Multicast forwarding table.
Version: 2020-06-12
module huawei-multicast-forward { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-multicast-forward"; prefix multicast-forward; import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-vlan { prefix vlan; } import huawei-devm { prefix devm; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Multicast forwarding table."; revision "2020-06-12" { description "Add units."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-03-12" { description "Modify node description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-10-22" { description "Add new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-03-30" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "forwarding"; typedef af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4unicast" { value 1; description "IPv4 address family."; } enum "ipv6unicast" { value 2; description "IPv6 address family."; } } description "Address family type."; } typedef rule-direction { type enumeration { enum "in-bound" { value 0; description "Input Interface."; } enum "out-bound" { value 1; description "Output Interface."; } } description "Rule direction."; } typedef cycle { type enumeration { enum "20" { value 20; description "Monitor cycle of 20."; } enum "40" { value 40; description "Monitor cycle of 40."; } enum "100" { value 100; description "Monitor cycle of 100."; } enum "200" { value 200; description "Monitor cycle of 200."; } enum "500" { value 500; description "Monitor cycle of 500."; } } description "Monitor cycle."; } typedef status { type enumeration { enum "one" { value 1; description "Static configuration."; } enum "two" { value 2; description "Dynamic learning."; } } description "Generation mode."; } typedef mpls-type { type enumeration { enum "p2mpte" { value 4; description "P2MPTE type."; } enum "mldp" { value 5; description "MLDP type."; } } description "Indicate the MPLS bandwidth type."; } typedef source-mac-change-type { type enumeration { enum "not-translate" { value 0; description "No translation."; } enum "auto-translate" { value 1; description "Auto translation."; } } description "Source MAC address modification mode."; } typedef rtp-ssrc-change-type { type enumeration { enum "not-translate" { value 0; description "No translation."; } enum "auto-translate" { value 1; description "Auto translation."; } } description "RTP SSRC modification mode."; } typedef switch-mode { type enumeration { enum "default-switch" { value 0; description "Default switch mode."; } enum "clean-switch" { value 1; description "Clean switch mode."; } } description "Switch mode."; } typedef switch-field-type { type enumeration { enum "default-field" { value 0; description "Default field type."; } enum "first-field" { value 1; description "First field type."; } enum "second-field" { value 2; description "Second field type."; } } description "Switch field type."; } typedef rtp-seq-num-change-type { type enumeration { enum "not-translate" { value 0; description "No translation."; } enum "auto-translate" { value 1; description "Auto translation."; } } description "Indicate that the sequence number of multicast streams is automatically translated."; } typedef rtp-ext-seq-num-change-type { type enumeration { enum "not-translate" { value 0; description "No translation."; } enum "auto-translate" { value 1; description "Auto translation."; } } description "RTP extended sequence number modification mode."; } typedef stream-type { type enumeration { enum "default-stream-type" { value 0; description "Default stream type."; } enum "video-stream" { value 1; description "Video stream."; } enum "ancillary-data" { value 2; description "Ancillary data."; } enum "audio-stream" { value 3; description "Audio stream."; } } description "Stream type."; } typedef resource-pool-type { type enumeration { enum "0" { value 0; description "Resource pool 0. The outgoing interface of each multicast group preferentially applies for resource pool 0, and only one can be applied for."; } enum "1" { value 1; description "Resource pool 1. If a multicast group has applied for an outgoing interface resource in resource pool 0, it applies for other outgoing interface resources in resource pool 1."; } enum "NULL" { value 255; description "Null type."; } } description "Resource pool type."; } typedef board-type { type enumeration { enum "board-type-total" { value 0; description "All board types."; } enum "board-type-mpu" { value 1; description "Board type of MPU."; } enum "board-type-lpu" { value 2; description "Board type of LPU."; } } description "Multicast rui static board type."; } typedef service-type { type enumeration { enum "l3mcv4" { value 1; description "Layer3 IPv4 multicast."; } enum "l3mcv6" { value 2; description "Layer3 IPv6 multicast."; } } description "Service type."; } typedef frr-status-type { type enumeration { enum "static" { value 1; description "Static configuration."; } enum "dynamic" { value 2; description "Dynamic learning."; } } description "Fast re-router mode."; } typedef receive-status-type { type enumeration { enum "backup" { value 0; description "Backup status."; } enum "primary" { value 1; description "Primary status."; } } description "Receive status type."; } typedef frr-type { type enumeration { enum "init" { value 0; description "Init type."; } enum "normal" { value 1; description "Normal FRR type."; } enum "ngmvpn" { value 2; description "NGMVPN type."; } enum "clone" { value 3; description "Clone type."; } } description "Fast re-router type."; } grouping switch-para { description "The multicast-nat switching para."; leaf switch-mode { type switch-mode; description "Switch mode."; } leaf switch-field-type { when "../switch-mode='clean-switch'"; type switch-field-type; description "Specify a switch field type."; } } // grouping switch-para container multicast-forward { description "Table of multicast-forward."; container global { description "Configure multicast forwarding global attributes."; leaf shaping-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast shaping."; } leaf bw-car-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast virtual scheduling information."; } leaf monitor-frr-cycle { type cycle; units "ms"; default "20"; description "Set multicast frr monitor cycle."; } leaf frr-revert-disable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast frr revert."; } leaf reliability-enhance-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast reliability enhancement."; } leaf fragment-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast fragmentation. The configuration is performed based on a board."; } } // container global container nat { presence "multicast NAT enable"; description "Enable/disable multicast nat configurations."; leaf ttl-decrease-disable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the multicast NAT TTL decrement function."; } container inbound-interfaces { description "List of interfaces enabled with multicast NAT."; list inbound-interface { key "interface-name"; description "Configure interface on which multicast NAT is enabled."; leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = 'GigabitEthernet' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '4x10GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '10x10GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '3x40GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '4x25GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = 'XGigabitEthernet' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '50GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '40GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '400GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '25GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '10GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '100GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '50|100GE')"; description "Name of an interface."; } leaf igmp-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast NAT IGMP on an interface."; } } // list inbound-interface } // container inbound-interfaces container instances { description "List of multicast NAT instances."; list instance { key "instance-id"; unique "instance-name"; description "Configure multicast NAT instance."