Quality of service for board.
Version: 2020-06-11
module huawei-qos-board { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-qos-board"; prefix qos-board; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-devm { prefix devm; } import huawei-devm-vnf { prefix devm-vnf; } import huawei-license { prefix lcs; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "Quality of service for board."; revision "2020-06-11" { description "Modify descriptions and add units."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-05-07" { description "Modify descriptions and add new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-02-28" { description "Modify descriptions and add new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-11-05" { description "Add pq-schedule-prioritys, pq-schedule-priority-on-cards and multicast-port-queues."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-09-20" { description "Add new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-04-06" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "qos"; typedef policy-match-type { type enumeration { enum "ip-layer-push" { value 0; description "MF traffic classification based only on IP Layer (Layer 3) information for incoming traffic on the public network."; } enum "ip-layer-pop" { value 7; description "MF traffic classification based only on IP Layer (Layer 3) information for outgoing traffic on the public network."; } enum "mpls-layer-push" { value 3; description "MF classification based on both IP and MPLS information for incoming traffic on the public network."; } enum "mpls-layer-pop" { value 6; description "MF classification based on both IP and MPLS information for outgoing traffic on the public network."; } enum "mpls-layer-l2-inbound" { value 4; description "MF traffic classification based on MPLS information for outgoing traffic on the public network in Layer 2 forwarding scenarios."; } enum "ipv6-address-rule-mask" { value 1; description "MF traffic classification based on the mask of IPv6 address."; } enum "protocol-mc-reserved" { value 2; description "Match Layer 3 protocol packets with reserved multicast addresses against ACLs."; } enum "rule-packet" { value 5; description "Enable packet type-based filtering for MF classification."; } } description "Policy math type."; } typedef pq-schedule-priority-type { type enumeration { enum "high" { value 0; description "High."; } enum "low" { value 1; description "Low."; } } description "PQ schedule priority mode."; } typedef channel-alarm-type { type enumeration { enum "bandwidth" { value 1; description "Bandwidth."; } enum "quantity" { value 0; description "Quantity."; } } description "Channel alarm type."; } typedef channel-alarm-pool-type { type enumeration { enum "pool-0" { value 1; description "Pool 0."; } enum "pool-1" { value 2; description "Pool 1."; } } description "Pool ID."; } typedef channel-profile-precision-type { type enumeration { enum "up" { value 1; description "Up."; } enum "down" { value 2; description "Down."; } } description "Precision type."; } typedef multicast-priority-type { type enumeration { enum "both" { value 2; description "Both."; } enum "high" { value 1; description "High."; } enum "low" { value 0; description "Low."; } } description "Multicast priority type."; } typedef match-type { type enumeration { enum "destination-user" { value 1; description "Destination user."; } enum "interface-acl" { value 2; description "Interface ACL."; } } description "Match type."; } typedef limit-type { type enumeration { enum "unlimited" { value 1; description "Unlimited bandwidth."; } enum "limited" { value 0; description "Limited bandwidth."; } } description "Is bandwidth limited."; } typedef switch-flag { type enumeration { enum "enable" { value 0; description "Enable."; } enum "disable" { value 1; description "Disable."; } } description "Switch flag."; } augment /devm-vnf:devm-vnf/devm-vnf:vnf-boards/devm-vnf:vnf-board { description "Adds QoS configuration to the vnf board."; container qos { description "Configure QoS application."; container traffic-policy-matchs { description "List of traffic policy match."; list traffic-policy-match { key "type"; max-elements 3; description "Configure traffic policy match. Some boards do not support this object."; leaf type { type policy-match-type; description "Traffic policy match type."; } } // list traffic-policy-match } // container traffic-policy-matchs container traffic-policy-match-type { description "Configure policy UCL rule match."; container destination-user { presence "create destination-user"; description "Enable/disable traffic policy match type destination user."; } // container destination-user container interface-acl { presence "create interface-acl"; description "Enable/disable traffic policy match type interface acl."; } // container interface-acl } // container traffic-policy-match-type } // container qos } augment /devm:devm/devm:mpu-boards/devm:mpu-board { description "Adds QoS configuration to the board."; container qos { description "Configure QoS application."; container traffic-policy-matchs { description "List of traffic policy match."; list traffic-policy-match { must "(((type='ip-layer-push' or type='ip-layer-pop' or type='rule-packet') and not(../traffic-policy-match[type='mpls-layer-push']) and not(../traffic-policy-match[type='mpls-layer-pop'])) or ((type='mpls-layer-push' or type='mpls-layer-pop') and not(../traffic-policy-match[type='ip-layer-push']) and not(../traffic-policy-match[type='ip-layer-pop']) and not(../traffic-policy-match[type='rule-packet'])) or (type='mpls-layer-l2-inbound' or type='protocol-mc-reserved'))"; key "type"; max-elements 5; description "Configure traffic policy match. Some boards do not support this object."; leaf type { type policy-match-type; description "Traffic policy match type."; } } // list traffic-policy-match } // container traffic-policy-matchs container pq-schedule-prioritys { description "List of PQ schedule priority."; list pq-schedule-priority { ext:generated-by "system" { description "The all instances are generated automatically."; } ext:operation-exclude "create" { description "The all instances cannot be created."; } key "direction"; max-elements 2; description "Configure PQ schedule priority."; leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf mode { type pq-schedule-priority-type; mandatory true; description "PQ schedule mode."; } } // list pq-schedule-priority } // container pq-schedule-prioritys container pq-schedule-priority-on-cards { description "List of PQ schedule priority."; list pq-schedule-priority-on-card { key "card-id"; description "Configure PQ schedule priority. This configuration takes effect only on eTM subcards."; leaf card-id { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Card ID."; } leaf mode { type pq-schedule-priority-type; mandatory true; description "PQ schedule priority mode."; } } // list pq-schedule-priority-on-card } // container pq-schedule-priority-on-cards container multicast-port-queues { description "List of port queue schedule in outbound direction on the MTunnel interface of the distributed multicast VPN."; list multicast-port-queue { ext:generated-by "system" { description "The all instances are generated automatically."; } ext:operation-exclude "create" { description "The all instances cannot be created."; } key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure port queue schedule in outbound direction on the MTunnel interface of the distributed multicast VPN."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf queue-schedule-mode { type qos:queue-schedule-mode; mandatory true; description "Schedule Mode."; } leaf weight { when "../queue-schedule-mode='wfq'"; type uint8 { range "1..100"; } mandatory true; description "Weight of wfq scheduling strategy."; } choice shaping-parameters { description "Specify shaping parameters."; case shaping { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping value."; leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "Mbit/s"; description "Shaping value."; } } // case shaping case shaping-percent { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping percentage value."; leaf shaping-percentage { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; description "Shaping percentage."; } } // case shaping-percent } // choice shaping-parameters leaf port-wred-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:wred-template/qos:port-wreds/qos:port-wred/qos:name"; } description "Port wred name."; } } // list multicast-port-queue } // container multicast-port-queues container multicast-port-shaping { description "Configure a peak rate at which the MTunnel interface in the distributed multicast VPN can send data."; choice shaping-parameters { description "Specify shaping parameters."; case shaping-type-mode { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping type."; leaf shaping-type { type qos:shaping-value-type; description "Shaping value type."; } } // case shaping-type-mode case shaping-value-mode { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping value."; leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "1..4294967294"; } units "Mbit/s"; description "Shaping value."; } } // case shaping-value-mode } // choice shaping-parameters } // container multicast-port-shaping container user-queue-pir-precision { ext:generated-by "system"; ext:operation-exclude "create"; presence "create user-queue-pir-precision"; description "Enable/disable user queue pir precision."; leaf precision { type uint8 { range "1..100"; } units "%"; default "1"; description "Precision."; } } // container user-queue-pir-precision container exp-phb-disable { description "Configure disable the private network tag priority in a DS domain from being marked for the downstream traffic on the PW interface in the VLL networking."; leaf forward-type { type qos:forward-type; description "Forward type."; } } // container exp-phb-disable container packet-block-thresholds { description "List of the packet block threshold size."; list packet-block-threshold { key "service-class"; description "Configure the packet block threshold size."