This module contains YANG definitions for configuring IEEE Std 802.3 Ethernet Interfaces. In this YANG module, 'Ethernet inte...
Version: 2019-06-21
module ieee802-ethernet-interface { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ieee:std:802.3:yang:ieee802-ethernet-interface"; prefix ieee802-eth-if; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; reference "IETF RFC 6991"; } import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; reference "IETF RFC 8343"; } import iana-if-type { prefix ianaift; reference " iana-if-type@2018-07-03.yang"; } organization "IEEE Std 802.3 Ethernet Working Group Web URL:"; contact "Web URL:"; description "This module contains YANG definitions for configuring IEEE Std 802.3 Ethernet Interfaces. In this YANG module, 'Ethernet interface' can be interpreted as referring to 'IEEE Std 802.3 compliant Ethernet interfaces'."; revision "2019-06-21" { description "Initial revision."; reference "IEEE Std 802.3-2018, unless dated explicitly"; } typedef eth-if-speed-type { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 3; } units "Gb/s"; description "Used to represent the configured, negotiated, or actual speed of an Ethernet interface in Gigabits per second (Gb/s), accurate to 3 decimal places (i.e., accurate to 1 Mb/s)."; } typedef duplex-type { type enumeration { enum "full" { value 0; description "Full duplex."; } enum "half" { value 1; description "Half duplex."; } enum "unknown" { value 2; description "Link is currently disconnected or initializing."; } } default "full"; description "Used to represent the configured, negotiated, or actual duplex mode of an Ethernet interface."; reference "IEEE Std 802.3,, aDuplexStatus"; } typedef pause-fc-direction-type { type enumeration { enum "disabled" { value 0; description "Flow-control disabled in both ingress and egress directions, i.e., PAUSE frames are not transmitted and PAUSE frames received in the ingress direction are discarded without processing."; } enum "ingress-only" { value 1; description "PAUSE frame based flow control is enabled in the ingress direction only, i.e., PAUSE frames may be transmitted to reduce the ingress traffic flow, but PAUSE frames received in the ingress direction are discarded without reducing the egress traffic rate."; } enum "egress-only" { value 2; description "PAUSE frame based flow control is enabled in the egress direction only, i.e., PAUSE frames are not transmitted, but PAUSE frames received in the ingress direction are processed to reduce the egress traffic rate."; } enum "bi-directional" { value 3; description "PAUSE frame based flow control is enabled in both ingress and egress directions, i.e., PAUSE frames may be transmitted to reduce the ingress traffic flow, and PAUSE frames received on ingress are processed to reduce the egress traffic rate."; } enum "undefined" { value 4; description "Link is currently disconnected or initializing."; } } description "Used to represent the configured, negotiated, or actual PAUSE frame-based flow control setting."; reference "IEEE Std 802.3.1, dot3PauseAdminMode and dot3PauseOperMode"; } feature ethernet-pfc { description "This device supports Ethernet priority flow-control."; } feature ethernet-pause { description "This device supports Ethernet PAUSE."; } } // module ieee802-ethernet-interface
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