
Nokia YANG Data model defining extensions on SR OS based routers. Copyright 2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of th...

  • Version: 2021-04-15


      module nokia-sros-yang-extensions {
        yang-version 1.1;
        prefix sros-ext;
        organization "Nokia";
          "Nokia SR OS Support
    Web: <>";
          "Nokia YANG Data model defining extensions on SR OS based routers.
    Copyright 2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document
    is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included.
    This nokia-sros-yang-extensions YANG module embodies Nokia's proprietary
    intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the
    Specification, including any revisions.
    Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use
    and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with
    management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this
    copyright notice and license appear on all copies.
    This Specification is supplied `as is', and Nokia makes no warranty,
    either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance
    of the Specification.";
        revision "2021-04-15";
        sros-ext:sros-major-release "rel24";
        extension auto-restart-to-modify {
            "This extension provides an annotation to configuration nodes to
    indicate that modification to an auto-restart-to-modify node in
    model-driven interfaces will cause SR OS to automatically restart
    the protocol or service in the parent node, so the new value of the
    node takes effect. Warning: this modification will cause disruption
    and affect network stability when committed.";
        extension bof-parameter-effect {
          argument "configuration-effect" {
            yin-element false;
            "This extension provides an annotation to BOF configuration nodes
    to indicate when the new value of a node will take effect. The
    values of some BOF configuration nodes take effect at commit time,
    while others take effect when the router boots.
    These are denoted by 'commit' or 'boot' respectively.";
        extension immutable {
            "This extension provides an annotation to configuration leaf nodes to
    indicate that it can only be configured in the transaction in which the
    parent node, for example a list entry or presence container, is created.
    It can't be modified while the parent node exists. Modification to an
    immutable leaf in model-driven interfaces will cause SR OS to
    automatically delete the parent node and then recreate the parent node
    and all child nodes with the new value for the immutable leaf. Warning:
    this modification will cause disruption and affect network stability
    when committed.";
        extension isa-auto-clear-on-modify {
            "This extension provides an annotation to configuration nodes
    to indicate that modification to an isa-auto-clear-on-modify
    node in model-driven interfaces will cause SR OS to automatically
    clear ISA state such as flows, so the new value of the node takes
    effect. Warning: This modification will cause traffic disruption
    when committed.";
        extension manual-restart-to-modify {
            "This extension provides an annotation to configuration nodes to
    indicate that modification to a manual-restart-to-modify node in
    model-driven interfaces requires a manual restart of the protocol
    or service in the parent node, so the new value of the leaf takes
    effect. Warning: a manual restart will cause disruption and affect
    network stability.";
        extension sros-major-release {
          argument "major-release" {
            yin-element false;
            "The Nokia SR OS Major Release to which this particular instance of this YANG
    module belongs.";
        extension card-auto-reset-on-modify {
            "This extension provides an annotation to configuration nodes to
    indicate that modification to a card-auto-reset-on-modify node in
    model-driven interfaces will cause the router to automatically reset
    the associated cards/XIOMs/MDAs, so the new value of the node takes
    effect. On the 7750 SR-1 platform, the configuration must be saved,
    and the router rebooted immediately after committing the configuration.
    Warning: This modification will cause traffic disruption when committed.";
        extension shared-model-management {
            "This extension provides an annotation to configuration nodes to
    indicate shared model management capability.  If a configuration node is of
    type list then the capability applies to a single list instance (e.g. entry) and its
    children.  If the node is of type container then it applies to the whole hierarchy.";
        extension openconfig {
            "shared-model-managment-support" {
            yin-element false;
            "This extension is a sub-statement of the extension shared-model-management.
    It indicates if the sharing model management is supported with OpenConfig.
    The argument value 'true' indicates shared support;
    whereas 'false' indicates no shared support.";
      }  // module nokia-sros-yang-extensions

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