enum "mbms-notification-reject-response" { value 99; } enum "create-mbms-context-request" { value 100; } enum "create-mbms-context-response" { value 101; } enum "update-mbms-context-request" { value 102; } enum "update-mbms-context-response" { value 103; } enum "delete-mbms-context-request" { value 104; } enum "delete-mbms-context-response" { value 105; } enum "mbms-registration-request" { value 112; } enum "mbms-registration-response" { value 113; } enum "mbms-de-registration-request" { value 114; } enum "mbms-de-registration-response" { value 115; } enum "mbms-session-start-request" { value 116; } enum "mbms-session-start-response" { value 117; } enum "mbms-session-stop-request" { value 118; } enum "mbms-session-stop-response" { value 119; } enum "mbms-session-update-request" { value 120; } enum "mbms-session-update-response" { value 121; } enum "ms-info-change-notification-request" { value 128; } enum "ms-info-change-notification-response" { value 129; } enum "data-record-transfer-request" { value 240; } enum "data-record-transfer-response" { value 241; } enum "end-marker" { value 254; } enum "g-pdu" { value 255; } } } description "GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) message value, defined in '3GPP, TS 29.060. V7.9.0'"; } typedef aa-gtp-fltr-v2-msg-value { type union { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } type enumeration { enum "echo-request" { value 1; } enum "echo-response" { value 2; } enum "version-not-supported-indication" { value 3; } enum "create-session-request" { value 32; } enum "create-session-response" { value 33; } enum "modify-bearer-request" { value 34; } enum "modify-bearer-response" { value 35; } enum "delete-session-request" { value 36; } enum "delete-session-response" { value 37; } enum "change-notification-request" { value 38; } enum "change-notification-response" { value 39; } enum "remote-ue-report-notification" { value 40; } enum "remote-ue-report-acknowledge" { value 41; } enum "modify-bearer-command" { value 64; } enum "modify-bearer-failure-indication" { value 65; } enum "delete-bearer-command" { value 66; } enum "delete-bearer-failure-indication" { value 67; } enum "bearer-resource-command" { value 68; } enum "bearer-resource-failure-indication" { value 69; } enum "downlink-data-notification-failure-indication" { value 70; } enum "trace-session-activation" { value 71; } enum "trace-session-deactivation" { value 72; } enum "stop-paging-indication" { value 73; } enum "create-bearer-request" { value 95; } enum "create-bearer-response" { value 96; } enum "update-bearer-request" { value 97; } enum "update-bearer-response" { value 98; } enum "delete-bearer-request" { value 99; } enum "delete-bearer-response" { value 100; } enum "delete-pdn-connection-set-request" { value 101; } enum "delete-pdn-connection-set-response" { value 102; } enum "pgw-downlink-triggering-notification" { value 103; } enum "pgw-downlink-triggering-acknowledge" { value 104; } enum "identification-request" { value 128; } enum "identification-response" { value 129; } enum "context-request" { value 130; } enum "context-response" { value 131; } enum "context-acknowledge" { value 132; } enum "forward-relocation-request" { value 133; } enum "forward-relocation-response" { value 134; } enum "forward-relocation-complete-notification" { value 135; } enum "forward-relocation-complete-acknowledge" { value 136; } enum "forward-access-context-notification" { value 137; } enum "forward-access-context-acknowledge" { value 138; } enum "relocation-cancel-request" { value 139; } enum "relocation-cancel-response" { value 140; } enum "configuration-transfer-tunnel" { value 141; } enum "detach-notification" { value 149; } enum "detach-acknowledge" { value 150; } enum "cs-paging-indication" { value 151; } enum "ran-information-relay" { value 152; } enum "alert-mme-notification" { value 153; } enum "alert-mme-acknowledge" { value 154; } enum "ue-activity-notification" { value 155; } enum "ue-activity-acknowledge" { value 156; } enum "isr-status-indication" { value 157; } enum "create-forwarding-tunnel-request" { value 160; } enum "create-forwarding-tunnel-response" { value 161; } enum "suspend-notification" { value 162; } enum "suspend-acknowledge" { value 163; } enum "resume-notification" { value 164; } enum "resume-acknowledge" { value 165; } enum "create-indirect-data-forwarding-tunnel-request" { value 166; } enum "create-indirect-data-forwarding-tunnel-response" { value 167; } enum "delete-indirect-data-forwarding-tunnel-request" { value 168; } enum "delete-indirect-data-forwarding-tunnel-response" { value 169; } enum "release-access-bearers-request" { value 170; } enum "release-access-bearers-response" { value 171; } enum "downlink-data-notification" { value 176; } enum "downlink-data-notification-acknowledge" { value 177; } enum "pgw-restart-notification" { value 179; } enum "pgw-restart-notification-acknowledge" { value 180; } enum "update-pdn-connection-set-request" { value 200; } enum "update-pdn-connection-set-response" { value 201; } enum "modify-access-bearers-request" { value 211; } enum "modify-access-bearers-response" { value 212; } enum "mbms-session-start-request" { value 231; } enum "mbms-session-start-response" { value 232; } enum "mbms-session-update-request" { value 233; } enum "mbms-session-update-response" { value 234; } enum "mbms-session-stop-request" { value 