
This YANG model aims to represent the fundamental SI units. Convention in this model is camelCase. YANG models are typical...

  • Organization:

    IEEE 1906.1.1 - Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework Working Group

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  • Abstract:

    This YANG model aims to represent the fundamental SI units. Convention in this model is camelCase. YANG models are typical...

  • Contact:

    Stephen F. Bush <>
    Guillaume Mantelet <>

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    YANG Catalog

  • Description:

    This YANG model aims to represent the fundamental SI units.

    Convention in this model is camelCase.

    YANG models are typically used to configure nodes on a telecommunication network.
    However, they can also be the support for exchanging data between simulators.
    Consequently, a scientific framework can be defined. The purpose of this model is
    to represent the fundamental layer for any scientific model by reusing scientific
    number notation, and by defining fundamental units.

    This YANG model implicitly recognizes SI prefixes. Note that the validation
    between the prefixes and the units should be performed by the NETCONF server, and
    this YANG model does not provide any clue to perform this validation. The SI
    prefixes are included in the following table. The factor number uses the format
    defined in the math YANG model:

    | Factor | Name | Symbol | Factor | Name | Symbol |
    | 10 | deca | da | 1e-1 | deci | d |
    | 1e2 | hecto | h | 1e-2 | centi | c |
    | 1e3 | kilo | k | 1e-3 | milli | m |
    | 1e6 | mega | M | 1e-4 | micro | µ |
    | 1e9 | giga | G | 1e-9 | nano | n |
    | 1e12 | tera | T | 1e-12 | pico | p |
    | 1e15 | peta | P | 1e-15 | femto | f |
    | 1e16 | exa | E | 1e-18 | atto | a |
    | 1e21 | zetta | Z | 1e-21 | zepto | z |
    | 1e24 | yotta | Y | 1e-24 | yocto | y |

    This YANG model includes base and derived SI units with or without symbols. The
    following table provides the summary of covered units in alphabetical order:

    | Name | Unit | Name | Unit |
    | absorbed-dose | Gy | luminance | Lv |
    | absorbed-dose-rate | Gy/s | luminous-flux | lm |
    | acceleration | a | luminous-intensity | cd |
    | activity (radionuclide activit.)| Bq | magnetic-field-strength | H |
    | amount-concentration (concentr.)| c | magnetic-flux | Wb |
    | amount-of-substance | mol | magnetic-flux-density | T |
    | angular-acceleration |rad/s2| mass | kg |
    | angular-velocity | rad/s| mass-concentration | ρ, γ |
    | area | A | mass-density | ρ |
    | capacitance | F | molar-energy | J/mol|
    | catalitic-activity | katal| molar-heat-capacity (entropy) | J/mol|
    | catalytic-activity-concentration|kat/m3| permeability | H/m |
    | current-density | j | permittivity | F/m |
    | dose-equivalent | Sv | plane-angle | rad |
    | dynamic-viscosity | Pa s | power (radiant-flux) | W |
    | electric-charge | C | pressure | Pa |
    | electric-charge-density | C/m3 | radiance |W/m2..|
    | electric-conductance | S | radiant-intensity | W/sr |
    | electric-current | A | refractive-index | |
    | electric-field-strength | V/m | relative-permeability | |
    | electric-flux-density | C/m2 | solid-angle | sr |
    | electric-potential-difference | V | specific-energy | J/kg |
    | electric-resistance | Ohm | specific-heat-capacity(sp-entr.)|J/kg.K|
    | energy (work, amount-of-heat) | J | specific-volume | v |
    | energy-density | J/m3 | surface-charge-density | C/m2 |
    | exposure (x and Gamma rays) | C/kg | surface-density | ρA |
    | force | N | surface-tension | N/m |
    | frequency | Hz | temperature | °C |
    | heat-capacity (entropy) | J/K | thermal-conductivity | W/m.K|
    | heat-flux-density (irradiance) | W/m2 | thermodynamic-temperature | K |
    | illuminance | lx | time (duration) | s |
    | inductance | H | velocity | v |
    | length | m | volume | V |
    | | | wavenumber | σ |

    This YANG model also includes several common units that are not considered as SI
    units. They can be found appended to the fundamental units they derived from.
    Stokes only (kynematic-viscosity) does not have an SI counterpart and can be used
    as a type.

    Logarithm (neper, bel and decibel) can be used as implicit units as well. They are
    YANG identities in case they are needed. SI standard refers to committees defining
    several common constants, as the speed of light in vacuum, or the reduced Planck
    constant. They can be used as identities as well.

    | Name | Unit | Name | Unit |
    | acceleration-due-to-gravity | Gal | hartree-energy | Eh |
    | astronomical-unit | ua | illuminance | phot |
    | atmospheric-pressure | bar | kynematic-viscosity ** | St |
    | atomic-unit-of-time | ħ/Eh | luminance | sb |
    | bel-logarithm * | bel | magnetic-field | Oe |
    | blood-pressure | mmHg | magnetic-flux-density | G |
    | bohr-radius | a0 | magnetic-flux | Mx |
    | crystal-length | A | nautical-mile | M |
    | decibel-logarithm * | dB | nautical-speed | kn |
    | dynamic-viscosity | P | neper-logarithm * | Nb |
    | electron-mass | me | nuclear-cross-section | b |
    | electronvolt | eV | quantum-of-time ??????? |ħ/mec2|
    | elementary-charge | e | reduced-planck-constant * | ħ |
    | energy | erg | speed-of-light (in vacuum) * | c |
    | force | dyn | unified-atomic-mass-unit | Da |

    *: Is an identity instead of being a derived unit.
    **: Can be used as a (Non SI) standalone type with stokes as unit.

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