This YANG module defines a data model for the configuration of IEEE Std 1588-2008 clocks, and also for retrieval of the state da...
Version: 2019-05-07
module ietf-ptp { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ptp"; prefix ptp; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; reference "RFC 8343: A YANG Data Model for Interface Management"; } organization "IETF TICTOC Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: <> Editor: Yuanlong Jiang <> Editor: Rodney Cummings <>"; description "This YANG module defines a data model for the configuration of IEEE Std 1588-2008 clocks, and also for retrieval of the state data of IEEE Std 1588-2008 clocks."; revision "2019-05-07" { description "Initial version"; reference "RFC 8575: YANG Data Model for the Precision Time Protocol"; } typedef delay-mechanism-enumeration { type enumeration { enum "e2e" { value 1; description "The port uses the delay request-response mechanism."; } enum "p2p" { value 2; description "The port uses the peer delay mechanism."; } enum "disabled" { value 254; description "The port does not implement any delay mechanism."; } } description "The propagation-delay measuring option used by the port. Values for this enumeration are specified by the IEEE Std 1588 standard exclusively."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008:"; } typedef port-state-enumeration { type enumeration { enum "initializing" { value 1; description "The port is initializing its data sets, hardware, and communication facilities."; } enum "faulty" { value 2; description "The port is in the fault state."; } enum "disabled" { value 3; description "The port is disabled and is not communicating PTP messages (other than possibly PTP management messages)."; } enum "listening" { value 4; description "The port is listening for an Announce message."; } enum "pre-master" { value 5; description "The port is in the pre-master state."; } enum "master" { value 6; description "The port is behaving as a master port."; } enum "passive" { value 7; description "The port is in the passive state."; } enum "uncalibrated" { value 8; description "A master port has been selected, but the port is still in the uncalibrated state."; } enum "slave" { value 9; description "The port is synchronizing to the selected master port."; } } description "The current state of the protocol engine associated with the port. Values for this enumeration are specified by the IEEE Std 1588 standard exclusively."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008:, 9.2.5"; } typedef time-interval-type { type int64; description "Derived data type for time interval, represented in units of nanoseconds and multiplied by 2^16"; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.2"; } typedef clock-identity-type { type binary { length "8"; } description "Derived data type to identify a clock"; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.4"; } grouping clock-quality-grouping { description "Derived data type for quality of a clock, which contains clockClass, clockAccuracy, and offsetScaledLogVariance."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.7"; leaf clock-class { type uint8; default "248"; description "The clockClass denotes the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the clock."; } leaf clock-accuracy { type uint8; description "The clockAccuracy indicates the expected accuracy of the clock."; } leaf offset-scaled-log-variance { type uint16; description "The offsetScaledLogVariance provides an estimate of the variations of the clock from a linear timescale when it is not synchronized to another clock using the protocol."; } } // grouping clock-quality-grouping container ptp { description "The PTP struct containing all attributes of PTP data set, other optional PTP attributes can be augmented as well."; list instance-list { key "instance-number"; description "List of one or more PTP data sets in the device (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 6.3). Each PTP data set represents a distinct instance of PTP implementation in the device (i.e., distinct Ordinary Clock or Boundary Clock)."; leaf instance-number { type uint32; description "The instance number of the current PTP instance. This instance number is used for management purposes only. This instance number does not represent the PTP domain number and is not used in PTP messages."; } container default-ds { description "The default data set of the clock (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.2.1). This data set represents the configuration/state required for operation of Precision Time Protocol (PTP) state machines."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.2.1"; leaf two-step-flag { type boolean; description "When set to true, the clock is a two-step clock; otherwise,the clock is a one-step clock."; } leaf clock-identity { type clock-identity-type; config false; description "The clockIdentity of the local clock."; } leaf number-ports { type uint16; description "The number of PTP ports on the instance."; } container clock-quality { description "The clockQuality of the local clock."; uses clock-quality-grouping; } // container clock-quality leaf priority1 { type uint8; description "The priority1 attribute of the local clock."; } leaf priority2 { type uint8; description "The priority2 attribute of the local clock."; } leaf domain-number { type uint8; description "The domain number of the current syntonization domain."; } leaf slave-only { type boolean; description "When set to true, the clock is a slave-only clock."; } } // container default-ds container current-ds { description "The current data set of the clock (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.2.2). This data set represents local states learned from the exchange of Precision Time Protocol (PTP) messages."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.2.2"; leaf steps-removed { type uint16; default "0"; description "The number of communication paths traversed between the local clock and the grandmaster clock."; } leaf offset-from-master { type time-interval-type; description "The current value of the time difference between a master and a slave clock as computed by the slave."; } leaf mean-path-delay { type time-interval-type; description "The current value of the mean propagation time between a master and a slave clock as computed by the slave."; } } // container current-ds container parent-ds { description "The parent data set of the clock (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.2.3)."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.2.3"; container parent-port-identity { description "The portIdentity of the port on the master, it contains two members: clockIdentity and portNumber."