
This module defines an interface for managing alarms. Main inputs to the module design are the 3GPP Alarm Integration Reference...

Typedef Base type Abstract
alarm-text string The string used to inform operators about the alarm. This MUST contain enough information for an operator to be able to understand the problem and how to resolve it. If this string contains structure, this format should be clearly documented for programs to be able to parse that information.
alarm-text string The string used to inform operators about the alarm. This MUST contain enough information for an operator to be able to understand the problem and how to resolve it. If this string contains structure, this format should be clearly documented for programs to be able to parse that information.
alarm-type-id identityref Identifies an alarm type. The description of the alarm type id MUST indicate whether or not the alarm type is abstract. An abstract alarm type is used as a base for other alarm type ids and will not be used as a value for an alarm or be present in the alarm inventory.
alarm-type-id identityref Identifies an alarm type. The description of the alarm type id MUST indicate if the alarm type is abstract or not. An abstract alarm type is used as a base for other alarm type ids and will not be used as a value for an alarm or be present in the alarm inventory.
alarm-type-qualifier string If an alarm type cannot be fully specified at design time by 'alarm-type-id', this string qualifier is used in addition to fully define a unique alarm type. The definition of alarm qualifiers is considered to be part of the instrumentation and is out of scope for this module. An empty string is used when this is part of a key.
alarm-type-qualifier string If an alarm type can not be fully specified at design-time by alarm-type-id, this string qualifier is used in addition to fully define a unique alarm type. The configuration of alarm qualifiers is considered being part of the instrumentation and out of scope for this module.
operator-state union Operator states on an alarm. The 'closed' state indicates that an operator considers the alarm being resolved. This is separate from the alarm's 'is-cleared' leaf.
operator-state enumeration Operator states on an alarm. The 'closed' state indicates that an operator considers the alarm being resolved. This is separate from the resource alarm clear flag.
resource union This is an identification of the alarming resource, such as an interface. It should be as fine-grained as possible to both guide the operator and guarantee uniqueness of the alarms. If the alarming resource is modeled in YANG, this type will be an instance-identifier. If the resource is an SNMP object, the type will be an 'object-identifier'. If the resource is anything else, for example, a distinguished name or a Common Information Model (CIM) path, this type will be a string. If the alarming object is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), use the uuid type. Be cautious when using this type, since a UUID is hard to use for an operator. If the server supports several models, the precedence should be in the order as given in the union definition.
resource union If the alarming resource is modelled in YANG, this type will be an instance-identifier. If the resource is an SNMP object, the type will be an object-identifier. If the resource is anything else, for example a distinguished name or a CIM path, this type will be a string.
resource-match union This type is used to match resources of type 'resource'. Since the type 'resource' is a union of different types, the 'resource-match' type is also a union of corresponding types. If the type is given as an XPath 1.0 expression, a resource of type 'instance-identifier' matches if the instance is part of the node set that is the result of evaluating the XPath 1.0 expression. For example, the XPath 1.0 expression: /ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ietf-interfaces:interface [ietf-interfaces:type='ianaift:ethernetCsmacd'] would match the resource instance-identifier: /if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name='eth1'], assuming that the interface 'eth1' is of type 'ianaift:ethernetCsmacd'. If the type is given as an object identifier, a resource of type 'object-identifier' matches if the match object identifier is a prefix of the resource's object identifier. For example, the value: would match the resource object identifier: If the type is given as an UUID or a string, it is interpreted as an XML Schema regular expression, which matches a resource of type 'yang:uuid' or 'string' if the given regular expression matches the resource string. If the type is given as an XPath expression, it is evaluated in the following XPath context: o The set of namespace declarations is the set of prefix and namespace pairs for all YANG modules implemented by the server, where the prefix is the YANG module name and the namespace is as defined by the 'namespace' statement in the YANG module. If a leaf of this type is encoded in XML, all namespace declarations in scope on the leaf element are added to the set of namespace declarations. If a prefix found in the XML is already present in the set of namespace declarations, the namespace in the XML is used. o The set of variable bindings is empty. o The function library is the core function library, and the functions are defined in Section 10 of RFC 7950. o The context node is the root node in the data tree.
severity enumeration The severity level of the alarm. Note well that the value 'clear' is not included. Whether or not an alarm is cleared is a separate boolean flag.
severity enumeration The severity level of the alarm.
severity-with-clear union The severity level of the alarm including clear. This is used only in state changes for an alarm.
severity-with-clear union The severity level of the alarm including clear. This is used only in notifications reporting state changes for an alarm.
writable-operator-state enumeration Operator states on an alarm. The 'closed' state indicates that an operator considers the alarm being resolved. This is separate from the alarm's 'is-cleared' leaf.

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