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "1..16000"; } description "ID of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf instance-name { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Name of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf behavior-name { type string { length "1..127"; } config false; description "Name of a traffic behavior to which the multicast NAT instance is bound."; } container outbounds { config false; description "List of output streams."; list outbound { key "outbound-id"; description "Output stream state."; leaf outbound-id { type uint32 { range "1..16000"; } description "ID of an outgoing flow."; } leaf outbound-name { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Name of an outgoing flow."; } leaf src-mac-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } default "not-translate"; description "Source MAC Address Modification Mode/Whether the source MAC address is automatically modified or not modified."; } leaf src-address-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } default "not-translate"; description "Enable or disable the function of modifying the source IP address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address. If src-address-trans-mode is not-translate, this field is displayed as 0."; } leaf dst-address-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } default "not-translate"; description "Enable or disable the function of modifying the destination MAC address."; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination IP address of a packet. If dst-address-trans-mode is not-translate, this field is displayed as 0."; } leaf source-udp-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Enable or disable the function of modifying the source UDP port."; } leaf source-udp-port { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Source UDP port number of a packet. If source-udp-trans-mode is not-translate, this field is displayed as 65536."; } leaf dst-udp-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } default "not-translate"; description "Enable or disable the function of modifying the destination UDP port."; } leaf dst-udp-port { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Destination UDP port number of a packet. If dst-udp-trans-mode is not-translate, this field is displayed as 65536."; } leaf rtp-ssrc-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } default "not-translate"; description "RTP SSRC modification mode."; } leaf rtp-seq-num-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicate that the sequence number of multicast streams is automatically translated."; } leaf rtp-ext-seq-num-trans-mode { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicate that the extended sequence number of multicast streams is automatically translated."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of an interface."; } } // list outbound } // container outbounds } // list instance } // container instances container outbounds { description "List of NAT configurations for multicast streams on outbound interfaces."; list outbound { key "interface-name outbound-id"; unique "outbound-name"; unique "outbound-id"; description "Configure multicast stream translation on an outbound interface and configures multicast stream translation parameters."; leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = 'GigabitEthernet' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '4x10GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '10x10GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '3x40GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '4x25GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = 'XGigabitEthernet' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '50GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '40GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '400GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '25GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '10GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '100GE' or /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ifm:type = '50|100GE')"; description "Name of an interface."; } leaf outbound-id { type uint32 { range "1..16000"; } description "Specify the ID of an output multicast stream on an outbound interface."; } leaf outbound-name { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Specify the name of an output multicast stream on an outbound interface."; } leaf source-mac-trans-mode { type source-mac-change-type; default "not-translate"; description "Source MAC address modification mode/Whether the source MAC address is automatically modified or not modified."; } leaf source-address-trans-mode { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of modifying the source address."; } leaf destination-address-trans-mode { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of modifying the destination MAC address."; } leaf source-udp-trans-mode { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of modifying the source UDP port."; } leaf destination-udp-trans-mode { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of modifying the destination UDP port."; } leaf rtp-ssrc-trans-mode { type rtp-ssrc-change-type; default "not-translate"; description "RTP SSRC modification mode."; } leaf rtp-seq-num-trans-mode { type rtp-seq-num-change-type; default "not-translate"; description "Indicate that the sequence number of multicast streams is automatically translated."; } leaf rtp-ext-seq-num-trans-mode { when "../rtp-seq-num-trans-mode='auto-translate'"; type rtp-ext-seq-num-change-type; default "not-translate"; description "RTP extended sequence number modification mode."; } leaf source-address { when "../source-address-trans-mode='true'"; type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf destination-address { when "../destination-address-trans-mode='true'"; type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Destination IP address of a packet."; } leaf source-udp-port { when "../source-udp-trans-mode='true'"; type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Source UDP port number of a packet."; } leaf destination-udp-port { when "../destination-udp-trans-mode='true'"; type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Destination UDP port number of a packet."; } } // list outbound } // container outbounds container instance-groups { description "List of multicast NAT instance groups."; list instance-group { key "group-id"; unique "group-name"; description "Configure multicast NAT instance group."; leaf group-id { type uint32 { range "1..4000"; } description "ID of a multicast NAT instance group."; } leaf group-name { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Name of a multicast NAT instance group."; } container part-instances { description "List of multicast NAT part instances."; list part-instance { key "part-id"; description "Assign an instance id to instance group."; leaf part-id { type uint32 { range "1..16"; } description "Location of a multicast NAT instance in an instance group."; } leaf instance-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instances/instance/instance-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instances/instance[instance-id=current()/../instance-id]/instance-name"; } description "Name of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf stream-type { type stream-type; must "(../stream-type='default-stream-type' and not(/multicast-forward/nat/instance-groups/instance-group/part-instances/part-instance[stream-type!