Junos RPC YANG module for pfe command(s)
Version: 2019-01-01
module junos-qfx-rpc-pfe { yang-version 1; namespace "http://yang.juniper.net/junos-qfx/rpc/pfe"; prefix pfe; import junos-common-types { prefix jt; revision-date "2019-01-01"; } organization "Juniper Networks, Inc."; contact "yang-support@juniper.net"; description "Junos RPC YANG module for pfe command(s)"; revision "2019-01-01" { description "Junos: 21.3R1.9"; } rpc get-pfe-data { description "Show Packet Forwarding Engine data"; input { leaf command { type string { length "1 .. 80"; } mandatory true; description "Command line to show"; } } output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-data rpc get-pfe-information { description "Show list of Packet Forwarding Engine components"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml pfe-information { } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-information rpc get-pfe-statistics { description "Show Packet Forwarding Engine traffic statistics"; input { leaf fpc { type union { type string { pattern "<.*>|$.*"; } type uint32; } description "Slot number of FPC for which to show traffic statistics"; } } output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml pfe-statistics { } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-statistics rpc pfe-filter-hw-profile-information { description "Show list of filter profiles and information from hardware"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc pfe-filter-hw-profile-information rpc get-flow-group-statistics { description "Show summary"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-flow-group-statistics rpc get-fpc-flow-group-statistics { description "Show fllters for FPC"; input { leaf fpc-slot { type union { type string { pattern "<.*>|$.*"; } type uint32; } mandatory true; description "FPC slot number"; } } output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-fpc-flow-group-statistics rpc get-flow-group-metering-config { description "Show flow group metering config"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-flow-group-metering-config rpc get-fpc-flow-group-metering-config { description "Show fllters for FPC"; input { leaf fpc-slot { type union { type string { pattern "<.*>|$.*"; } type uint32; } mandatory true; description "FPC slot number"; } } output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-fpc-flow-group-metering-config rpc get-flow-group-sampling-config { description "Show flow group sampling config"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-flow-group-sampling-config rpc get-fpc-flow-group-sampling-config { description "Show fllters for FPC"; input { leaf fpc-slot { type union { type string { pattern "<.*>|$.*"; } type uint32; } mandatory true; description "FPC slot number"; } } output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-fpc-flow-group-sampling-config rpc get-vxlan-information { description "Show VxLAN Egress L3 information"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-vxlan-information rpc get-vxlan-next-hop-usage-information { description "Show utilization of the Egress L3 Next-hop table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-vxlan-next-hop-usage-information rpc get-vxlan-interface-usage-information { description "Show utilization of the Egress L3 Interface number table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-vxlan-interface-usage-information rpc get-vxlan-vport-usage-information { description "Show utilization of the source vport table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-vxlan-vport-usage-information rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-all-tcam-stages { description "Show packet forwarding engine tcam usage at all tcam stages"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-all-tcam-stages rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-all-tcam-stages-detail { description "Show packet forwarding engine tcam usage at all tcam stages in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-all-tcam-stages-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage { description "Show tcam usage for egress tcam-stage"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail { description "Show tcam usage for egress tcam-stage in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-app { description "Show tcam usage for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-bd-tpid-swap { description "Bridge domain vlan-map with swap tpid operation"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-bd-tpid-swap rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-fw-family-out { description "Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-fw-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-fw-inet6-family-out { description "Inet6 Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-fw-inet6-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-fw-ifl-out { description "Ifl level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-fw-ifl-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-ifl-statistics-out { description "Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-ifl-statistics-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-irb-cos-rw { description "IRB CoS rewrite"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-irb-cos-rw rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-lfm-802.3ah-out { description "Lfm-802.3ah (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-egress-tcam-stage-detail-lfm-802.3ah-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-tcam-stage { description "Show tcam usage for ingress tcam-stage"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-tcam-stage rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-tcam-stage-detail { description "Show tcam usage for ingress tcam-stage in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-tcam-stage-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app { description "Show tcam usage for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-bd-filter { description "Cfm implicit bridge-domain filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-bd-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-filter { description "Cfm implicit filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-vpls-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-vpls-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls ifl filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-ccc-in { description "Ccc family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-ccc-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-ifl-in { description "Ifl level ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-ifl-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet-ftf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet-in { description "Inet family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet-rpf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet6-ftf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet6-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet6-in { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet6-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet6-rpf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-inet6-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-l2-in { description "Bridge family ingress firewall on layer2 interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-l2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-mpls-in { description "Mpls family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-mpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-vpls-in { description "VPLS family ingress firewall on vpls interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-fw-vpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-gr-ifl-statistics-egr { description "GR Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-gr-ifl-statistics-egr rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-gr-ifl-statistics-ing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-gr-ifl-statistics-ing rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-gr-ifl-statistics-preing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (pre-ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-gr-ifl-statistics-preing rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-ifl-statistics-in { description "Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-ifl-statistics-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-irb-fixed-cos { description "IRB fixed classifier filter entries"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-irb-fixed-cos rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-mrouter-port-in { description "Multicast router port for snooping"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-mrouter-port-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-lo0-inet-fil { description "Lo0 Inet Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-lo0-inet-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-lo0-inet6-fil { description "Lo0 Inet6 Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-lo0-inet6-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-mac-drop-cnt { description "Statistics for drops by mac-validate/src-mac filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-mac-drop-cnt rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-no-local-switching { description "Bridge no-local-switching"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-ingress-app-no-local-switching rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-tcam-stage { description "Show tcam usage for pre-ingress tcam-stage"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-tcam-stage rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-tcam-stage-detail { description "Show tcam usage for pre-ingress tcam-stage in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-tcam-stage-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app { description "Show tcam usage for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-cos-fc { description "Ifl level fixed classifier"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-cos-fc rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf { description "Firewall filter based forwarding"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf-inet6 { description "Firewall filter based forwarding for Inet6"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf-inet6 rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-fw-semantics { description "Firewall sharing semantics for cli configured firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-fw-semantics rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ifd-src-mac-fil { description "Ifd level source mac filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ifd-src-mac-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ing-out-iff { description "Ingress app on behalf of egress family filter for log/syslog"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ing-out-iff rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val { description "Ip mac validate"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val-bcast { description "Ip mac validate for broadcast"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val-bcast rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-rfc2544-layer2-in { description "Rfc2544 for layer2 service (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-pre-ingress-app-rfc2544-layer2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app { description "Show tcam usage for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-bd-tpid-swap { description "Bridge domain vlan-map with swap tpid operation"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-bd-tpid-swap rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-family-out { description "Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-family-out { description "Inet6 Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-ifl-out { description "Ifl level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-ifl-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ifl-statistics-out { description "Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ifl-statistics-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-irb-cos-rw { description "IRB CoS rewrite"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-irb-cos-rw rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-lfm-802.3ah-out { description "Lfm-802.3ah (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-lfm-802.3ah-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-bd-filter { description "Cfm implicit bridge-domain filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-bd-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-filter { description "Cfm implicit filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-vpls-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-vpls-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls ifl filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-ccc-in { description "Ccc family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-ccc-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-ifl-in { description "Ifl level ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-ifl-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet-ftf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet-in { description "Inet family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet-rpf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-ftf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-in { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-rpf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-inet6-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-l2-in { description "Bridge family ingress firewall on layer2 interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-l2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-mpls-in { description "Mpls family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-mpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-vpls-in { description "VPLS family ingress firewall on vpls interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-vpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-gr-ifl-statistics-egr { description "GR Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-gr-ifl-statistics-egr rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-gr-ifl-statistics-ing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-gr-ifl-statistics-ing rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-gr-ifl-statistics-preing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (pre-ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-gr-ifl-statistics-preing rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ifl-statistics-in { description "Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ifl-statistics-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-irb-fixed-cos { description "IRB fixed classifier filter entries"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-irb-fixed-cos rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-mrouter-port-in { description "Multicast router port for snooping"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-mrouter-port-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-lo0-inet-fil { description "Lo0 Inet Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-lo0-inet-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-lo0-inet6-fil { description "Lo0 Inet6 Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-lo0-inet6-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-mac-drop-cnt { description "Statistics for drops by mac-validate/src-mac filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-mac-drop-cnt rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-no-local-switching { description "Bridge no-local-switching"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-no-local-switching rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cos-fc { description "Ifl level fixed classifier"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-cos-fc rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-fbf { description "Firewall filter based forwarding"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-fbf rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-fbf-inet6 { description "Firewall filter based forwarding for Inet6"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-fbf-inet6 rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-semantics { description "Firewall sharing semantics for cli configured firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-fw-semantics rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ifd-src-mac-fil { description "Ifd level source mac filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ifd-src-mac-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ing-out-iff { description "Ingress app on behalf of egress family filter for log/syslog"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ing-out-iff rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ip-mac-val { description "Ip mac validate"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ip-mac-val rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ip-mac-val-bcast { description "Ip mac validate for broadcast"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-ip-mac-val-bcast rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-rfc2544-layer2-in { description "Rfc2544 for layer2 service (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-usage-app-rfc2544-layer2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors { description "Show packet forwarding engine tcam errors"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-all-tcam-stages { description "Show packet forwarding engine tcam errors at all tcam stages"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-all-tcam-stages rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-all-tcam-stages-detail { description "Show packet forwarding engine tcam errors at all tcam stages in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-all-tcam-stages-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-tcam-stage { description "Show tcam errors for egress tcam-stage"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-tcam-stage rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-tcam-stage-detail { description "Show tcam errors for egress tcam-stage in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-tcam-stage-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app { description "Show tcam errors for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-bd-tpid-swap { description "Bridge domain vlan-map with swap tpid operation"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-bd-tpid-swap rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-fw-family-out { description "Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-fw-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-fw-inet6-family-out { description "Inet6 Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-fw-inet6-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-fw-ifl-out { description "Ifl level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-fw-ifl-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-ifl-statistics-out { description "Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-ifl-statistics-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-irb-cos-rw { description "IRB CoS rewrite"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-irb-cos-rw rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-lfm-802.3ah-out { description "Lfm-802.3ah (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-egress-app-lfm-802.3ah-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage { description "Show tcam errors for ingress tcam-stage"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-app { description "Show tcam errors for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-bd-filter { description "Cfm implicit bridge-domain filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-bd-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-filter { description "Cfm implicit filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-vpls-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-vpls-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls ifl filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-ccc-in { description "Ccc family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-ccc-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-ifl-in { description "Ifl level ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-ifl-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet-ftf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet-in { description "Inet family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet-rpf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet6-ftf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet6-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet6-in { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet6-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet6-rpf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-inet6-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-l2-in { description "Bridge family ingress firewall on layer2 interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-l2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-mpls-in { description "Mpls family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-mpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-vpls-in { description "VPLS family ingress firewall on vpls interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-fw-vpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-gr-ifl-statistics-egr { description "GR Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-gr-ifl-statistics-egr rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-gr-ifl-statistics-ing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-gr-ifl-statistics-ing rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-gr-ifl-statistics-preing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (pre-ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-gr-ifl-statistics-preing rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-ifl-statistics-in { description "Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-ifl-statistics-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-irb-fixed-cos { description "IRB fixed classifier filter entries"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-irb-fixed-cos rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-mrouter-port-in { description "Multicast router port for snooping"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-mrouter-port-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-lo0-inet-fil { description "Lo0 Inet Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-lo0-inet-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-lo0-inet6-fil { description "Lo0 Inet6 Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-lo0-inet6-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-mac-drop-cnt { description "Statistics for drops by mac-validate/src-mac filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-mac-drop-cnt rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-no-local-switching { description "Bridge no-local-switching"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-ingress-tcam-stage-no-local-switching rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-tcam-stage { description "Show tcam errors for pre-ingress tcam-stage"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-tcam-stage rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-tcam-stage-detail { description "Show tcam errors for pre-ingress tcam-stage in detail"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-tcam-stage-detail rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app { description "Show tcam errors for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-cos-fc { description "Ifl level fixed classifier"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-cos-fc rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf { description "Firewall filter based forwarding"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf-inet6 { description "Firewall filter based forwarding for Inet6"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-fw-fbf-inet6 rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-fw-semantics { description "Firewall sharing semantics for cli configured firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-fw-semantics rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ifd-src-mac-fil { description "Ifd level source mac filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ifd-src-mac-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ing-out-iff { description "Ingress app on behalf of egress family filter for log/syslog"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ing-out-iff rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val { description "Ip mac validate"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val-bcast { description "Ip mac validate for broadcast"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-ip-mac-val-bcast rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-rfc2544-layer2-in { description "Rfc2544 for layer2 service (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-pre-ingress-app-rfc2544-layer2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app { description "Show tcam errors for a tcam app"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-bd-tpid-swap { description "Bridge domain vlan-map with swap tpid operation"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-bd-tpid-swap rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-family-out { description "Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-family-out { description "Inet6 Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-ifl-out { description "Ifl level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-ifl-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ifl-statistics-out { description "Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ifl-statistics-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-irb-cos-rw { description "IRB CoS rewrite"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-irb-cos-rw rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-lfm-802.3ah-out { description "Lfm-802.3ah (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-lfm-802.3ah-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-bd-filter { description "Cfm implicit bridge-domain filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-bd-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-filter { description "Cfm implicit filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-vpls-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-vpls-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls ifl filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-ccc-in { description "Ccc family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-ccc-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-ifl-in { description "Ifl level ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-ifl-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet-ftf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet-in { description "Inet family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet-rpf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-ftf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-in { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-rpf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-inet6-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-l2-in { description "Bridge family ingress firewall on layer2 interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-l2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-mpls-in { description "Mpls family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-mpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-vpls-in { description "VPLS family ingress firewall on vpls interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-vpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-gr-ifl-statistics-egr { description "GR Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-gr-ifl-statistics-egr rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-gr-ifl-statistics-ing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-gr-ifl-statistics-ing rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-gr-ifl-statistics-preing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (pre-ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-gr-ifl-statistics-preing rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ifl-statistics-in { description "Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ifl-statistics-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-irb-fixed-cos { description "IRB fixed classifier