Junos RPC YANG module for policer command(s)
Version: 2019-01-01
module junos-nfx-rpc-policer { yang-version 1; namespace "http://yang.juniper.net/junos-nfx/rpc/policer"; prefix policer; import junos-common-types { prefix jt; revision-date "2019-01-01"; } organization "Juniper Networks, Inc."; contact "yang-support@juniper.net"; description "Junos RPC YANG module for policer command(s)"; revision "2019-01-01" { description "Junos: 21.3R1.9"; } rpc get-policer-information { description "Show interface policer counters and information"; input { leaf policer { type string; description "Policer name"; } choice daemon-select { leaf logical-system { type string; description "Name of logical system, or 'all'"; } } // choice daemon-select leaf detail { type empty; description "Show filter statistics with enhanced policer statistics"; } } output { choice output_c { leaf output { type string; } anyxml firewall-information { } anyxml multi-routing-engine-results { } } // choice output_c } } // rpc get-policer-information } // module junos-nfx-rpc-policer
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