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf size { type uint8 { range "0..5"; } units "kB"; mandatory true; description "The packet block threshold size."; } } // list packet-block-threshold } // container packet-block-thresholds container packet-block-threshold-all { description "Configure the packet block threshold size for all queues."; leaf size { type uint8 { range "0..5"; } units "kB"; description "The packet block threshold size."; } } // container packet-block-threshold-all container channel-alarms { description "List of channel alarm."; list channel-alarm { key "alarm-type pool"; description "Configure channel alarm."; leaf alarm-type { type channel-alarm-type; description "Alarm type."; } leaf pool { type channel-alarm-pool-type; description "Pool."; } leaf threshold { type uint8 { range "1..100"; } units "%"; mandatory true; description "Threshold value."; } } // list channel-alarm } // container channel-alarms container channel-profile-precision { description "Configure the bandwidth allocation mode."; leaf type { type channel-profile-precision-type; description "Precision type."; } } // container channel-profile-precision container channel-profile-apply { description "Configure a channel profile to a board. Apply channel profile template may affect scheduling. The configuration will work after the board restart."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:channel-profiles/qos:channel-profile/qos:name"; } must "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:channel-profiles/qos:channel-profile[qos:name=current()]/qos:channel-paras/qos:channel-para"; description "Channel profile name."; } } // container channel-profile-apply container multicast-shaping { description "Configure an upper rate limit for multicast traffic on a specified board."; leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } units "pps"; description "Shaping value."; } } // container multicast-shaping container port-queue-alarms { description "List of port queue buffer alarm."; list port-queue-alarm { key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure port queue buffer alarm."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf buffer-percentage { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; mandatory true; description "Buffer percentage."; } } // list port-queue-alarm } // container port-queue-alarms container user-queue-recovery-disable { presence "create user-queue-recovery-disable"; description "Enable/disable automatic switchback from CAR to user queue."; } // container user-queue-recovery-disable container access-user-board-schedule-enable { presence "create access-user-board-schedule-enable"; description "Enable/disable downstream HQoS scheduling."; } // container access-user-board-schedule-enable container convergent-precedence-highs { description "List of configuration specific low-priority queues on a board as high-priority queues."; list convergent-precedence-high { key "service-class-value"; max-elements 5; description "Configure specific low-priority queues on a board as high-priority queues."; leaf service-class-value { type uint8 { range "0..4"; } description "The value of service class."; } } // list convergent-precedence-high } // container convergent-precedence-highs container queue-discard-alarms { description "List of queue discard alarm."; list queue-discard-alarm { key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure queue discard alarm."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } choice discard-type { mandatory true; description "Specify discard type."; case bytes { description "Specify discard type choice case as discard-byte."; leaf bytes { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "The discarded bytes."; } } // case bytes case packets { description "Specify discard type choice case as discard packet."; leaf packets { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "packet"; mandatory true; description "The discarded packets."; } } // case packets case packet-ratio { description "Specify discard type choice case as discard packet ratio."; leaf packet-coefficient { type uint8 { range "1..9"; } mandatory true; description "Ratio coefficient of the discard packets."; } leaf packet-exponent { type uint8 { range "1..5"; } mandatory true; description "Ratio exponent of the discard packets."; } } // case packet-ratio } // choice discard-type leaf interval-time { type uint16 { range "15..3600"; } units "s"; default "30"; description "Monitoring time of the queue discard alarm."; } } // list queue-discard-alarm } // container queue-discard-alarms container user-queue-burst { presence "create user-queue-burst"; description "Enable/disable the minimum default burst size and time on a board."; leaf minimum-burst-size { type uint32 { range "1000..1000000"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Specifies a minimum default burst size."; } leaf time { type uint32 { range "100..100000"; } units "us"; mandatory true; description "Specifies a burst time."; } } // container user-queue-burst container burst-sizes { description "List of the burst size."; list burst-size { key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure the burst size of a chip."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf value { type uint8 { range "0..64"; } mandatory true; description "Burst size."; } } // list burst-size } // container burst-sizes container global-buffer-share-thresholds { description "List of the global shared threshold of buffer resources."; list global-buffer-share-threshold { key "direction"; description "Configure the global shared threshold of buffer resources."; leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf threshold { type uint16 { range "1..500"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the shared threshold value."; } } // list global-buffer-share-threshold } // container global-buffer-share-thresholds container global-buffer-share-queues { description "List of the shared threshold of buffer resources for specific queues."; list global-buffer-share-queue { key "service-class direction"; description "Configure the shared threshold of buffer resources for specific queues."