235; } enum "mbms-session-stop-response" { value 236; } } } description "GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) message value, defined in '3GPP, TS 29.060. V12.6.0'"; } typedef aarp-state { type enumeration { enum "stand-alone" { value 0; } enum "remote" { value 1; } enum "master" { value 2; } enum "backup" { value 3; } } description "The state of an Application Assurance Redundancy Protocol (AARP) instance performing asymmetry removal. Asymmetry refers to a situation where the two directions of traffic for a specific flow take different paths through the network. Asymmetry removal ensures that packets for each flow and all flows for each subscriber are processed by the same ISA-AA."; } typedef aarp-oper-flags { type bits { bit admin-down { position 0; } bit no-sub-configd { position 1; } bit peer-down { position 2; } bit peer-aarp-down { position 3; } bit sub-type-mismatch { position 4; } bit sub-down { position 5; } bit shunts-down { position 6; } bit divert-cap-down { position 7; } bit app-prof-no-divert { position 8; } bit sub-side-pipe-mismatch { position 9; } bit sub-side-if-mismatch { position 10; } bit net-side-pipe-mismatch { position 11; } bit net-side-if-mismatch { position 12; } bit unsupported-ioms { position 13; } bit config-mismatch { position 14; } bit no-secondary-eps { position 15; } } description "Represents the different conditions that affect the operating status of an AARP instance. The bit values are: admin-down(0) - AARP instance is administratively down. no-sub-configd(1) - no 'dualHomed(2)' subscriber reference configured against the AARP instance. peer-down(2) - no communication with peer AARP instance. peer-aarp-down(3) - MC-CTL link is up, but AARP layer protocol interaction with peer AARP instance is not established. sub-type-mismatch(4) - mismatch detected in the subscriber types between peer AARP instances. sub-down(5) - 'dualHomed(2)' subscriber reference is operationally down. shunts-down(6) - one of the shunts referenced by the AARP instance is down. divert-cap-down(7) - divert to AA not possible - divert capability is down. app-prof-no-divert(8) - app-profile used by the 'dualHomed(2)' subscriber reference has 'no divert' set. sub-side-pipe-mismatch(9) - mismatch detected in the subscriber-side pipe between AARP instances. sub-side-if-mismatch(10) - mismatch detected in the subscriber-side interface between peer AARP instances. net-side-pipe-mistmatch(11) - mismatch detected in the network-side pipe between AARP instances. net-side-if-mismatch(12) - mismatch detected in in the network- side interface between peer AARP instances. unsupported-ioms(13) - IOMs which do not support AARP have been detected. config-mismatch(14) - indicates that AARP is down because of a configuration mismatch between peer AARP instances. no-secondary-eps(15) - indicates that single-node AARP is down because no secondary endpoints exist for that AARP instance."; } typedef aarp-svc-point-role { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; } enum "dual-homed" { value 1; } enum "pipe-shunt-sub" { value 2; } enum "pipe-shunt-net" { value 3; } enum "interface-shunt-sub" { value 4; } enum "interface-shunt-net" { value 5; } enum "dual-homed-secondary" { value 6; } } description "Represents the different roles that an AARP instance service point can assume. The roles of service points are: none (0) - no role. dual-homed (1) - a service point into the dual homed network being protected by AARP. pipe-shunt-sub (2) - subscriber side pipe shunt. pipe-shunt-net (3) - network side pipe shunt. interface-shunt-sub (4) - subscriber side interface shunt. interface-shunt-net (5) - network side interface shunt. dual-homed-secondary (6) - a secondary service point into the dual homed network being protected by AARP."; } typedef aarp-svc-point-type { type enumeration { enum "sap" { value 1; } enum "spoke-sdp" { value 2; } } description "Represents the different service endpoint types that can take on a role in AARP."; } typedef url-list-flags { type bits { bit admin-down { position 0; } bit file-does-not-exist { position 1; } bit invalid-file-format { position 2; } bit too-many-urls { position 3; } bit switch-over-error { position 4; } bit too-many-chars { position 5; } bit too-many-host-expr-urls { position 6; } } description "Represents the different conditions that affect the status of a URL list. The bit values are: admin-down(0) - URL list is administratively down file-does-not-exist(1) - file at configured URL does not exist invalid-file-format(2) - invalid format in file at configured URL too-many-urls(3) - number of URLs in file exceeds limit switch-over-error(4) - CPM activity switch has occurred during a URL list upgrade too-many-chars(5) - number of characters in file exceeds limit too-many-host-expr-urls(6) - number of host expression URLs in the file exceed the limit"; } typedef tca-state { type enumeration { enum "cleared" { value 1; } enum "raised" { value 2; } } description "Specifies the Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) state. Valid values are: cleared (1) - the state at TCA creation or when the utilization is less than the low watermark and for every subsequent utilization that is less than the high watermark raised (2) - the state when the utilization is greater than the high watermark and for every subsequent utilization