Version: 2020-12-15
module huawei-socket { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-socket"; prefix socket; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Socket."; revision "2020-12-15" { description "Support TCP AO."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-03-06" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "ip-stack"; typedef socket-proto-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "IPv4."; } enum "ipv6" { value 1; description "IPv6."; } } description "Socket proto type."; } typedef socket-type { type enumeration { enum "socket-stream" { value 1; description "Stream socket."; } enum "socket-dgram" { value 2; description "Dgram socket."; } enum "socket-raw" { value 3; description "Rawip socket."; } enum "socket-rawlink" { value 4; description "Rawlink socket."; } } description "Socket type."; } typedef tcp-statue-type { type enumeration { enum "closed" { value 1; description "Closed."; } enum "listen" { value 2; description "Listening."; } enum "syn-sent" { value 3; description "Synchronised sent."; } enum "syn-received" { value 4; description "Synchronised received."; } enum "established" { value 5; description "Established."; } enum "close-wait" { value 6; description "Close wait."; } enum "fin-wait-1" { value 7; description "Fin wait first step."; } enum "closing" { value 8; description "Closing."; } enum "last-ack" { value 9; description "Last ack."; } enum "fin-wait-2" { value 10; description "Fin wait second step."; } enum "time-wait" { value 11; description "Time wait."; } } description "Socket type."; } typedef tcp-static-proto { type enumeration { enum "bgp" { value 1; description "BGP."; } enum "ftp" { value 2; description "FTP."; } enum "ldp" { value 3; description "LDP."; } enum "msdp" { value 4; description "MSDP."; } enum "telnet" { value 5; description "TELNET."; } enum "ssh" { value 6; description "SSH."; } enum "others" { value 7; description "Others."; } } description "TCP static verbose proto type."; } typedef udp-static-proto { type enumeration { enum "ldp" { value 1; description "LDP."; } enum "dhcp" { value 2; description "DHCP."; } enum "bfd" { value 3; description "BFD."; } enum "rip" { value 4; description "RIP."; } enum "snmp" { value 5; description "SNMP."; } enum "others" { value 6; description "Others."; } } description "UDP static verbose proto type."; } container socket { description "Socket."; container tcp-global { description "Configure global tcp attribute configuration."; leaf tcp-fin-timeout { type uint32 { range "76..3600"; } units "s"; default "675"; description "TCP IPv4 fin timer."; } leaf tcp-syn-timeout { type uint32 { range "2..600"; } units "s"; default "75"; description "TCP IPv4 synchronised timer."; } leaf tcp-window { type uint32 { range "1..32"; } units "kB"; default "8"; description "TCP IPv4 window."; } leaf tcp6-fin-timeout { type uint32 { range "76..3600"; } units "s"; default "675"; description "TCP IPv6 fin timer."; } leaf tcp6-syn-timeout { type uint32 { range "2..600"; } units "s"; default "75"; description "TCP IPv6 synchronised timer."; } leaf tcp6-window { type uint32 { range "1..32"; } units "kB"; default "8"; description "TCP IPv6 window."; } leaf tcp-max-mss { type uint32 { range "32..9600"; } units "Octet"; must "../tcp-min-mss<=../tcp-max-mss"; description "IPv4 TCP max mss."; } leaf tcp6-max-mss { type uint32 { range "32..9600"; } units "Octet"; must "../tcp6-min-mss<=../tcp6-max-mss"; description "IPv6 TCP max mss."; } leaf tcp-pathmtu-timeout { type uint32 { range "10..100"; } units "min"; description "TCP IPv4 path MTU timer."; } leaf tcp-min-mss { type uint32 { range "32..9600"; } units "Octet"; must "(../tcp-min-mss<=../tcp-max-mss) or not(../tcp-max-mss)"; default "216"; description "IPv4 TCP min mss."; } leaf tcp6-min-mss { type uint32 { range "32..9600"; } units "Octet"; must "(../tcp6-min-mss<=../tcp6-max-mss) or not(../tcp6-max-mss)"; default "216"; description "IPv6 TCP min mss."; } } // container tcp-global container tcp-infos { config false; description "List of TCP status."; list tcp-info { key "family socket-id cid"; description "Operational data of TCP status."; leaf family { type socket-proto-type; description "Family."; } leaf socket-id { type uint32 { range "0..2147418111"; } description "Socket ID."; } leaf cid { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "CID."; } leaf local-addr { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Local ip address."; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Local port number."; } leaf remote-addr { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Remote ip address."; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Remote port number."; } leaf tcp-state { type tcp-statue-type; description "TCP state."; } } // list tcp-info } // container tcp-infos container udp-infos { config false; description "List of UDP status."; list udp-info { key "family socket-id cid"; description "Operational data of UDP status."; leaf family { type socket-proto-type; description "Family."; } leaf socket-id { type uint32 { range "0..2147418111"; } description "Socket ID."; } leaf cid { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "App component CID."; } leaf local-addr { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Local ip address."; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Local port number."; } leaf remote-addr { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Remote ip address."; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Remote port number."; } leaf fenode { type uint32; description "Forwarding engine node."; } } // list udp-info } // container udp-infos container rawip-infos { config false; description "List of rawip status."; list rawip-info { key "socket-id cid"; description "Operational data of rawip status."; leaf socket-id { type uint32 { range "0..2147418111"; } description "Socket ID."; } leaf cid { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "App component CID."; } leaf