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } } // list global-buffer-share-queue } // container global-buffer-share-queues container flow-queue-backpressure-off { presence "create flow-queue-backpressure-off"; description "Enable/disable the PIR backpressure function. When the configuration exists, the function is disable."; } // container flow-queue-backpressure-off container traffic-policy-match-type { description "Configure policy UCL rule match."; container destination-user { presence "create destination-user"; description "Enable/disable traffic policy match type destination user."; } // container destination-user container interface-acl { presence "create interface-acl"; description "Enable/disable traffic policy match type interface acl."; } // container interface-acl } // container traffic-policy-match-type container user-queue-resource-4cos { description "Configure 4queue CoS size."; leaf cos-value { type uint32 { range "4..64000"; } must "../cos-value mod 4 = 0"; description "Cos value."; } } // container user-queue-resource-4cos container user-queue-resource-8cos-enhances { description "List of 8queue CoS size configuration."; list user-queue-resource-8cos-enhance { key "direction"; max-elements 2; description "Configure 8queue CoS size."; leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf cos-value { type uint32 { range "4..15000"; } must "../cos-value mod 4 = 0"; mandatory true; description "CoS value."; } } // list user-queue-resource-8cos-enhance } // container user-queue-resource-8cos-enhances } // container qos } augment /devm:devm/devm:lpu-boards/devm:lpu-board { description "Adds QoS configuration to the board."; container qos { description "Configure QoS application."; container traffic-policy-matchs { description "List of traffic policy match."; list traffic-policy-match { key "type"; max-elements 6; description "Configure traffic policy match. Some boards do not support this object."; leaf type { type policy-match-type; description "Traffic policy match type."; } } // list traffic-policy-match } // container traffic-policy-matchs container pq-schedule-prioritys { description "List of PQ schedule priority."; list pq-schedule-priority { ext:generated-by "system" { description "The all instances are generated automatically."; } ext:operation-exclude "create" { description "The all instances cannot be created."; } key "direction"; max-elements 2; description "Configure PQ schedule priority."; leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf mode { type pq-schedule-priority-type; mandatory true; description "PQ schedule mode."; } } // list pq-schedule-priority } // container pq-schedule-prioritys container pq-schedule-priority-on-cards { description "List of PQ schedule priority."; list pq-schedule-priority-on-card { key "card-id"; description "Configure PQ schedule priority. This configuration takes effect only on eTM subcards."; leaf card-id { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Card ID."; } leaf mode { type pq-schedule-priority-type; mandatory true; description "PQ schedule priority mode."; } } // list pq-schedule-priority-on-card } // container pq-schedule-priority-on-cards container multicast-port-queues { description "List of port queue schedule in outbound direction on the MTunnel interface of the distributed multicast VPN."; list multicast-port-queue { ext:generated-by "system" { description "The all instances are generated automatically."; } ext:operation-exclude "create" { description "The all instances cannot be created."; } key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure port queue schedule in outbound direction on the MTunnel interface of the distributed multicast VPN."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf queue-schedule-mode { type qos:queue-schedule-mode; mandatory true; description "Schedule Mode."; } leaf weight { when "../queue-schedule-mode='wfq'"; type uint8 { range "1..100"; } mandatory true; description "Weight of wfq scheduling strategy."; } choice shaping-parameters { description "Specify shaping parameters."; case shaping { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping value."; leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "Mbit/s"; description "Shaping value."; } } // case shaping case shaping-percent { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping percentage value."; leaf shaping-percentage { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; description "Shaping percentage."; } } // case shaping-percent } // choice shaping-parameters leaf port-wred-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:wred-template/qos:port-wreds/qos:port-wred/qos:name"; } description "Port wred name."; } } // list multicast-port-queue } // container multicast-port-queues container multicast-port-shaping { description "Configure a peak rate at which the MTunnel interface in the distributed multicast VPN can send data."; choice shaping-parameters { description "Specify shaping parameters."; case shaping-type-mode { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping type."; leaf shaping-type { type qos:shaping-value-type; description "Shaping value type."; } } // case shaping-type-mode case shaping-value-mode { description "Specify shaping parameters choice case as shaping value."; leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "1..4294967294"; } units "Mbit/s"; description "Shaping value."; } } // case shaping-value-mode } // choice shaping-parameters } // container multicast-port-shaping container user-queue-pir-precision { ext:generated-by "system"; ext:operation-exclude "create"; presence "create user-queue-pir-precision"; description "Enable/disable user queue pir precision."; leaf precision { type uint8 { range "1..100"; } units "%"; default "1"; description "Precision."; } } // container user-queue-pir-precision container exp-phb-disable { description "Configure disable the private network tag priority in a DS domain from being marked for the downstream traffic on the PW interface in the VLL networking."; leaf forward-type { type qos:forward-type; description "Forward type."; } } // container exp-phb-disable container packet-block-thresholds { description "List of the packet block threshold size."; list packet-block-threshold { key "service-class"; description "Configure the packet block threshold size."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf size { type uint8 { range "0..5"; } units "kB"; mandatory true; description "The packet block threshold size."; } } // list packet-block-threshold } // container packet-block-thresholds container packet-block-threshold-all { description "Configure the packet block threshold size for all queues."; leaf size { type uint8 { range "0..5"; } units "kB"; description "The packet block threshold size."; } } // container packet-block-threshold-all container channel-alarms { description "List of channel alarm."; list channel-alarm { key "alarm-type pool"; description "Configure channel alarm."; leaf alarm-type { type channel-alarm-type; description "Alarm type."; } leaf pool { type channel-alarm-pool-type; description "Pool."; } leaf threshold { type uint8 { range "1..100"; } units "%"; mandatory true; description "Threshold value."; } } // list channel-alarm } // container channel-alarms container channel-profile-precision { description "Configure the bandwidth allocation mode."; leaf type { type channel-profile-precision-type; description "Precision type."; } } // container channel-profile-precision container channel-profile-apply { description "Configure a channel profile to a board. Apply channel profile template may affect scheduling. The configuration will work after the board restart."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:channel-profiles/qos:channel-profile/qos:name"; } must "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:channel-profiles/qos:channel-profile[qos:name=current()]/qos:channel-paras/qos:channel-para"; description "Channel profile name."; } } // container channel-profile-apply container channel-auto-adjust-switch { description "Configure channel auto adjust quantity. The configuration will work after the board restart. Only some boards support this function."; leaf auto-adjust-quantity { type switch-flag; default "enable"; description "Auto adjust quantity."; } } // container channel-auto-adjust-switch container fabric-queue-statistic-enable { description "Configure enable the statistics function for Virtual Output Queues."; leaf enable { type empty; description "Enable."; } } // container fabric-queue-statistic-enable container over-ride-adjust-number { description "Configure over ride adjust number."; leaf adjust-number { type uint16 { range "1..1000"; } default "50"; description "Adjust number value."; } } // container over-ride-adjust-number container over-ride-degrade-cycle { description "Configure over ride degrade cycle."; leaf degrade-cycle { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } default "64"; description "Cycle number."; } } // container over-ride-degrade-cycle container over-ride-upgrade-cycle { description "Configure over ride upgrade cycle."; leaf upgrade-cycle { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } default "1"; description "Cycle number."; } } // container over-ride-upgrade-cycle container over-ride-switch { must "./enable-percent>=./disable-percent"; description "Configure over ride switch."; leaf disable-percent { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; default "50"; description "Disable percent value."; } leaf enable-percent { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; default "80"; description "Enable percent value."; } } // container over-ride-switch container over-ride-inbound-threshold-adjust { must "./upgrade-threshold>./degrade-threshold"; description "Configure over ride inbound threshold adjust."; leaf upgrade-threshold { type uint8 { range "2..99"; } default "90"; description "Inbound upgrade threshold."; } leaf degrade-threshold { type uint8 { range "1..98"; } default "60"; description "Inbound degrade threshold."; } } // container over-ride-inbound-threshold-adjust container over-ride-outbound-threshold-adjust { must "./upgrade-threshold>./degrade-threshold"; description "Configure over ride outbound threshold adjust."; leaf upgrade-threshold { type uint8 { range "2..99"; } default "80"; description "Outbound upgrade