='default-stream-type'])) or (../stream-type !='default-stream-type' and not(/multicast-forward/nat/instance-groups/instance-group/part-instances/part-instance[stream-type='default-stream-type']))"; default "default-stream-type"; description "Stream type. The default value and the specified value (ancillary-data, audio-stream, or video-stream) in the stream-type values of multiple part-instances in the same instance group cannot coexist. That is, all the values must be default or the specified values."; } } // list part-instance } // container part-instances } // list instance-group } // container instance-groups container outbound-groups { description "List of output stream groups."; list outbound-group { key "group-id"; unique "group-name"; description "Configure output stream group."; leaf group-id { type uint32 { range "1..4000"; } description "ID of an output stream group."; } leaf group-name { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Name of an output stream group."; } container part-outbounds { description "List of output part outbounds."; list part-outbound { key "part-id"; description "Assign outbound id to outbound group."; leaf part-id { type uint32 { range "1..16"; } description "Location of an output stream in an output stream group."; } leaf outbound-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbounds/outbound/outbound-id"; } must "count(/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:outbound-groups/multicast-forward:outbound-group/multicast-forward:part-outbounds/multicast-forward:part-outbound[multicast-forward:outbound-id = current()]) = 1"; mandatory true; description "ID of an outgoing flow."; } leaf outbound-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbounds/outbound[outbound-id=current()/../outbound-id]/outbound-name"; } description "Name of an outgoing flow."; } leaf stream-type { type stream-type; must "(../stream-type='default-stream-type' and not(/multicast-forward/nat/outbound-groups/outbound-group/part-outbounds/part-outbound[stream-type!='default-stream-type'])) or (../stream-type !='default-stream-type' and not(/multicast-forward/nat/outbound-groups/outbound-group/part-outbounds/part-outbound[stream-type='default-stream-type']))"; default "default-stream-type"; description "Stream type. The default value and the specified value (ancillary-data, audio-stream, or video-stream) in the stream-type values of multiple part-outbounds in the same outbound group cannot coexist. That is, all the values must be default or the specified values."; } } // list part-outbound } // container part-outbounds } // list outbound-group } // container outbound-groups container bind { presence "multicast nat bind configuration"; description "Enable/disable single or group binding configuration."; container single-binds { description "List of bindings between output multicast streams and multicast NAT instances."; list single-bind { key "outbound-id"; description "Configure binding between output multicast streams and multicast NAT instances."; leaf outbound-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbounds/outbound/outbound-id"; } description "ID of an outgoing flow."; } leaf fast-mode-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of fast switch. Switch parameters (e.g.instance-id/switch-mode/witch-field-type) can not be modified when fast-mode-enable is true."; } leaf outbound-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbounds/outbound[outbound-id=current()/../outbound-id]/outbound-name"; } description "Name of an outgoing flow."; } leaf instance-id { ext:operation-exclude "update" { when "../fast-mode-enable = 'true'"; description "The current node cannot be modified, when fast-mode-enable node is 'true'."; } type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instances/instance/instance-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instances/instance[instance-id=current()/../instance-id]/instance-name"; } description "Name of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf switch-mode { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete" { when "../fast-mode-enable = 'true'"; description "The current node cannot be modified, when fast-mode-enable node is 'true'."; } type switch-mode; default "default-switch"; description "Switch mode."; } leaf switch-field-type { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete" { when "../fast-mode-enable = 'true'"; description "The current node cannot be modified, when fast-mode-enable node is 'true'."; } when "../switch-mode='clean-switch'"; type switch-field-type; default "default-field"; description "Specify a switch field type."; } } // list single-bind } // container single-binds container group-binds { description "List of bindings between output stream groups and multicast NAT instance groups."; list group-bind { key "outbound-group-id"; description "Configure binding between output stream groups and multicast NAT instance groups. eg. output stream group1: part count (value:outbound-count), part list[1]:outbound-1-part-1,outbound-1,outbound-1-streamtype-1, part list[2]:outbound-2-part-2,outbound-2,outbound-2-streamtype-2...; instance group2:part count (value:instance-count), part list[1]:instance-1-part-1,instance-1,instance-1-streamtype-1, part list[2]:instance-2-part-2,instance-2,instance-2-streamtype-2...; outbound-count == instance-count, outbound-count ~= 0, instance-count ~= 0, outbound-1-part-1 == instance-1-part-1, outbound-1-streamtype-1 == instance-1-streamtype-1;outbound-2-part-2 == instance-2-part-2, outbound-2-streamtype-2 == instance-2-streamtype-2;...;outbound-n-part-n == instance-n-part-n, outbound-n-streamtype-n == instance-n-streamtype-n."; leaf outbound-group-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbound-groups/outbound-group/group-id"; } description "Output stream group ID."; } leaf fast-mode-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of fast switch. Switch parameters (e.g.instance-group-id/switch-mode/switch-field-type) can not be modified when fast-mode-enable is true."; } leaf outbound-group-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbound-groups/outbound-group[group-id=current()/../outbound-group-id]/group-name"; } description "Output stream group name."; } leaf instance-group-id { ext:operation-exclude "update" { when "../fast-mode-enable = 'true'"; description "The current node cannot be modified, when fast-mode-enable node is 'true'."; } type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instance-groups/instance-group/group-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of a multicast NAT instance group."; } leaf instance-group-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instance-groups/instance-group[group-id=current()/../instance-group-id]/group-name"; } description "Name of a multicast NAT instance group."; } leaf switch-mode { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete" { when "../fast-mode-enable = 'true'"; description "The current node cannot be modified, when fast-mode-enable node is 'true'."; } type switch-mode; default "default-switch"; description "Switch mode."; } leaf switch-field-type { ext:operation-exclude "update|delete" { when "../fast-mode-enable = 'true'"; description "The current node cannot be modified, when fast-mode-enable node is 'true'."; } when "../switch-mode='clean-switch'"; type switch-field-type; default "default-field"; description "Specify a switch field type."; } } // list group-bind } // container group-binds container clean-switch-interval { description "Configure the interval between two adjacent multicast NAT clean switching commands."; leaf interval { type uint32 { range "300..500"; } units "ms"; default "500"; description "Specifies the interval between two adjacent multicast NAT clean switching commands."; } } // container clean-switch-interval } // container bind } // container nat container multicast-shaping { presence "Configuration of multicast shaping."; description "Enable/disable multicast shaping configuration."; container multicast-lists { description "List of configuration of the multicast shaping parameters."; list multicast-list { key "index"; description "Configure the multicast shaping parameters of a specified multicast program list."; leaf index { type uint32 { range "0..8191"; } description "The index of a multicast program. The configured multicast program list index must have been created."; } leaf name { type string { length "1..32"; } description "The name of a multicast program. The configured multicast program list name must be the same as the name of the program list corresponding to the actual index."; } leaf cir { type uint32 { range "8..4294967295"; } mandatory true; description "The guaranteed bandwidth for multicast shaping."