Management objects that control timing and synchronization for time sensitive applications, as specified in IEEE Std 802.1AS. C...
Version: 2024-06-23
module ieee802-dot1as-gptp { yang-version 1.1; namespace 'urn:ieee:std:802.1AS:yang:ieee802-dot1as-gptp'; prefix dot1as-gptp; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ieee1588-ptp-tt { prefix ptp-tt; } organization "IEEE 802.1 Working Group"; contact "WG-URL: WG-EMail: Contact: IEEE 802.1 Working Group Chair Postal: C/O IEEE 802.1 Working Group IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA E-mail:"; description "Management objects that control timing and synchronization for time sensitive applications, as specified in IEEE Std 802.1AS. Copyright (C) IEEE (2024). This version of this YANG module is part of IEEE Std 802.1AS; see the standard itself for full legal notices."; revision "2024-06-23" { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1ASdn-2024. Initial version."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1AS - Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications: IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020, IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020/Cor 1-2021, IEEE Std 802.1ASdr-2024, IEEE Std 802.1ASdn-2024. IEEE Std 1588 - IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems: IEEE Std 1588-2019, IEEE Std 1588g-2022, IEEE Std 1588e-2024."; } typedef scaled-ns { type string { pattern "[0-9A-F]{2}(-[0-9A-F]{2}){11}"; } description "The IEEE Std 802.1AS ScaledNs type represents signed values of time and time interval in units of 2^16 ns, as a signed 96-bit integer. Each of the 12 octets is represented as a pair of hexadecimal characters, using uppercase for a letter. Octets are separated by a dash character. The most significant octet is first."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1AS"; } typedef uscaled-ns { type string { pattern "[0-9A-F]{2}(-[0-9A-F]{2}){11}"; } description "The IEEE Std 802.1AS UScaledNs type represents unsigned values of time and time interval in units of 2^16 ns, as an unsigned 96-bit integer. Each of the 12 octets is represented as a pair of hexadecimal characters, using uppercase for a letter. Octets are separated by a dash character. The most significant octet is first."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1AS"; } typedef float64 { type string { pattern "[0-9A-F]{2}(-[0-9A-F]{2}){7}"; } description "The IEEE Std 802.1AS Float64 type represents IEEE Std 754 binary64. Each of the 8 octets is represented as a pair of hexadecimal characters, using uppercase for a letter. Octets are separated by a dash character. The most significant octet is first."; reference "6.4.2 of IEEE Std 802.1AS"; } typedef uinteger48 { type uint64 { range "0..281474976710655"; } description "48-bit unsigned integer data type."; reference "6.4.2 of IEEE Std 802.1AS"; } } // module ieee802-dot1as-gptp
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