that is greater than the low watermark."; } typedef tca-trigger-type { type enumeration { enum "denied-traffic" { value 1; } enum "admitted-traffic" { value 2; } } description "Specifies the type of traffic used in triggering the Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) utilization. Valid values are: deniedTraffic (1) - the utilization is triggered based on the amount of denied traffic admittedTraffic (2) - the utilization is triggered based on the amount of admitted traffic."; } typedef trans-sub-orig { type bits { bit static { position 0; } bit dhcp { position 1; } bit radius { position 2; } bit auto-seen-ip { position 3; } bit diameter { position 4; } } description "Specifies the possible ways in which the transit AA subscriber was created. The various origins of a transit subscriber are: static - statically provisioned dhcp - dynamically learned via DHCP radius - dynamically learned via RADIUS auto-seen-ip - automatically created via Seen IP diameter - dynamically learned via Diameter A transit subscriber may have more than one origin. The absence of any bits indicates a subscriber of unknown origin."; } typedef isa-activity-state { type enumeration { enum "unavailable" { value 0; } enum "active" { value 1; } enum "standby" { value 2; } } description "Specifies the working state of an ISA-AA MDA in a group. The Activity state may be one of: unavailable (0) - is not available to provide service active (1) - is online and providing service standby (2) - is online, but not providing service."; } typedef balance-state { type enumeration { enum "balancing" { value 0; } enum "complete" { value 1; } } description "Specifies the status of a load-balance operation in an ISA-AA group. The status may be one of: balancing (0) - load-balance in progress complete (1) - load-balance completed."; } typedef aso-val-derived-from { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 0; } enum "default" { value 1; } enum "app-profile" { value 2; } enum "override" { value 3; } enum "dynamic-override" { value 4; } } description "Specifies from where the characteristic value is being derived from for the Application Assurance subscriber. The characteristic value can be derived from Application Service Option (ASO) defaults, application profiles, or policy-overrides."; } typedef usage-monitor-oper-state { type enumeration { enum "admin-disabled" { value 0; } enum "inactive" { value 1; } enum "active" { value 2; } } description "Specifies the status of a usage monitor. Valid values are: admin-disabled (0) - rule has been shutdown on the policy server inactive (1) - rule received and either no credits granted from the policy server or credits have been exceeded active (2) - rule and credits received from the policy server and credits have not been exceeded."; } typedef usage-monitor-grant-state { type enumeration { enum "invalid" { value 0; } enum "valid" { value 1; } enum "exceeded" { value 2; } } description "Specifies the status of a grant within a usage monitor. Valid values are: invalid (0) - the grant is inactive as no credits have been received from policy server valid (1) - usage monitoring is in use and there are credits remaining exceeded (2) - the granted credits have been exceeded, and a report is sent back to the policy server."; } typedef notify-start-stop-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 1; } enum "flow" { value 2; } enum "charging-group" { value 3; } } default "none"; description "AA charging-group type of start-stop notifications to generate."; } typedef tcp-optimizer-stack { type enumeration { enum "westwood" { value 1; } enum "illinois" { value 2; } enum "new-reno" { value 3; } enum "bbr" { value 4; } enum "bbrv2" { value 5; } } default "westwood"; description "AA TCP stack and congestion control algorithm supported for TCP Optimizer."; } typedef mp-tcp-proxy-scheduler { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; } enum "min-rtt-prefer" { value 1; } enum "min-cost-handover" { value 2; } enum "max-cost-forbid" { value 3; } enum "min-cost-prefer" { value 4; } enum "min-cost-blest" { value 5; } } default "none"; description "AA multi-path TCP scheduling policies"; } typedef mp-tcp-proxy-congestion-control { type enumeration { enum "olia" { value 0; } enum "olia-plus" { value 1; } enum "bbr" { value 2; } } default "olia"; description "AA MP-TCP Proxy congestion control algorithms supported for MP-TCP sub-flows."; } typedef mp-tcp-path-admin-cost { type uint32 { range "1..10"; } description "Specifies the administractive cost of the path on an access network (e.g. LTE or DSL). A value of 1 is the least cost."; } typedef aa-http-url-param { type types-sros:string-not-all-spaces { length "1..247"; } description "Optional text string used to customize the URL used for Application Assurance HTTP In-Browser Notification and automatically appended at the end of the notification script URL as an argument."; } typedef tether-ttl-monitor-level { type enumeration { enum "standard" { value 0; description "Protocols with reliable TTL-tethering state association"; } enum "all" { value 1; description "All protocols"; } } description "Represents the set of TCP or UDP protocols in which AA uses the TTL to help determine the tethering state of a flow or subscriber."; } } // module nokia-types-application-assurance
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