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "8..4294967295"; } must "../pir >= ../cir"; description "The peak bandwidth for multicast shaping."; } leaf queue-length { type uint32 { range "2000..128000"; } description "The length of a multicast shaping packet."; } } // list multicast-list } // container multicast-lists } // container multicast-shaping container egress-forward-mode { description "Configure switch downstream multicast traffic replication by NP to replication by TM. The configuration is performed based on a board."; container global { description "Configure on all boards."; leaf enable { type empty; description "Globally enable the configuration of switching downstream multicast traffic replication by NP to replication by TM. The configuration is performed based on a board."; } } // container global leaf-list slot { type string { length "1..16"; } must "not(../global)"; description "Specify the slot ID of the board where the target port to which downstream multicast traffic is to be replicated on the TM resides."; } } // container egress-forward-mode container mcfwd-entrys { config false; description "List of multicast forwarding table."; list mcfwd-entry { key "vrf-name address-family"; description "Configure multicast forwarding table state."; leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Virtual private network."; } leaf address-family { type af-type; description "Multicast address family type."; } container forward-infors { description "List of multicast forwarding information."; list forward-infor { key "source-address group-address oif-name"; description "Multicast forwarding information state."; leaf source-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf oif-name { type string { length "1..255"; } description "The name of outgoing interface. If there is no multicast forwarding outbound interface, this field is displayed as --."; } leaf mid { type uint32; description "ID of multicast forwarding."; } leaf flag { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Flag of multicast forwarding."; } leaf sg-up-time { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Living time of multicast forwarding table."; } leaf sg-up-exp-time { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Overtime of multicast forwarding table."; } leaf sg-iif-name { type string { length "1..255"; } description "The name of incoming interface."; } leaf sg-up-neighbor { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Root ip."; } leaf mtoken { type pub-type:hex-binary; default "0x0"; description "Mtoken of the tunnel."; } leaf active-time { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Active time."; } leaf token { type pub-type:hex-binary; default "0x0"; description "The token information of the tunnel."; } leaf forward-rate-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Packet forwarding rate."; } leaf forward-rate-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bit forwarding rate."; } leaf match-packet { type uint64; description "The statistics of matched packets."; } leaf match-byte { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "The statistics of matched bytes."; } leaf wrongif-packet { type uint64; description "The statistics of wrongif packets."; } leaf forward-packet { type uint64; description "The statistics of multicast forwarding packets."; } leaf forward-byte { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "The statistics of multicast forwarding bytes."; } leaf bas-flag { type uint32; description "Broadband access server flag."; } leaf clone-source-adress { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Cloned source address."; } } // list forward-infor } // container forward-infors } // list mcfwd-entry } // container mcfwd-entrys container multicast-speed-states { config false; status deprecated; description "List of multicast speed statistic information. This node is deprecated and get-multicast-speed-statistics is recommended."; list multicast-speed-state { key "source-address group-address interface-name flow-direction vlan-id pe-vid ce-vid"; status deprecated; description "Multicast speed statistics."; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; status deprecated; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; status deprecated; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } status deprecated; description "Name of the interface which the rate statistics."; } leaf flow-direction { type rule-direction; status deprecated; description "Data flow direction of interface."; } leaf vlan-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } status deprecated; description "VLAN ID."; } leaf pe-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } status deprecated; description "Outer VLAN ID."; } leaf ce-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } status deprecated; description "Inner VLAN ID."; } container interface-statistics { status deprecated; description "Multicast speed statistics."; leaf receive-byte { type uint64; units "Byte"; status deprecated; description "Bytes received in 2 seconds."; } leaf receive-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; status deprecated; description "Byte-rate received in 2 seconds."; } leaf receive-packet { type uint64; status deprecated; description "Packets received in 2 seconds."; } leaf receive-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; status deprecated; description "Packet-rate received in 2 seconds."; } } // container interface-statistics } // list multicast-speed-state } // container multicast-speed-states container spatial-multicast { presence "spatial multicast enable"; description "Enable/disable spatial multicast."; container ipv4-multicast-bandwidths { description "List of IPv4 multicast bandwidth configurations."; list ipv4-multicast-bandwidth { key "vrf-name group-address group-address-mask source-address"; description "Configure IPv4 multicast smc bandwidth configuration."; leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "VPN instance name."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group address."; } leaf group-address-mask { type uint32 { range "4..32"; } description "Length of multicast group address mask. Please ensure the length of multicast group address mask is proper and the multicast group address after a bitwise AND operation is performed with the mask length is the same as the multicast group address before the bitwise AND operation. For example, for multicast group address, the mask length ranges from 8 to 32. For the multicast group address, the mask length must be 32."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source address."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for IPv4 Layer 3 multicast flows."; } } // list ipv4-multicast-bandwidth } // container ipv4-multicast-bandwidths container vlan-multicast-bandwidths { description "List of VLAN Layer 2 multicast bandwidth configurations."; list vlan-multicast-bandwidth { key "vlan-id group-address group-address-mask source-address"; description "Configure VLAN Layer 2 multicast bandwidth configuration."; leaf vlan-id { type leafref { path "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan/vlan:id"; } must "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:id=current()]/vlan:type !