Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) comprises capabilities for detecting, verifying, and isolating connectivity failures in Virt...
Version: 2021-06-01
module ieee802-dot1q-cfm-bridge { yang-version 1.1; namespace 'urn:ieee:std:802.1Q:yang:ieee802-dot1q-cfm-bridge'; prefix cfm-bridge; import ieee802-dot1q-bridge { prefix dot1q; } import ieee802-dot1q-cfm { prefix dot1q-cfm; } import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import ieee802-types { prefix ieee; } import ieee802-dot1q-cfm-types { prefix cfm-types; } import ieee802-dot1q-types { prefix dot1q-types; } organization "IEEE 802.1 Working Group"; contact "WG-URL: WG-EMail: Contact: IEEE 802.1 Working Group Chair Postal: C/O IEEE 802.1 Working Group IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA E-mail:"; description "Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) comprises capabilities for detecting, verifying, and isolating connectivity failures in Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks. This module binds the CFM modules to an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge. Copyright (C) IEEE (2021). This version of this YANG module is part of IEEE Std 802.1Q; see the standard itself for full legal notices."; revision "2021-06-01" { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021, Bridges and Bridged Networks."; } revision "2020-06-04" { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1Qcx-2020. Initial version."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1Qcx-2020, Bridges and Bridged Networks - YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management."; } typedef bridge-ref { type leafref { path "/dot1q:bridges/dot1q:bridge/dot1q:name"; } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference a configured Bridge."; } typedef port-ref { type if:interface-ref; description "This type is used to represent interfaces that can be used by a Bridge device."; } grouping service-id-grouping { description "The list of VIDs, the I-SID, the TE-SID, or the SEG-ID monitored by this MA, if present. In the case that a list of VIDs is specified, the first VID in the list is the MA's Primary VID (default none). The specification of I-SID is allowed only in the case of I- or B-components. The TE-SID is allowed only in the case that PBB-TE or SPBM is supported. The SEG-ID is allowed only in the case that IPS is supported."; choice service-id { description "The type of service identifier."; list vid { key "vlan-id"; description "A list of VIDs associated with any MHF on the VID, always including that VID. The first VID is the MA's primary VID. List is empty if no primary VID specified"; leaf vlan-id { type dot1q-types:vlanid; description "The 12-bit VLAN identifier."; } } // list vid leaf isid { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } description "24-bit I-SID identifier."; } leaf tesid { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "The tesid is used as a service selector for MAs that are present in Bridges that implement PBB-TE functionality."; } leaf segid { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "The segid is used as a service selector for MAs that are present in Bridges that implement IPS functionality."; } leaf path-tesid { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "The path-tesid is used as a service selector for SPBM path MAs."; } leaf group-isid { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "The group-isid is used as a service selector for SPBM group MAs."; } } // choice service-id } // grouping service-id-grouping augment /dot1q-cfm:cfm { description "Augment the base/common CFM model with CFM Bridge specific attributes."; list cfm-stack { key "port service-selector service-id md-level direction"; config false; description "The CFM Stack contains information about the Maintenance Points configured on a particular Bridge Port (or Aggregation Port). It contains all CFM Stack specific related configuration and operational data. Upon a restart of the system, the system SHALL, if necessary, change the value of this variable, and rearrange the cfm-stack, so that it indexes the entry in the interface table with the same value of interface-ref that it indexed before the system restart. If no such entry exists, then the system SHALL delete all entries in the cfm-stack with the interface index."; leaf port { type port-ref; description "An interface on which maintenance points might be configured. This object represents the Bridge Port or Aggregation Port on which MEPs or MHFs might be configured."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf md-level { type cfm-types:md-level-type; description "The MD level of the maintenance point"; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf direction { type cfm-types:mp-direction-type; description "The direction in which the maintenance point faces on the Bridge Port."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf service-selector { type cfm-types:service-selector-type; description "The type of the service selector"; } leaf service-id { type cfm-types:service-selector-value-type; description "A VID, I-SID, Traffic Engineering service instance Identifier (TE-SID), or Segment Identifier (SEG-ID) associated with an MP, or 0, in the case that the MP is associated with no VID, I-SID, TE-SID, or SEG-ID."