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.5"; leaf clock-identity { type clock-identity-type; description "Identity of the clock."; } leaf port-number { type uint16; description "Port number."; } } // container parent-port-identity leaf parent-stats { type boolean; default "false"; description "When set to true, the values of observedParentOffsetScaledLogVariance and observedParentClockPhaseChangeRate of parentDS have been measured and are valid."; } leaf observed-parent-offset-scaled-log-variance { type uint16; default "65535"; description "An estimate of the parent clock's PTP variance as observed by the slave clock."; } leaf observed-parent-clock-phase-change-rate { type int32; description "An estimate of the parent clock's phase change rate as observed by the slave clock."; } leaf grandmaster-identity { type clock-identity-type; description "The clockIdentity attribute of the grandmaster clock."; } container grandmaster-clock-quality { description "The clockQuality of the grandmaster clock."; uses clock-quality-grouping; } // container grandmaster-clock-quality leaf grandmaster-priority1 { type uint8; description "The priority1 attribute of the grandmaster clock."; } leaf grandmaster-priority2 { type uint8; description "The priority2 attribute of the grandmaster clock."; } } // container parent-ds container time-properties-ds { description "The timeProperties data set of the clock (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.2.4)."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.2.4"; leaf current-utc-offset-valid { type boolean; description "When set to true, the current UTC offset is valid."; } leaf current-utc-offset { when "../current-utc-offset-valid='true'"; type int16; description "The offset between TAI and UTC when the epoch of the PTP system is the PTP epoch in units of seconds, i.e., when ptp-timescale is TRUE; otherwise, the value has no meaning."; } leaf leap59 { type boolean; description "When set to true, the last minute of the current UTC day contains 59 seconds."; } leaf leap61 { type boolean; description "When set to true, the last minute of the current UTC day contains 61 seconds."; } leaf time-traceable { type boolean; description "When set to true, the timescale and the currentUtcOffset are traceable to a primary reference."; } leaf frequency-traceable { type boolean; description "When set to true, the frequency determining the timescale is traceable to a primary reference."; } leaf ptp-timescale { type boolean; description "When set to true, the clock timescale of the grandmaster clock is PTP; otherwise, the timescale is ARB (arbitrary)."; } leaf time-source { type uint8; description "The source of time used by the grandmaster clock."; } } // container time-properties-ds list port-ds-list { key "port-number"; description "List of port data sets of the clock (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.2.5)."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.2.5"; leaf port-number { type uint16; description "Port number. The data sets (i.e., information model) of IEEE Std 1588-2008 specify a member portDS.portIdentity, which uses a typed struct with members clockIdentity and portNumber. In this YANG data model, portIdentity is not modeled in the port-ds-list. However, its members are provided as follows: portIdentity.portNumber is provided as this port-number leaf in port-ds-list, and portIdentity.clockIdentity is provided as the clock-identity leaf in default-ds of the instance (i.e., ../../default-ds/clock-identity)."; } leaf port-state { type port-state-enumeration; default "initializing"; description "Current state associated with the port."; } leaf underlying-interface { type if:interface-ref; description "Reference to the configured underlying interface that is used by this PTP port (see RFC 8343)."; reference "RFC 8343: A YANG Data Model for Interface Management"; } leaf log-min-delay-req-interval { type int8; description "The base-2 logarithm of the minDelayReqInterval (the minimum permitted mean time interval between successive Delay_Req messages)."; } leaf peer-mean-path-delay { type time-interval-type; default "0"; description "An estimate of the current one-way propagation delay on the link when the delayMechanism is P2P; otherwise, it is zero."; } leaf log-announce-interval { type int8; description "The base-2 logarithm of the mean announceInterval (mean time interval between successive Announce messages)."; } leaf announce-receipt-timeout { type uint8; description "The number of announceIntervals that have to pass without receipt of an Announce message before the occurrence of the event ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT_ EXPIRES."; } leaf log-sync-interval { type int8; description "The base-2 logarithm of the mean SyncInterval for multicast messages. The rates for unicast transmissions are negotiated separately on a per-port basis and are not constrained by this attribute."; } leaf delay-mechanism { type delay-mechanism-enumeration; description "The propagation delay measuring option used by the port in computing meanPathDelay."; } leaf log-min-pdelay-req-interval { type int8; description "The base-2 logarithm of the minPdelayReqInterval (minimum permitted mean time interval between successive Pdelay_Req messages)."; } leaf version-number { type uint8; description "The PTP version in use on the port."; } } // list port-ds-list } // list instance-list container transparent-clock-default-ds { description "The members of the transparentClockDefault data set (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.3.2)."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.3.2"; leaf clock-identity { type clock-identity-type; config false; description "The clockIdentity of the transparent clock."; } leaf number-ports { type uint16; description "The number of PTP ports on the transparent clock."; } leaf delay-mechanism { type delay-mechanism-enumeration; description "The propagation delay measuring option used by the transparent clock."; } leaf primary-domain { type uint8; default "0"; description "The domainNumber of the primary syntonization domain (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 10.1)."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 10.1"; } } // container transparent-clock-default-ds list transparent-clock-port-ds-list { key "port-number"; description "List of transparentClockPort data sets of the transparent clock (see IEEE Std 1588-2008 subclause 8.3.3)."; reference "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 8.3.3"; leaf port-number { type uint16; description "Port number. The data sets (i.e., information model) of IEEE Std 1588-2008 specify a member transparentClockPortDS.portIdentity, which uses a typed struct with members clockIdentity and portNumber. In this YANG data model, portIdentity is not modeled in the transparent-clock-port-ds-list. However, its members are provided as follows: portIdentity.portNumber is provided as this leaf member in transparent-clock-port-ds-list and portIdentity.clockIdentity is provided as the clock-identity leaf in transparent-clock-default-ds (i.e., ../../transparent-clock-default-ds/clock- identity)."; } leaf log-min-pdelay-req-interval { type int8; description "The logarithm to the base 2 of the minPdelayReqInterval (minimum permitted mean time interval between successive Pdelay_Req messages)."; } leaf faulty-flag { type boolean; default "false"; description "When set to true, the port is faulty."; } leaf peer-mean-path-delay { type time-interval-type; default "0"; description "An estimate of the current one-way propagation delay on the link when the delayMechanism is P2P; otherwise, it is zero."; } } // list transparent-clock-port-ds-list } // container ptp } // module ietf-ptp
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