='super'"; description "VLAN ID."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast group address."; } leaf group-address-mask { type uint32 { range "4..32"; } description "Length of multicast group address mask. Please ensure the length of multicast group address mask is proper and the multicast group address after a bitwise AND operation is performed with the mask length is the same as the multicast group address before the bitwise AND operation. For example, for multicast group address, the mask length ranges from 8 to 32. For the multicast group address, the mask length must be 32."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source address."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for VLAN Layer 2 multicast flows."; } } // list vlan-multicast-bandwidth } // container vlan-multicast-bandwidths container vsi-multicast-bandwidths { description "List of VSI Layer 2 multicast bandwidth configurations."; list vsi-multicast-bandwidth { key "vsi-name group-address group-address-mask source-address"; description "Configure VSI Layer 2 multicast bandwidth configuration."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI instance name."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast group address."; } leaf group-address-mask { type uint32 { range "4..32"; } description "Length of multicast group address mask. Please ensure the length of multicast group address mask is proper and the multicast group address after a bitwise AND operation is performed with the mask length is the same as the multicast group address before the bitwise AND operation. For example, for multicast group address, the mask length ranges from 8 to 32. For the multicast group address, the mask length must be 32."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source address."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for VSI Layer 2 multicast flows."; } } // list vsi-multicast-bandwidth } // container vsi-multicast-bandwidths container mpls-bandwidths { description "List of MPLS bandwidth configurations."; list mpls-bandwidth { key "service-type"; description "Configure MPLS bandwidth configuration."; leaf service-type { type mpls-type; description "Service-type: P2MP or MLDP."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for P2MP TE or MLDP flows."; } } // list mpls-bandwidth } // container mpls-bandwidths container board-enables { description "List of enable spatial multicast for specified boards."; list board-enable { key "slot"; description "Configure spatial multicast enabled on a board."; leaf slot { type leafref { path "/devm:devm/devm:lpu-boards/devm:lpu-board/devm:position"; } description "Slot ID."; } } // list board-enable } // container board-enables container channel-bandwiths { config false; description "List of each replication channel's bandwidth information of the SFUs in a spatial multicast scenario."; list channel-bandwith { key "sc-id"; description "Display each replication channel's bandwidth information of the SFUs in a spatial multicast scenario state."; leaf sc-id { type uint32; description "ID of the channel used for multicast traffic replication on an SFU."; } leaf bandwith-use { type uint64; units "kbit/s"; description "Bandwidth consumed for multicast traffic replication in a channel, in kbit/s."; } leaf bandwith-free { type uint64; units "kbit/s"; description "Bandwidth available for multicast traffic replication in a channel, in kbit/s."; } } // list channel-bandwith } // container channel-bandwiths container vlan-multicast-bandwidth-states { config false; description "List of the bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for Layer 2 multicast flows of a VLAN in a spatial multicast scenario."; list vlan-multicast-bandwidth-state { key "vlan-id group-address source-address"; description "Display the bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for Layer 2 multicast flows of a VLAN in a spatial multicast scenario state."; leaf vlan-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "VLAN ID."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf sc-id { type uint32; description "ID of the channel used for multicast traffic replication on an SFU."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for VLAN Layer 2 multicast flows."; } } // list vlan-multicast-bandwidth-state } // container vlan-multicast-bandwidth-states container vsi-multicast-bandwidth-states { config false; description "List of the bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for Layer 2 multicast flows of a VSI in a spatial multicast scenario."; list vsi-multicast-bandwidth-state { key "vsi-name group-address source-address"; description "Display the bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for Layer 2 multicast flows of a VSI in a spatial multicast scenario state."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI instance name."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf sc-id { type uint32; description "ID of the channel used for multicast traffic replication on an SFU."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for VSI Layer 2 multicast flows."; } } // list vsi-multicast-bandwidth-state } // container vsi-multicast-bandwidth-states container ipv4-multicast-bandwidth-states { config false; description "List of the bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for IPv4 Layer 3 multicast flows of a VPN instance in a spatial multicast scenario."; list ipv4-multicast-bandwidth-state { key "vrf-name group-address source-address"; description "Display the bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for IPv4 Layer 3 multicast flows of a VPN instance in a spatial multicast scenario state."; leaf vrf-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VPN instance name."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf sc-id { type uint32; description "ID of the channel used for multicast traffic replication on an SFU."; } leaf bandwidth { type uint64 { range "1..62500000"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Bandwidth based on which load balancing is performed for IPv4 Layer 3 multicast flows."; } } // list ipv4-multicast-bandwidth-state } // container ipv4-multicast-bandwidth-states } // container spatial-multicast container multicast-outgoing-interface-statics { config false; description "List of statistics about the usage of multicast outbound interfaces on a specified board."; list multicast-outgoing-interface-static { key "slot"; description "Statistics of the usage of multicast outbound interfaces on a specified board."