PPP net.
Version: 2019-04-11
module huawei-ppp-net { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-ppp-net"; prefix ppp-net; import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-devm { prefix devm; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "PPP net."; revision "2019-04-11" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "ppp"; typedef ppp-damp-level-type { type enumeration { enum "light" { value 0; description "Light weight."; } enum "middle" { value 1; description "Middle weight."; } enum "heavy" { value 2; description "Heavy weight."; } enum "manual" { value 3; description "Manually configure the parameters."; } } description "PPP damp level type is light/middle/heavy/manual."; } typedef ppp-net-mru-negotiation-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "IPv4 MRU negotiation on PPP MRU."; } enum "ipv6" { value 1; description "IPv6 MRU negotiation on PPP MRU."; } } description "PPP LCP MRU negotiation type."; } typedef ppp-enable { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "Disabling."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Enabling."; } } description "Description of enable type."; } typedef ppp-net-link-type { type enumeration { enum "lcp" { value 0; description "LCP."; } enum "ipcp" { value 1; description "IPCP."; } } description "Link Type."; } typedef ppp-net-fsm-state { type enumeration { enum "initial" { value 0; description "Initial."; } enum "starting" { value 1; description "Starting."; } enum "closed" { value 2; description "Closed."; } enum "stopped" { value 3; description "Stopped."; } enum "closing" { value 4; description "Closing."; } enum "stopping" { value 5; description "Stopping."; } enum "request-sent" { value 6; description "Request sent."; } enum "ack-received" { value 7; description "Ack-received."; } enum "ack-sent" { value 8; description "Ack-sent."; } enum "opened" { value 9; description "Opened."; } enum "none" { value 10; description "None."; } } description "PPP fsm state."; } typedef mp-fragment-size { type enumeration { enum "fragment-128" { value 0; description "Fragment size 128 bytes."; } enum "fragment-256" { value 1; description "Fragment size 256 bytes."; } enum "fragment-512" { value 2; description "Fragment size 512 bytes."; } enum "no-fragment" { value 3; description "No fragment."; } enum "fragment-64" { value 4; description "Fragment size 64 bytes."; } } description "MP fragment size."; } typedef mp-member-physical-state { type enumeration { enum "down" { value 0; description "The interface is in the down state."; } enum "up" { value 1; description "The interface is in the up state."; } enum "admin-shutdown" { value 2; description "The interface is in the admin shutdown state."; } } description "MP group member physical state."; } typedef mp-member-protocol-state { type enumeration { enum "down" { value 0; description "The interface is in the down state."; } enum "up" { value 1; description "The interface is in the up state."; } enum "damping" { value 2; description "The interface is in the damping state."; } } description "MP group member protocol state."; } container ppp-net { description "PPP net."; container ppp-dampening { ext:generated-by "system" { ext:can-be-deleted; description "The PPP dampening whose level is light is generated by system automatically."; } presence "PPP protocol status damping enable."; description "Enable/disable type of PPP damp. If dampen-level is set to manual, the settings of the other parameters need to meet the following requirement: suppress-value/1000 <= (reuse-value/1000) * 2^ (max-suppress-time/half-life-period)."; leaf dampen-level { type ppp-damp-level-type; default "light"; description "PPP protocol status damping level."; } leaf half-life-period { when "../dampen-level='manual'"; type uint8 { range "1..60"; } units "s"; mandatory true; description "PPP protocol status damping half life time (seconds)"; } leaf suppress-value { when "../dampen-level='manual'"; type uint16 { range "1..20000"; } must "../suppress-value >= ../reuse-value"; mandatory true; description "1000 times of PPP protocol status damping suppress threshold."; } leaf reuse-value { when "../dampen-level='manual'"; type uint16 { range "1..20000"; } must "../suppress-value >= ../reuse-value"; mandatory true; description "1000 times of PPP protocol status damping reuse threshold."; } leaf max-suppress-time { when "../dampen-level='manual'"; type uint8 { range "1..255"; } units "s"; mandatory true; description "PPP protocol status damping max suppress time."; } } // container ppp-dampening container load-balance-identify-pppoe { description "Configure load balance identify PPPoE."; leaf load-balance-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to identify the IP."; } } // container load-balance-identify-pppoe } // container ppp-net augment /devm:devm/devm:lpu-boards/devm:lpu-board { description "Add PPP net configuration to devm model."; container ppp-net { description "Configure PPP net to devm."; container ppp-min-packet-length { description "Configure PPP minimum packet length."; leaf packet-length { type uint32 { range "8..64"; } description "PPP minimum packet length."; } } // container ppp-min-packet-length container load-balance-identify-pppoe { description "Configure load balance identify PPPoE."; leaf load-balance-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to identify the IP."; } } // container load-balance-identify-pppoe } // container ppp-net } augment /devm:devm/devm:mpu-boards/devm:mpu-board { description "Add PPP net configuration to devm model."; container ppp-net { description "Configure PPP net to devm."; container load-balance-identify-pppoe { description "Configure load balance identify PPPoE."; leaf load-balance-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to identify the IP."; } } // container load-balance-identify-pppoe } // container ppp-net } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "PPP configuration of interface."; container ppp-net { description "Configure PPP configuration of interface."; container ppp { when "../../ifm:link-protocol='ppp'"; description "Configure PPP of interface."; container ppp-base { description "Configure PPP base."; leaf negotiation-timeout { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type uint32 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; default "3"; description "Timeout duration of PPP negotiation."; } leaf dead-link-time { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial'"; type uint32 { range "5..30"; } units "s"; default "30"; description "Specify the Link Dead timer value."; } leaf peer-ip-address { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "../peer-ip-address != ''"; description "IP address assigned for the peer."; } leaf mru-negotiation-type { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type ppp-net-mru-negotiation-type; default "ipv4"; description "Specify MRU negotiation."; } leaf magic-number-check-flag { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type ppp-enable; default "disable"; description "Enable/disable the function of magic numebr check."; } leaf osicp-negotiation-flag { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group'"; type ppp-enable; default "enable"; description "Enable OSICP negotiate."; } leaf mplscp-negotiation-flag { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group'"; type ppp-enable; default "enable"; description "Enable MPLSCP negotiate."; } leaf suppress-hostroute-flag { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type ppp-enable; default "disable"; description "Enable/disable the function of suppressing the adding of peer host routes to the local direct route table."; } leaf admit-any-dns { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type ppp-enable; default "disable"; description "Enable/disable receiving any DNS address sent by the peer."; } leaf primary-dns-address { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "../primary-dns-address != ''"; description "IP address of the master DNS server."; } leaf second-dns-address { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Mp-group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Global-Mp-Group' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "../primary-dns-address and ../second-dns-address != ''"; description "IP address of the slave DNS server."; } leaf pap-authen-flag { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type ppp-enable; default "disable"; description "Enable/disable the PAP authentication mode."; } leaf chap-authen-flag { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type ppp-enable; default "disable"; description "Enable/disable the CHAP authentication mode."; } leaf pap-user-name { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type string { length "1..253"; } must "../pap-user-name and ../pap-password"; description "PAP authentication on user names."; } leaf pap-password { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..268"; } must "../pap-user-name and ../pap-password"; description "The password is a string ranging from 1 to 128 characters for a simple password and 1 to 268 characters for a ciphertext password."; } leaf chap-user-name { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type string { length "1..253"; } description "CHAP authentication on user names."; } leaf chap-password { when "../../../../ifm:type = 'Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Pos-Trunk' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Trunk-Serial' or ../../../../ifm:type = 'Lmpif'"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..268"; } description "The password is a string ranging from 1 to 128 characters for a simple password and 1 to 268 characters for a ciphertext password."; } } // container ppp-base container interface-link { description "Configure PPP polling interval."; leaf time-interval { when "../../../../ifm:type != 'Pos-Trunk' and ../../../../ifm:type != 'Mp-group' and ../../../../ifm:type != 'Global-Mp-Group'"; type uint32 { range "0..32767"; } units "s"; default "10"; description "Polling interval."; } } // container interface-link container ppp-link-info { config false; description "Statistics of PPP link."; leaf lcp-state { type ppp-net-fsm-state; description "LCP state."; } leaf ipcp-state { type ppp-net-fsm-state; description "IPCP state."; } leaf local-mru { type uint32; description "Negotiated MRU value of the local device."; } leaf peer-mru { type uint32; description "Negotiated MRU value of the peer device."; } leaf magic-number { type uint32; description "Negotiated magic number."; } leaf negotiation-timeout { type uint32; units "s"; description "Timeout period of PPP negotiation."; } leaf peer-ip-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Negotiated 32-bit-mask IP address of the peer device."; } leaf mplscp-state { type ppp-net-fsm-state; description "MPLSCP state."; } leaf osicp-state { type ppp-net-fsm-state; description "OSICP state."; } leaf ip6cp-state { type ppp-net-fsm-state; description "IP6CP state."; } leaf reuse-time { type uint16; units "s"; description "Dampening reuse time."; } container down-events { description "List of down events."; list down-event { key "link-type"; description "Statistics of down events."; leaf link-type { type ppp-net-link-type; description "Link type."; } leaf down-time1 