threshold."; } leaf degrade-threshold { type uint8 { range "1..98"; } default "60"; description "Outbound degrade threshold."; } } // container over-ride-outbound-threshold-adjust container over-ride-monitor-number { description "Configure over ride monitor."; leaf monitor-number { type uint8 { range "1..64"; } default "32"; description "Monitor number."; } } // container over-ride-monitor-number container over-ride-enable-switch { description "Configure over ride switch."; leaf outbound { type empty; description "Direction outbound."; } } // container over-ride-enable-switch container over-ride-enable-inbound-switch { description "Configure over ride switch. Only some boards support this function."; leaf inbound { type empty; description "Direction inbound."; } } // container over-ride-enable-inbound-switch container over-ride-initial-grade { description "Configure over ride initial grade. Only some boards support this function."; leaf grade-id { type uint8 { range "1..21"; } default "7"; description "Grade ID."; } } // container over-ride-initial-grade container multicast-shaping { description "Configure an upper rate limit for multicast traffic on a specified board."; leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } units "pps"; description "Shaping value."; } } // container multicast-shaping container multicast-shaping-service-template { must "(all-service-class/service-template-name and (count(specific-service-classs/specific-service-class)=0)) or not(all-service-class/service-template-name)"; description "Configure multicast packet compensation."; container all-service-class { description "Configure multicast packet compensation for all service class."; leaf service-template-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:service-templates/qos:service-template/qos:name"; } description "Service template name."; } } // container all-service-class container specific-service-classs { description "List of multicast packet compensation for specific service class."; list specific-service-class { key "service-class"; description "Configure multicast packet compensation for specific service class."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf service-template-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:service-templates/qos:service-template/qos:name"; } mandatory true; description "Service template name."; } } // list specific-service-class } // container specific-service-classs } // container multicast-shaping-service-template container port-queue-alarms { description "List of port queue buffer alarm."; list port-queue-alarm { key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure port queue buffer alarm."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf buffer-percentage { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; mandatory true; description "Buffer percentage."; } } // list port-queue-alarm } // container port-queue-alarms container user-queue-recovery-disable { presence "create user-queue-recovery-disable"; description "Enable/disable automatic switchback from CAR to user queue."; } // container user-queue-recovery-disable container multicast-shapers { description "List of multicast traffic shaping."; list multicast-shaper { must "(priority='both' and not(../multicast-shaper[priority='high']) and not(../multicast-shaper[priority='low'])) or ((priority='high' or priority='low') and not(../multicast-shaper[priority='both']))"; key "priority"; description "Configure multicast traffic shaping."; leaf priority { type multicast-priority-type; description "Priority type."; } leaf shaping-value { type uint32 { range "1..400000"; } units "Mbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Shaping value."; } } // list multicast-shaper } // container multicast-shapers container access-user-board-schedule-enable { presence "create access-user-board-schedule-enable"; description "Enable/disable downstream HQoS scheduling."; } // container access-user-board-schedule-enable container convergent-precedence-highs { description "List of configuration specific low-priority queues on a board as high-priority queues."; list convergent-precedence-high { key "service-class-value"; max-elements 5; description "Configure specific low-priority queues on a board as high-priority queues."; leaf service-class-value { type uint8 { range "0..4"; } description "The value of service class."; } } // list convergent-precedence-high } // container convergent-precedence-highs container queue-discard-alarms { description "List of queue discard alarm."; list queue-discard-alarm { key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure queue discard alarm."