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID of an interface board. The value range varies according to router hardware."; } leaf device-id { type uint32; description "Forwarding engine index."; } leaf resource-pool-index { type resource-pool-type; description "Index of the resource pool on a board where the multicast outbound interface resides."; } leaf total-number { type uint32; description "Maximum number of multicast outbound interfaces supported by the forwarding engine."; } leaf left-number { type uint32; description "Number of multicast outbound interfaces that are not in use in the forwarding engine."; } leaf used-number { type uint32; description "Number of multicast outbound interfaces that are in use in the forwarding engine."; } leaf ipv4-used-number { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Number of Layer 3 IPv4 multicast outbound interfaces that are in use in the forwarding engine."; } leaf ipv6-used-number { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Number of Layer 3 IPv6 multicast outbound interfaces that are in use in the forwarding engine."; } leaf others-number { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Number of multicast outbound interfaces used by services except Layer 3 IPv4 multicast and Layer 3 IPv6 multicast."; } } // list multicast-outgoing-interface-static } // container multicast-outgoing-interface-statics container l3-egress-statistics { description "Configure Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics."; container enable-slots { description "List of Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on slots."; list enable-slot { key "slot-id"; description "Configure Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } } // list enable-slot } // container enable-slots container vpn-enables { description "List of Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; list vpn-enable { key "slot-id vpn-name source-address group-address"; description "Configure Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } // list vpn-enable } // container vpn-enables container vpn-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics on Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packets based on multicast groups and slots."; list vpn-statistic { key "slot-id vpn-name source-address group-address"; description "Statistics of Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packets based on multicast groups and slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } leaf interface-name { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Name of an outbound interface."; } leaf packet-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded packets."; } leaf byte-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded bytes."; } leaf packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Packet forwarding rate."; } leaf bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bit forwarding rate."; } } // list vpn-statistic } // container vpn-statistics } // container l3-egress-statistics container l2-egress-statistics { description "Configure Layer 2 IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics."; container enable-slots { description "List of statistics about downstream Layer 2 IPv4 multicast packets based on slots."; list enable-slot { key "slot-id"; description "Configure statistics about downstream Layer 2 IPv4 multicast packets based on slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } } // list enable-slot } // container enable-slots container vlan-enables { description "List of Layer 2 VLAN IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; list vlan-enable { key "slot-id vlan-id source-address group-address"; description "Configure Layer 2 VLAN IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf vlan-id { type leafref { path "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan/vlan:id"; } description "VLAN ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } // list vlan-enable } // container vlan-enables container vsi-enables { description "List of Layer 2 VSI IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; list vsi-enable { key "slot-id vsi-name source-address group-address"; description "Configure Layer 2 VSI IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } // list vsi-enable } // container vsi-enables container bd-enables { description "List of Layer 2 BD IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; list bd-enable { key "slot-id bd-id source-address group-address"; description "Configure Layer 2 BD IPv4 multicast downstream packet statistics based on multicast groups and slots."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf bd-id { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } description "Bridge domain instance ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } // list bd-enable } // container bd-enables container vlan-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics on Layer 2 VLAN IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; list vlan-statistic { key "slot-id vlan-id source-address group-address"; description "Statistics of Layer 2 VLAN IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf vlan-id { type leafref { path "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan/vlan:id"; } description "VLAN ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } leaf interface-type { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Type of an outbound interface. Switch: main interface of l2; Sub: sub-interface (non-termination); Qinq: qinq termination sub-interface; PW: VSI-PW."; } leaf interface-name { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Name of an outbound interface."; } leaf packet-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded packets."; } leaf byte-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded bytes."; } leaf packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Packet forwarding rate."; } leaf bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bit forwarding rate."; } } // list vlan-statistic } // container vlan-statistics container vsi-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics on Layer 2 VSI IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; list vsi-statistic { key "slot-id vsi-name source-address group-address"; description "Statistics of Layer 2 VSI IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } leaf interface-type { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Type of an outbound interface. Switch: main interface of l2; Sub: sub-interface (non-termination); Qinq: qinq termination sub-interface; PW: VSI-PW."; } leaf interface-name { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Name of an outbound interface."; } leaf packet-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded packets."; } leaf byte-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded bytes."; } leaf packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Packet forwarding rate."; } leaf bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bit forwarding rate."; } } // list vsi-statistic } // container vsi-statistics container bd-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics on Layer 2 BD IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; list bd-statistic { key "slot-id bd-id source-address group-address"; description "Statistics of Layer 2 BD IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf bd-id { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } description "Bridge domain instance ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } leaf interface-type { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Type of an outbound interface. Switch: main interface of l2; Sub: sub-interface (non-termination); Qinq: qinq termination sub-interface; PW: VSI-PW."; } leaf interface-name { type string { length "1..255"; } description "Name of an outbound interface."; } leaf packet-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded packets."; } leaf byte-number { type uint64; description "Number of forwarded bytes."; } leaf packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Packet forwarding rate."; } leaf bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bit forwarding rate."; } } // list bd-statistic } // container bd-statistics } // container l2-egress-statistics container random-detect { description "Configure multicast random detection."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable multicast random-detect IPv4 group."; } container rules { description "List of multicast random detection rules."; list rule { key "source-address group-address vpn-name"; max-elements 40; description "Configure multicast random detection rule."; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group address."