The given value 'N' is used to determine the nominal central
The nominal central wavelength is defined by:
Wavelength = 1471 nm + N x channel spacing (measured in nm)
where 1471 nm is the conventional 'anchor wavelength' for
transmission over the CWDM grid, and where 'channel spacing'
is defined by the cwdm-ch-spc-type.
The given value 'N' is used to determine the nominal central
The nominal central wavelength is defined by:
Wavelength = 1471 nm + N x channel-spacing (measured in nm)
where 1471 nm is the ITU-T 'anchor wavelength' for
transmission over the C band; and where 'channel-spacing' is
defined by the cwdm-ch-spc-type.
The given value 'N' is used to determine the nominal central
The nominal central frequency, 'f', is defined by:
f = 193100.000 GHz + N x channel spacing (measured in GHz),
where 193100.000 GHz (193.100000 THz) is the ITU-T 'anchor
frequency' for transmission over the DWDM grid, and where
'channel spacing' is defined by the dwdm-ch-spc-type.
The given value 'N' is used to determine the nominal central
The nominal central frequency, 'f' is defined by:
f = 193100.000 GHz + N x channel-spacing (measured in GHz),
where 193100.000 GHz (193.100000 THz) is the ITU-T 'anchor
frequency' for transmission over the C band; and where
'channel-spacing' is defined by the dwdm-ch-spc-type.
The given value 'M' is used to determine the slot width.
A slot width is defined by:
slot width = M x SWG (measured in GHz),
where SWG is defined by the flexi-slot-width-granularity.
The given value 'M' is used to determine the slot width.
A slot width is defined by:
slot width = M x SWG (measured in GHz),
where SWG is defined by the flexi-slot-width-granularity.
The given value 'N' is used to determine the nominal central
The nominal central frequency, 'f', is defined by:
f = 193100.000 GHz + N x channel spacing (measured in GHz),
where 193100.000 GHz (193.100000 THz) is the ITU-T 'anchor
frequency' for transmission over the DWDM grid, and where
'channel spacing' is defined by the flexi-ch-spc-type.
Note that the term 'channel spacing' can be substituted by the
term 'nominal central frequency granularity' defined in
clause 8 of ITU-T G.694.1.
The given value 'N' is used to determine the nominal central
The nominal central frequency, 'f' is defined by,
f = 193100.000 GHz + N x channel-spacing (measured in GHz),
where 193100.000 GHz (193.100000 THz) is the ITU-T 'anchor
frequency' for transmission over the C band; and where
'channel-spacing' is defined by the flexi-ch-spc-type.
Note that the term 'channel-spacing' can be alternated by the
term 'nominal central frequency granularity' defined in
clause 7 of ITU-T G.694.1.