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf maintenance-group-id { when "../maintenance-point = \"mep\"" { description "This should only exist if the configured maintenance point is a MEP (and not a MHF)."; } type leafref { path "/dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group-id"; } mandatory true; description "The maintenance group that the MEP is associated with. If the Maintenance Point is a MHF created due to an entry in the default-md-levels list, it has no associated maintenance group, and therefore this leaf is not present."; } leaf mep-id { when "../maintenance-point = \"mep\"" { description "This should only exist if the configured maintenance-point is a MEP."; } type leafref { path "/dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group[dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group-id = current()/../maintenance-group-id]/dot1q-cfm:mep/dot1q-cfm:mep-id"; } mandatory true; description "The MEP identifier if a MEP is configured. Does not exist if the maintenance point is a MHF."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf md-id { when "../maintenance-point != \"mep\"" { description "This should only exist if the configured maintenance point is a MHF (and not a MEP)."; } type leafref { path "/dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-domain/dot1q-cfm:md-id"; } description "The maintenance domain that the MHF is associated with. If the MHF is created due to an entry in the default-md-levels list, it has no associated maintenance domain, and therefore this leaf is not present."; } leaf ma-id { when "../maintenance-point != \"mep\"" { description "This should only exist if the configured maintenance point is a MHF (and not a MEP), and it has a Maintenance Domain."; } type leafref { path "/dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-domain[dot1q-cfm:md-id = current()/../md-id]/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-association/dot1q-cfm:ma-id"; } description "The maintenance association that the MHF is associated with. If the MHF is created due to an entry in the default-md-levels list, it has no associated maintenance association, and therefore this leaf is not present."; } leaf mac-address { type ieee:mac-address; mandatory true; description "The MAC address of the maintenance point."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf maintenance-point { type cfm-types:mp-type; mandatory true; description "Indicates the type of maintenance point. That is whether a MEP or MHF."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } } // list cfm-stack list default-md-level { key "bridge-id component-id service-selector primary-service-id"; description "For each bridge component, the Default MD Level Managed Object controls MHF creation for VIDs that are not attached to a specific Maintenance Association Managed Object, and Sender ID TLV transmission by those MHFs. For each Bridge Port, and for each VLAN ID whose data can pass through that Bridge Port, an entry in this table is used by the algorithm in subclause 22.2.3 only if there is no entry in the Maintenance Association table defining an MA for the same VLAN ID and MD Level as this table's entry, and on which MA an Up MEP is defined. If there exists such an MA, that MA's objects are used by the algorithm in subclause 22.2.3 in place of this table entry objects. The agent maintains the value of md-status to indicate whether this entry is overridden by an MA. When first initialized, the agent creates this table automatically with entries for all VLAN IDs, with the default values specified for each object. After this initialization, the writable objects in this table need to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device."; leaf bridge-id { type bridge-ref; description "The reference to the IEEE 802.1Q Bridge associated with the CFM objects."; } leaf component-id { type leafref { path '/dot1q:bridges' + '/dot1q:bridge[dot1q:name = current()' + '/..' + '/bridge-id]' + '/dot1q:component' + '/dot1q:name'; } description "The Bridge component within the system to which the information in this entry applies. If the system is not a Bridge, or if only one component is present in the Bridge, then this variable (index) MUST be equal to 1."; reference "12.3l of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf service-selector { type cfm-types:service-selector-type; description "The type of the service selector"; } leaf primary-service-id { type cfm-types:service-selector-value-type; description "A vid or isid in an I or B component."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } container associated-service-ids { description "A list of VIDs associated with any MHF on the VID, always including that VID, or the Backbone-SID of the B-component or VIP-SID of the I-component associated with any MHF on the I-SID. The first VID is the MAs Primary VID. List is empty if no primary VID specified."