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } choice discard-type { mandatory true; description "Specify discard type."; case bytes { description "Specify discard type choice case as discard-byte."; leaf bytes { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "The discarded bytes."; } } // case bytes case packets { description "Specify discard type choice case as discard packet."; leaf packets { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "packet"; mandatory true; description "The discarded packets."; } } // case packets case packet-ratio { description "Specify discard type choice case as discard packet ratio."; leaf packet-coefficient { type uint8 { range "1..9"; } mandatory true; description "Ratio coefficient of the discard packets."; } leaf packet-exponent { type uint8 { range "1..5"; } mandatory true; description "Ratio exponent of the discard packets."; } } // case packet-ratio } // choice discard-type leaf interval-time { type uint16 { range "15..3600"; } units "s"; default "30"; description "Monitoring time of the queue discard alarm."; } } // list queue-discard-alarm } // container queue-discard-alarms container user-queue-burst { presence "create user-queue-burst"; description "Enable/disable the minimum default burst size and time on a board."; leaf minimum-burst-size { type uint32 { range "1000..1000000"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Specifies a minimum default burst size."; } leaf time { type uint32 { range "100..100000"; } units "us"; mandatory true; description "Specifies a burst time."; } } // container user-queue-burst container burst-sizes { description "List of the burst size."; list burst-size { key "service-class"; max-elements 8; description "Configure the burst size of a chip."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf value { type uint8 { range "0..64"; } mandatory true; description "Burst size."; } } // list burst-size } // container burst-sizes container global-buffer-share-thresholds { description "List of the global shared threshold of buffer resources."; list global-buffer-share-threshold { key "direction"; description "Configure the global shared threshold of buffer resources."; leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf threshold { type uint16 { range "1..500"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the shared threshold value."; } } // list global-buffer-share-threshold } // container global-buffer-share-thresholds container global-buffer-share-queues { description "List of the shared threshold of buffer resources for specific queues."; list global-buffer-share-queue { key "service-class direction"; description "Configure the shared threshold of buffer resources for specific queues."; leaf service-class { type qos:qos-service-class; description "Class of service."; } leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } } // list global-buffer-share-queue } // container global-buffer-share-queues container flow-queue-backpressure-off { presence "create flow-queue-backpressure-off"; description "Enable/disable the PIR backpressure function. When the configuration exists, the function is disable."; } // container flow-queue-backpressure-off container traffic-policy-match-type { description "Configure policy UCL rule match."; container destination-user { presence "create destination-user"; description "Enable/disable traffic policy match type destination user."; } // container destination-user container interface-acl { presence "create interface-acl"; description "Enable/disable traffic policy match type interface acl."; } // container interface-acl } // container traffic-policy-match-type container user-queue-resource-4cos { description "Configure 4queue CoS size."; leaf cos-value { type uint32 { range "4..64000"; } must "../cos-value mod 4 = 0"; description "Cos value."; } } // container user-queue-resource-4cos container user-queue-resource-8cos-enhances { description "List of 8queue CoS size configuration."; list user-queue-resource-8cos-enhance { key "direction"; max-elements 2; description "Configure 8queue CoS size."; leaf direction { type qos:qos-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf cos-value { type uint32 { range "4..15000"; } must "../cos-value mod 4 = 0"; mandatory true; description "CoS value."; } } // list user-queue-resource-8cos-enhance } // container user-queue-resource-8cos-enhances } // container qos } augment /lcs:license { description "Adds vm bandwidth configuration to license model."; container vm-bandwidths { description "List of configuration to set the bandwidth or set no rate limit for a VM."; list vm-bandwidth { ext:generated-by "system" { description "The all instances are generated automatically."; } ext:operation-exclude "create" { description "The all instances cannot be created."; } ext:operation-exclude "update" { when "not(/lcs:license/lcs:license-items/lcs:license-item[lcs:name='VR9K00BW0'])"; description "The all instances cannot be updated when license-item 'VR9K00BW0' does not exist."; } key "vnfc-name slot-id"; description "Configure the bandwidth or configure no rate limit for a VM."; leaf vnfc-name { type leafref { path "/devm-vnf:devm-vnf/devm-vnf:vnf-boards/devm-vnf:vnf-board/devm-vnf:vnfc-name"; } must "../vnfc-name = 'brasnls'"; description "Virtualized network function component (VNFC) name."; } leaf slot-id { type leafref { path "/devm-vnf:devm-vnf/devm-vnf:vnf-boards/devm-vnf:vnf-board[devm-vnf:vnfc-name=current()/../vnfc-name]/devm-vnf:id"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf is-bandwidth-limited { type limit-type; default "limited"; description "Is bandwidth limited."; } leaf bandwidth { when "../is-bandwidth-limited='limited'"; type uint32 { range "0..1000000"; } units "Mbit/s"; default "1"; description "Bandwidth."; } leaf current-bandwidth { type uint32; units "Mbit/s"; config false; description "Current Bandwidth."; } } // list vm-bandwidth } // container vm-bandwidths } } // module huawei-qos-board
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