local-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Local ip address."; } leaf remote-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Remote ip address."; } } // list rawip-info } // container rawip-infos container rawlink-infos { config false; description "List of rawlink status."; list rawlink-info { key "socket-id cid"; description "Operational data of rawlink status."; leaf socket-id { type uint32 { range "0..2147418111"; } description "Socket ID."; } leaf cid { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "App component CID."; } } // list rawlink-info } // container rawlink-infos container ip-socket-infos { config false; description "List of IPv4 Socket Informations."; list ip-socket-info { key "type cid socket-id"; description "Operational data of IPv4 socket."; leaf type { type socket-type; description "Socket type."; } leaf cid { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "CID."; } leaf socket-id { type uint32; description "Socket ID."; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol number."; } leaf local-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source address."; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Source port."; } leaf remote-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address."; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Destination port."; } leaf snd-buff { type uint32; description "Send buffer."; } leaf rcv-buff { type uint32; description "Receive buffer."; } leaf snd-pkt-number { type uint32; description "Send packet number."; } leaf rcv-pkt-number { type uint32; description "Receive packet number."; } leaf sock-option { type string { length "0..100"; } description "Socket Options."; } leaf sock-state { type string { length "0..100"; } description "Socket states."; } } // list ip-socket-info } // container ip-socket-infos container ip6-sock-infos { config false; description "List of IPv6 Socket Informations."; list ip6-sock-info { key "type cid socket-id"; description "Operational data of IPv6 Socket."; leaf type { type socket-type; description "Socket type."; } leaf cid { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "CID."; } leaf socket-id { type uint32; description "Socket ID."; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol number."; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Source port."; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Destination port."; } leaf local-addr { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Source address."; } leaf remote-addr { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Destination address."; } leaf snd-buff { type uint32; description "Send buffers."; } leaf rcv-buff { type uint32; description "Receive buffers."; } leaf snd-pkt-number { type uint32; description "Send packet number."; } leaf rcv-pkt-number { type uint32; description "Receive packet number."; } leaf sock-option { type string { length "0..100"; } description "Socket options."; } leaf sock-state { type string { length "0..100"; } description "Socket states."; } } // list ip6-sock-info } // container ip6-sock-infos container tcp-aos { description "List of TCP AO configuration."; list tcp-ao { key "name"; description "Configure TCP AO instance."; leaf name { type string { length "1..47"; } description "The name of a TCP AO instance."; } leaf accept-mismatch { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable accepting TCP segments even though AO mismatched."; } container keychains { description "List of bound keychain."; list keychain { key "kc-name"; max-elements 1; description "Configure a keychain instance."; leaf kc-name { type string { length "1..47"; pattern '[^A-Z]+'; } description "Specify a keychain name."; } container key-ids { description "List of key on a TCP AO instance."; list key-id { key "kc-keyid"; unique "send-id"; unique "receive-id"; description "Configure key instance."; leaf kc-keyid { type uint32 { range "0..63"; } description "ID of key."; } leaf send-id { type uint8; description "Send ID."; } leaf receive-id { type uint8; description "Receive ID."; } leaf include-tcp-options { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable including TCP options header with AO."; } } // list key-id } // container key-ids } // list keychain } // container keychains } // list tcp-ao } // container tcp-aos container tcp-statisticss { config false; description "List of TCP packets statistics."; list tcp-statistics { key "family"; description "Statistics of TCP packets."; leaf family { type socket-proto-type; description "Protocol type."; } leaf rcv-packet { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Received packets statistics."; } leaf rcv-count { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Indicates the number of received fragments."; } leaf pkt-in-seq { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Packets in sequence."; } leaf rcv-win-probe-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Received window probe packets."; } leaf rcv-win-update-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Received window update packets."; } leaf rcv-cksum-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Checksum error."; } leaf rcv-offset-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Offset error."; } leaf rcv-short-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Short error."; } leaf rcv-duplicate-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Duplicate packet."; } leaf rcv-part-dup-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Partially duplicate packet."; } leaf rcv-outoforder-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Out-of-order packets."; } leaf rcv-after-win-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Packets with data after window."; } leaf rcv-after-close { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Packet after close."; } leaf rcv-ack-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "ACK packets."; } leaf rcv-dup-ack-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Duplicate ACK packets."; } leaf rcv-ack-toomuch { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Received Ack too much."; } leaf snd-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send packets."; } leaf snd-count { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send packets count."; } leaf snd-urgent-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send urgent packet."; } leaf snd-reset-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send reset packet."; } leaf snd-win-probe-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send window probe packets."; } leaf snd-win-update { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send window update packets."; } leaf snd-data-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send data packets."; } leaf snd-data-rexmit { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Data packets retransmitted."; } leaf snd-ack-only-pkt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "ACK only packets."; } leaf rexmit-timeout { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Retransmitted timeout."; } leaf timeout-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Connection dropped in retransmitted timeout."; } leaf keepalive-timeout { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Keepalive timeout."; } leaf keepalive-probe { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Keepalive probe."; } leaf keepalive-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Keepalive timeout, so connections disconnected."; } leaf conn-attempt { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Connection attempt."; } leaf accepts { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Accepted connections."; } leaf connects { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Established connections."; } leaf closed { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Closed connections."; } leaf md5-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Packets dropped with MD5 authentication."; } leaf md5-pass { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Packets premitted with MD5 authentication."; } leaf snd-kc-permit { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send packets permitted with keychain authentication."; } leaf rcv-kc-permit { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Receive packets permitted with keychain authentication."; } leaf rcv-kc-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Receive packets dropped with keychain authentication."; } leaf tcp-ao-pass { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Receive packets permitted with TCP-AO authentication."; } leaf tcp-ao-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Receive packets dropped with TCP-AO authentication."; } leaf attempt-fails { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Attempt fails."; } leaf established-resets { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Established resets."; } } // list tcp-statistics } // container tcp-statisticss container udp-statisticss { config false; description "List of UDP packets statistics."; list udp-statistics { key "family"; description "Statistics of UDP packets."; leaf family { type socket-proto-type; description "Protocol type."; } leaf rcv-packets { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Received packet count."; } leaf badsum { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Checksum error."; } leaf short-error { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Packet length shorter than header."; } leaf badlen { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Data length larger than packet."; } leaf no-port { type uint32; units "packet"; description "No socket on port."; } leaf broadcast { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Broadcast."; } leaf full-sock { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Not delivered, input socket full."; } leaf pcb-cache-miss { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Input packets missing pcb cache."; } leaf snd-packets { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Send packet count."; } } // list udp-statistics } // container udp-statisticss container tcp-statistics-verboses { config false; description "List of TCP packets for statistics of each protocol."; list tcp-statistics-verbose { key "family type"; description "Statistics of TCP packets of each protocol."; leaf family { type socket-proto-type; description "Protocol type."; } leaf type { type tcp-static-proto; description "Application protocol type of TCP."; } leaf cksum-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Checksum errors."; } leaf fmt-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Format errors."; } leaf no-port { type uint32; units "packet"; description "No port."; } leaf md5-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "MD5 auth errors."; } leaf kc-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Keychain auth errors."; } leaf ao-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "TCP AO auth errors."; } leaf out-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Dropped packets."; } } // list tcp-statistics-verbose } // container tcp-statistics-verboses container udp-statistics-verboses { config false; description "List of UDP packets for statistics of each protocol."; list udp-statistics-verbose { key "family type"; description "Statistics of UDP packets of each protocol."; leaf family { type socket-proto-type; description "Protocol type."; } leaf type { type udp-static-proto; description "Application protocol type of UDP."; } leaf fmt-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Format errors."; } leaf cksum-err { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Checksum errors."; } leaf no-port { type uint32; units "packet"; description "No port."; } leaf out-drop { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Dropped packets."; } } // list udp-statistics-verbose } // container udp-statistics-verboses } // container socket } // module huawei-socket
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