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; uses service-id-grouping; } // container associated-service-ids leaf md-status { type boolean; config false; mandatory true; description "A Boolean value indicating whether this entry is in effect or has been overridden by the existence of a Maintenance Association managed object associated with the same VID or I-SID of I- or B-components and MD Level, and on which is configured an Up MEP. True if this Maintenance Domain managed object is in effect."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf md-level { type cfm-types:md-level-type; mandatory true; description "A value indicating the MD Level at which MHFs are to be created, and Sender ID TLV transmission by those MHFs is to be controlled, for the VLAN to which this entry's objects apply."; reference ", of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf mhf-creation { type cfm-types:mhf-creation-type; must ". != \"mhf-defer\"" { description "The value can not be mhf-defer. Must be one of mhf-none, mhf-default, or mfh-explicit."; } default "mhf-none"; description "An enumerated value indicating whether the management entity can create MHFs for this VID(s) or I-SID(s) of I- or B-components."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf id-permission { type cfm-types:sender-id-permission-type; must ". != \"send-id-defer\"" { description "The value can not be send-id-defer. Must be one of send-id-none, send-id-chassis, send-id-manage, send-id-chassis-manage."; } default "send-id-none"; description "An enumerated value indicating what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted by MPs configured in the Default Maintenance Domain."; reference ", of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } } // list default-md-level list config-error { key "port service-selector service-id"; config false; description "The CFM Configuration Error List table provides a list of Interfaces and VIDs that are incorrectly configured."; leaf port { type port-ref; description "The interface index of the interface (i.e., Bridge Port). Upon a restart of the system, the system SHALL, if necessary, change the value of this variable so that it indexes the entry in the interface table with the same value of the index that it indexed before the system restart. If no such entry exists, then the system SHALL delete any entries in config-error-list indexed by that interface-ref."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf service-selector { type cfm-types:service-selector-type; description "The type of the service selector"; } leaf service-id { type cfm-types:service-selector-value-type; description "A vid or isid in an I or B component."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf error-type { type cfm-types:config-error-type; mandatory true; description "vector of Boolean error conditions from 22.2.4."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } } // list config-error } augment /dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group { when "dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group-id"; description "Augment the maintenance group list object with the maintenance association component identifier, since the maintenance association component is an Bridge specific attributes."; leaf bridge-id { type bridge-ref; description "The reference to the IEEE 802.1Q Bridge associated with the CFM objects."; } leaf component-name { when "../bridge-id"; type leafref { path "/dot1q:bridges/dot1q:bridge[dot1q:name = current()/../cfm-bridge:bridge-id]/dot1q:component/dot1q:name"; } mandatory true; description "A reference to the maintenance association component within the provided maintenance domain and maintenance association values."; } container service-id { description "The service identifier grouping."; uses service-id-grouping; } // container service-id } augment /dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group/dot1q-cfm:mep { when "dot1q-cfm:mep-id"; description "Augment the MEP object defined in the ieee802-dot1q-cfm (CFM MEP) YANG module with Bridge specific attributes."; leaf port { type port-ref; must "not(/dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group/cfm-bridge:compone" + "nt-name) or /dot1q-cfm:cfm/dot1q-cfm:maintenance-group/cfm-bridge" + ":component-name = /if:interfaces/if:interface[current() = ./if:na" + "me]/dot1q:bridge-port/dot1q:component-name" { description "If there is a Bridge Component, then the component of the port (Interface) reference must be the same as the bridge and component references by the maintenance association group."; } mandatory true; description "The interface index of the interface (e.g., Bridge Port) to which the MEP is attached."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } leaf primary-vid { type leafref { path "../../service-id/vid/vlan-id"; } description "An integer indicating the Primary VID of the MEP. It is always one of the VIDs assigned to the MEPs MA. If not present, then indicates that either the Primary VID is that of the MEPs MA, or that the MEPs MA is associated with no VID."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2021"; } } } // module ieee802-dot1q-cfm-bridge
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