Y.1731 is developed by ITU-T for operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) of Ethernet, which providing fault management ...
Version: 2019-05-05
module huawei-y1731-deviations-NE8000M8M14 { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-y1731-deviations-NE8000M8M14"; prefix y1731-devs-NE8000M8M14; import huawei-y1731 { prefix y1731; } import huawei-l2tpv3 { prefix l2tpv3; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "Y.1731 is developed by ITU-T for operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) of Ethernet, which providing fault management and performance management solutions for Ethernet."; revision "2019-05-05" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } typedef sslm-interval-deviations { type enumeration { enum "1000ms" { value 1000; description "Interval of 1000 ms."; } enum "10000ms" { value 10000; description "Interval of 10000 ms."; } } description "SSLM interval."; } typedef interval100and1000-deviations { type enumeration { enum "100ms" { value 100; description "Interval of 100ms."; } enum "1000ms" { value 1000; description "Interval of 1000ms."; } } description "SSLM message interval."; } deviation /y1731:y1731/y1731:global-enable/y1731:mds/y1731:md/y1731:mas/y1731:ma/y1731:unexpected-mep-alarm { deviate not-supported; } deviation /y1731:y1731/y1731:global-enable/y1731:test-instances/y1731:test-instance/y1731:synthetic-loss-send/y1731:interval { deviate replace { type sslm-interval-deviations; } } deviation /y1731:y1731/y1731:global-enable/y1731:mds/y1731:md/y1731:mas/y1731:ma/y1731:map-service/y1731:bind-l2tpv3-pw/y1731:tnl-name { deviate replace { type leafref { path "/l2tpv3:l2tpv3/l2tpv3:pws/l2tpv3:pw/l2tpv3:name"; } } } deviation /y1731:y1731/y1731:global-enable/y1731:mds/y1731:md/y1731:mas/y1731:ma/y1731:map-service/y1731:bind-l2tpv3-ccc/y1731:l2tp-ccc-name { deviate replace { type leafref { path "/l2tpv3:l2tpv3/l2tpv3:instances/l2tpv3:instance/l2tpv3:name"; } } } deviation /y1731:y1731/y1731:global-enable/y1731:mds/y1731:md/y1731:mas/y1731:ma/y1731:meps/y1731:mep/y1731:type/y1731:if-mep/y1731:eth-bn-receive/y1731:mode { deviate not-supported; } deviation /y1731:synthetic-on-demand-loss/y1731:input/y1731:interval { deviate replace { type interval100and1000-deviations; } } } // module huawei-y1731-deviations-NE8000M8M14
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