Quality of service for l3vpn management.
Version: 2020-02-27
module huawei-qos-l3vpn { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-qos-l3vpn"; prefix qos-l3vpn; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "Quality of service for l3vpn management."; revision "2020-02-27" { description "Add new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-01-20" { description "Add new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-11-04" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "qos"; container qos-l3vpn { config false; description "Quality of service."; container policy-statisticss { description "List of traffic policy statistics."; list policy-statistics { key "vrf-name direction slot-id"; description "Traffic policy statistics."; leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Vpn instances name."; } leaf direction { type qos:in-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf slot-id { type qos:slot-id; description "Slot ID. The chassis ID must also be specified when have multi chassis, such as 3, clc1/3 or ccc1/3."; } leaf policy-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-policys/qos:traffic-policy/qos:name"; } description "Policy name."; } leaf apply-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of applying a policy."; } leaf enable-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of enabling/disabling statistics."; } leaf clear-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of clearing statistics."; } leaf clear-flag { type boolean; description "Flag of clearing statistics."; } leaf match-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched packets."; } leaf match-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched bytes."; } leaf match-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of matched packets."; } leaf match-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of matched bytes."; } leaf miss-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of unmatched packets."; } leaf miss-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of unmatched bytes."; } leaf match-pass-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched and passed packets."; } leaf match-pass-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched and passed bytes."; } leaf match-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched but discarded packets."; } leaf match-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched but discarded bytes."; } leaf miss-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets that do not match the policy."; } leaf miss-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes that do not match the policy."; } leaf match-pass-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets that match the policy and passed."; } leaf match-pass-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes that match the policy and passed."; } leaf match-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets that match the policy but are discarded."; } leaf match-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes that match the policy but are discarded."; } container classifier-statisticss { description "List of traffic classifier statistics."; list classifier-statistics { key "name"; description "Traffic classifier statistics."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-classifiers/qos:traffic-classifier/qos:name"; } description "Name of a traffic classifier."; } leaf match-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched packets."; } leaf match-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched bytes."; } leaf match-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of matched packets."; } leaf match-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of matched bytes."; } leaf match-pass-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched and passed packets."; } leaf match-pass-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched and passed bytes."; } leaf match-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched but discarded packets."; } leaf match-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched but discarded bytes."; } leaf match-pass-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets matching the traffic classifier and passed."; } leaf match-pass-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes matching the traffic classifier and passed."; } leaf match-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets matching the traffic classifier but discarded."; } leaf match-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes matching the traffic classifier but discarded."; } leaf filter-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of filtered packets."; } leaf filter-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of filtered bytes."; } leaf filter-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of filtered packets."; } leaf filter-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of filtered bytes."; } leaf urpf-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of the discarded packets by URPF check."; } leaf urpf-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the discarded bytes by URPF check."; } leaf urpf-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the discarded packets by URPF check."; } leaf urpf-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the discarded bytes by URPF check."; } leaf car-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of the processed packets by CAR."; } leaf car-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the processed bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the passed packets by CAR."; } leaf car-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the passed bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-pass-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of the passed packets by CAR."; } leaf car-pass-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the passed bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of the discarded packets by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the discarded bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-pass-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the passed packets CAR."; } leaf car-pass-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the passed bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the discarded packets by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the discarded bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-green-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-green-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the bytes of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the bytes of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of red packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the bytes of red packets by CAR."; } leaf car-green-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-green-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of red packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes of red packets by CAR."; } } // list classifier-statistics } // container classifier-statisticss } // list policy-statistics } // container policy-statisticss container policy-vxlan-statisticss { description "List of traffic policy vxlan statistics."; list policy-vxlan-statistics { key "instance-name direction slot-id"; description "Traffic policy vxlan statistics."; leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Vpn instances name."; } leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..32"; pattern '(c[cl]c\d+/)?