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf mask { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(24\d|25[0-5])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } default ""; description "Specifiy the mask of a multicast group address."; } } // list rule } // container rules container select-results { config false; description "List of multicast random detection selection results."; list select-result { key "slot source-address group-address vpn-name"; description "Multicast random detection selection result state."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast group address."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf multicast-group-id { type uint32; description "ID of the multicast source and group."; } } // list select-result } // container select-results } // container random-detect container static-frr { description "Configure multicast static fast re-router."; container static-frr-enables { description "List of multicast static fast re-router enables."; list static-frr-enable { key "source-address group-address vpn-name"; description "Configure multicast static fast re-router function."; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Address of a multicast group. The start address of the group is the result of the bitwise AND operation of the configured groupaddr and mask. The end address of the multicast group is the start address of the multicast group plus the result of the bitwise NOT operation on the configured mask, and puls 1. After the configuration takes effect, the group address used by services ranges from the start group address to the end group address."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf mask { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; default ""; description "Network mask. The length of the mask ranges from 1 to 32. A maximum of 2000 protected multicast source groups can be configured."; } } // list static-frr-enable } // container static-frr-enables container static-frr-statuss { config false; description "List of configure multicast fast re-router status."; list static-frr-status { key "source-address group-address vpn-name"; description "Multicast static fast re-router state."; leaf source-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf address-family { ext:support-filter "true"; type inet:ip-version; description "Ip family type."; } leaf status { type frr-status-type; description "Status."; } leaf frr-type { type frr-type; description "Fast re-router type."; } leaf master-id { type uint32; description "ID of the master MDT."; } leaf backup-id { type uint32; description "ID of the backup MDT."; } leaf primary-interface-name { when "../frr-type='init' or ../frr-type='normal'"; type pub-type:if-name; description "Master inbound interface."; } leaf backup-interface-name { when "../frr-type='init' or ../frr-type='normal'"; type pub-type:if-name; description "Backup inbound interface."; } leaf primary-source-address { when "../frr-type='clone'"; type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source of the primary link."; } leaf backup-source-address { when "../frr-type='clone'"; type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source of the backup link."; } leaf primary-root-address { when "../frr-type='ngmvpn'"; type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast root of the primary link."; } leaf backup-root-address { when "../frr-type='ngmvpn'"; type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast root of the backup link."; } leaf receive-status { type receive-status-type; description "Primary or backup."; } } // list static-frr-status } // container static-frr-statuss } // container static-frr } // container multicast-forward rpc send-igmp-packet { description "Send IGMP packets."; input { leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of an interface."; } leaf igmp-packet { type string { length "1..512"; } mandatory true; description "Igmp packet."; } } } // rpc send-igmp-packet rpc reset-l3-egress-all-statistics { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:l3-egress-statistics"; description "Clears statistics about downstream Layer 3 IPv4 multicast packets based on slots."; input { leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } mandatory true; description "Slot ID."; } } } // rpc reset-l3-egress-all-statistics rpc reset-l3-egress-statistics { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:l3-egress-statistics/multicast-forward:vpn-statistics"; description "Clears statistics about Layer 3 IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; input { leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } mandatory true; description "Slot ID."; } leaf vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } mandatory true; description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } } // rpc reset-l3-egress-statistics rpc reset-l2-egress-all-statistics { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:l2-egress-statistics"; description "Clears statistics about downstream Layer 2 IPv4 multicast packets."; input { leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } mandatory true; description "Slot ID."; } } } // rpc reset-l2-egress-all-statistics rpc reset-vlan-egress-statistics { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:l2-egress-statistics/multicast-forward:vlan-statistics"; description "Clears statistics about Layer 2 VLAN IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; input { leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } mandatory true; description "Slot ID."; } leaf vlan-id { type leafref { path "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan/vlan:id"; } mandatory true; description "VLAN ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } } // rpc reset-vlan-egress-statistics rpc reset-vsi-egress-statistics { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:l2-egress-statistics/multicast-forward:vsi-statistics"; description "Clears statistics about Layer 2 VSI IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; input { leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } mandatory true; description "Slot ID."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } mandatory true; description "VSI name."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } } // rpc reset-vsi-egress-statistics rpc reset-bd-egress-statistics { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:l2-egress-statistics/multicast-forward:bd-statistics"; description "Clears statistics about Layer 2 BD IPv4 multicast downstream packets."; input { leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..15"; } mandatory true; description "Slot ID."; } leaf bd-id { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } mandatory true; description "Bridge domain instance ID."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|0(\.0){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast source IP address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } mandatory true; description "Multicast group IP address, the value ranges from to"; } } } // rpc reset-bd-egress-statistics rpc single-fast-switch { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:bind/multicast-forward:single-binds/multicast-forward:single-bind"; description "Set single-flow clean switching."; input { leaf outbound-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbounds/outbound/outbound-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of an outgoing flow."; } leaf instance-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instances/instance/instance-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf switch-mode { type switch-mode; description "Switch mode."; } leaf switch-field-type { when "../switch-mode='clean-switch'"; type switch-field-type; description "Specify a switch field type."; } } } // rpc single-fast-switch rpc group-fast-switch { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:bind/multicast-forward:group-binds/multicast-forward:group-bind"; description "Set group-flow clean switching."; input { leaf