filter entries"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-irb-fixed-cos rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-mrouter-port-in { description "Multicast router port for snooping"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-mrouter-port-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-lo0-inet-fil { description "Lo0 Inet Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-lo0-inet-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-lo0-inet6-fil { description "Lo0 Inet6 Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-lo0-inet6-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-mac-drop-cnt { description "Statistics for drops by mac-validate/src-mac filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-mac-drop-cnt rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-no-local-switching { description "Bridge no-local-switching"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-no-local-switching rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cos-fc { description "Ifl level fixed classifier"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-cos-fc rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-fbf { description "Firewall filter based forwarding"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-fbf rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-fbf-inet6 { description "Firewall filter based forwarding for Inet6"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-fbf-inet6 rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-semantics { description "Firewall sharing semantics for cli configured firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-fw-semantics rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ifd-src-mac-fil { description "Ifd level source mac filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ifd-src-mac-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ing-out-iff { description "Ingress app on behalf of egress family filter for log/syslog"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ing-out-iff rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ip-mac-val { description "Ip mac validate"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ip-mac-val rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ip-mac-val-bcast { description "Ip mac validate for broadcast"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-ip-mac-val-bcast rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-rfc2544-layer2-in { description "Rfc2544 for layer2 service (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-errors-app-rfc2544-layer2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list { description "Show tcam apps"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-bd-tpid-swap { description "Bridge domain vlan-map with swap tpid operation"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-bd-tpid-swap rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-family-out { description "Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-family-out { description "Inet6 Family level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-family-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-ifl-out { description "Ifl level egress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-ifl-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ifl-statistics-out { description "Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ifl-statistics-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-irb-cos-rw { description "IRB CoS rewrite"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-irb-cos-rw rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-lfm-802.3ah-out { description "Lfm-802.3ah (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-lfm-802.3ah-out rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-bd-filter { description "Cfm implicit bridge-domain filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-bd-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-filter { description "Cfm implicit filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-vpls-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-vpls-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter { description "Cfm implicit vpls ifl filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cfm-vpls-ifl-filter rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-ccc-in { description "Ccc family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-ccc-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-ifl-in { description "Ifl level ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-ifl-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet-ftf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet-in { description "Inet family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet-rpf { description "Inet family ingress firewall on rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-ftf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a forwarding-table"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-ftf rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-in { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-rpf { description "Inet6 family ingress firewall on a rpf fail check"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-inet6-rpf rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-l2-in { description "Bridge family ingress firewall on layer2 interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-l2-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-mpls-in { description "Mpls family ingress firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-mpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-vpls-in { description "VPLS family ingress firewall on vpls interface"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-vpls-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-gr-ifl-statistics-egr { description "GR Ifl level statistics (egress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-gr-ifl-statistics-egr rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-gr-ifl-statistics-ing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-gr-ifl-statistics-ing rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-gr-ifl-statistics-preing { description "GR Ifl level statistics (pre-ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-gr-ifl-statistics-preing rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ifl-statistics-in { description "Ifl level statistics (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ifl-statistics-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-irb-fixed-cos { description "IRB fixed classifier filter entries"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-irb-fixed-cos rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-mrouter-port-in { description "Multicast router port for snooping"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-mrouter-port-in rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-lo0-inet-fil { description "Lo0 Inet Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-lo0-inet-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-lo0-inet6-fil { description "Lo0 Inet6 Filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-lo0-inet6-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-mac-drop-cnt { description "Statistics for drops by mac-validate/src-mac filters"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-mac-drop-cnt rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-no-local-switching { description "Bridge no-local-switching"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-no-local-switching rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cos-fc { description "Ifl level fixed classifier"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-cos-fc rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-fbf { description "Firewall filter based forwarding"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-fbf rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-fbf-inet6 { description "Firewall filter based forwarding for Inet6"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-fbf-inet6 rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-semantics { description "Firewall sharing semantics for cli configured firewall"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-fw-semantics rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ifd-src-mac-fil { description "Ifd level source mac filter"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ifd-src-mac-fil rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ing-out-iff { description "Ingress app on behalf of egress family filter for log/syslog"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ing-out-iff rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ip-mac-val { description "Ip mac validate"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ip-mac-val rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ip-mac-val-bcast { description "Ip mac validate for broadcast"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-ip-mac-val-bcast rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-rfc2544-layer2-in { description "Rfc2544 for layer2 service (ingress)"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-pfe-tcam-app-list-rfc2544-layer2-in rpc get-sflow-pfe-information { description "Show sflow information"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-sflow-pfe-information rpc get-vxlan-mcast-stats-information { description "Show sflow vxlan egress multicast statistics"; output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-vxlan-mcast-stats-information } // module junos-qfx-rpc-pfe
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