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 1st latest down time."; } leaf down-reason1 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 1st latest down reason."; } leaf down-time2 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 2nd latest down time."; } leaf down-reason2 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 2nd latest down reason."; } leaf down-time3 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 3rd latest down time."; } leaf down-reason3 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 3rd latest down reason."; } leaf down-time4 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 4th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason4 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 4th latest down reason."; } leaf down-time5 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 5th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason5 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 5th latest down reason."; } leaf down-time6 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 6th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason6 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 6th latest down reason."; } leaf down-time7 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 7th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason7 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 7th latest down reason."; } leaf down-time8 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 8th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason8 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 8th latest down reason."; } leaf down-time9 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 9th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason9 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 9th latest down reason."; } leaf down-time10 { type yang:date-and-time; description "The 10th latest down time."; } leaf down-reason10 { type string { length "1..100"; } description "The 10th latest down reason."; } } // list down-event } // container down-events } // container ppp-link-info } // container ppp container multilink-ppp { when "../../ifm:type='Mp-group' or ../../ifm:type='Global-Mp-Group'"; description "Configure the interface that bundles multiple interfaces into a logical interface."; container mp-base { description "Configure multilink PPP base."; leaf fragment-size { type mp-fragment-size; default "no-fragment"; description "Set the size of an MP-group fragment."; } leaf minimum-threshold { type uint8 { range "1..32"; } default "1"; description "Minimum number of member links in an MP-group."; } leaf mrru { type uint32 { range "328..9216"; } default "1500"; description "Set the MP Max-Receive-Reconstructed Unit (MRRU) for an MP-group."; } leaf short-sequence { when "../../../../ifm:type='Mp-group'"; type ppp-enable; default "disable"; description "Enable/disable short-sequence negotiation."; } leaf discriminator { type ppp-enable; default "enable"; description "Enable/disable the MP discriminator negotiation."; } } // container mp-base container damping { when "../../../ifm:type='Mp-group'"; must "detect-time < damping-time"; presence "Enable the function of suppressing the links in an MP-group."; description "Enable/disable the function of suppressing the links in an MP-group."; leaf detect-time { type uint32 { range "30..3600"; } default "30"; description "MP-group detect time."; } leaf flap-count { type uint16 { range "1..64"; } default "1"; description "Maximum number of flappings allowed in an MP-group within the detect time."; } leaf damping-time { type uint32 { range "60..86400"; } default "60"; description "Time during which the MP-group links must be Up before being unsuppressed."; } } // container damping container mp-members { description "List of MP-group member interfaces."; list mp-member { key "member-interface"; max-elements 32; description "Configure MP-group member interface."; leaf member-interface { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name = current()][ifm:link-protocol='ppp']/ifm:type='Serial' and ../../../../../ifm:type='Mp-group') or (/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name = current()][ifm:link-protocol='ppp']/ifm:type='Trunk-Serial' and ../../../../../ifm:type='Global-Mp-Group')"; description "Name of an MP-group member interface."; } leaf physical-status { type mp-member-physical-state; config false; description "Physical status of an MP-group member interface."; } leaf protocol-status { type mp-member-protocol-state; config false; description "Protocol status of an MP-group member interface."; } } // list mp-member } // container mp-members container mp-group-info { config false; description "Statistics of an MP-group interface."; leaf valid-member-links { type uint32; description "Number of valid MP-group member interfaces."; } leaf valid-member-slots { type uint32; description "Number of valid MP-group member slots."; } leaf lost-fragments { type uint32; description "Number of lost received fragments."; } leaf reordered-fragments { type uint32; description "Number of reassembled received packets."; } leaf unassigned-fragments { type uint32; description "Number of received fragments waiting to be reassembled."; } leaf interleaved-fragments { type uint32; description "Number of sent LFI fragments."; } leaf received-sequences { type uint32; description "Number of received sequences."; } leaf sent-sequences { type uint32; description "Number of sent sequences."; } } // container mp-group-info } // container multilink-ppp } // container ppp-net } } // module huawei-ppp-net
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