This is the YANG model for the IEEE 1906.1-2015 - Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework. Cl...
Version: 2020-12-07
module ieee1906-dot1-metrics { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ieee:std:1906.1:yang:ieee1906-dot1-metrics"; prefix ieee1906-dot1-metrics; import ieee1906-dot1-types { prefix ieee1906-dot1-types; } import ieee1906-dot1-si-units { prefix ieee1906-dot1-si-units; } import ieee1906-dot1-function { prefix ieee1906-dot1-function; } import ieee1906-dot1-math { prefix ieee1906-dot1-math; } import ieee1906-dot1-information { prefix ieee1906-dot1-information; } organization "IEEE 1906.1.1 Working Group"; contact "IEEE 1906.1.1 Working Group Chair: Stephen F. Bush <> Secretary: Guillaume Mantelet <>"; description "This is the YANG model for the IEEE 1906.1-2015 - Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework. Clause 6 - Metrics"; revision "2020-12-07" { description "Initial version."; reference "[1] 'IEEE Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework,' in IEEE Std 1906.1-2015, pp.1-64, Jan. 11 2016 doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2016.7378262 [2] S. F. Bush, 'Active network architecture' in Nanoscale Communication Networks, pp. 209-217, 2010, Artech House. [3] S. F. Bush, J. L. Paluh, G. Piro, V. Rao, R. V. Prasad and A. Eckford, 'Defining Communication at the Bottom,' in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 90-96, March 2015. doi: 10.1109/TMBMC.2015.2465513"; } typedef derivative { type ieee1906-dot1-function:variable; units "d/dx"; description "The slope of a line at a point on the line."; } typedef math-package { type enumeration { enum "MATLAB" { value 0; description "The equation is written in native MATLAB format."; } enum "Mathematica" { value 1; description "The equation is written in native Mathematica format."; } enum "Maple" { value 2; description "The equation is written in native Maple format."; } enum "Octave" { value 3; description "The equation is written in native Octave format."; } } } typedef diffusion-coefficient { type ieee1906-dot1-function:variable; units "nanometer^2 second^-1"; description "Diffusivity or diffusion coefficient is a proportionality constant between the molar flux due to molecular diffusion and the gradient in the concentration of the species (or the driving force for diffusion)."; } } // module ieee1906-dot1-metrics
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