This module defines deviation statements for huawei-pic module.
Version: 2021-05-07
module huawei-pic-deviations-NE8000M8M14 { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-pic-deviations-NE8000M8M14"; prefix pic-devs-NE8000M8M14; import huawei-pic { prefix pic; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-driver { prefix driver; } import huawei-devm { prefix devm; } import huawei-license { prefix lcs; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "This module defines deviation statements for huawei-pic module."; revision "2021-05-07" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:deviation-ext "/pic:pic/pic:auto-clears/pic:auto-clear/pic:time" { ext:deviate-ext "replace" { ext:dynamic-default { ext:default-value "20" { when "../type = 'physical-mode'"; description "The default value is 20 when type is physical-mode."; } } } } ext:deviation-ext "/pic:pic/pic:alarm-ais-inserts/pic:alarm-ais-insert/pic:rdi" { ext:deviate-ext "add" { ext:dynamic-default { ext:default-value "false" { when "../name = 'hpuneq' or ../name = 'hpplm' or ../name = 'lpuneq' or ../name = 'hptim' or ../name = 'lptim' or ../name = 'rstim'"; description "The default value is false when name is hpuneq or hpplm or lpuneq or hptim or lptim or rstim."; } } } } typedef alarm-ais-insert-name-deviations { type enumeration { enum "hptim" { value 1; description "Hptim."; } enum "lptim" { value 2; description "Lptim."; } enum "rstim" { value 3; description "Rstim."; } enum "hpuneq" { value 6; description "Hpuneq."; } enum "hpplm" { value 7; description "Hpplm."; } enum "lpuneq" { value 8; description "Lpuneq."; } } description "Alarm Name."; } typedef auto-clear-deviations { type enumeration { enum "physical-mode" { value 14; description "Physical mode."; } } description "Auto Clear Type."; } typedef card-bandmode-deviations { type enumeration { enum "POS-8X622M" { value 12; description "Eight 622M POS port."; } enum "POS-8X155M" { value 15; description "Eight 155M POS port."; } } description "Bandwidth Mode. Modifying the configuration affects the instances of ports and interfaces. For details about the impact, see the description of each enumerated item."; } typedef clock-deviations { type enumeration { enum "master" { value 0; description "Master."; } enum "slave" { value 1; description "Slave."; } } default "master"; description "Clock mode."; } typedef eth-speed-type-deviations { type enumeration { enum "10M" { value 0; description "Configure 10M."; } enum "100M" { value 1; description "Configure 100M."; } enum "1000M" { value 2; description "Configure 1000M."; } enum "auto" { value 9; description "Auto."; } } description "Speed type."; } typedef port-negotiation-mode-type-deviations { type enumeration { enum "slave" { value 0; description "Slave."; } } description "Port negotiation mode."; } typedef service-switch-mode-deviations { type enumeration { enum "p2mp" { value 0; description "Point to multipoint mode."; } enum "time-delay" { value 1; description "Time delay mode."; } } description "Service mode switch."; } deviation /pic:pic/pic:panel-split-ports/pic:panel-split-port/pic:related-ports { deviate not-supported; } deviation /driver:driver/driver:global-attribute/pic:global/pic:port-down-laser-shut-log-enable { deviate not-supported; } deviation /driver:driver/driver:global-attribute/pic:global/pic:speed-downgrade { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:mru { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:inter-packet-gap { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:mac-itf-mode { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:attenuation { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:remote-fault { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:los-trap-down-hold { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:combo { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:optical-module/pic:vendor-oui { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:optical-module/pic:vendor-rev { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:optical-module/pic:gpon-sn { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:transmission-alarm/pic:threshold-bip2tca { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:pos/pic:frame-format { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:pos/pic:speed { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:atm { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:cpos/pic:e1t1s/pic:e1t1/pic:clock-recovery-domain { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:cpos/pic:e1t1s/pic:e1t1/pic:clock-master-domain { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:port-alarm/pic:alarm-type/pic:crc-error-threshold/pic:crc-error-threshold/pic:crc-error { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:port-alarm/pic:alarm-type/pic:link-crc/pic:crc-per-warn { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:adm-port { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:phy-voice/pic:on-hook { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:phy-voice/pic:off-hook { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:phy-voice/pic:channel-associated-signalling-enable { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:e1t1/pic:code { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:e1t1/pic:bipv-static { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:e1t1/pic:fas-static { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:e1t1/pic:crc-static { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:e3t3 { deviate not-supported; } deviation /lcs:license/pic:upgrade-ports { deviate not-supported; } deviation /lcs:license/pic:flexe-ports { deviate not-supported; } deviation /lcs:license/pic:expand-ports { deviate not-supported; } deviation /lcs:license/pic:rtus { deviate not-supported; } deviation /lcs:license/pic:rtu-extends { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:cards/devm:card/pic:service-mode/pic:portrate { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:cards/devm:card/pic:queue-priority { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:cards/devm:card/pic:frame-format { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:cards/devm:card/pic:process-mode { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:mpu-boards/devm:mpu-board/pic:cmac-padding { deviate not-supported; } deviation /devm:devm/devm:lpu-boards/devm:lpu-board/pic:cmac-padding { deviate not-supported; } deviation /pic:pic/pic:auto-clears/pic:auto-clear/pic:type { deviate replace { type auto-clear-deviations; } } deviation /pic:pic/pic:alarm-ais-inserts/pic:alarm-ais-insert/pic:name { deviate replace { type alarm-ais-insert-name-deviations; } } deviation /pic:pic/pic:alarm-ais-inserts/pic:alarm-ais-insert/pic:ais { deviate add { must "(../name = 'lpuneq' and ../ais = 'false') or (../name = 'hptim' or ../name = 'lptim' or ../name = 'rstim' or ../name = 'hpuneq' or ../name = 'hpplm')"; } } deviation /pic:pic/pic:alarm-ais-inserts/pic:alarm-ais-insert/pic:rdi { deviate add { must "((../name = 'rstim' or ../name = 'hpuneq' or ../name = 'hpplm') and ../rdi = 'false') or (../name = 'hptim' or ../name = 'lptim' or ../name = 'lpuneq')"; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:speed { deviate replace { type eth-speed-type-deviations; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:ethernet/pic:negotiation-mode { deviate replace { type port-negotiation-mode-type-deviations; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:cpos/pic:e1t1s/pic:e1t1/pic:clock { deviate replace { type clock-deviations; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:cpos/pic:e1t1s/pic:e1t1/pic:loopback { deviate add { must "(../clock='master' and (../loopback='none' or ../loopback='local')) or (../clock='slave' and (../loopback='none' or ../loopback='remote'))"; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:port-alarm/pic:alarm-type/pic:crc-error-threshold/pic:crc-error-threshold/pic:crc-error-interval { deviate add { must "not(../crc-error-percent-alm-thr)"; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:port-alarm/pic:alarm-type/pic:link-crc/pic:crc-per-alarm/pic:crc-per-alm-thr-power { deviate replace { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:ports/devm:port/pic:port-alarm/pic:alarm-type/pic:link-crc/pic:crc-per-alarm/pic:crc-per-rsum-thr-power { deviate replace { type uint32 { range "1..6"; } } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:cards/devm:card/pic:service-mode/pic:bandwidth-mode { deviate replace { type card-bandmode-deviations; } } deviation /devm:devm/devm:cards/devm:card/pic:service-switch/pic:service-switch-mode { deviate replace { type service-switch-mode-deviations; } } } // module huawei-pic-deviations-NE8000M8M14
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