Remote backup service, providing service backup between the master and backup devices, such as ARP entry backup.
Version: 2020-03-13
module huawei-rbs { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-rbs"; prefix rbs; import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-etrunk { prefix etrunk; } import huawei-ssl { prefix ssl; } import huawei-ip { prefix ip; } import huawei-vrrp { prefix vrrp; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Remote backup service, providing service backup between the master and backup devices, such as ARP entry backup."; revision "2020-03-13" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "rbs"; typedef tcp-state { type enumeration { enum "initial" { value 0; description "Initial state, a TCP connection status."; } enum "listening" { value 1; description "Listening state, a TCP connection status."; } enum "connecting" { value 2; description "Connecting state, meaning that the client is connecting to the server."; } enum "connected" { value 3; description "Connected state, a TCP connection status."; } } description "TCP connection status."; } typedef rbp-state { type enumeration { enum "init" { value 0; description "Initial state, an RBP status."; } enum "slave" { value 1; description "Slave state, an RBP status."; } enum "master" { value 2; description "Master state, an RBP status."; } } description "RBP status."; } typedef backup-mode { type enumeration { enum "hot" { value 1; description "Hot peer backup mode."; } enum "warm" { value 2; description "Warm peer backup mode."; } enum "virtual" { value 3; description "Virtual peer backup mode."; } } description "Backup mode."; } typedef service-type { type enumeration { enum "all" { value 0; description "All services that can be backed up."; } enum "bras" { value 1; description "BRAS services that can be backed up."; } enum "igmp-snooping" { value 2; description "IGMP snooping services that can be backed up."; } enum "arp" { value 5; description "ARP services that can be backed up."; } enum "multicast" { value 9; description "MULTICAST services that can be backed up."; } enum "l2tp" { value 10; description "L2TP services that can be backed up."; } enum "igmp" { value 21; description "IGMP services that can be backed up."; } enum "lacp" { value 24; description "LACP services that can be backed up."; } enum "no-host-multicast" { value 25; description "No host multicast services that can be backed up."; } enum "dhcp-server" { value 26; description "DHCP-SERVER services that can be backed up."; } enum "ipsec" { value 30; description "Ipsec service that can backed up."; } enum "nd" { value 32; description "Nd service that can backed up."; } enum "dhcpv6-relay" { value 34; description "DHCPv6-relay service that can backed up."; } } description "RBP service type."; } typedef vrrp-mac-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "VRRP association not based on odd/even MAC addresses."; } enum "even" { value 1; description "VRRP association based on even MAC addresses."; } enum "odd" { value 2; description "VRRP association based on odd MAC addresses."; } } description "VRRP association mode."; } typedef block-direct-type { type enumeration { enum "send" { value 1; description "Send direction."; } enum "receive" { value 2; description "Receive direction."; } } description "Block direction of services."; } typedef block-service-type { type enumeration { enum "igmp-snooping" { value 2; description "IGMP snooping services that can be backed up."; } enum "bras" { value 1; description "BRAS services that can be backed up."; } enum "l2tp" { value 10; description "L2TP services that can be backed up."; } enum "multicast" { value 9; description "MULTICAST services that can be backed up."; } } description "Service type supporting block."; } typedef batch-backup-type { type enumeration { enum "bras" { value 1; description "BRAS services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "igmp-snooping" { value 2; description "IGMP snooping services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "multicast" { value 9; description "MULTICAST services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "l2tp" { value 10; description "L2TP services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "dhcp-server" { value 26; description "DHCP-SERVER services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "dhcpv6-relay" { value 34; description "DHCPV6 relay services that can be batch backed up."; } } description "Service type batch backup."; } typedef batch-backup-rpc-type { type enumeration { enum "all" { value 0; description "All services that can be batch backed up now."; } enum "bras" { value 1; description "BRAS services that can be batch backed up now."; } enum "igmp-snooping" { value 2; description "IGMP snooping services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "arp" { value 5; description "ARP services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "multicast" { value 9; description "MULTICAST services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "l2tp" { value 10; description "L2TP services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "dhcp-server" { value 26; description "DHCP-SERVER services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "ipsec" { value 30; description "IPSEC relay services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "nd" { value 32; description "ND services that can be batch backed up."; } enum "dhcpv6-relay" { value 34; description "DHCPV6 relay services that can be batch backed up."; } } description "Service type batch backup."; } container rbs { description "Remote backup service, providing service backup between the master and backup devices, such as ARP entry backup."; container services { description "List of RBS, including information about all remote backup services on a device."; list service { key "name"; description "Configure RBS instance list, which can be configured or queried."; leaf name { type string { length "1..32"; pattern '[0-9a-z_.\-]+'; } description "RBS instance name."; } leaf peer-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; must "(../peer-ip and ../source-ip and ../tcp-port and ../peer-ip!=../source-ip) or (not (../peer-ip) and not (../source-ip) and not (../tcp-port))"; description "Peer IP/IPv6 address of a TCP connection."; } leaf source-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; must "(../peer-ip and ../source-ip and ../tcp-port and ../peer-ip!=../source-ip) or (not (../peer-ip) and not (../source-ip) and not (../tcp-port))"; description "Local IP/IPv6 address of a TCP connection."; } leaf tcp-port { type uint32 { range "1024..55535"; } must "(../peer-ip and ../source-ip and ../tcp-port and ../peer-ip!=../source-ip) or (not (../peer-ip) and not (../source-ip) and not (../tcp-port))"; description "Port number of a TCP connection."; } leaf shut-down { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable an RBS connection."; } leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "RBS instance index, which is automatically allocated by the system. It can be queried but cannot be configured."; } leaf tcp-state { type tcp-state; config false; description "TCP connection status."; } leaf last-up-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Last up time."; } leaf last-down-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Last down time."; } leaf last-down-reason { type string { length "1..64"; } config false; description "Last down reason."; } leaf ssl-policy { type leafref { path "/ssl:ssl/ssl:ssl-policys/ssl:ssl-policy/ssl:policy-name"; } description "SSL Policy Name."; } container backup-blocks { description "List of blocked data backup services in the send or receive direction."; list backup-block { key "direct service-type"; description "Configure blocked data backup service instance in the send or receive direction."; leaf direct { type block-direct-type; description "Block direction of services."; } leaf service-type { type block-service-type; description "Type of blocked services."; } } // list backup-block } // container backup-blocks container batch-backups { description "List of periodic service synchronization configurations."; list batch-backup { key "service-type"; description "Configure periodic service synchronization configuration instance."; leaf service-type { type batch-backup-type; description "Type of services that are periodically synchronized."; } leaf backup-time { type pub-type:time; mandatory true; description "Backup start time."; } } // list batch-backup } // container batch-backups } // list service } // container services container profiles { description "List of remote backup profiles."; list profile { key "name"; description "Configure RBP instance."; leaf name { type string { length "1..128"; pattern '[0-9a-z_.\-]+'; } description "RBP instance name."; } leaf service-name { ext:support-filter "true"; type leafref { path "../../../services/service/name"; } must "(../service-name and ../backup-id) or (not(../service-name) and not(../backup-id))"; description "Name of the RBS bound to an RBP."; } leaf backup-id { type uint32 { range "1..4095"; } must "(../service-name and ../backup-id) or (not(../service-name) and not(../backup-id))"; description "RBS ID."; } leaf mode { type backup-mode; default "hot"; description "Backup mode of an RBP."; } leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "RBP index, which is automatically allocated by the system. It can be queried but cannot be configured."; } leaf local-state { type rbp-state; config false; description "Local RBP status when the associated protocol is not VRRP."; } leaf peer-state { type rbp-state; config false; description "Peer RBP status when the associated protocol is not VRRP."; } choice track-type { description "Arbitrate protocol configuration."; case e-trunk { description "Etrunk type that rbs profile tracking."; leaf etrunk-id { type leafref { path "/etrunk:etrunk/etrunk:instances/etrunk:instance/etrunk:id"; } mandatory true; description "Etrunk ID."; } leaf ethtrunk-name { type leafref { path "/etrunk:etrunk/etrunk:instances/etrunk:instance[etrunk:id=current()/../etrunk-id]/etrunk:interfaces/etrunk:interface/etrunk:if-name"; } mandatory true; description "Eth-trunk name."; } } // case e-trunk case vrrp { description "Specify VRRP as arbitrate protocol."; container vrrps { description "List of associated VRRP backup groups."; list vrrp { key "id"; unique "mac-type"; max-elements 2; description "Configure associated VRRP backup group instance."; leaf id { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } must "(count(../../vrrp)=2 and not(../rbs:mac-type='none')) or count(../../vrrp)<=1"; description "ID of the associated VRRP backup group."; } leaf if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of the interface where the associated VRRP backup group resides."; } leaf mac-type { ext:operation-exclude "update" { description "The mac type cannot be updated."; } type vrrp-mac-type; default "none"; description "VRRP association mode."; } leaf local-state { type rbp-state; config false; description "Local RBP status."; } leaf peer-state { type rbp-state; config false; description "Peer RBP status."; } } // list vrrp } // container vrrps } // case vrrp case vrrp6 { description "VRRP6 type that rbs profile tracking."; container rbp-vrrp6s { description "List of associated VRRP6 backup groups."; list rbp-vrrp6 { key "id"; max-elements 1; description "Configure associated VRRP6 backup group instance."; leaf id { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ip:ipv6/vrrp:vrrp6/vrrp:group6s/vrrp:group6/vrrp:id"; } description "ID of the associated VRRP6 backup group."; } leaf ifname { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of the interface where the associated VRRP6 backup group resides."; } } // list rbp-vrrp6 } // container rbp-vrrp6s } // case vrrp6 } // choice track-type container service-types { description "List of RBS types."; list service-type { key "type"; description "Configure remote backup service."; leaf type { type service-type; description "RBS type."; } } // list service-type } // container service-types } // list profile } // container profiles container rbs4-session-car { must "pir >= cir and pbs >= cbs"; description "Configure session CAR."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable session CAR."; } leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "kbit/s"; default "12"; description "Specify the session CAR CIR value."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..9000000"; } units "Byte"; default "1500"; description "Specify the session CAR CBS value."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "kbit/s"; default "6000"; description "Specify the session CAR PIR value."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..9000000"; } units "Byte"; default "750000"; description "Specify the session CAR PBS value."; } } // container rbs4-session-car container rbs6-session-car { must "pir >= cir and pbs >= cbs"; description "Configure session CAR."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable session CAR."; } leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "kbit/s"; default "12"; description "Specify the session CAR CIR value."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..9000000"; } units "Byte"; default "1500"; description "Specify the session CAR CBS value."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "kbit/s"; default "6000"; description "Specify the session CAR PIR value."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..9000000"; } units "Byte"; default "750000"; description "Specify the session CAR PBS value."; } } // container rbs6-session-car } // container rbs rpc batch-backup-now { ext:node-ref "/rbs:rbs/rbs:services/rbs:service/rbs:batch-backups"; description "The batch-backup service-type now command immediately backs up user services on an RBS."; input { leaf rbs-name { type leafref { path "/rbs:rbs/rbs:services/rbs:service/rbs:name"; } mandatory true; description "RBS instance name."; } leaf service-type { type batch-backup-rpc-type; mandatory true; description "Type of services that are synchronized now."; } } } // rpc batch-backup-now augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "RBP extend parameters on interface."; container rbs { description "Configure list of interfaces bound to an RBP."; container bind-rbp { description "Configure interface bound to an RBP."; leaf name { ext:support-filter "true"; type leafref { path "/rbs:rbs/rbs:profiles/rbs:profile/rbs:name"; } must "not(/rbs:rbs/rbs:profiles/rbs:profile[rbs:name=current()]/rbs:vrrps/rbs:vrrp) or (/rbs:rbs/rbs:profiles/rbs:profile[rbs:name=current()]/rbs:vrrps/rbs:vrrp[rbs:mac-type='none']) or (count(/rbs:rbs/rbs:profiles/rbs:profile[rbs:name=current()]/rbs:vrrps/rbs:vrrp)=2)"; description "Name of an interface bound to an RBP."; } } // container bind-rbp } // container rbs } augment /etrunk:etrunk/etrunk:instances/etrunk:instance { description "RBP extend parameters on E-Trunk."; container rbs { description "Configure RBP extend parameters on E-Trunk."; container rbs-backup-port { presence "The TCP port number for a dual-device hot backup channel."; description "Configure the TCP port number for a dual-device hot backup channel."; leaf port-num { type uint32 { range "1025..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Port number of a TCP connection."; } } // container rbs-backup-port } // container rbs } } // module huawei-rbs
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