outbound-group-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbound-groups/outbound-group/group-id"; } mandatory true; description "Output stream group ID."; } leaf instance-group-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instance-groups/instance-group/group-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of a multicast NAT instance group."; } leaf switch-mode { type switch-mode; description "Switch mode."; } leaf switch-field-type { when "../switch-mode='clean-switch'"; type switch-field-type; description "Specify a switch field type."; } } } // rpc group-fast-switch rpc single-fast-switch-in-batches { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:bind/multicast-forward:single-binds/multicast-forward:single-bind"; description "Set single-flow clean switching in batches."; input { container single-fast-switch-lists { description "List of single-flow clean switching setting operations."; list single-fast-switch-list { key "outbound-id instance-id"; description "Single-flow clean switching setting operation."; leaf outbound-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbounds/outbound/outbound-id"; } description "ID of an outgoing flow."; } leaf instance-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instances/instance/instance-id"; } description "ID of a multicast NAT instance."; } uses switch-para; } // list single-fast-switch-list } // container single-fast-switch-lists } } // rpc single-fast-switch-in-batches rpc group-fast-switch-in-batches { ext:node-ref "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:bind/multicast-forward:group-binds/multicast-forward:group-bind"; description "Set group-flow clean switching in batches."; input { container group-fast-switch-lists { description "List of group-flow clean switching setting operations."; list group-fast-switch-list { key "outbound-group-id instance-group-id"; description "Group-flow clean switching setting operation."; leaf outbound-group-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/outbound-groups/outbound-group/group-id"; } description "Output stream group ID."; } leaf instance-group-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward/nat/instance-groups/instance-group/group-id"; } description "ID of a multicast NAT instance group."; } uses switch-para; } // list group-fast-switch-list } // container group-fast-switch-lists } } // rpc group-fast-switch-in-batches rpc get-multicast-forwarding-device { description "Query whether the traffic of a specified multicast group is forwarded by the local device."; input { leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; mandatory true; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; mandatory true; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf trunk-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the ID of an Eth-Trunk interface."; } leaf vrf-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of virtual private network."; } } output { leaf flow { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Flow information."; } } } // rpc get-multicast-forwarding-device rpc get-multicast-speed-statistics { description "Query multicast speed statistics."; input { leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; mandatory true; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; mandatory true; description "Multicast group address."; } leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } mandatory true; description "Specify interface-name."; } leaf flow-direction { type rule-direction; mandatory true; description "Data flow direction of interface."; } choice query-type { description "Multicast speed query type."; case vlan { description "Query by VLAN."; leaf vlan-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } mandatory true; description "VLAN ID."; } } // case vlan case pe-ce { description "Query by outer VLAN and inner VLAN."; leaf pe-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } mandatory true; description "Outer VLAN ID."; } leaf ce-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } mandatory true; description "Inner VLAN ID."; } } // case pe-ce } // choice query-type } output { leaf receive-byte { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Bytes received in 2 seconds."; } leaf receive-byte-rate { type uint64; units "Byte/s"; description "Byte-rate received in 2 seconds."; } leaf receive-packet { type uint64; description "Packets received in 2 seconds."; } leaf receive-packet-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Packet-rate received in 2 seconds."; } } } // rpc get-multicast-speed-statistics augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "Multicast forward configuration to the ifm module."; container multicast-forward { description "Configure multicast forward list."; container shaping { description "Configure multicast shaping of interface."; leaf shaping-enable { when "../../../ifm:type='GigabitEthernet' or ../../../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../../../ifm:type='Ip-Trunk' or ../../../ifm:type='Pos' or ../../../ifm:type='100GE' or ../../../ifm:type='200GE' or ../../../ifm:type='40GE' or ../../../ifm:type='10GE' or ../../../ifm:type='4x10GE' or ../../../ifm:type='10x10GE' or ../../../ifm:type='3x40GE' or ../../../ifm:type='4x25GE' or ../../../ifm:type='25GE' or ../../../ifm:type='ATM' or ../../../ifm:type='XGigabitEthernet' or ../../../ifm:type='FlexE' or ../../../ifm:type='50|100GE' or ../../../ifm:type='50GE' or ../../../ifm:type='400GE'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable multicast shaping on an interface."; } } // container shaping container hold-up { description "Configure the trunk member interface that changes from Down to Up to forward multicast traffic."; leaf time { when "../../../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../../../ifm:type='Ip-Trunk'"; type uint32 { range "2..300"; } units "s"; default "2"; description "Delay for a trunk interface to go Up."; } } // container hold-up container backup { description "Configure master/backup protection for trunk member interfaces."; leaf ipv4-enable { when "../../../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../../../ifm:type='Global-VE'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable master/backup protection for trunk member interfaces in Layer 3 IPv4 multicast scenarios."; } leaf ipv6-enable { when "../../../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../../../ifm:type='Global-VE'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable master/backup protection for trunk member interfaces in Layer 3 IPv6 multicast scenarios."; } } // container backup } // container multicast-forward } augment /qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-behaviors/qos:traffic-behavior { description "Multicast forward configuration to the QoS module."; container behavior-bind-multicast-nat-instance { when "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat"; description "Configure multicast NAT instances and bind them to the traffic behavior."; list behavior-bind-multicast-nat { key "instance-id"; max-elements 1; description "Configure a multicast NAT instance and bind it to the traffic behavior."; leaf instance-id { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:instances/multicast-forward:instance/multicast-forward:instance-id"; } description "ID of a multicast NAT instance."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/multicast-forward:multicast-forward/multicast-forward:nat/multicast-forward:instances/multicast-forward:instance[multicast-forward:instance-id=current()/../multicast-forward:instance-id]/multicast-forward:instance-name"; } description "Name of a multicast NAT instance."; } } // list behavior-bind-multicast-nat } // container behavior-bind-multicast-nat-instance } } // module huawei-multicast-forward
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