\d+'; } description "Slot ID. The chassis ID must also be specified when have multi chassis, such as 3, clc1/3 or ccc1/3."; } leaf policy-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-policys/qos:traffic-policy/qos:name"; } description "Policy name."; } leaf apply-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of applying a policy."; } leaf enable-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of enabling/disabling statistics."; } leaf clear-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of clearing statistics."; } leaf clear-identification { type boolean; description "Enable/disable clearing statistics."; } leaf match-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched packets."; } leaf match-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched bytes."; } leaf match-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of matched packets."; } leaf match-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of matched bytes."; } leaf miss-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of unmatched packets."; } leaf miss-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of unmatched bytes."; } leaf match-pass-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched and passed packets."; } leaf match-pass-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched and passed bytes."; } leaf match-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched but discarded packets."; } leaf match-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched but discarded bytes."; } leaf miss-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets that do not match the policy."; } leaf miss-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes that do not match the policy."; } leaf match-pass-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets that match the policy and passed."; } leaf match-pass-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes that match the policy and passed."; } leaf match-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets that match the policy but are discarded."; } leaf match-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes that match the policy but are discarded."; } container classifier-statisticss { description "List of traffic classifier statistics."; list classifier-statistics { key "name"; description "Traffic classifier statistics."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-classifiers/qos:traffic-classifier/qos:name"; } description "Name of a traffic classifier."; } leaf match-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched packets."; } leaf match-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched bytes."; } leaf match-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of matched packets."; } leaf match-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of matched bytes."; } leaf match-pass-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched and passed packets."; } leaf match-pass-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched and passed bytes."; } leaf match-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of matched but discarded packets."; } leaf match-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of matched but discarded bytes."; } leaf match-pass-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets matching the traffic classifier and passed."; } leaf match-pass-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes matching the traffic classifier and passed."; } leaf match-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the packets matching the traffic classifier but discarded."; } leaf match-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes matching the traffic classifier but discarded."; } leaf car-pass-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of the passed packets by CAR."; } leaf car-pass-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the passed bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of the discarded packets by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the discarded bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-pass-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the passed packets CAR."; } leaf car-pass-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the passed bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of the discarded packets by CAR."; } leaf car-drop-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the discarded bytes by CAR."; } leaf car-green-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-green-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the bytes of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the bytes of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of red packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of the bytes of red packets by CAR."; } leaf car-green-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-green-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes of green packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-yellow-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes of yellow packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Rate of red packets by CAR."; } leaf car-red-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Rate of the bytes of red packets by CAR."; } } // list classifier-statistics } // container classifier-statisticss } // list policy-vxlan-statistics } // container policy-vxlan-statisticss } // container qos-l3vpn rpc reset-policy-apply-statistics { ext:node-ref "/qos-l3vpn:qos-l3vpn/qos-l3vpn:policy-statisticss"; description "Clear traffic policy statistics."; input { leaf direction { type qos:in-direction-type; mandatory true; description "Direction."; } leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of an l3vpn."; } } } // rpc reset-policy-apply-statistics rpc reset-policy-vxlan-statistics { ext:node-ref "/qos-l3vpn:qos-l3vpn/qos-l3vpn:policy-vxlan-statisticss"; description "To clear traffic policy VXLAN statistics."; input { leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; mandatory true; description "Direction."; } leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of an l3vpn."; } } } // rpc reset-policy-vxlan-statistics augment /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance { description "Adds QoS configuration to the instance."; container qos-l3vpn { description "Configure QoS application."; container policy-applys { when "not(../../ni:name='_public_')"; description "List of traffic policy applications."; list policy-apply { key "direction"; max-elements 1; description "Configure traffic policy applications."; leaf direction { type qos:in-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf policy-name { ext:operation-exclude "update" { description "After the configuration is created, the node cannot be modified."; } type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-policys/qos:traffic-policy/qos:name"; } mandatory true; description "Policy name."; } } // list policy-apply } // container policy-applys container vxlan-car-disables { must "count(./vxlan-car-disable[exclude='exclude'])=0 or count(./vxlan-car-disable[exclude='no-exclude'])=0"; description "List of traffic policy action CAR disable slot VXLAN mode."; list vxlan-car-disable { key "slot-id"; description "Configure CAR operation."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "0..32"; pattern '(c[cl]c\d+/)?\d+'; } description "CAR disable slot."; } leaf exclude { ext:operation-exclude "update" { description "After the configuration is created, the node cannot be modified."; } type qos:exclude-type; mandatory true; description "Exclude mode."; } } // list vxlan-car-disable } // container vxlan-car-disables container vxlan-phb { presence "create vxlan-phb "; description "Enable/disable PHB operation."; leaf diffserv-domain-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:diffserv-domains/qos:diffserv-domain/qos:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of a DS domain."; } } // container vxlan-phb container vxlan-mode-trusts { description "List of trust diffserv domain or 8021p."; list vxlan-mode-trust { key "trust-type"; description "Configure trust diffserv domain or 8021p."; leaf trust-type { type qos:vxlan-trust-type; description "To select trusting diffserv domain or 8021p."; } leaf ds-name { when "../trust-type='upstream'"; type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:diffserv-domains/qos:diffserv-domain/qos:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of a DS domain."; } } // list vxlan-mode-trust } // container vxlan-mode-trusts } // container qos-l3vpn } } // module huawei-qos-l3vpn
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